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//! Defines zero-copy XML events used throughout this library.↩
//! A XML event often represents part of a XML element.↩
//! They occur both during reading and writing and are↩
//! usually used with the stream-oriented API.↩
//! For example, the XML element↩
//! ```xml↩
//! <name attr="value">Inner text</name>↩
//! ```↩
//! consists of the three events `Start`, `Text` and `End`.↩
//! They can also represent other parts in an XML document like the↩
//! XML declaration. Each Event usually contains further information,↩
//! like the tag name, the attribute or the inner text.↩
//! See [`Event`] for a list of all possible events.↩
//! # Reading↩
//! When reading a XML stream, the events are emitted by [`Reader::read_event`]↩
//! and [`Reader::read_event_into`]. You must listen↩
//! for the different types of events you are interested in.↩
//! See [`Reader`] for further information.↩
//! # Writing↩
//! When writing the XML document, you must create the XML element↩
//! by constructing the events it consists of and pass them to the writer↩
//! sequentially.↩
//! See [`Writer`] for further information.↩
//! [`Reader::read_event`]: crate::reader::Reader::read_event↩
//! [`Reader::read_event_into`]: crate::reader::Reader::read_event_into↩
//! [`Reader`]: crate::reader::Reader↩
//! [`Writer`]: crate::writer::Writer↩
//! [`Event`]: crate::events::Event↩
pub mod attributes;↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
use encoding_rs::Encoding;↩
use std::borrow::Cow;↩
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};↩
use std::ops::Deref;↩
use std::str::from_utf8;↩
use crate::encoding::Decoder;↩
use crate::errors::{Error, Result};↩
use crate::escape::{escape, partial_escape, unescape_with};↩
use crate::name::{LocalName, QName};↩
use crate::reader::is_whitespace;↩
use crate::utils::write_cow_string;↩
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]↩
use crate::utils::CowRef;↩
use attributes::{Attribute, Attributes};↩
use std::mem::replace;↩
/// Opening tag data (`Event::Start`), with optional attributes.↩
/// `<name attr="value">`.↩
/// The name can be accessed using the [`name`] or [`local_name`] methods.↩
/// An iterator over the attributes is returned by the [`attributes`] method.↩
/// [`name`]: Self::name↩
/// [`local_name`]: Self::local_name↩
/// [`attributes`]: Self::attributes↩
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]↩
pub struct BytesStart<'a> {↩
/// content of the element, before any utf8 conversion↩
pub(crate) buf: Cow<'a, [u8]>,↩
/// end of the element name, the name starts at that the start of `buf`↩
pub(crate) name_len: usize,↩
impl<'a> BytesStart<'a> {↩
/// Internal constructor, used by `Reader`. Supplies data in reader's encoding↩
pub(crate) fn wrap(content: &'a [u8], name_len: usize) -> Self {↩
BytesStart {↩
buf: Cow::Borrowed(content),↩
/// Creates a new `BytesStart` from the given name.↩
/// # Warning↩
/// `name` must be a valid name.↩
pub fn new<C: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(name: C) -> Self {↩
let buf = str_cow_to_bytes(name);↩
BytesStart {↩
name_len: buf.len(),↩
/// Creates a new `BytesStart` from the given content (name + attributes).↩
/// # Warning↩
/// `&content[..name_len]` must be a valid name, and the remainder of `content`↩
/// must be correctly-formed attributes. Neither are checked, it is possible↩
/// to generate invalid XML if `content` or `name_len` are incorrect.↩
pub fn from_content<C: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(content: C, name_len: usize) -> Self {↩
BytesStart {↩
buf: str_cow_to_bytes(content),↩
/// Converts the event into an owned event.↩
pub fn into_owned(self) -> BytesStart<'static> {↩
BytesStart {↩
buf: Cow::Owned(self.buf.into_owned()),↩
