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//! This is an implementation of [`Reader`] for reading from a `&[u8]` as↩
//! underlying byte stream. This implementation supports not using an↩
//! intermediate buffer as the byte slice itself can be used to borrow from.↩
use std::borrow::Cow;↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
use crate::reader::EncodingRef;↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
use encoding_rs::{Encoding, UTF_8};↩
use crate::errors::{Error, Result};↩
use crate::events::Event;↩
use crate::name::QName;↩
use crate::reader::{is_whitespace, BangType, ReadElementState, Reader, Span, XmlSource};↩
use memchr;↩
/// This is an implementation for reading from a `&[u8]` as underlying byte stream.↩
/// This implementation supports not using an intermediate buffer as the byte slice↩
/// itself can be used to borrow from.↩
impl<'a> Reader<&'a [u8]> {↩
/// Creates an XML reader from a string slice.↩
pub fn from_str(s: &'a str) -> Self {↩
// Rust strings are guaranteed to be UTF-8, so lock the encoding↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
let mut reader = Self::from_reader(s.as_bytes());↩
reader.state.encoding = EncodingRef::Explicit(UTF_8);↩
#[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]↩
/// Read an event that borrows from the input rather than a buffer.↩
/// There is no asynchronous `read_event_async()` version of this function,↩
/// because it is not necessary -- the contents are already in memory and no IO↩
/// is needed, therefore there is no potential for blocking.↩
/// # Examples↩
/// ```↩
/// # use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;↩
/// use quick_xml::events::Event;↩
/// use quick_xml::reader::Reader;↩
/// let mut reader = Reader::from_str(r#"↩
/// <tag1 att1 = "test">↩
/// <tag2><!--Test comment-->Test</tag2>↩
/// <tag2>Test 2</tag2>↩
/// </tag1>↩
/// "#);↩
/// reader.trim_text(true);↩
/// let mut count = 0;↩
/// let mut txt = Vec::new();↩
/// loop {↩
/// match reader.read_event().unwrap() {↩
/// Event::Start(e) => count += 1,↩
/// Event::Text(e) => txt.push(e.unescape().unwrap().into_owned()),↩
/// Event::Eof => break,↩
/// _ => (),↩
/// }↩
/// }↩
/// assert_eq!(count, 3);↩
/// assert_eq!(txt, vec!["Test".to_string(), "Test 2".to_string()]);↩
/// ```↩
pub fn read_event(&mut self) -> Result<Event<'a>> {↩
/// Reads until end element is found. This function is supposed to be called↩
/// after you already read a [`Start`] event.↩
/// Returns a span that cover content between `>` of an opening tag and `<` of↩
/// a closing tag or an empty slice, if [`expand_empty_elements`] is set and↩
/// this method was called after reading expanded [`Start`] event.↩
/// Manages nested cases where parent and child elements have the _literally_↩
/// same name.↩
/// If corresponding [`End`] event will not be found, the [`Error::UnexpectedEof`]↩
/// will be returned. In particularly, that error will be returned if you call↩
/// this method without consuming the corresponding [`Start`] event first.↩
/// The `end` parameter should contain name of the end element _in the reader↩
/// encoding_. It is good practice to always get that parameter using↩
/// [`BytesStart::to_end()`] method.↩
/// The correctness of the skipped events does not checked, if you disabled↩
/// the [`check_end_names`] option.↩
/// There is no asynchronous `read_to_end_async()` version of this function,↩
/// because it is not necessary -- the contents are already in memory and no IO↩
/// is needed, therefore there is no potential for blocking.↩
/// # Namespaces↩
/// While the `Reader` does not support namespace resolution, namespaces↩
/// does not change the algorithm for comparing names. Although the names↩
/// `a:name` and `b:name` where both prefixes `a` and `b` resolves to the↩
