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// The suggested fix with `str::parse` removes support for Rust 1.48
#![deny(broken_intra_doc_links, invalid_html_tags)]
//! This crate provides to an interface into the linux `procfs` filesystem, usually mounted at
//! `/proc`.
//! This is a pseudo-filesystem which is available on most every linux system and provides an
//! interface to kernel data structures.
//! # `procfs-core`
//! The `procfs-core` crate is a fully platform-independent crate that contains most of the data-structures and
//! parsing code. Most people should first look at the `procfs` crate instead.
use bitflags::bitflags;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Read};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration};
#[cfg(feature = "serde1")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Types which can be parsed from a Read implementation.
pub trait FromRead: Sized {
/// Read the type from a Read.
fn from_read<R: Read>(r: R) -> ProcResult<Self>;
/// Read the type from a file.
fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> ProcResult<Self> {
.map_err(|e| e.into())
.and_then(|f| Self::from_read(f))
.map_err(|e| e.error_path(path.as_ref()))
/// Types which can be parsed from a BufRead implementation.
pub trait FromBufRead: Sized {
fn from_buf_read<R: BufRead>(r: R) -> ProcResult<Self>;
impl<T: FromBufRead> FromRead for T {
fn from_read<R: Read>(r: R) -> ProcResult<Self> {
/// Types which can be parsed from a Read implementation and system info.
pub trait FromReadSI: Sized {
/// Parse the type from a Read and system info.
fn from_read<R: Read>(r: R, system_info: &SystemInfo) -> ProcResult<Self>;
/// Parse the type from a file.
fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, system_info: &SystemInfo) -> ProcResult<Self> {
.map_err(|e| e.into())
.and_then(|f| Self::from_read(f, system_info))
.map_err(|e| e.error_path(path.as_ref()))
/// Types which can be parsed from a BufRead implementation and system info.
pub trait FromBufReadSI: Sized {
fn from_buf_read<R: BufRead>(r: R, system_info: &SystemInfo) -> ProcResult<Self>;
impl<T: FromBufReadSI> FromReadSI for T {
fn from_read<R: Read>(r: R, system_info: &SystemInfo) -> ProcResult<Self> {
Self::from_buf_read(BufReader::new(r), system_info)
/// Extension traits useful for importing wholesale.
pub mod prelude {
pub use super::{FromBufRead, FromBufReadSI, FromRead, FromReadSI};
pub trait IntoOption<T> {
fn into_option(t: Self) -> Option<T>;
impl<T> IntoOption<T> for Option<T> {
fn into_option(t: Option<T>) -> Option<T> {
impl<T, R> IntoOption<T> for Result<T, R> {
fn into_option(t: Result<T, R>) -> Option<T> {
pub trait IntoResult<T, E> {
fn into(t: Self) -> Result<T, E>;
macro_rules! build_internal_error {
($err: expr) => {
crate::ProcError::InternalError(crate::InternalError {
msg: format!("Internal Unwrap Error: {}", $err),
file: file!(),
line: line!(),
#[cfg(feature = "backtrace")]
backtrace: backtrace::Backtrace::new(),
($err: expr, $msg: expr) => {
crate::ProcError::InternalError(crate::InternalError {
msg: format!("Internal Unwrap Error: {}: {}", $msg, $err),
file: file!(),
line: line!(),
#[cfg(feature = "backtrace")]
backtrace: backtrace::Backtrace::new(),
// custom NoneError, since std::option::NoneError is nightly-only
pub struct NoneError;
impl std::fmt::Display for NoneError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "NoneError")
impl<T> IntoResult<T, NoneError> for Option<T> {
fn into(t: Option<T>) -> Result<T, NoneError> {
impl<T, E> IntoResult<T, E> for Result<T, E> {
fn into(t: Result<T, E>) -> Result<T, E> {
macro_rules! proc_panic {
($e:expr) => {
crate::IntoOption::into_option($e).unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Failed to unwrap {}. Please report this as a procfs bug.",
($e:expr, $msg:expr) => {
crate::IntoOption::into_option($e).unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Failed to unwrap {} ({}). Please report this as a procfs bug.",
macro_rules! expect {
($e:expr) => {
match crate::IntoResult::into($e) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return Err(crate::build_internal_error!(e)),
($e:expr, $msg:expr) => {
match crate::IntoResult::into($e) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return Err(crate::build_internal_error!(e, $msg)),
macro_rules! from_str {
($t:tt, $e:expr) => {{
let e = $e;
$t::from_str_radix(e, 10),
format!("Failed to parse {} ({:?}) as a {}", stringify!($e), e, stringify!($t),)
($t:tt, $e:expr, $radix:expr) => {{
let e = $e;
$t::from_str_radix(e, $radix),
format!("Failed to parse {} ({:?}) as a {}", stringify!($e), e, stringify!($t))
($t:tt, $e:expr, $radix:expr, pid:$pid:expr) => {{
let e = $e;
$t::from_str_radix(e, $radix),
"Failed to parse {} ({:?}) as a {} (pid {})",
/// Auxiliary system information interface.
