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// Copyright 2018-2019 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#![allow(dead_code)] // TODO: Get rid of unused struct members
#![allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)] // TODO: Consider renaming things like `BRANCH`
//! A utility for migrating data from one LMDB environment to another. Notably, this tool
//! can migrate data from an enviroment created with a different bit-depth than the
//! current rkv consumer, which enables the consumer to retrieve data from an environment
//! that can't be read directly using the rkv APIs.
//! The utility supports both 32-bit and 64-bit LMDB source environments, and it
//! automatically migrates data in both the default database and any named (sub)
//! databases. It also migrates the source environment's "map size" and "max DBs"
//! configuration options to the destination environment.
//! The destination environment must be at the rkv consumer's bit depth and should be
//! empty of data. It can be an empty directory, in which case the utility will create a
//! new LMDB environment within the directory.
//! The tool currently has these limitations:
//! 1. It doesn't support migration from environments created with
//! `EnvironmentFlags::NO_SUB_DIR`. To migrate such an environment, create a
//! temporary directory, copy the environment's data file to a file called data.mdb in
//! the temporary directory, then migrate the temporary directory as the source
//! environment.
//! 2. It doesn't support migration from databases created with DatabaseFlags::DUP_SORT`
//! (with or without `DatabaseFlags::DUP_FIXED`).
//! 3. It doesn't account for existing data in the destination environment, which means
//! that it can overwrite data (causing data loss) or fail to migrate data if the
//! destination environment contains existing data.
//! ## Basic Usage
//! Call `Migrator::new()` with the path to the source environment to create a `Migrator`
//! instance; then call the instance's `migrate()` method with the path to the destination
//! environment to migrate data from the source to the destination environment. For
//! example, this snippet migrates data from the tests/envs/ref_env_32 environment to a
//! new environment in a temporary directory:
//! ```
//! use rkv::migrator::LmdbArchMigrator as Migrator;
//! use std::path::Path;
//! use tempfile::tempdir;
//! let mut migrator = Migrator::new(Path::new("tests/envs/ref_env_32")).unwrap();
//! migrator.migrate(&tempdir().unwrap().path()).unwrap();
//! ```
//! Both `Migrator::new()` and `migrate()` return a `MigrateResult` that is either an
//! `Ok()` result or an `Err<MigrateError>`, where `MigrateError` is an enum whose
//! variants identify specific kinds of migration failures.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use bitflags::bitflags;
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use lmdb::{DatabaseFlags, Environment, Transaction, WriteFlags};
pub use super::arch_migrator_error::MigrateError;
const PAGESIZE: u16 = 4096;
// The magic number is 0xBEEFC0DE, which is 0xDEC0EFBE in little-endian. It appears at
// offset 12 on 32-bit systems and 16 on 64-bit systems. We don't support big-endian
// migration, but presumably we could do so by detecting the order of the bytes.
const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = [0xDE, 0xC0, 0xEF, 0xBE];
pub type MigrateResult<T> = Result<T, MigrateError>;
bitflags! {
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct PageFlags: u16 {
const BRANCH = 0x01;
const LEAF = 0x02;
const OVERFLOW = 0x04;
const META = 0x08;
const DIRTY = 0x10;
const LEAF2 = 0x20;
const SUBP = 0x40;
const LOOSE = 0x4000;
const KEEP = 0x8000;
bitflags! {
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct NodeFlags: u16 {
const BIGDATA = 0x01;
const SUBDATA = 0x02;
const DUPDATA = 0x04;
// The bit depth of the executable that created an LMDB environment. The Migrator
// determines this automatically based on the location of the magic number in data.mdb.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum Bits {
impl Bits {
// The size of usize for the bit-depth represented by the enum variant.
fn size(self) -> usize {
match self {
Bits::U32 => 4,
Bits::U64 => 8,
// The equivalent of PAGEHDRSZ in LMDB, except that this one varies by bits.
fn page_header_size(bits: Bits) -> u64 {
match bits {
Bits::U32 => 12,
Bits::U64 => 16,
// The equivalent of P_INVALID in LMDB, except that this one varies by bits.