/// same namespace, are semantically equivalent, `</b:name>` cannot close↩
/// `<a:name>`, because according to [the specification]↩
/// > The end of every element that begins with a **start-tag** MUST be marked↩
/// > by an **end-tag** containing a name that echoes the element's type as↩
/// > given in the **start-tag**↩
/// # Examples↩
/// This example shows, how you can skip XML content after you read the↩
/// start event.↩
/// ```↩
/// # use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;↩
/// use quick_xml::events::{BytesStart, Event};↩
/// use quick_xml::reader::Reader;↩
/// let mut reader = Reader::from_str(r#"↩
/// <outer>↩
/// <inner>↩
/// <inner></inner>↩
/// <inner/>↩
/// <outer></outer>↩
/// <outer/>↩
/// </inner>↩
/// </outer>↩
/// "#);↩
/// reader.trim_text(true);↩
/// let start = BytesStart::new("outer");↩
/// let end = start.to_end().into_owned();↩
/// // First, we read a start event...↩
/// assert_eq!(reader.read_event().unwrap(), Event::Start(start));↩
/// // ...then, we could skip all events to the corresponding end event.↩
/// // This call will correctly handle nested <outer> elements.↩
/// // Note, however, that this method does not handle namespaces.↩
/// reader.read_to_end(;↩
/// // At the end we should get an Eof event, because we ate the whole XML↩
/// assert_eq!(reader.read_event().unwrap(), Event::Eof);↩
/// ```↩
/// [`Start`]: Event::Start↩
/// [`End`]: Event::End↩
/// [`BytesStart::to_end()`]: crate::events::BytesStart::to_end↩
/// [`expand_empty_elements`]: Self::expand_empty_elements↩
/// [`check_end_names`]: Self::check_end_names↩
pub fn read_to_end(&mut self, end: QName) -> Result<Span> {↩
Ok(read_to_end!(self, end, (), read_event_impl, {}))↩
/// Reads content between start and end tags, including any markup. This↩
/// function is supposed to be called after you already read a [`Start`] event.↩
/// Manages nested cases where parent and child elements have the _literally_↩
/// same name.↩
/// This method does not unescape read data, instead it returns content↩
/// "as is" of the XML document. This is because it has no idea what text↩
/// it reads, and if, for example, it contains CDATA section, attempt to↩
/// unescape it content will spoil data.↩
/// Any text will be decoded using the XML current [`decoder()`].↩
/// Actually, this method perform the following code:↩
/// ```ignore↩
/// let span = reader.read_to_end(end)?;↩
/// let text = reader.decoder().decode(&reader.inner_slice[span]);↩
/// ```↩
/// # Examples↩
/// This example shows, how you can read a HTML content from your XML document.↩
/// ```↩
/// # use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;↩
/// # use std::borrow::Cow;↩
/// use quick_xml::events::{BytesStart, Event};↩
/// use quick_xml::reader::Reader;↩
/// let mut reader = Reader::from_str("↩
/// <html>↩
/// <title>This is a HTML text</title>↩
/// <p>Usual XML rules does not apply inside it↩
/// <p>For example, elements not needed to be "closed"↩
/// </html>↩
/// ");↩
/// reader.trim_text(true);↩
/// let start = BytesStart::new("html");↩
/// let end = start.to_end().into_owned();↩
/// // First, we read a start event...↩
/// assert_eq!(reader.read_event().unwrap(), Event::Start(start));↩
/// // ...and disable checking of end names because we expect HTML further...↩
/// reader.check_end_names(false);↩
/// // ...then, we could read text content until close tag.↩
/// // This call will correctly handle nested <html> elements.↩
/// let text = reader.read_text(;↩
/// assert_eq!(text, Cow::Borrowed(r#"↩
/// <title>This is a HTML text</title>↩
/// <p>Usual XML rules does not apply inside it↩
/// <p>For example, elements not needed to be "closed"↩
/// "#));↩
/// assert!(matches!(text, Cow::Borrowed(_)));↩
