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//! Contains support for user-managed thread pools, represented by the
//! the [`ThreadPool`] type (see that struct for details).
//! [`ThreadPool`]: struct.ThreadPool.html
use crate::broadcast::{self, BroadcastContext};
use crate::join;
use crate::registry::{Registry, ThreadSpawn, WorkerThread};
use crate::scope::{do_in_place_scope, do_in_place_scope_fifo};
use crate::spawn;
use crate::{scope, Scope};
use crate::{scope_fifo, ScopeFifo};
use crate::{ThreadPoolBuildError, ThreadPoolBuilder};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
mod test;
/// Represents a user created [thread-pool].
/// Use a [`ThreadPoolBuilder`] to specify the number and/or names of threads
/// in the pool. After calling [`ThreadPoolBuilder::build()`], you can then
/// execute functions explicitly within this [`ThreadPool`] using
/// [`ThreadPool::install()`]. By contrast, top level rayon functions
/// (like `join()`) will execute implicitly within the current thread-pool.
/// ## Creating a ThreadPool
/// ```rust
/// # use rayon_core as rayon;
/// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(8).build().unwrap();
/// ```
/// [`install()`][`ThreadPool::install()`] executes a closure in one of the `ThreadPool`'s
/// threads. In addition, any other rayon operations called inside of `install()` will also
/// execute in the context of the `ThreadPool`.
/// When the `ThreadPool` is dropped, that's a signal for the threads it manages to terminate,
/// they will complete executing any remaining work that you have spawned, and automatically
/// terminate.
/// [`ThreadPool`]: struct.ThreadPool.html
/// [`ThreadPool::new()`]:
/// [`ThreadPoolBuilder`]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html
/// [`ThreadPoolBuilder::build()`]:
/// [`ThreadPool::install()`]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.install
pub struct ThreadPool {
registry: Arc<Registry>,
impl ThreadPool {
#[deprecated(note = "Use `ThreadPoolBuilder::build`")]
/// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::build`.
pub fn new(configuration: crate::Configuration) -> Result<ThreadPool, Box<dyn Error>> {
pub(super) fn build<S>(
builder: ThreadPoolBuilder<S>,
) -> Result<ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuildError>
S: ThreadSpawn,
let registry = Registry::new(builder)?;
Ok(ThreadPool { registry })
/// Executes `op` within the threadpool. Any attempts to use
/// `join`, `scope`, or parallel iterators will then operate
/// within that threadpool.
/// # Warning: thread-local data
/// Because `op` is executing within the Rayon thread-pool,
/// thread-local data from the current thread will not be
/// accessible.
/// # Panics
/// If `op` should panic, that panic will be propagated.
/// ## Using `install()`
/// ```rust
/// # use rayon_core as rayon;
/// fn main() {
/// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(8).build().unwrap();
/// let n = pool.install(|| fib(20));
/// println!("{}", n);
/// }
/// fn fib(n: usize) -> usize {
/// if n == 0 || n == 1 {
/// return n;
/// }
/// let (a, b) = rayon::join(|| fib(n - 1), || fib(n - 2)); // runs inside of `pool`
/// return a + b;
/// }
/// ```
pub fn install<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
OP: FnOnce() -> R + Send,
R: Send,
self.registry.in_worker(|_, _| op())
/// Executes `op` within every thread in the threadpool. Any attempts to use
/// `join`, `scope`, or parallel iterators will then operate within that
/// threadpool.
/// Broadcasts are executed on each thread after they have exhausted their
/// local work queue, before they attempt work-stealing from other threads.
/// The goal of that strategy is to run everywhere in a timely manner
/// *without* being too disruptive to current work. There may be alternative
/// broadcast styles added in the future for more or less aggressive
/// injection, if the need arises.
/// # Warning: thread-local data
/// Because `op` is executing within the Rayon thread-pool,
/// thread-local data from the current thread will not be
/// accessible.
/// # Panics
/// If `op` should panic on one or more threads, exactly one panic
/// will be propagated, only after all threads have completed
/// (or panicked) their own `op`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use rayon_core as rayon;
/// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
/// fn main() {
/// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(5).build().unwrap();
/// // The argument gives context, including the index of each thread.
/// let v: Vec<usize> = pool.broadcast(|ctx| ctx.index() * ctx.index());
/// assert_eq!(v, &[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]);
/// // The closure can reference the local stack
/// let count = AtomicUsize::new(0);
/// pool.broadcast(|_| count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed));
/// assert_eq!(count.into_inner(), 5);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn broadcast<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> Vec<R>
OP: Fn(BroadcastContext<'_>) -> R + Sync,
R: Send,
// We assert that `self.registry` has not terminated.
unsafe { broadcast::broadcast_in(op, &self.registry) }
/// Returns the (current) number of threads in the thread pool.
