Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Error};
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
use syn::{parse_str, Expr, ExprLit, Ident, Index, Lit, LitByteStr, Meta, MetaNameValue, Path};
use crate::field::{bool_attr, set_option, tag_attr, Label};
/// A scalar protobuf field.
pub struct Field {
pub ty: Ty,
pub kind: Kind,
pub tag: u32,
impl Field {
pub fn new(attrs: &[Meta], inferred_tag: Option<u32>) -> Result<Option<Field>, Error> {
let mut ty = None;
let mut label = None;
let mut packed = None;
let mut default = None;
let mut tag = None;
let mut unknown_attrs = Vec::new();
for attr in attrs {
if let Some(t) = Ty::from_attr(attr)? {
set_option(&mut ty, t, "duplicate type attributes")?;
} else if let Some(p) = bool_attr("packed", attr)? {
set_option(&mut packed, p, "duplicate packed attributes")?;
} else if let Some(t) = tag_attr(attr)? {
set_option(&mut tag, t, "duplicate tag attributes")?;
} else if let Some(l) = Label::from_attr(attr) {
set_option(&mut label, l, "duplicate label attributes")?;
} else if let Some(d) = DefaultValue::from_attr(attr)? {
set_option(&mut default, d, "duplicate default attributes")?;
} else {
let ty = match ty {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => return Ok(None),
match unknown_attrs.len() {
0 => (),
1 => bail!("unknown attribute: {:?}", unknown_attrs[0]),
_ => bail!("unknown attributes: {:?}", unknown_attrs),
let tag = match tag.or(inferred_tag) {
Some(tag) => tag,
None => bail!("missing tag attribute"),
let has_default = default.is_some();
let default = default.map_or_else(
|| Ok(DefaultValue::new(&ty)),
|lit| DefaultValue::from_lit(&ty, lit),
let kind = match (label, packed, has_default) {
(None, Some(true), _)
| (Some(Label::Optional), Some(true), _)
| (Some(Label::Required), Some(true), _) => {
bail!("packed attribute may only be applied to repeated fields");
(Some(Label::Repeated), Some(true), _) if !ty.is_numeric() => {
bail!("packed attribute may only be applied to numeric types");
(Some(Label::Repeated), _, true) => {
bail!("repeated fields may not have a default value");
(None, _, _) => Kind::Plain(default),
(Some(Label::Optional), _, _) => Kind::Optional(default),
(Some(Label::Required), _, _) => Kind::Required(default),
(Some(Label::Repeated), packed, false) if packed.unwrap_or_else(|| ty.is_numeric()) => {
(Some(Label::Repeated), _, false) => Kind::Repeated,
Ok(Some(Field { ty, kind, tag }))
pub fn new_oneof(attrs: &[Meta]) -> Result<Option<Field>, Error> {
if let Some(mut field) = Field::new(attrs, None)? {
match field.kind {
Kind::Plain(default) => {
field.kind = Kind::Required(default);
Kind::Optional(..) => bail!("invalid optional attribute on oneof field"),
Kind::Required(..) => bail!("invalid required attribute on oneof field"),
Kind::Packed | Kind::Repeated => bail!("invalid repeated attribute on oneof field"),
} else {
pub fn encode(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let module = self.ty.module();
let encode_fn = match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(..) | Kind::Optional(..) | Kind::Required(..) => quote!(encode),
Kind::Repeated => quote!(encode_repeated),
Kind::Packed => quote!(encode_packed),
let encode_fn = quote!(::prost::encoding::#module::#encode_fn);
let tag = self.tag;
match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(ref default) => {
let default = default.typed();
quote! {
if #ident != #default {
#encode_fn(#tag, &#ident, buf);
Kind::Optional(..) => quote! {
if let ::core::option::Option::Some(ref value) = #ident {
#encode_fn(#tag, value, buf);
Kind::Required(..) | Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => quote! {
#encode_fn(#tag, &#ident, buf);
/// Returns an expression which evaluates to the result of merging a decoded
/// scalar value into the field.
pub fn merge(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let module = self.ty.module();
let merge_fn = match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(..) | Kind::Optional(..) | Kind::Required(..) => quote!(merge),
Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => quote!(merge_repeated),
let merge_fn = quote!(::prost::encoding::#module::#merge_fn);
match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(..) | Kind::Required(..) | Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => quote! {
#merge_fn(wire_type, #ident, buf, ctx)
Kind::Optional(..) => quote! {
/// Returns an expression which evaluates to the encoded length of the field.
