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//! Borrowable window handles based on the ones in this crate.↩
//! These should be 100% safe to pass around and use, no possibility of dangling or invalidity.↩
use core::borrow::Borrow;↩
use core::fmt;↩
use core::marker::PhantomData;↩
use crate::{HandleError, RawDisplayHandle, RawWindowHandle};↩
/// A display that acts as a wrapper around a display handle.↩
/// Objects that implement this trait should be able to return a [`DisplayHandle`] for the display↩
/// that they are associated with. This handle should last for the lifetime of the object, and should↩
/// return an error if the application is inactive.↩
/// Implementors of this trait will be windowing systems, like [`winit`] and [`sdl2`]. These windowing↩
/// systems should implement this trait on types that represent the top-level display server. It↩
/// should be implemented by tying the lifetime of the [`DisplayHandle`] to the lifetime of the↩
/// display object.↩
/// Users of this trait will include graphics libraries, like [`wgpu`] and [`glutin`]. These APIs↩
/// should be generic over a type that implements `HasDisplayHandle`, and should use the↩
/// [`DisplayHandle`] type to access the display handle.↩
/// Note that these requirements are not enforced on `HasDisplayHandle`, rather, they are enforced on the↩
/// constructors of [`DisplayHandle`]. This is because the `HasDisplayHandle` trait is safe to implement.↩
/// [`winit`]:
/// [`glutin`]:
pub trait HasDisplayHandle {↩
/// Get a handle to the display controller of the windowing system.↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError>;↩
impl<H: HasDisplayHandle + ?Sized> HasDisplayHandle for &H {↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
impl<H: HasDisplayHandle + ?Sized> HasDisplayHandle for &mut H {↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]↩
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]↩
impl<H: HasDisplayHandle + ?Sized> HasDisplayHandle for alloc::boxed::Box<H> {↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]↩
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]↩
impl<H: HasDisplayHandle + ?Sized> HasDisplayHandle for alloc::rc::Rc<H> {↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]↩
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]↩
impl<H: HasDisplayHandle + ?Sized> HasDisplayHandle for alloc::sync::Arc<H> {↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
/// The handle to the display controller of the windowing system.↩
/// This is the primary return type of the [`HasDisplayHandle`] trait. It is guaranteed to contain↩
/// a valid platform-specific display handle for its lifetime.↩
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone)]↩
pub struct DisplayHandle<'a> {↩
raw: RawDisplayHandle,↩
_marker: PhantomData<&'a *const ()>,↩
impl fmt::Debug for DisplayHandle<'_> {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {↩
impl<'a> DisplayHandle<'a> {↩
/// Create a `DisplayHandle` from a [`RawDisplayHandle`].↩
/// # Safety↩
/// Users can safely assume that non-`null`/`0` fields are valid handles, and it is up to the↩
/// implementer of this trait to ensure that condition is upheld.↩
/// Despite that qualification, implementors should still make a best-effort attempt to fill in all↩
/// available fields. If an implementation doesn't, and a downstream user needs the field, it should↩
/// try to derive the field from other fields the implementer *does* provide via whatever methods the↩
/// platform provides.↩
/// It is not possible to invalidate a [`DisplayHandle`] on any platform without additional unsafe code.↩
pub unsafe fn borrow_raw(raw: RawDisplayHandle) -> Self {↩
Self {↩
_marker: PhantomData,↩
/// Get the underlying raw display handle.↩
pub fn as_raw(&self) -> RawDisplayHandle {↩
impl AsRef<RawDisplayHandle> for DisplayHandle<'_> {↩
fn as_ref(&self) -> &RawDisplayHandle {↩
impl Borrow<RawDisplayHandle> for DisplayHandle<'_> {↩
fn borrow(&self) -> &RawDisplayHandle {↩
impl From<DisplayHandle<'_>> for RawDisplayHandle {↩
fn from(handle: DisplayHandle<'_>) -> Self {↩
impl<'a> HasDisplayHandle for DisplayHandle<'a> {↩
fn display_handle(&self) -> Result<DisplayHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
/// A handle to a window.↩
/// Objects that implement this trait should be able to return a [`WindowHandle`] for the window↩
/// that they are associated with. This handle should last for the lifetime of the object, and should↩
/// return an error if the application is inactive.↩
/// Implementors of this trait will be windowing systems, like [`winit`] and [`sdl2`]. These windowing↩
