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use core::ffi::c_void;↩
use core::ptr::NonNull;↩
/// Raw display handle for Haiku.↩
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]↩
pub struct HaikuDisplayHandle {}↩
impl HaikuDisplayHandle {↩
/// Create a new empty display handle.↩
/// # Example↩
/// ```↩
/// # use raw_window_handle::HaikuDisplayHandle;↩
/// let handle = HaikuDisplayHandle::new();↩
/// ```↩
pub fn new() -> Self {↩
Self {}↩
/// Raw window handle for Haiku.↩
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]↩
pub struct HaikuWindowHandle {↩
/// A pointer to a BWindow object↩
pub b_window: NonNull<c_void>,↩
/// A pointer to a BDirectWindow object that might be null↩
pub b_direct_window: Option<NonNull<c_void>>,↩
impl HaikuWindowHandle {↩
/// Create a new handle to a window.↩
/// # Example↩
/// ```↩
/// # use core::ptr::NonNull;↩
/// # use raw_window_handle::HaikuWindowHandle;↩
/// # type BWindow = ();↩
/// #↩
/// let b_window: NonNull<BWindow>;↩
/// # b_window = NonNull::from(&());↩
/// let mut handle = HaikuWindowHandle::new(b_window.cast());↩
/// // Optionally set `b_direct_window`.↩
/// handle.b_direct_window = None;↩
/// ```↩
pub fn new(b_window: NonNull<c_void>) -> Self {↩
Self {↩
b_direct_window: None,↩