/// A few function in this crate require some extra system info to compute their results. For example,
/// the [crate::process::Stat::rss_bytes()] function needs to know the page size. Since `procfs-core` only parses
/// data and never interacts with a real system, this `SystemInfoInterface` is what allows real system info to be used.
/// If you are a user of the `procfs` crate, you'll normally use the `[procfs::WithCurrentSystemInfo]` trait.
/// For example:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// use procfs::WithCurrentSystemInfo;
/// let me = procfs::process::Process::myself().unwrap();
/// let stat = me.stat().unwrap();
/// let bytes = stat.rss_bytes().get();
/// ```
/// However, imagine that you captured a process's stat info, along with page size:
/// ```rust
/// # use procfs_core::{FromRead, WithSystemInfo};
/// # let stat_data = std::io::Cursor::new(b"475071 (cat) R 323893 475071 323893 34826 475071 4194304 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 1 0 201288208 5738496 225 18446744073709551615 94881179934720 94881179954601 140722831478832 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 4 0 0 0 0 0 94881179970608 94881179972224 94881184485376 140722831483757 140722831483777 140722831483777 140722831486955 0");
/// let stat = procfs_core::process::Stat::from_read(stat_data).unwrap();
/// let system_info = procfs_core::ExplicitSystemInfo {
/// boot_time_secs: 1692972606,
/// ticks_per_second: 100,
/// page_size: 4096,
/// is_little_endian: true,
/// };
/// let rss_bytes = stat.rss_bytes().with_system_info(&system_info);
/// ```
pub trait SystemInfoInterface {
fn boot_time_secs(&self) -> ProcResult<u64>;
fn ticks_per_second(&self) -> u64;
fn page_size(&self) -> u64;
/// Whether the system is little endian (true) or big endian (false).
fn is_little_endian(&self) -> bool;
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
fn boot_time(&self) -> ProcResult<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Local>> {
use chrono::TimeZone;
let date_time = expect!(chrono::Local.timestamp_opt(self.boot_time_secs()? as i64, 0).single());
/// Auxiliary system information.
pub type SystemInfo = dyn SystemInfoInterface;
/// A convenience stuct implementing [SystemInfoInterface] with explicitly-specified values.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct ExplicitSystemInfo {
pub boot_time_secs: u64,
pub ticks_per_second: u64,
pub page_size: u64,
pub is_little_endian: bool,
impl SystemInfoInterface for ExplicitSystemInfo {
fn boot_time_secs(&self) -> ProcResult<u64> {
fn ticks_per_second(&self) -> u64 {
fn page_size(&self) -> u64 {
fn is_little_endian(&self) -> bool {
/// Values which can provide an output given the [SystemInfo].
pub trait WithSystemInfo<'a>: 'a {
type Output: 'a;
/// Get the output derived from the given [SystemInfo].
