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#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
use encoding_rs::UTF_8;↩
use crate::encoding::Decoder;↩
use crate::errors::{Error, Result};↩
use crate::events::{BytesCData, BytesDecl, BytesEnd, BytesStart, BytesText, Event};↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
use crate::reader::EncodingRef;↩
use crate::reader::{is_whitespace, BangType, ParseState};↩
use memchr;↩
/// A struct that holds a current reader state and a parser configuration.↩
/// It is independent on a way of reading data: the reader feed data into it and↩
/// get back produced [`Event`]s.↩
pub(super) struct ReaderState {↩
/// Number of bytes read from the source of data since the reader was created↩
pub offset: usize,↩
/// Defines how to process next byte↩
pub state: ParseState,↩
/// Expand empty element into an opening and closing element↩
pub expand_empty_elements: bool,↩
/// Trims leading whitespace in Text events, skip the element if text is empty↩
pub trim_text_start: bool,↩
/// Trims trailing whitespace in Text events.↩
pub trim_text_end: bool,↩
/// Trims trailing whitespaces from markup names in closing tags `</a >`↩
pub trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags: bool,↩
/// Check if [`Event::End`] nodes match last [`Event::Start`] node↩
pub check_end_names: bool,↩
/// Check if comments contains `--` (false per default)↩
pub check_comments: bool,↩
/// All currently Started elements which didn't have a matching↩
/// End element yet.↩
/// For an XML↩
/// ```xml↩
/// <root><one/><inner attr="value">|<tag></inner></root>↩
/// ```↩
/// when cursor at the `|` position buffer contains:↩
/// ```text↩
/// rootinner↩
/// ^ ^↩
/// ```↩
/// The `^` symbols shows which positions stored in the [`Self::opened_starts`]↩
/// (0 and 4 in that case).↩
opened_buffer: Vec<u8>,↩
/// Opened name start indexes into [`Self::opened_buffer`]. See documentation↩
/// for that field for details↩
opened_starts: Vec<usize>,↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
/// Reference to the encoding used to read an XML↩
pub encoding: EncodingRef,↩
impl ReaderState {↩
/// Trims whitespaces from `bytes`, if required, and returns a [`Text`] event.↩
/// # Parameters↩
/// - `bytes`: data from the start of stream to the first `<` or from `>` to `<`↩
/// [`Text`]: Event::Text↩
pub fn emit_text<'b>(&mut self, bytes: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {↩
let mut content = bytes;↩
if self.trim_text_end {↩
// Skip the ending '<'↩
let len = bytes↩
.rposition(|&b| !is_whitespace(b))↩
.map_or_else(|| bytes.len(), |p| p + 1);↩
content = &bytes[..len];↩
Ok(Event::Text(BytesText::wrap(content, self.decoder())))↩
/// reads `BytesElement` starting with a `!`,↩
/// return `Comment`, `CData` or `DocType` event↩
pub fn emit_bang<'b>(&mut self, bang_type: BangType, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {↩
let uncased_starts_with = |string: &[u8], prefix: &[u8]| {↩
string.len() >= prefix.len() && string[..prefix.len()].eq_ignore_ascii_case(prefix)↩
let len = buf.len();↩
match bang_type {↩
BangType::Comment if buf.starts_with(b"!--") => {↩
if self.check_comments {↩
// search if '--' not in comments↩
if let Some(p) = memchr::memchr_iter(b'-', &buf[3..len - 2])↩
.position(|p| buf[3 + p + 1] == b'-')↩
self.offset += len - p;↩
return Err(Error::UnexpectedToken("--".to_string()));↩
&buf[3..len - 2],↩
BangType::CData if uncased_starts_with(buf, b"![CDATA[") => {↩
&buf[8..len - 2],↩
BangType::DocType if uncased_starts_with(buf, b"!DOCTYPE") => {↩
let start = buf[8..]↩
.position(|b| !is_whitespace(*b))↩
.unwrap_or(len - 8);↩
if start + 8 >= len {↩
return Err(Error::EmptyDocType);↩
&buf[8 + start..],↩
_ => Err(bang_type.to_err()),↩
/// Wraps content of `buf` into the [`Event::End`] event. Does the check that↩
/// end name matches the last opened start name if `self.check_end_names` is set.↩