/// // Now we can enable checks again↩
/// reader.check_end_names(true);↩
/// // At the end we should get an Eof event, because we ate the whole XML↩
/// assert_eq!(reader.read_event().unwrap(), Event::Eof);↩
/// ```↩
/// [`Start`]: Event::Start↩
/// [`decoder()`]: Self::decoder()↩
pub fn read_text(&mut self, end: QName) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>> {↩
// self.reader will be changed, so store original reference↩
let buffer = self.reader;↩
let span = self.read_to_end(end)?;↩
/// Implementation of `XmlSource` for `&[u8]` reader using a `Self` as buffer↩
/// that will be borrowed by events. This implementation provides a zero-copy deserialization↩
impl<'a> XmlSource<'a, ()> for &'a [u8] {↩
#[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]↩
fn remove_utf8_bom(&mut self) -> Result<()> {↩
if self.starts_with(crate::encoding::UTF8_BOM) {↩
*self = &self[crate::encoding::UTF8_BOM.len()..];↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
fn detect_encoding(&mut self) -> Result<Option<&'static Encoding>> {↩
if let Some((enc, bom_len)) = crate::encoding::detect_encoding(self) {↩
*self = &self[bom_len..];↩
return Ok(Some(enc));↩
fn read_bytes_until(↩
&mut self,↩
byte: u8,↩
_buf: (),↩
position: &mut usize,↩
) -> Result<Option<&'a [u8]>> {↩
// search byte must be within the ascii range↩
if self.is_empty() {↩
return Ok(None);↩
Ok(Some(if let Some(i) = memchr::memchr(byte, self) {↩
*position += i + 1;↩
let bytes = &self[..i];↩
*self = &self[i + 1..];↩
} else {↩
*position += self.len();↩
let bytes = &self[..];↩
*self = &[];↩
fn read_bang_element(↩
&mut self,↩
_buf: (),↩
position: &mut usize,↩
) -> Result<Option<(BangType, &'a [u8])>> {↩
// Peeked one bang ('!') before being called, so it's guaranteed to↩
// start with it.↩
debug_assert_eq!(self[0], b'!');↩
let bang_type = BangType::new(self[1..].first().copied())?;↩
if let Some((bytes, i)) = bang_type.parse(&[], self) {↩
*position += i;↩
*self = &self[i..];↩
return Ok(Some((bang_type, bytes)));↩
// Note: Do not update position, so the error points to↩
// somewhere sane rather than at the EOF↩
fn read_element(&mut self, _buf: (), position: &mut usize) -> Result<Option<&'a [u8]>> {↩
if self.is_empty() {↩
return Ok(None);↩
let mut state = ReadElementState::Elem;↩
if let Some((bytes, i)) = state.change(self) {↩
// Position now just after the `>` symbol↩
*position += i;↩
*self = &self[i..];↩
return Ok(Some(bytes));↩
// Note: Do not update position, so the error points to a sane place↩
// rather than at the EOF.↩
// FIXME: Figure out why the other one works without UnexpectedEof↩
fn skip_whitespace(&mut self, position: &mut usize) -> Result<()> {↩
let whitespaces = self↩
.position(|b| !is_whitespace(*b))↩
*position += whitespaces;↩
*self = &self[whitespaces..];↩
fn skip_one(&mut self, byte: u8, position: &mut usize) -> Result<bool> {↩
// search byte must be within the ascii range↩
if self.first() == Some(&byte) {↩
*self = &self[1..];↩
*position += 1;↩
} else {↩
fn peek_one(&mut self) -> Result<Option<u8>> {↩
mod test {↩
use crate::reader::test::check;↩
use crate::reader::XmlSource;↩
/// Default buffer constructor just pass the byte array from the test↩
fn identity<T>(input: T) -> T {↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
mod encoding {↩
use crate::events::Event;↩
use crate::reader::Reader;↩
use encoding_rs::UTF_8;↩
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;↩
/// Checks that XML declaration cannot change the encoding from UTF-8 if↩
/// a `Reader` was created using `from_str` method↩
fn str_always_has_utf8() {↩
let mut reader = Reader::from_str("<?xml encoding='UTF-16'?>");↩
assert_eq!(reader.decoder().encoding(), UTF_8);↩
assert_eq!(reader.decoder().encoding(), UTF_8);↩
assert_eq!(reader.read_event().unwrap(), Event::Eof);↩