pub fn encoded_len(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let module = self.ty.module();
let encoded_len_fn = match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(..) | Kind::Optional(..) | Kind::Required(..) => quote!(encoded_len),
Kind::Repeated => quote!(encoded_len_repeated),
Kind::Packed => quote!(encoded_len_packed),
let encoded_len_fn = quote!(::prost::encoding::#module::#encoded_len_fn);
let tag = self.tag;
match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(ref default) => {
let default = default.typed();
quote! {
if #ident != #default {
#encoded_len_fn(#tag, &#ident)
} else {
Kind::Optional(..) => quote! {
#ident.as_ref().map_or(0, |value| #encoded_len_fn(#tag, value))
Kind::Required(..) | Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => quote! {
#encoded_len_fn(#tag, &#ident)
pub fn clear(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(ref default) | Kind::Required(ref default) => {
let default = default.typed();
match self.ty {
Ty::String | Ty::Bytes(..) => quote!(#ident.clear()),
_ => quote!(#ident = #default),
Kind::Optional(_) => quote!(#ident = ::core::option::Option::None),
Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => quote!(#ident.clear()),
/// Returns an expression which evaluates to the default value of the field.
pub fn default(&self) -> TokenStream {
match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(ref value) | Kind::Required(ref value) => value.owned(),
Kind::Optional(_) => quote!(::core::option::Option::None),
Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => quote!(::prost::alloc::vec::Vec::new()),
/// An inner debug wrapper, around the base type.
fn debug_inner(&self, wrap_name: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
if let Ty::Enumeration(ref ty) = self.ty {
quote! {
struct #wrap_name<'a>(&'a i32);
impl<'a> ::core::fmt::Debug for #wrap_name<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
let res: ::core::result::Result<#ty, _> = ::core::convert::TryFrom::try_from(*self.0);
match res {
Err(_) => ::core::fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f),
Ok(en) => ::core::fmt::Debug::fmt(&en, f),
} else {
quote! {
fn #wrap_name<T>(v: T) -> T { v }
/// Returns a fragment for formatting the field `ident` in `Debug`.
pub fn debug(&self, wrapper_name: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let wrapper = self.debug_inner(quote!(Inner));
let inner_ty = self.ty.rust_type();
match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(_) | Kind::Required(_) => self.debug_inner(wrapper_name),
Kind::Optional(_) => quote! {
struct #wrapper_name<'a>(&'a ::core::option::Option<#inner_ty>);
impl<'a> ::core::fmt::Debug for #wrapper_name<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
::core::fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0.as_ref().map(Inner), f)
Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => {
quote! {
struct #wrapper_name<'a>(&'a ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<#inner_ty>);
impl<'a> ::core::fmt::Debug for #wrapper_name<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
let mut vec_builder = f.debug_list();
for v in self.0 {
/// Returns methods to embed in the message.
pub fn methods(&self, ident: &TokenStream) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let mut ident_str = ident.to_string();
if ident_str.starts_with("r#") {
ident_str = ident_str[2..].to_owned();
// Prepend `get_` for getter methods of tuple structs.