pub fn emit_end<'b>(&mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {↩
// Strip the `/` character. `content` contains data between `</` and `>`↩
let content = &buf[1..];↩
// XML standard permits whitespaces after the markup name in closing tags.↩
// Let's strip them from the buffer before comparing tag names.↩
let name = if self.trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags {↩
if let Some(pos_end_name) = content.iter().rposition(|&b| !is_whitespace(b)) {↩
&content[..pos_end_name + 1]↩
} else {↩
} else {↩
let decoder = self.decoder();↩
let mismatch_err = |expected: String, found: &[u8], offset: &mut usize| {↩
*offset -= buf.len();↩
Err(Error::EndEventMismatch {↩
found: decoder.decode(found).unwrap_or_default().into_owned(),↩
// Get the index in self.opened_buffer of the name of the last opened tag↩
match self.opened_starts.pop() {↩
Some(start) => {↩
if self.check_end_names {↩
let expected = &self.opened_buffer[start..];↩
if name != expected {↩
let expected = decoder.decode(expected).unwrap_or_default().into_owned();↩
// #513: In order to allow error recovery we should drop content of the buffer↩
return mismatch_err(expected, name, &mut self.offset);↩
None => {↩
if self.check_end_names {↩
return mismatch_err("".to_string(), &buf[1..], &mut self.offset);↩
/// reads `BytesElement` starting with a `?`,↩
/// return `Decl` or `PI` event↩
pub fn emit_question_mark<'b>(&mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {↩
let len = buf.len();↩
if len > 2 && buf[len - 1] == b'?' {↩
if len > 5 && &buf[1..4] == b"xml" && is_whitespace(buf[4]) {↩
let event = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::wrap(&buf[1..len - 1], 3));↩
// Try getting encoding from the declaration event↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
if self.encoding.can_be_refined() {↩
if let Some(encoding) = event.encoder() {↩
self.encoding = EncodingRef::XmlDetected(encoding);↩
} else {↩
Ok(Event::PI(BytesText::wrap(&buf[1..len - 1], self.decoder())))↩
} else {↩
self.offset -= len;↩
/// Converts content of a tag to a `Start` or an `Empty` event↩
/// # Parameters↩
/// - `content`: Content of a tag between `<` and `>`↩
pub fn emit_start<'b>(&mut self, content: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {↩
let len = content.len();↩
let name_end = content↩
.position(|&b| is_whitespace(b))↩
if let Some(&b'/') = content.last() {↩
// This is self-closed tag `<something/>`↩
let name_len = if name_end < len { name_end } else { len - 1 };↩
let event = BytesStart::wrap(&content[..len - 1], name_len);↩
if self.expand_empty_elements {↩
self.state = ParseState::Empty;↩
} else {↩
} else {↩
// #514: Always store names event when .check_end_names == false,↩
// because checks can be temporary disabled and when they would be↩
// enabled, we should have that information↩
Ok(Event::Start(BytesStart::wrap(content, name_end)))↩
pub fn close_expanded_empty(&mut self) -> Result<Event<'static>> {↩
self.state = ParseState::ClosedTag;↩
let name = self↩
/// Get the decoder, used to decode bytes, read by this reader, to the strings.↩
/// If [`encoding`] feature is enabled, the used encoding may change after↩
/// parsing the XML declaration, otherwise encoding is fixed to UTF-8.↩
/// If [`encoding`] feature is enabled and no encoding is specified in declaration,↩
/// defaults to UTF-8.↩
/// [`encoding`]: ../../index.html#encoding↩
pub fn decoder(&self) -> Decoder {↩
Decoder {↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
encoding: self.encoding.encoding(),↩
impl Default for ReaderState {↩
fn default() -> Self {↩
Self {↩
offset: 0,↩
state: ParseState::Init,↩
expand_empty_elements: false,↩
trim_text_start: false,↩
trim_text_end: false,↩
trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags: true,↩
check_end_names: true,↩
check_comments: false,↩
opened_buffer: Vec::new(),↩
opened_starts: Vec::new(),↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
encoding: EncodingRef::Implicit(UTF_8),↩