fn validate_page_num(page_num: u64, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<()> {
let invalid_page_num = match bits {
Bits::U32 => u64::from(!0u32),
Bits::U64 => !0u64,
if page_num == invalid_page_num {
return Err(MigrateError::InvalidPageNum);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct Database {
md_pad: u32,
md_flags: DatabaseFlags,
md_depth: u16,
md_branch_pages: u64,
md_leaf_pages: u64,
md_overflow_pages: u64,
md_entries: u64,
md_root: u64,
impl Database {
fn new(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<Database> {
Ok(Database {
md_pad: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
md_flags: DatabaseFlags::from_bits(cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?.into())
md_depth: cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?,
md_branch_pages: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
md_leaf_pages: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
md_overflow_pages: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
md_entries: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
md_root: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Databases {
free: Database,
main: Database,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct MetaData {
mm_magic: u32,
mm_version: u32,
mm_address: u64,
mm_mapsize: u64,
mm_dbs: Databases,
mm_last_pg: u64,
mm_txnid: u64,
enum LeafNode {
Regular {
mn_lo: u16,
mn_hi: u16,
mn_flags: NodeFlags,
mn_ksize: u16,
mv_size: u32,
key: Vec<u8>,
value: Vec<u8>,
BigData {
mn_lo: u16,
mn_hi: u16,
mn_flags: NodeFlags,
mn_ksize: u16,
mv_size: u32,
key: Vec<u8>,
overflow_pgno: u64,
SubData {
mn_lo: u16,
mn_hi: u16,
mn_flags: NodeFlags,
mn_ksize: u16,
mv_size: u32,
key: Vec<u8>,
value: Vec<u8>,
db: Database,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct BranchNode {
mp_pgno: u64,
mn_ksize: u16,
mn_data: Vec<u8>,
enum PageHeader {
Regular {
mp_pgno: u64,
mp_flags: PageFlags,
pb_lower: u16,
pb_upper: u16,
Overflow {
mp_pgno: u64,
mp_flags: PageFlags,
pb_pages: u32,
enum Page {
impl Page {
fn new(buf: Vec<u8>, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<Page> {
let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(&buf[..]);
match Self::parse_page_header(&mut cursor, bits)? {
PageHeader::Regular {
mp_flags, pb_lower, ..
} => {
if mp_flags.contains(PageFlags::LEAF2) || mp_flags.contains(PageFlags::SUBP) {
// We don't yet support DUPFIXED and DUPSORT databases.
return Err(MigrateError::UnsupportedPageHeaderVariant);
if mp_flags.contains(PageFlags::META) {
let meta_data = Self::parse_meta_data(&mut cursor, bits)?;
} else if mp_flags.contains(PageFlags::LEAF) {
let nodes = Self::parse_leaf_nodes(&mut cursor, pb_lower, bits)?;
} else if mp_flags.contains(PageFlags::BRANCH) {
let nodes = Self::parse_branch_nodes(&mut cursor, pb_lower, bits)?;
} else {
PageHeader::Overflow { .. } => {
// There isn't anything to do, nor should we try to instantiate
// a page of this type, as we only access them when reading
// a value that is too large to fit into a leaf node.
fn parse_page_header(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<PageHeader> {
let mp_pgno = cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?;
let _mp_pad = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let mp_flags = PageFlags::from_bits(cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?)
if mp_flags.contains(PageFlags::OVERFLOW) {
let pb_pages = cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
Ok(PageHeader::Overflow {
} else {
let pb_lower = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let pb_upper = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
Ok(PageHeader::Regular {
fn parse_meta_data(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<MetaData> {;
Ok(MetaData {
mm_magic: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
mm_version: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
mm_address: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
mm_mapsize: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
mm_dbs: Databases {
free: Database::new(cursor, bits)?,
main: Database::new(cursor, bits)?,
mm_last_pg: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
mm_txnid: cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?,
fn parse_leaf_nodes(
cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
pb_lower: u16,
bits: Bits,
) -> MigrateResult<Vec<LeafNode>> {
let num_keys = Self::num_keys(pb_lower, bits);
let mp_ptrs = Self::parse_mp_ptrs(cursor, num_keys)?;
let mut leaf_nodes = Vec::with_capacity(num_keys as usize);
for mp_ptr in mp_ptrs {
leaf_nodes.push(Self::parse_leaf_node(cursor, bits)?);
fn parse_leaf_node(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<LeafNode> {
// The order of the mn_lo and mn_hi fields is endian-dependent and would be
// reversed in an LMDB environment created on a big-endian system.
let mn_lo = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let mn_hi = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let mn_flags = NodeFlags::from_bits(cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?)