let get = match syn::parse_str::<Index>(&ident_str) {
Ok(index) => {
let get = Ident::new(&format!("get_{}", index.index), Span::call_site());
Err(_) => quote!(#ident),
if let Ty::Enumeration(ref ty) = self.ty {
let set = Ident::new(&format!("set_{}", ident_str), Span::call_site());
let set_doc = format!("Sets `{}` to the provided enum value.", ident_str);
Some(match self.kind {
Kind::Plain(ref default) | Kind::Required(ref default) => {
let get_doc = format!(
"Returns the enum value of `{}`, \
or the default if the field is set to an invalid enum value.",
quote! {
pub fn #get(&self) -> #ty {
pub fn #set(&mut self, value: #ty) {
self.#ident = value as i32;
Kind::Optional(ref default) => {
let get_doc = format!(
"Returns the enum value of `{}`, \
or the default if the field is unset or set to an invalid enum value.",
quote! {
pub fn #get(&self) -> #ty {
self.#ident.and_then(|x| {
let result: ::core::result::Result<#ty, _> = ::core::convert::TryFrom::try_from(x);
pub fn #set(&mut self, value: #ty) {
self.#ident = ::core::option::Option::Some(value as i32);
Kind::Repeated | Kind::Packed => {
let iter_doc = format!(
"Returns an iterator which yields the valid enum values contained in `{}`.",
let push = Ident::new(&format!("push_{}", ident_str), Span::call_site());
let push_doc = format!("Appends the provided enum value to `{}`.", ident_str);
quote! {
pub fn #get(&self) -> ::core::iter::FilterMap<
fn(i32) -> ::core::option::Option<#ty>,
> {
self.#ident.iter().cloned().filter_map(|x| {
let result: ::core::result::Result<#ty, _> = ::core::convert::TryFrom::try_from(x);
pub fn #push(&mut self, value: #ty) {
self.#ident.push(value as i32);
} else if let Kind::Optional(ref default) = self.kind {
let ty = self.ty.rust_ref_type();
let match_some = if self.ty.is_numeric() {
quote!(::core::option::Option::Some(val) => val,)
} else {
quote!(::core::option::Option::Some(ref val) => &val[..],)
let get_doc = format!(
"Returns the value of `{0}`, or the default value if `{0}` is unset.",
Some(quote! {
pub fn #get(&self) -> #ty {
match self.#ident {
::core::option::Option::None => #default,
} else {
/// A scalar protobuf field type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Ty {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BytesTy {
impl BytesTy {
fn try_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match s {
"vec" => Ok(BytesTy::Vec),
"bytes" => Ok(BytesTy::Bytes),
_ => bail!("Invalid bytes type: {}", s),
fn rust_type(&self) -> TokenStream {
match self {
BytesTy::Vec => quote! { ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8> },
BytesTy::Bytes => quote! { ::prost::bytes::Bytes },
impl Ty {
pub fn from_attr(attr: &Meta) -> Result<Option<Ty>, Error> {
let ty = match *attr {
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("float") => Ty::Float,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("double") => Ty::Double,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("int32") => Ty::Int32,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("int64") => Ty::Int64,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("uint32") => Ty::Uint32,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("uint64") => Ty::Uint64,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("sint32") => Ty::Sint32,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("sint64") => Ty::Sint64,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("fixed32") => Ty::Fixed32,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("fixed64") => Ty::Fixed64,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("sfixed32") => Ty::Sfixed32,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("sfixed64") => Ty::Sfixed64,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("bool") => Ty::Bool,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("string") => Ty::String,
Meta::Path(ref name) if name.is_ident("bytes") => Ty::Bytes(BytesTy::Vec),
Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue {
ref path,
Expr::Lit(ExprLit {
lit: Lit::Str(ref l),
}) if path.is_ident("bytes") => Ty::Bytes(BytesTy::try_from_str(&l.value())?),
Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue {
ref path,
Expr::Lit(ExprLit {
lit: Lit::Str(ref l),
}) if path.is_ident("enumeration") => Ty::Enumeration(parse_str::<Path>(&l.value())?),
Meta::List(ref meta_list) if meta_list.path.is_ident("enumeration") => {
_ => return Ok(None),
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Ty, Error> {
let enumeration_len = "enumeration".len();
let error = Err(anyhow!("invalid type: {}", s));
let ty = match s.trim() {
"float" => Ty::Float,
"double" => Ty::Double,
"int32" => Ty::Int32,
"int64" => Ty::Int64,
"uint32" => Ty::Uint32,
"uint64" => Ty::Uint64,
"sint32" => Ty::Sint32,
"sint64" => Ty::Sint64,
"fixed32" => Ty::Fixed32,
"fixed64" => Ty::Fixed64,
"sfixed32" => Ty::Sfixed32,
"sfixed64" => Ty::Sfixed64,
"bool" => Ty::Bool,
"string" => Ty::String,
"bytes" => Ty::Bytes(BytesTy::Vec),
s if s.len() > enumeration_len && &s[..enumeration_len] == "enumeration" => {
let s = &s[enumeration_len..].trim();
match s.chars().next() {
Some('<') | Some('(') => (),
_ => return error,
match s.chars().next_back() {
Some('>') | Some(')') => (),
_ => return error,
Ty::Enumeration(parse_str::<Path>(s[1..s.len() - 1].trim())?)