/// # Future compatibility note
/// Note that unless this thread-pool was created with a
/// [`ThreadPoolBuilder`] that specifies the number of threads,
/// then this number may vary over time in future versions (see [the
/// `num_threads()` method for details][snt]).
/// [snt]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html#method.num_threads
/// [`ThreadPoolBuilder`]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html
pub fn current_num_threads(&self) -> usize {
/// If called from a Rayon worker thread in this thread-pool,
/// returns the index of that thread; if not called from a Rayon
/// thread, or called from a Rayon thread that belongs to a
/// different thread-pool, returns `None`.
/// The index for a given thread will not change over the thread's
/// lifetime. However, multiple threads may share the same index if
/// they are in distinct thread-pools.
/// # Future compatibility note
/// Currently, every thread-pool (including the global
/// thread-pool) has a fixed number of threads, but this may
/// change in future Rayon versions (see [the `num_threads()` method
/// for details][snt]). In that case, the index for a
/// thread would not change during its lifetime, but thread
/// indices may wind up being reused if threads are terminated and
/// restarted.
/// [snt]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html#method.num_threads
pub fn current_thread_index(&self) -> Option<usize> {
let curr = self.registry.current_thread()?;
/// Returns true if the current worker thread currently has "local
/// tasks" pending. This can be useful as part of a heuristic for
/// deciding whether to spawn a new task or execute code on the
/// current thread, particularly in breadth-first
/// schedulers. However, keep in mind that this is an inherently
/// racy check, as other worker threads may be actively "stealing"
/// tasks from our local deque.
/// **Background:** Rayon's uses a [work-stealing] scheduler. The
/// key idea is that each thread has its own [deque] of
/// tasks. Whenever a new task is spawned -- whether through
/// `join()`, `Scope::spawn()`, or some other means -- that new
/// task is pushed onto the thread's *local* deque. Worker threads
/// have a preference for executing their own tasks; if however
/// they run out of tasks, they will go try to "steal" tasks from
/// other threads. This function therefore has an inherent race
/// with other active worker threads, which may be removing items
/// from the local deque.
pub fn current_thread_has_pending_tasks(&self) -> Option<bool> {
let curr = self.registry.current_thread()?;
/// Execute `oper_a` and `oper_b` in the thread-pool and return
/// the results. Equivalent to `self.install(|| join(oper_a,
/// oper_b))`.
pub fn join<A, B, RA, RB>(&self, oper_a: A, oper_b: B) -> (RA, RB)
A: FnOnce() -> RA + Send,
B: FnOnce() -> RB + Send,
RA: Send,
RB: Send,
self.install(|| join(oper_a, oper_b))
/// Creates a scope that executes within this thread-pool.
/// Equivalent to `self.install(|| scope(...))`.
/// See also: [the `scope()` function][scope].
/// [scope]: fn.scope.html
pub fn scope<'scope, OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
OP: FnOnce(&Scope<'scope>) -> R + Send,
R: Send,
self.install(|| scope(op))
/// Creates a scope that executes within this thread-pool.
/// Spawns from the same thread are prioritized in relative FIFO order.
/// Equivalent to `self.install(|| scope_fifo(...))`.
/// See also: [the `scope_fifo()` function][scope_fifo].
/// [scope_fifo]: fn.scope_fifo.html
pub fn scope_fifo<'scope, OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
OP: FnOnce(&ScopeFifo<'scope>) -> R + Send,
R: Send,
self.install(|| scope_fifo(op))
/// Creates a scope that spawns work into this thread-pool.
/// See also: [the `in_place_scope()` function][in_place_scope].
/// [in_place_scope]: fn.in_place_scope.html
pub fn in_place_scope<'scope, OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
OP: FnOnce(&Scope<'scope>) -> R,
do_in_place_scope(Some(&self.registry), op)
/// Creates a scope that spawns work into this thread-pool in FIFO order.
/// See also: [the `in_place_scope_fifo()` function][in_place_scope_fifo].
/// [in_place_scope_fifo]: fn.in_place_scope_fifo.html
pub fn in_place_scope_fifo<'scope, OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
OP: FnOnce(&ScopeFifo<'scope>) -> R,
do_in_place_scope_fifo(Some(&self.registry), op)
/// Spawns an asynchronous task in this thread-pool. This task will
/// run in the implicit, global scope, which means that it may outlast
/// the current stack frame -- therefore, it cannot capture any references
/// onto the stack (you will likely need a `move` closure).
/// See also: [the `spawn()` function defined on scopes][spawn].