let mn_ksize = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let start = usize::try_from(cursor.position())?;
let end = usize::try_from(cursor.position() + u64::from(mn_ksize))?;
let key = cursor.get_ref()[start..end].to_vec();
cursor.set_position(end as u64);
let mv_size = Self::leaf_node_size(mn_lo, mn_hi);
if mn_flags.contains(NodeFlags::BIGDATA) {
let overflow_pgno = cursor.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(bits.size())?;
Ok(LeafNode::BigData {
} else if mn_flags.contains(NodeFlags::SUBDATA) {
let start = usize::try_from(cursor.position())?;
let end = usize::try_from(cursor.position() + u64::from(mv_size))?;
let value = cursor.get_ref()[start..end].to_vec();
let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(&value[..]);
let db = Database::new(&mut cursor, bits)?;
validate_page_num(db.md_root, bits)?;
Ok(LeafNode::SubData {
} else {
let start = usize::try_from(cursor.position())?;
let end = usize::try_from(cursor.position() + u64::from(mv_size))?;
let value = cursor.get_ref()[start..end].to_vec();
Ok(LeafNode::Regular {
fn leaf_node_size(mn_lo: u16, mn_hi: u16) -> u32 {
u32::from(mn_lo) + ((u32::from(mn_hi)) << 16)
fn parse_branch_nodes(
cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
pb_lower: u16,
bits: Bits,
) -> MigrateResult<Vec<BranchNode>> {
let num_keys = Self::num_keys(pb_lower, bits);
let mp_ptrs = Self::parse_mp_ptrs(cursor, num_keys)?;
let mut branch_nodes = Vec::with_capacity(num_keys as usize);
for mp_ptr in mp_ptrs {
branch_nodes.push(Self::parse_branch_node(cursor, bits)?)
fn parse_branch_node(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, bits: Bits) -> MigrateResult<BranchNode> {
// The order of the mn_lo and mn_hi fields is endian-dependent and would be
// reversed in an LMDB environment created on a big-endian system.
let mn_lo = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let mn_hi = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let mn_flags = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
// Branch nodes overload the mn_lo, mn_hi, and mn_flags fields to store the page
// number, so we derive the number from those fields.
let mp_pgno = Self::branch_node_page_num(mn_lo, mn_hi, mn_flags, bits);
let mn_ksize = cursor.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()?;
let position = cursor.position();
let start = usize::try_from(position)?;
let end = usize::try_from(position + u64::from(mn_ksize))?;
let mn_data = cursor.get_ref()[start..end].to_vec();
cursor.set_position(end as u64);
Ok(BranchNode {
fn branch_node_page_num(mn_lo: u16, mn_hi: u16, mn_flags: u16, bits: Bits) -> u64 {
let mut page_num = u64::from(u32::from(mn_lo) + (u32::from(mn_hi) << 16));
if bits == Bits::U64 {
page_num += u64::from(mn_flags) << 32;
fn parse_mp_ptrs(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, num_keys: u64) -> MigrateResult<Vec<u16>> {
let mut mp_ptrs = Vec::with_capacity(num_keys as usize);
for _ in 0..num_keys {
fn num_keys(pb_lower: u16, bits: Bits) -> u64 {
(u64::from(pb_lower) - page_header_size(bits)) >> 1
pub struct Migrator {
file: File,
bits: Bits,
impl Migrator {
/// Create a new Migrator for the LMDB environment at the given path. This tries to
/// open the data.mdb file in the environment and determine the bit depth of the
/// executable that created it, so it can fail and return an Err if the file can't be
/// opened or the depth determined.
pub fn new(path: &Path) -> MigrateResult<Migrator> {
let mut path = PathBuf::from(path);
let mut file = File::open(&path)?;;
let mut buf = [0; 4];
file.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
let bits = if buf == MAGIC {
} else {;
file.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
if buf == MAGIC {
} else {
return Err(MigrateError::IndeterminateBitDepth);
Ok(Migrator { file, bits })
/// Dump the data in one of the databases in the LMDB environment. If the `database`
/// paremeter is None, then we dump the data in the main database. If it's the name
/// of a subdatabase, then we dump the data in that subdatabase.
/// Note that the output isn't identical to that of the `mdb_dump` utility, since
/// `mdb_dump` includes subdatabase key/value pairs when dumping the main database,
/// and those values are architecture-dependent, since they contain pointer-sized
/// data.