name_len: self.name_len,↩
/// Converts the event into an owned event without taking ownership of Event↩
pub fn to_owned(&self) -> BytesStart<'static> {↩
BytesStart {↩
buf: Cow::Owned(self.buf.clone().into_owned()),↩
name_len: self.name_len,↩
/// Converts the event into a borrowed event. Most useful when paired with [`to_end`].↩
/// # Example↩
/// ```↩
/// use quick_xml::events::{BytesStart, Event};↩
/// # use quick_xml::writer::Writer;↩
/// # use quick_xml::Error;↩
/// struct SomeStruct<'a> {↩
/// attrs: BytesStart<'a>,↩
/// // ...↩
/// }↩
/// # impl<'a> SomeStruct<'a> {↩
/// # fn example(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {↩
/// # let mut writer = Writer::new(Vec::new());↩
/// writer.write_event(Event::Start(self.attrs.borrow()))?;↩
/// // ...↩
/// writer.write_event(Event::End(self.attrs.to_end()))?;↩
/// # Ok(())↩
/// # }}↩
/// ```↩
/// [`to_end`]: Self::to_end↩
pub fn borrow(&self) -> BytesStart {↩
BytesStart {↩
buf: Cow::Borrowed(&self.buf),↩
name_len: self.name_len,↩
/// Creates new paired close tag↩
pub fn to_end(&self) -> BytesEnd {↩
/// Gets the undecoded raw tag name, as present in the input stream.↩
pub fn name(&self) -> QName {↩
/// Gets the undecoded raw local tag name (excluding namespace) as present↩
/// in the input stream.↩
/// All content up to and including the first `:` character is removed from the tag name.↩
pub fn local_name(&self) -> LocalName {↩↩
/// Edit the name of the BytesStart in-place↩
/// # Warning↩
/// `name` must be a valid name.↩
pub fn set_name(&mut self, name: &[u8]) -> &mut BytesStart<'a> {↩
let bytes = self.buf.to_mut();↩
bytes.splice(..self.name_len, name.iter().cloned());↩
self.name_len = name.len();↩
/// Gets the undecoded raw tag name, as present in the input stream, which↩
/// is borrowed either to the input, or to the event.↩
/// # Lifetimes↩
/// - `'a`: Lifetime of the input data from which this event is borrow↩
/// - `'e`: Lifetime of the concrete event instance↩
// TODO: We should made this is a part of public API, but with safe wrapped for a name↩
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]↩
pub(crate) fn raw_name<'e>(&'e self) -> CowRef<'a, 'e, [u8]> {↩
match self.buf {↩
Cow::Borrowed(b) => CowRef::Input(&b[..self.name_len]),↩
Cow::Owned(ref o) => CowRef::Slice(&o[..self.name_len]),↩
/// Attribute-related methods↩
impl<'a> BytesStart<'a> {↩
/// Consumes `self` and yield a new `BytesStart` with additional attributes from an iterator.↩
/// The yielded items must be convertible to [`Attribute`] using `Into`.↩
pub fn with_attributes<'b, I>(mut self, attributes: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator,↩
I::Item: Into<Attribute<'b>>,↩
/// Add additional attributes to this tag using an iterator.↩
/// The yielded items must be convertible to [`Attribute`] using `Into`.↩
pub fn extend_attributes<'b, I>(&mut self, attributes: I) -> &mut BytesStart<'a>↩
I: IntoIterator,↩
I::Item: Into<Attribute<'b>>,↩
for attr in attributes {↩
/// Adds an attribute to this element.↩
pub fn push_attribute<'b, A>(&mut self, attr: A)↩
A: Into<Attribute<'b>>,↩
let a = attr.into();↩
let bytes = self.buf.to_mut();↩
bytes.push(b' ');↩
/// Remove all attributes from the ByteStart↩
pub fn clear_attributes(&mut self) -> &mut BytesStart<'a> {↩
/// Returns an iterator over the attributes of this tag.↩
pub fn attributes(&self) -> Attributes {↩
Attributes::wrap(&self.buf, self.name_len, false)↩
/// Returns an iterator over the HTML-like attributes of this tag (no mandatory quotes or `=`).↩
pub fn html_attributes(&self) -> Attributes {↩
Attributes::wrap(&self.buf, self.name_len, true)↩
/// Gets the undecoded raw string with the attributes of this tag as a `&[u8]`,↩
/// including the whitespace after the tag name if there is any.↩
