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use crate::job::{ArcJob, StackJob};
use crate::latch::{CountLatch, LatchRef};
use crate::registry::{Registry, WorkerThread};
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Arc;
mod test;
/// Executes `op` within every thread in the current threadpool. If this is
/// called from a non-Rayon thread, it will execute in the global threadpool.
/// Any attempts to use `join`, `scope`, or parallel iterators will then operate
/// within that threadpool. When the call has completed on each thread, returns
/// a vector containing all of their return values.
/// For more information, see the [`ThreadPool::broadcast()`][m] method.
/// [m]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.broadcast
pub fn broadcast<OP, R>(op: OP) -> Vec<R>
OP: Fn(BroadcastContext<'_>) -> R + Sync,
R: Send,
// We assert that current registry has not terminated.
unsafe { broadcast_in(op, &Registry::current()) }
/// Spawns an asynchronous task on every thread in this thread-pool. This task
/// will run in the implicit, global scope, which means that it may outlast the
/// current stack frame -- therefore, it cannot capture any references onto the
/// stack (you will likely need a `move` closure).
/// For more information, see the [`ThreadPool::spawn_broadcast()`][m] method.
/// [m]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.spawn_broadcast
pub fn spawn_broadcast<OP>(op: OP)
OP: Fn(BroadcastContext<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
// We assert that current registry has not terminated.
unsafe { spawn_broadcast_in(op, &Registry::current()) }
/// Provides context to a closure called by `broadcast`.
pub struct BroadcastContext<'a> {
worker: &'a WorkerThread,
/// Make sure to prevent auto-traits like `Send` and `Sync`.
_marker: PhantomData<&'a mut dyn Fn()>,
impl<'a> BroadcastContext<'a> {
pub(super) fn with<R>(f: impl FnOnce(BroadcastContext<'_>) -> R) -> R {
let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
f(BroadcastContext {
worker: unsafe { &*worker_thread },
_marker: PhantomData,
/// Our index amongst the broadcast threads (ranges from `0..self.num_threads()`).
pub fn index(&self) -> usize {
/// The number of threads receiving the broadcast in the thread pool.
/// # Future compatibility note
/// Future versions of Rayon might vary the number of threads over time, but
/// this method will always return the number of threads which are actually
/// receiving your particular `broadcast` call.
pub fn num_threads(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for BroadcastContext<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("index", &self.index())
.field("num_threads", &self.num_threads())
.field("pool_id", &self.worker.registry().id())
/// Execute `op` on every thread in the pool. It will be executed on each
/// thread when they have nothing else to do locally, before they try to
/// steal work from other threads. This function will not return until all
/// threads have completed the `op`.
/// Unsafe because `registry` must not yet have terminated.
pub(super) unsafe fn broadcast_in<OP, R>(op: OP, registry: &Arc<Registry>) -> Vec<R>
OP: Fn(BroadcastContext<'_>) -> R + Sync,
R: Send,
let f = move |injected: bool| {
let n_threads = registry.num_threads();
let current_thread = WorkerThread::current().as_ref();
let latch = CountLatch::with_count(n_threads, current_thread);
let jobs: Vec<_> = (0..n_threads)
.map(|_| StackJob::new(&f, LatchRef::new(&latch)))
let job_refs = jobs.iter().map(|job| job.as_job_ref());
// Wait for all jobs to complete, then collect the results, maybe propagating a panic.
jobs.into_iter().map(|job| job.into_result()).collect()
/// Execute `op` on every thread in the pool. It will be executed on each
/// thread when they have nothing else to do locally, before they try to
/// steal work from other threads. This function returns immediately after
/// injecting the jobs.
/// Unsafe because `registry` must not yet have terminated.
pub(super) unsafe fn spawn_broadcast_in<OP>(op: OP, registry: &Arc<Registry>)
OP: Fn(BroadcastContext<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
let job = ArcJob::new({
let registry = Arc::clone(registry);
move || {
registry.catch_unwind(|| BroadcastContext::with(&op));
registry.terminate(); // (*) permit registry to terminate now
let n_threads = registry.num_threads();
let job_refs = (0..n_threads).map(|_| {
// Ensure that registry cannot terminate until this job has executed
// on each thread. This ref is decremented at the (*) above.