/// If we wanted to support identical output, we could parameterize inclusion of
/// subdatabase pairs in get_pairs() and include them when dumping data, while
/// continuing to exclude them when migrating data.
pub fn dump<T: Write>(&mut self, database: Option<&str>, mut out: T) -> MigrateResult<()> {
let meta_data = self.get_meta_data()?;
let root_page_num = meta_data.mm_dbs.main.md_root;
let root_page = Rc::new(self.get_page(root_page_num)?);
let pairs;
if let Some(database) = database {
let subdbs = self.get_subdbs(root_page)?;
let database = subdbs
.ok_or_else(|| MigrateError::DatabaseNotFound(database.to_string()))?;
let root_page_num = database.md_root;
let root_page = Rc::new(self.get_page(root_page_num)?);
pairs = self.get_pairs(root_page)?;
} else {
pairs = self.get_pairs(root_page)?;
if let Some(database) = database {
writeln!(out, "database={database}")?;
writeln!(out, "mapsize={}", meta_data.mm_mapsize)?;
for (key, value) in pairs {
out.write_all(b" ")?;
for byte in key {
write!(out, "{byte:02x}")?;
out.write_all(b" ")?;
for byte in value {
write!(out, "{byte:02x}")?;
/// Migrate all data in all of databases in the existing LMDB environment to a new
/// environment. This includes all key/value pairs in the main database that aren't
/// metadata about subdatabases and all key/value pairs in all subdatabases.
/// We also set the map size and maximum databases of the new environment to their
/// values for the existing environment. But we don't set other metadata, and we
/// don't check that the new environment is empty before migrating data.
/// Thus it's possible for this to overwrite existing data or fail to migrate data if
/// the new environment isn't empty. It's the consumer's responsibility to ensure
/// that data can be safely migrated to the new environment. In general, this means
/// that environment should be empty.
pub fn migrate(&mut self, dest: &Path) -> MigrateResult<()> {
let meta_data = self.get_meta_data()?;
let root_page_num = meta_data.mm_dbs.main.md_root;
validate_page_num(root_page_num, self.bits)?;
let root_page = Rc::new(self.get_page(root_page_num)?);
let subdbs = self.get_subdbs(Rc::clone(&root_page))?;
let env = Environment::new()
.set_map_size(meta_data.mm_mapsize as usize)
.set_max_dbs(subdbs.len() as u32)
// Create the databases before we open a read-write transaction, since database
// creation requires its own read-write transaction, which would hang while
// awaiting completion of an existing one.
env.create_db(None, meta_data.mm_dbs.main.md_flags)?;
for (subdb_name, subdb_info) in &subdbs {
env.create_db(Some(str::from_utf8(subdb_name)?), subdb_info.md_flags)?;
// Now open the read-write transaction that we'll use to migrate all the data.
let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn()?;
// Migrate the main database.
let pairs = self.get_pairs(root_page)?;
let db = env.open_db(None)?;
for (key, value) in pairs {
// If we knew that the target database was empty, we could specify
// WriteFlags::APPEND to speed up the migration.
txn.put(db, &key, &value, WriteFlags::empty())?;
// Migrate subdatabases.
for (subdb_name, subdb_info) in &subdbs {
let root_page = Rc::new(self.get_page(subdb_info.md_root)?);
let pairs = self.get_pairs(root_page)?;
let db = env.open_db(Some(str::from_utf8(subdb_name)?))?;
for (key, value) in pairs {
// If we knew that the target database was empty, we could specify
// WriteFlags::APPEND to speed up the migration.
txn.put(db, &key, &value, WriteFlags::empty())?;
fn get_subdbs(&mut self, root_page: Rc<Page>) -> MigrateResult<HashMap<Vec<u8>, Database>> {
let mut subdbs = HashMap::new();
let mut pages = vec![root_page];
while let Some(page) = pages.pop() {
match &*page {
Page::BRANCH(nodes) => {
for branch in nodes {
Page::LEAF(nodes) => {
for leaf in nodes {
if let LeafNode::SubData { key, db, .. } = leaf {
subdbs.insert(key.to_vec(), db.clone());
_ => {
return Err(MigrateError::UnexpectedPageVariant);
fn get_pairs(&mut self, root_page: Rc<Page>) -> MigrateResult<BTreeMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>> {
let mut pairs = BTreeMap::new();
let mut pages = vec![root_page];
while let Some(page) = pages.pop() {
match &*page {
Page::BRANCH(nodes) => {
for branch in nodes {
Page::LEAF(nodes) => {
for leaf in nodes {
match leaf {
LeafNode::Regular { key, value, .. } => {
pairs.insert(key.to_vec(), value.to_vec());
LeafNode::BigData {
} => {
// Perhaps we could reduce memory consumption during a
// migration by waiting to read big data until it's time
// to write it to the new database.
let value = self.read_data(
*overflow_pgno * u64::from(PAGESIZE)
+ page_header_size(self.bits),
*mv_size as usize,
pairs.insert(key.to_vec(), value);
LeafNode::SubData { .. } => {
// We don't include subdatabase leaves in pairs, since
// there's no architecture-neutral representation of them,
// and in any case they're meta-data that should get
// recreated when we migrate the subdatabases themselves.