pub fn attributes_raw(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
/// Try to get an attribute↩
pub fn try_get_attribute<N: AsRef<[u8]> + Sized>(↩
&'a self,↩
attr_name: N,↩
) -> Result<Option<Attribute<'a>>> {↩
for a in self.attributes().with_checks(false) {↩
let a = a?;↩
if a.key.as_ref() == attr_name.as_ref() {↩
return Ok(Some(a));↩
impl<'a> Debug for BytesStart<'a> {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {↩
write!(f, "BytesStart {{ buf: ")?;↩
write_cow_string(f, &self.buf)?;↩
write!(f, ", name_len: {} }}", self.name_len)↩
impl<'a> Deref for BytesStart<'a> {↩
type Target = [u8];↩
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]↩
impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for BytesStart<'a> {↩
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {↩
let s = <&str>::arbitrary(u)?;↩
if s.is_empty() || !s.chars().all(char::is_alphanumeric) {↩
return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat);↩
let mut result = Self::new(s);↩
result.extend_attributes(Vec::<(&str, &str)>::arbitrary(u)?.into_iter());↩
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {↩
return <&str as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth);↩
/// An XML declaration (`Event::Decl`).↩
/// [W3C XML 1.1 Prolog and Document Type Declaration](↩
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]↩
pub struct BytesDecl<'a> {↩
content: BytesStart<'a>,↩
impl<'a> BytesDecl<'a> {↩
/// Constructs a new `XmlDecl` from the (mandatory) _version_ (should be `1.0` or `1.1`),↩
/// the optional _encoding_ (e.g., `UTF-8`) and the optional _standalone_ (`yes` or `no`)↩
/// attribute.↩
/// Does not escape any of its inputs. Always uses double quotes to wrap the attribute values.↩
/// The caller is responsible for escaping attribute values. Shouldn't usually be relevant since↩
/// the double quote character is not allowed in any of the attribute values.↩
pub fn new(↩
version: &str,↩
encoding: Option<&str>,↩
standalone: Option<&str>,↩
) -> BytesDecl<'static> {↩
// Compute length of the buffer based on supplied attributes↩
// ' encoding=""' => 12↩
let encoding_attr_len = if let Some(xs) = encoding {↩
12 + xs.len()↩
} else {↩
// ' standalone=""' => 14↩
let standalone_attr_len = if let Some(xs) = standalone {↩
14 + xs.len()↩
} else {↩
// 'xml version=""' => 14↩
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(14 + encoding_attr_len + standalone_attr_len);↩
buf.push_str("xml version=\"");↩
if let Some(encoding_val) = encoding {↩
buf.push_str("\" encoding=\"");↩
if let Some(standalone_val) = standalone {↩
buf.push_str("\" standalone=\"");↩
BytesDecl {↩
content: BytesStart::from_content(buf, 3),↩
/// Creates a `BytesDecl` from a `BytesStart`↩
pub fn from_start(start: BytesStart<'a>) -> Self {↩
Self { content: start }↩
/// Gets xml version, excluding quotes (`'` or `"`).↩
/// According to the [grammar], the version *must* be the first thing in the declaration.↩
/// This method tries to extract the first thing in the declaration and return it.↩
/// In case of multiple attributes value of the first one is returned.↩
/// If version is missed in the declaration, or the first thing is not a version,↩
/// [`Error::XmlDeclWithoutVersion`] will be returned.↩
/// # Examples↩
/// ```↩
/// use quick_xml::Error;↩
/// use quick_xml::events::{BytesDecl, BytesStart};↩
/// // <?xml version='1.1'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" version='1.1'", 0));↩
/// assert_eq!(decl.version().unwrap(), b"1.1".as_ref());↩
/// // <?xml version='1.0' version='1.1'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" version='1.0' version='1.1'", 0));↩
/// assert_eq!(decl.version().unwrap(), b"1.0".as_ref());↩
/// // <?xml encoding='utf-8'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" encoding='utf-8'", 0));↩