/// systems should implement this trait on types that represent windows.↩
/// Users of this trait will include graphics libraries, like [`wgpu`] and [`glutin`]. These APIs↩
/// should be generic over a type that implements `HasWindowHandle`, and should use the↩
/// [`WindowHandle`] type to access the window handle. The window handle should be acquired and held↩
/// while the window is being used, in order to ensure that the window is not deleted while it is in↩
/// use.↩
/// [`winit`]:
/// [`glutin`]:
pub trait HasWindowHandle {↩
/// Get a handle to the window.↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<WindowHandle<'_>, HandleError>;↩
impl<H: HasWindowHandle + ?Sized> HasWindowHandle for &H {↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<WindowHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
impl<H: HasWindowHandle + ?Sized> HasWindowHandle for &mut H {↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<WindowHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]↩
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]↩
impl<H: HasWindowHandle + ?Sized> HasWindowHandle for alloc::boxed::Box<H> {↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<WindowHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]↩
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]↩
impl<H: HasWindowHandle + ?Sized> HasWindowHandle for alloc::rc::Rc<H> {↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<WindowHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]↩
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]↩
impl<H: HasWindowHandle + ?Sized> HasWindowHandle for alloc::sync::Arc<H> {↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<WindowHandle<'_>, HandleError> {↩
/// The handle to a window.↩
/// This is the primary return type of the [`HasWindowHandle`] trait. All *pointers* within this type↩
/// are guaranteed to be valid and not dangling for the lifetime of the handle. This excludes window IDs↩
/// like XIDs and the window ID for web platforms. See the documentation on the [`HasWindowHandle`]↩
/// trait for more information about these safety requirements.↩
/// This handle is guaranteed to be safe and valid.↩
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone)]↩
pub struct WindowHandle<'a> {↩
raw: RawWindowHandle,↩
_marker: PhantomData<&'a *const ()>,↩
impl fmt::Debug for WindowHandle<'_> {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {↩
impl<'a> WindowHandle<'a> {↩
/// Borrow a `WindowHandle` from a [`RawWindowHandle`].↩
/// # Safety↩
/// Users can safely assume that non-`null`/`0` fields are valid handles, and it is up to the↩
/// implementer of this trait to ensure that condition is upheld.↩
/// Despite that qualification, implementers should still make a best-effort attempt to fill in all↩
/// available fields. If an implementation doesn't, and a downstream user needs the field, it should↩
/// try to derive the field from other fields the implementer *does* provide via whatever methods the↩
/// platform provides.↩
/// Note that this guarantee only applies to *pointers*, and not any window ID types in the handle.↩
/// This includes Window IDs (XIDs) from X11 and the window ID for web platforms. There is no way for↩
/// Rust to enforce any kind of invariant on these types, since:↩
/// - For all three listed platforms, it is possible for safe code in the same process to delete↩
/// the window.↩
/// - For X11, it is possible for code in a different process to delete the window. In fact, it is↩
/// possible for code on a different *machine* to delete the window.↩
/// It is *also* possible for the window to be replaced with another, valid-but-different window. User↩
/// code should be aware of this possibility, and should be ready to soundly handle the possible error↩
/// conditions that can arise from this.↩
pub unsafe fn borrow_raw(raw: RawWindowHandle) -> Self {↩
Self {↩
_marker: PhantomData,↩
/// Get the underlying raw window handle.↩
pub fn as_raw(&self) -> RawWindowHandle {↩
impl AsRef<RawWindowHandle> for WindowHandle<'_> {↩
fn as_ref(&self) -> &RawWindowHandle {↩
impl Borrow<RawWindowHandle> for WindowHandle<'_> {↩
fn borrow(&self) -> &RawWindowHandle {↩
impl From<WindowHandle<'_>> for RawWindowHandle {↩
fn from(handle: WindowHandle<'_>) -> Self {↩
impl HasWindowHandle for WindowHandle<'_> {↩
fn window_handle(&self) -> Result<Self, HandleError> {↩
/// ```compile_fail↩
/// use raw_window_handle::{DisplayHandle, WindowHandle};↩
/// fn _assert<T: Send + Sync>() {}↩
/// _assert::<DisplayHandle<'static>>();↩
/// _assert::<WindowHandle<'static>>();↩
/// ```↩
fn _not_send_or_sync() {}↩