/// [spawn]: struct.Scope.html#method.spawn
pub fn spawn<OP>(&self, op: OP)
OP: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
// We assert that `self.registry` has not terminated.
unsafe { spawn::spawn_in(op, &self.registry) }
/// Spawns an asynchronous task in this thread-pool. This task will
/// run in the implicit, global scope, which means that it may outlast
/// the current stack frame -- therefore, it cannot capture any references
/// onto the stack (you will likely need a `move` closure).
/// See also: [the `spawn_fifo()` function defined on scopes][spawn_fifo].
/// [spawn_fifo]: struct.ScopeFifo.html#method.spawn_fifo
pub fn spawn_fifo<OP>(&self, op: OP)
OP: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
// We assert that `self.registry` has not terminated.
unsafe { spawn::spawn_fifo_in(op, &self.registry) }
/// Spawns an asynchronous task on every thread in this thread-pool. This task
/// will run in the implicit, global scope, which means that it may outlast the
/// current stack frame -- therefore, it cannot capture any references onto the
/// stack (you will likely need a `move` closure).
pub fn spawn_broadcast<OP>(&self, op: OP)
OP: Fn(BroadcastContext<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
// We assert that `self.registry` has not terminated.
unsafe { broadcast::spawn_broadcast_in(op, &self.registry) }
/// Cooperatively yields execution to Rayon.
/// This is similar to the general [`yield_now()`], but only if the current
/// thread is part of *this* thread pool.
/// Returns `Some(Yield::Executed)` if anything was executed, `Some(Yield::Idle)` if
/// nothing was available, or `None` if the current thread is not part this pool.
pub fn yield_now(&self) -> Option<Yield> {
let curr = self.registry.current_thread()?;
/// Cooperatively yields execution to local Rayon work.
/// This is similar to the general [`yield_local()`], but only if the current
/// thread is part of *this* thread pool.
/// Returns `Some(Yield::Executed)` if anything was executed, `Some(Yield::Idle)` if
/// nothing was available, or `None` if the current thread is not part this pool.
pub fn yield_local(&self) -> Option<Yield> {
let curr = self.registry.current_thread()?;
impl Drop for ThreadPool {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl fmt::Debug for ThreadPool {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("num_threads", &self.current_num_threads())
.field("id", &
/// If called from a Rayon worker thread, returns the index of that
/// thread within its current pool; if not called from a Rayon thread,
/// returns `None`.
/// The index for a given thread will not change over the thread's
/// lifetime. However, multiple threads may share the same index if
/// they are in distinct thread-pools.
/// See also: [the `ThreadPool::current_thread_index()` method].
/// [m]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.current_thread_index
/// # Future compatibility note
/// Currently, every thread-pool (including the global
/// thread-pool) has a fixed number of threads, but this may
/// change in future Rayon versions (see [the `num_threads()` method
/// for details][snt]). In that case, the index for a
/// thread would not change during its lifetime, but thread
/// indices may wind up being reused if threads are terminated and
/// restarted.
/// [snt]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html#method.num_threads
pub fn current_thread_index() -> Option<usize> {
unsafe {
let curr = WorkerThread::current().as_ref()?;
/// If called from a Rayon worker thread, indicates whether that
/// thread's local deque still has pending tasks. Otherwise, returns
/// `None`. For more information, see [the
/// `ThreadPool::current_thread_has_pending_tasks()` method][m].
/// [m]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.current_thread_has_pending_tasks
pub fn current_thread_has_pending_tasks() -> Option<bool> {
unsafe {
let curr = WorkerThread::current().as_ref()?;
/// Cooperatively yields execution to Rayon.
/// If the current thread is part of a rayon thread pool, this looks for a
/// single unit of pending work in the pool, then executes it. Completion of
/// that work might include nested work or further work stealing.
/// This is similar to [`std::thread::yield_now()`], but does not literally make
/// that call. If you are implementing a polling loop, you may want to also
/// yield to the OS scheduler yourself if no Rayon work was found.
/// Returns `Some(Yield::Executed)` if anything was executed, `Some(Yield::Idle)` if
/// nothing was available, or `None` if this thread is not part of any pool at all.
pub fn yield_now() -> Option<Yield> {
unsafe {
let thread = WorkerThread::current().as_ref()?;
/// Cooperatively yields execution to local Rayon work.
/// If the current thread is part of a rayon thread pool, this looks for a
/// single unit of pending work in this thread's queue, then executes it.
/// Completion of that work might include nested work or further work stealing.
/// This is similar to [`yield_now()`], but does not steal from other threads.
/// Returns `Some(Yield::Executed)` if anything was executed, `Some(Yield::Idle)` if
/// nothing was available, or `None` if this thread is not part of any pool at all.
pub fn yield_local() -> Option<Yield> {
unsafe {
let thread = WorkerThread::current().as_ref()?;
/// Result of [`yield_now()`] or [`yield_local()`].
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Yield {
/// Work was found and executed.
/// No available work was found.