/// match decl.version() {↩
/// Err(Error::XmlDeclWithoutVersion(Some(key))) => assert_eq!(key, "encoding"),↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// // <?xml encoding='utf-8' version='1.1'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" encoding='utf-8' version='1.1'", 0));↩
/// match decl.version() {↩
/// Err(Error::XmlDeclWithoutVersion(Some(key))) => assert_eq!(key, "encoding"),↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// // <?xml?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content("", 0));↩
/// match decl.version() {↩
/// Err(Error::XmlDeclWithoutVersion(None)) => {},↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// ```↩
pub fn version(&self) -> Result<Cow<[u8]>> {↩
// The version *must* be the first thing in the declaration.↩
match self.content.attributes().with_checks(false).next() {↩
Some(Ok(a)) if a.key.as_ref() == b"version" => Ok(a.value),↩
// first attribute was not "version"↩
Some(Ok(a)) => {↩
let found = from_utf8(a.key.as_ref())?.to_string();↩
// error parsing attributes↩
Some(Err(e)) => Err(e.into()),↩
// no attributes↩
None => Err(Error::XmlDeclWithoutVersion(None)),↩
/// Gets xml encoding, excluding quotes (`'` or `"`).↩
/// Although according to the [grammar] encoding must appear before `"standalone"`↩
/// and after `"version"`, this method does not check that. The first occurrence↩
/// of the attribute will be returned even if there are several. Also, method does↩
/// not restrict symbols that can forming the encoding, so the returned encoding↩
/// name may not correspond to the grammar.↩
/// # Examples↩
/// ```↩
/// use std::borrow::Cow;↩
/// use quick_xml::Error;↩
/// use quick_xml::events::{BytesDecl, BytesStart};↩
/// // <?xml version='1.1'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" version='1.1'", 0));↩
/// assert!(decl.encoding().is_none());↩
/// // <?xml encoding='utf-8'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" encoding='utf-8'", 0));↩
/// match decl.encoding() {↩
/// Some(Ok(Cow::Borrowed(encoding))) => assert_eq!(encoding, b"utf-8"),↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// // <?xml encoding='something_WRONG' encoding='utf-8'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" encoding='something_WRONG' encoding='utf-8'", 0));↩
/// match decl.encoding() {↩
/// Some(Ok(Cow::Borrowed(encoding))) => assert_eq!(encoding, b"something_WRONG"),↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// ```↩
pub fn encoding(&self) -> Option<Result<Cow<[u8]>>> {↩
.map(|a||a| a.value))↩
/// Gets xml standalone, excluding quotes (`'` or `"`).↩
/// Although according to the [grammar] standalone flag must appear after `"version"`↩
/// and `"encoding"`, this method does not check that. The first occurrence of the↩
/// attribute will be returned even if there are several. Also, method does not↩
/// restrict symbols that can forming the value, so the returned flag name may not↩
/// correspond to the grammar.↩
/// # Examples↩
/// ```↩
/// use std::borrow::Cow;↩
/// use quick_xml::Error;↩
/// use quick_xml::events::{BytesDecl, BytesStart};↩
/// // <?xml version='1.1'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" version='1.1'", 0));↩
/// assert!(decl.standalone().is_none());↩
/// // <?xml standalone='yes'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" standalone='yes'", 0));↩
/// match decl.standalone() {↩
/// Some(Ok(Cow::Borrowed(encoding))) => assert_eq!(encoding, b"yes"),↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// // <?xml standalone='something_WRONG' encoding='utf-8'?>↩
/// let decl = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::from_content(" standalone='something_WRONG' encoding='utf-8'", 0));↩
/// match decl.standalone() {↩
/// Some(Ok(Cow::Borrowed(flag))) => assert_eq!(flag, b"something_WRONG"),↩