// If we wanted to create identical dumps to those
// produced by `mdb_dump`, however, we could allow
// consumers to specify that they'd like to include these
// records.
_ => {
return Err(MigrateError::UnexpectedPageVariant);
fn read_data(&mut self, offset: u64, size: usize) -> MigrateResult<Vec<u8>> {;
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![0; size];
self.file.read_exact(&mut buf[0..size])?;
fn get_page(&mut self, page_no: u64) -> MigrateResult<Page> {
self.read_data(page_no * u64::from(PAGESIZE), usize::from(PAGESIZE))?,
fn get_meta_data(&mut self) -> MigrateResult<MetaData> {
let (page0, page1) = (self.get_page(0)?, self.get_page(1)?);
match (page0, page1) {
(Page::META(meta0), Page::META(meta1)) => {
let meta = if meta1.mm_txnid > meta0.mm_txnid {
} else {
if meta.mm_magic != 0xBE_EF_C0_DE {
return Err(MigrateError::InvalidMagicNum);
if meta.mm_version != 1 && meta.mm_version != 999 {
return Err(MigrateError::InvalidDataVersion);
_ => Err(MigrateError::UnexpectedPageVariant),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::{env, fs, mem::size_of};
use lmdb::{Environment, Error as LmdbError};
use tempfile::{tempdir, tempfile};
fn compare_files(ref_file: &mut File, new_file: &mut File) -> MigrateResult<()> {;;
let ref_buf = &mut [0; 1024];
let new_buf = &mut [0; 1024];
loop {
match {
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err),
Ok(ref_len) => match {
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err),
Ok(new_len) => {
assert_eq!(ref_len, new_len);
if ref_len == 0 {
assert_eq!(ref_buf[0..ref_len], new_buf[0..new_len]);
fn test_dump_32() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_env_32"].iter().collect();
// Dump data from the test env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(&test_env_path)?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(None, &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump.txt"].iter().collect();
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
fn test_dump_32_subdb() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_env_32"].iter().collect();
// Dump data from the test env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(&test_env_path)?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(Some("subdb"), &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump_subdb.txt"]
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
fn test_dump_64() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_env_64"].iter().collect();
// Dump data from the test env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(&test_env_path)?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(None, &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump.txt"].iter().collect();
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
fn test_dump_64_subdb() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_env_64"].iter().collect();
// Dump data from the test env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(&test_env_path)?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(Some("subdb"), &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump_subdb.txt"]
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
fn test_migrate_64() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_env_64"].iter().collect();
// Migrate data from the old env to a new one.
let new_env = tempdir()?;
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(&test_env_path)?;
// Dump data from the new env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(new_env.path())?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(Some("subdb"), &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump_subdb.txt"]
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
fn test_migrate_32() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_env_32"].iter().collect();
// Migrate data from the old env to a new one.
let new_env = tempdir()?;
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(&test_env_path)?;
// Dump data from the new env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(new_env.path())?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(Some("subdb"), &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump_subdb.txt"]
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
fn test_migrate_and_replace() -> MigrateResult<()> {
let test_env_name = match size_of::<usize>() {
4 => "ref_env_64",
8 => "ref_env_32",
_ => panic!("only 32- and 64-bit depths are supported"),
let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
let cwd = cwd.to_str().ok_or(MigrateError::StringConversionError)?;
let test_env_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", test_env_name].iter().collect();
let old_env = tempdir()?;
// Confirm that it isn't possible to open the old environment with LMDB.
match Environment::new().open(old_env.path()) {
Err(err) => err,
_ => panic!("opening the environment should have failed"),
// Migrate data from the old env to a new one.
let new_env = tempdir()?;
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(old_env.path())?;
// Dump data from the new env to a new dump file.
let mut migrator = Migrator::new(new_env.path())?;
let mut new_dump_file = tempfile()?;
migrator.dump(Some("subdb"), &new_dump_file)?;
// Open the reference dump file.
let ref_dump_file_path: PathBuf = [cwd, "tests", "envs", "ref_dump_subdb.txt"]
let mut ref_dump_file = File::open(ref_dump_file_path)?;
// Compare the new dump file to the reference dump file.
compare_files(&mut ref_dump_file, &mut new_dump_file)?;
// Overwrite the old env's files with the new env's files and confirm that it's now
// possible to open the old env with LMDB.