_ => return error,
/// Returns the type as it appears in protobuf field declarations.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Ty::Double => "double",
Ty::Float => "float",
Ty::Int32 => "int32",
Ty::Int64 => "int64",
Ty::Uint32 => "uint32",
Ty::Uint64 => "uint64",
Ty::Sint32 => "sint32",
Ty::Sint64 => "sint64",
Ty::Fixed32 => "fixed32",
Ty::Fixed64 => "fixed64",
Ty::Sfixed32 => "sfixed32",
Ty::Sfixed64 => "sfixed64",
Ty::Bool => "bool",
Ty::String => "string",
Ty::Bytes(..) => "bytes",
Ty::Enumeration(..) => "enum",
// TODO: rename to 'owned_type'.
pub fn rust_type(&self) -> TokenStream {
match self {
Ty::String => quote!(::prost::alloc::string::String),
Ty::Bytes(ty) => ty.rust_type(),
_ => self.rust_ref_type(),
// TODO: rename to 'ref_type'
pub fn rust_ref_type(&self) -> TokenStream {
match *self {
Ty::Double => quote!(f64),
Ty::Float => quote!(f32),
Ty::Int32 => quote!(i32),
Ty::Int64 => quote!(i64),
Ty::Uint32 => quote!(u32),
Ty::Uint64 => quote!(u64),
Ty::Sint32 => quote!(i32),
Ty::Sint64 => quote!(i64),
Ty::Fixed32 => quote!(u32),
Ty::Fixed64 => quote!(u64),
Ty::Sfixed32 => quote!(i32),
Ty::Sfixed64 => quote!(i64),
Ty::Bool => quote!(bool),
Ty::String => quote!(&str),
Ty::Bytes(..) => quote!(&[u8]),
Ty::Enumeration(..) => quote!(i32),
pub fn module(&self) -> Ident {
match *self {
Ty::Enumeration(..) => Ident::new("int32", Span::call_site()),
_ => Ident::new(self.as_str(), Span::call_site()),
/// Returns false if the scalar type is length delimited (i.e., `string` or `bytes`).
pub fn is_numeric(&self) -> bool {
!matches!(self, Ty::String | Ty::Bytes(..))
impl fmt::Debug for Ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Display for Ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Scalar Protobuf field types.
pub enum Kind {
/// A plain proto3 scalar field.
/// An optional scalar field.
/// A required proto2 scalar field.
/// A repeated scalar field.
/// A packed repeated scalar field.
/// Scalar Protobuf field default value.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DefaultValue {
impl DefaultValue {
pub fn from_attr(attr: &Meta) -> Result<Option<Lit>, Error> {
if !attr.path().is_ident("default") {
} else if let Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue {
value: Expr::Lit(ExprLit { ref lit, .. }),
}) = *attr
} else {
bail!("invalid default value attribute: {:?}", attr)
pub fn from_lit(ty: &Ty, lit: Lit) -> Result<DefaultValue, Error> {
let is_i32 = *ty == Ty::Int32 || *ty == Ty::Sint32 || *ty == Ty::Sfixed32;
let is_i64 = *ty == Ty::Int64 || *ty == Ty::Sint64 || *ty == Ty::Sfixed64;
let is_u32 = *ty == Ty::Uint32 || *ty == Ty::Fixed32;
let is_u64 = *ty == Ty::Uint64 || *ty == Ty::Fixed64;
let empty_or_is = |expected, actual: &str| expected == actual || actual.is_empty();
let default = match lit {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if is_i32 && empty_or_is("i32", lit.suffix()) => {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if is_i64 && empty_or_is("i64", lit.suffix()) => {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if is_u32 && empty_or_is("u32", lit.suffix()) => {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if is_u64 && empty_or_is("u64", lit.suffix()) => {
Lit::Float(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Float && empty_or_is("f32", lit.suffix()) => {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Float => DefaultValue::F32(lit.base10_parse()?),
Lit::Float(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Double && empty_or_is("f64", lit.suffix()) => {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Double => DefaultValue::F64(lit.base10_parse()?),
Lit::Bool(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Bool => DefaultValue::Bool(lit.value),
Lit::Str(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::String => DefaultValue::String(lit.value()),
Lit::ByteStr(ref lit)
if *ty == Ty::Bytes(BytesTy::Bytes) || *ty == Ty::Bytes(BytesTy::Vec) =>
Lit::Str(ref lit) => {
let value = lit.value();
let value = value.trim();
if let Ty::Enumeration(ref path) = *ty {
let variant = Ident::new(value, Span::call_site());
return Ok(DefaultValue::Enumeration(quote!(#path::#variant)));
// Parse special floating point values.