/// _ => assert!(false),↩
/// }↩
/// ```↩
pub fn standalone(&self) -> Option<Result<Cow<[u8]>>> {↩
.map(|a||a| a.value))↩
/// Gets the actual encoding using [_get an encoding_](↩
/// algorithm.↩
/// If encoding in not known, or `encoding` key was not found, returns `None`.↩
/// In case of duplicated `encoding` key, encoding, corresponding to the first↩
/// one, is returned.↩
#[cfg(feature = "encoding")]↩
pub fn encoder(&self) -> Option<&'static Encoding> {↩
.and_then(|e| e.ok())↩
.and_then(|e| Encoding::for_label(&e))↩
/// Converts the event into an owned event.↩
pub fn into_owned(self) -> BytesDecl<'static> {↩
BytesDecl {↩
content: self.content.into_owned(),↩
/// Converts the event into a borrowed event.↩
pub fn borrow(&self) -> BytesDecl {↩
BytesDecl {↩
content: self.content.borrow(),↩
impl<'a> Deref for BytesDecl<'a> {↩
type Target = [u8];↩
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]↩
impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for BytesDecl<'a> {↩
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {↩
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {↩
return <&str as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth);↩
/// A struct to manage `Event::End` events↩
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]↩
pub struct BytesEnd<'a> {↩
name: Cow<'a, [u8]>,↩
impl<'a> BytesEnd<'a> {↩
/// Internal constructor, used by `Reader`. Supplies data in reader's encoding↩
pub(crate) fn wrap(name: Cow<'a, [u8]>) -> Self {↩
BytesEnd { name }↩
/// Creates a new `BytesEnd` borrowing a slice.↩
/// # Warning↩
/// `name` must be a valid name.↩
pub fn new<C: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(name: C) -> Self {↩
/// Converts the event into an owned event.↩
pub fn into_owned(self) -> BytesEnd<'static> {↩
BytesEnd {↩
name: Cow::Owned(,↩
/// Converts the event into a borrowed event.↩
pub fn borrow(&self) -> BytesEnd {↩
BytesEnd {↩
name: Cow::Borrowed(&,↩
/// Gets the undecoded raw tag name, as present in the input stream.↩
pub fn name(&self) -> QName {↩
/// Gets the undecoded raw local tag name (excluding namespace) as present↩
/// in the input stream.↩
/// All content up to and including the first `:` character is removed from the tag name.↩
pub fn local_name(&self) -> LocalName {↩↩
impl<'a> Debug for BytesEnd<'a> {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {↩
write!(f, "BytesEnd {{ name: ")?;↩
write_cow_string(f, &;↩
write!(f, " }}")↩
impl<'a> Deref for BytesEnd<'a> {↩
type Target = [u8];↩
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]↩
impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for BytesEnd<'a> {↩
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {↩
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {↩
return <&str as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth);↩
/// Data from various events (most notably, `Event::Text`) that stored in XML↩
/// in escaped form. Internally data is stored in escaped form↩
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]↩
pub struct BytesText<'a> {↩
/// Escaped then encoded content of the event. Content is encoded in the XML↩
/// document encoding when event comes from the reader and should be in the↩
/// document encoding when event passed to the writer↩
content: Cow<'a, [u8]>,↩
/// Encoding in which the `content` is stored inside the event↩
decoder: Decoder,↩
impl<'a> BytesText<'a> {↩
/// Creates a new `BytesText` from an escaped byte sequence in the specified encoding.↩
pub(crate) fn wrap<C: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>>(content: C, decoder: Decoder) -> Self {↩
Self {↩
content: content.into(),↩
/// Creates a new `BytesText` from an escaped string.↩
pub fn from_escaped<C: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(content: C) -> Self {↩
Self::wrap(str_cow_to_bytes(content), Decoder::utf8())↩
/// Creates a new `BytesText` from a string. The string is expected not to↩
/// be escaped.↩
pub fn new(content: &'a str) -> Self {↩
/// Ensures that all data is owned to extend the object's lifetime if↩
/// necessary.↩
pub fn into_owned(self) -> BytesText<'static> {↩
BytesText {↩
content: self.content.into_owned().into(),↩
decoder: self.decoder,↩
/// Extracts the inner `Cow` from the `BytesText` event container.↩
pub fn into_inner(self) -> Cow<'a, [u8]> {↩
/// Converts the event into a borrowed event.↩
pub fn borrow(&self) -> BytesText {↩
BytesText {↩
content: Cow::Borrowed(&self.content),↩
decoder: self.decoder,↩
/// Decodes then unescapes the content of the event.↩
/// This will allocate if the value contains any escape sequences or in↩
/// non-UTF-8 encoding.↩
pub fn unescape(&self) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>> {↩
self.unescape_with(|_| None)↩
/// Decodes then unescapes the content of the event with custom entities.↩
/// This will allocate if the value contains any escape sequences or in↩
/// non-UTF-8 encoding.↩
pub fn unescape_with<'entity>(↩
resolve_entity: impl FnMut(&str) -> Option<&'entity str>,↩
) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>> {↩
let decoded = match &self.content {↩
Cow::Borrowed(bytes) => self.decoder.decode(bytes)?,↩
// Convert to owned, because otherwise Cow will be bound with wrong lifetime↩
Cow::Owned(bytes) => self.decoder.decode(bytes)?.into_owned().into(),↩
match unescape_with(&decoded, resolve_entity)? {↩
// Because result is borrowed, no replacements was done and we can use original string↩
Cow::Borrowed(_) => Ok(decoded),↩
Cow::Owned(s) => Ok(s.into()),↩
/// Removes leading XML whitespace bytes from text content.↩
/// Returns `true` if content is empty after that↩
pub fn inplace_trim_start(&mut self) -> bool {↩
self.content = trim_cow(↩
replace(&mut self.content, Cow::Borrowed(b"")),↩
/// Removes trailing XML whitespace bytes from text content.↩
/// Returns `true` if content is empty after that↩
pub fn inplace_trim_end(&mut self) -> bool {↩
self.content = trim_cow(replace(&mut self.content, Cow::Borrowed(b"")), trim_xml_end);↩
impl<'a> Debug for BytesText<'a> {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {↩
write!(f, "BytesText {{ content: ")?;↩
write_cow_string(f, &self.content)?;↩
write!(f, " }}")↩
impl<'a> Deref for BytesText<'a> {↩
type Target = [u8];↩
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]↩
impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for BytesText<'a> {↩
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {↩
let s = <&str>::arbitrary(u)?;↩
if !s.chars().all(char::is_alphanumeric) {↩
return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat);↩
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {↩
return <&str as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth);↩
/// CDATA content contains unescaped data from the reader. If you want to write them as a text,↩
/// [convert](Self::escape) it to [`BytesText`]↩
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]↩
pub struct BytesCData<'a> {↩
content: Cow<'a, [u8]>,↩
/// Encoding in which the `content` is stored inside the event↩
decoder: Decoder,↩
impl<'a> BytesCData<'a> {↩
/// Creates a new `BytesCData` from a byte sequence in the specified encoding.↩
pub(crate) fn wrap<C: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>>(content: C, decoder: Decoder) -> Self {↩
Self {↩
content: content.into(),↩
/// Creates a new `BytesCData` from a string.↩
/// # Warning↩
/// `content` must not contain the `]]>` sequence.↩
pub fn new<C: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(content: C) -> Self {↩
Self::wrap(str_cow_to_bytes(content), Decoder::utf8())↩