if *ty == Ty::Float {
match value {
"inf" => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::Path(parse_str::<Path>(
"-inf" => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::Path(parse_str::<Path>(
"nan" => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::Path(parse_str::<Path>("::core::f32::NAN")?));
_ => (),
if *ty == Ty::Double {
match value {
"inf" => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::Path(parse_str::<Path>(
"-inf" => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::Path(parse_str::<Path>(
"nan" => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::Path(parse_str::<Path>("::core::f64::NAN")?));
_ => (),
// Rust doesn't have a negative literals, so they have to be parsed specially.
if let Some(Ok(lit)) = value.strip_prefix('-').map(syn::parse_str::<Lit>) {
match lit {
Lit::Int(ref lit) if is_i32 && empty_or_is("i32", lit.suffix()) => {
// Initially parse into an i64, so that i32::MIN does not overflow.
let value: i64 = -lit.base10_parse()?;
return Ok(i32::try_from(value).map(DefaultValue::I32)?);
Lit::Int(ref lit) if is_i64 && empty_or_is("i64", lit.suffix()) => {
// Initially parse into an i128, so that i64::MIN does not overflow.
let value: i128 = -lit.base10_parse()?;
return Ok(i64::try_from(value).map(DefaultValue::I64)?);
Lit::Float(ref lit)
if *ty == Ty::Float && empty_or_is("f32", lit.suffix()) =>
return Ok(DefaultValue::F32(-lit.base10_parse()?));
Lit::Float(ref lit)
if *ty == Ty::Double && empty_or_is("f64", lit.suffix()) =>
return Ok(DefaultValue::F64(-lit.base10_parse()?));
Lit::Int(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Float && lit.suffix().is_empty() => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::F32(-lit.base10_parse()?));
Lit::Int(ref lit) if *ty == Ty::Double && lit.suffix().is_empty() => {
return Ok(DefaultValue::F64(-lit.base10_parse()?));
_ => (),
match syn::parse_str::<Lit>(value) {
Ok(Lit::Str(_)) => (),
Ok(lit) => return DefaultValue::from_lit(ty, lit),
_ => (),
bail!("invalid default value: {}", quote!(#value));
_ => bail!("invalid default value: {}", quote!(#lit)),
pub fn new(ty: &Ty) -> DefaultValue {
match *ty {
Ty::Float => DefaultValue::F32(0.0),
Ty::Double => DefaultValue::F64(0.0),
Ty::Int32 | Ty::Sint32 | Ty::Sfixed32 => DefaultValue::I32(0),
Ty::Int64 | Ty::Sint64 | Ty::Sfixed64 => DefaultValue::I64(0),
Ty::Uint32 | Ty::Fixed32 => DefaultValue::U32(0),
Ty::Uint64 | Ty::Fixed64 => DefaultValue::U64(0),
Ty::Bool => DefaultValue::Bool(false),
Ty::String => DefaultValue::String(String::new()),
Ty::Bytes(..) => DefaultValue::Bytes(Vec::new()),
Ty::Enumeration(ref path) => DefaultValue::Enumeration(quote!(#path::default())),
pub fn owned(&self) -> TokenStream {
match *self {
DefaultValue::String(ref value) if value.is_empty() => {
DefaultValue::String(ref value) => quote!(#value.into()),
DefaultValue::Bytes(ref value) if value.is_empty() => {
DefaultValue::Bytes(ref value) => {
let lit = LitByteStr::new(value, Span::call_site());
ref other => other.typed(),
pub fn typed(&self) -> TokenStream {
if let DefaultValue::Enumeration(_) = *self {
quote!(#self as i32)
} else {
impl ToTokens for DefaultValue {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
match *self {
DefaultValue::F64(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::F32(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::I32(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::I64(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::U32(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::U64(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::Bool(value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::String(ref value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::Bytes(ref value) => {
let byte_str = LitByteStr::new(value, Span::call_site());
tokens.append_all(quote!(#byte_str as &[u8]));
DefaultValue::Enumeration(ref value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),
DefaultValue::Path(ref value) => value.to_tokens(tokens),