/// Ensures that all data is owned to extend the object's lifetime if↩
/// necessary.↩
pub fn into_owned(self) -> BytesCData<'static> {↩
BytesCData {↩
content: self.content.into_owned().into(),↩
decoder: self.decoder,↩
/// Extracts the inner `Cow` from the `BytesCData` event container.↩
pub fn into_inner(self) -> Cow<'a, [u8]> {↩
/// Converts the event into a borrowed event.↩
pub fn borrow(&self) -> BytesCData {↩
BytesCData {↩
content: Cow::Borrowed(&self.content),↩
decoder: self.decoder,↩
/// Converts this CDATA content to an escaped version, that can be written↩
/// as an usual text in XML.↩
/// This function performs following replacements:↩
/// | Character | Replacement↩
/// |-----------|------------↩
/// | `<` | `&lt;`↩
/// | `>` | `&gt;`↩
/// | `&` | `&amp;`↩
/// | `'` | `&apos;`↩
/// | `"` | `&quot;`↩
pub fn escape(self) -> Result<BytesText<'a>> {↩
let decoded = self.decode()?;↩
match escape(&decoded) {↩
// Because result is borrowed, no replacements was done and we can use original content↩
Cow::Borrowed(_) => self.content,↩
Cow::Owned(escaped) => Cow::Owned(escaped.into_bytes()),↩
/// Converts this CDATA content to an escaped version, that can be written↩
/// as an usual text in XML.↩
/// In XML text content, it is allowed (though not recommended) to leave↩
/// the quote special characters `"` and `'` unescaped.↩
/// This function performs following replacements:↩
/// | Character | Replacement↩
/// |-----------|------------↩
/// | `<` | `&lt;`↩
/// | `>` | `&gt;`↩
/// | `&` | `&amp;`↩
pub fn partial_escape(self) -> Result<BytesText<'a>> {↩
let decoded = self.decode()?;↩
match partial_escape(&decoded) {↩
// Because result is borrowed, no replacements was done and we can use original content↩
Cow::Borrowed(_) => self.content,↩
Cow::Owned(escaped) => Cow::Owned(escaped.into_bytes()),↩
/// Gets content of this text buffer in the specified encoding↩
pub(crate) fn decode(&self) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>> {↩
Ok(match &self.content {↩
Cow::Borrowed(bytes) => self.decoder.decode(bytes)?,↩
// Convert to owned, because otherwise Cow will be bound with wrong lifetime↩
Cow::Owned(bytes) => self.decoder.decode(bytes)?.into_owned().into(),↩
impl<'a> Debug for BytesCData<'a> {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {↩
write!(f, "BytesCData {{ content: ")?;↩
write_cow_string(f, &self.content)?;↩
write!(f, " }}")↩
impl<'a> Deref for BytesCData<'a> {↩
type Target = [u8];↩
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]↩
impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for BytesCData<'a> {↩
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {↩
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {↩
return <&str as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth);↩
/// Event emitted by [`Reader::read_event_into`].↩
/// [`Reader::read_event_into`]: crate::reader::Reader::read_event_into↩
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]↩
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]↩
pub enum Event<'a> {↩
/// Start tag (with attributes) `<tag attr="value">`.↩
/// End tag `</tag>`.↩
/// Empty element tag (with attributes) `<tag attr="value" />`.↩
/// Escaped character data between tags.↩
/// Unescaped character data stored in `<![CDATA[...]]>`.↩
/// Comment `<!-- ... -->`.↩
/// XML declaration `<?xml ...?>`.↩
/// Processing instruction `<?...?>`.↩
/// Document type definition data (DTD) stored in `<!DOCTYPE ...>`.↩
/// End of XML document.↩
impl<'a> Event<'a> {↩
/// Converts the event to an owned version, untied to the lifetime of↩
/// buffer used when reading but incurring a new, separate allocation.↩
pub fn into_owned(self) -> Event<'static> {↩
match self {↩
Event::Start(e) => Event::Start(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::End(e) => Event::End(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::Empty(e) => Event::Empty(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::Text(e) => Event::Text(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::Comment(e) => Event::Comment(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::CData(e) => Event::CData(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::Decl(e) => Event::Decl(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::PI(e) => Event::PI(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::DocType(e) => Event::DocType(e.into_owned()),↩
Event::Eof => Event::Eof,↩
/// Converts the event into a borrowed event.↩
pub fn borrow(&self) -> Event {↩
match self {↩
Event::Start(e) => Event::Start(e.borrow()),↩
Event::End(e) => Event::End(e.borrow()),↩
Event::Empty(e) => Event::Empty(e.borrow()),↩
Event::Text(e) => Event::Text(e.borrow()),↩
Event::Comment(e) => Event::Comment(e.borrow()),↩
Event::CData(e) => Event::CData(e.borrow()),↩
Event::Decl(e) => Event::Decl(e.borrow()),↩
Event::PI(e) => Event::PI(e.borrow()),↩
Event::DocType(e) => Event::DocType(e.borrow()),↩
Event::Eof => Event::Eof,↩
impl<'a> Deref for Event<'a> {↩
type Target = [u8];↩
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {↩
match *self {↩
Event::Start(ref e) | Event::Empty(ref e) => e,↩
Event::End(ref e) => e,↩
Event::Text(ref e) => e,↩
Event::Decl(ref e) => e,↩
Event::PI(ref e) => e,↩
Event::CData(ref e) => e,↩
Event::Comment(ref e) => e,↩
Event::DocType(ref e) => e,↩
Event::Eof => &[],↩
impl<'a> AsRef<Event<'a>> for Event<'a> {↩
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Event<'a> {↩
fn str_cow_to_bytes<'a, C: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(content: C) -> Cow<'a, [u8]> {↩
match content.into() {↩
Cow::Borrowed(s) => Cow::Borrowed(s.as_bytes()),↩
Cow::Owned(s) => Cow::Owned(s.into_bytes()),↩
/// Returns a byte slice with leading XML whitespace bytes removed.↩
/// 'Whitespace' refers to the definition used by [`is_whitespace`].↩
const fn trim_xml_start(mut bytes: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {↩
// Note: A pattern matching based approach (instead of indexing) allows↩
// making the function const.↩
while let [first, rest @ ..] = bytes {↩
if is_whitespace(*first) {↩
bytes = rest;↩
} else {↩
/// Returns a byte slice with trailing XML whitespace bytes removed.↩
/// 'Whitespace' refers to the definition used by [`is_whitespace`].↩
const fn trim_xml_end(mut bytes: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {↩
// Note: A pattern matching based approach (instead of indexing) allows↩
// making the function const.↩
while let [rest @ .., last] = bytes {↩
if is_whitespace(*last) {↩
bytes = rest;↩
} else {↩
fn trim_cow<'a, F>(value: Cow<'a, [u8]>, trim: F) -> Cow<'a, [u8]>↩
F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> &[u8],↩
match value {↩
Cow::Borrowed(bytes) => Cow::Borrowed(trim(bytes)),↩
Cow::Owned(mut bytes) => {↩
let trimmed = trim(&bytes);↩
if trimmed.len() != bytes.len() {↩
bytes = trimmed.to_vec();↩
mod test {↩
use super::*;↩
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;↩
fn bytestart_create() {↩
let b = BytesStart::new("test");↩
assert_eq!(b.len(), 4);↩
assert_eq!(, QName(b"test"));↩
fn bytestart_set_name() {↩
let mut b = BytesStart::new("test");↩
assert_eq!(b.len(), 4);↩
assert_eq!(, QName(b"test"));↩
assert_eq!(b.attributes_raw(), b"");↩
b.push_attribute(("x", "a"));↩
assert_eq!(b.len(), 10);↩
assert_eq!(b.attributes_raw(), b" x=\"a\"");↩
assert_eq!(b.len(), 7);↩
assert_eq!(, QName(b"g"));↩
fn bytestart_clear_attributes() {↩
let mut b = BytesStart::new("test");↩
b.push_attribute(("x", "y\"z"));↩
b.push_attribute(("x", "y\"z"));↩
assert_eq!(b.len(), 4);↩
assert_eq!(, QName(b"test"));↩