fn with_system_info(self, info: &SystemInfo) -> Self::Output;
impl<'a, F: 'a, R: 'a> WithSystemInfo<'a> for F
F: FnOnce(&SystemInfo) -> R,
type Output = R;
fn with_system_info(self, info: &SystemInfo) -> Self::Output {
pub fn from_iter<'a, I, U>(i: I) -> ProcResult<U>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
U: FromStr,
let mut iter = i.into_iter();
let val = expect!(;
match FromStr::from_str(val) {
Ok(u) => Ok(u),
Err(..) => Err(build_internal_error!("Failed to convert")),
fn from_iter_optional<'a, I, U>(i: I) -> ProcResult<Option<U>>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
U: FromStr,
let mut iter = i.into_iter();
let Some(val) = else {
return Ok(None);
match FromStr::from_str(val) {
Ok(u) => Ok(Some(u)),
Err(..) => Err(build_internal_error!("Failed to convert")),
mod cgroups;
pub use cgroups::*;
mod cpuinfo;
pub use cpuinfo::*;
mod diskstats;
pub use diskstats::*;
mod iomem;
pub use iomem::*;
pub mod keyring;
mod locks;
pub use locks::*;
mod mounts;
pub use mounts::*;
mod partitions;
pub use partitions::*;
mod meminfo;
pub use meminfo::*;
pub mod net;
mod pressure;
pub use pressure::*;
pub mod process;
pub mod sys;
pub use sys::kernel::Version as KernelVersion;
mod sysvipc_shm;
pub use sysvipc_shm::*;
mod uptime;
pub use uptime::*;
// TODO temporary, only for procfs
pub trait FromStrRadix: Sized {
fn from_str_radix(t: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, std::num::ParseIntError>;
impl FromStrRadix for u64 {
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<u64, std::num::ParseIntError> {
u64::from_str_radix(s, radix)
impl FromStrRadix for i32 {
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<i32, std::num::ParseIntError> {
i32::from_str_radix(s, radix)
fn split_into_num<T: FromStrRadix>(s: &str, sep: char, radix: u32) -> ProcResult<(T, T)> {
let mut s = s.split(sep);
let a = expect!(FromStrRadix::from_str_radix(expect!(, radix));
let b = expect!(FromStrRadix::from_str_radix(expect!(, radix));
Ok((a, b))
/// This is used to hold both an IO error as well as the path of the file that originated the error
pub struct IoErrorWrapper {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub inner: std::io::Error,
impl std::error::Error for IoErrorWrapper {}
impl fmt::Display for IoErrorWrapper {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "IoErrorWrapper({}): {}", self.path.display(), self.inner)
/// The main error type for the procfs crate.
/// For more info, see the [ProcError] type.
pub type ProcResult<T> = Result<T, ProcError>;
/// The various error conditions in the procfs crate.
/// Most of the variants have an `Option<PathBuf>` component. If the error root cause was related
/// to some operation on a file, the path of this file will be stored in this component.
pub enum ProcError {
/// A standard permission denied error.
/// This will be a common error, since some files in the procfs filesystem are only readable by
/// the root user.
/// This might mean that the process no longer exists, or that your kernel doesn't support the
/// feature you are trying to use.
/// This might mean that a procfs file has incomplete contents.
/// If you encounter this error, consider retrying the operation.
/// Any other IO error (rare).
Io(std::io::Error, Option<PathBuf>),
/// Any other non-IO error (very rare).
/// This error indicates that some unexpected error occurred. This is a bug. The inner
/// [InternalError] struct will contain some more info.
/// If you ever encounter this error, consider it a bug in the procfs crate and please report
/// it on github.
/// Extensions for dealing with ProcErrors.
pub trait ProcErrorExt {
/// Add path information to the error.
fn error_path(self, path: &Path) -> Self;
impl ProcErrorExt for ProcError {
fn error_path(mut self, path: &Path) -> Self {
use ProcError::*;
match &mut self {
PermissionDenied(p) | NotFound(p) | Incomplete(p) | Io(_, p) if p.is_none() => {
*p = Some(path.to_owned());
_ => (),
impl<T> ProcErrorExt for ProcResult<T> {
fn error_path(self, path: &Path) -> Self {
self.map_err(|e| e.error_path(path))
/// An internal error in the procfs crate
/// If you encounter this error, consider it a bug and please report it on
/// If you compile with the optional `backtrace` feature (disabled by default),
/// you can gain access to a stack trace of where the error happened.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize))]
pub struct InternalError {
pub msg: String,
pub file: &'static str,
pub line: u32,
#[cfg(feature = "backtrace")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", serde(skip))]
pub backtrace: backtrace::Backtrace,
impl std::fmt::Debug for InternalError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
"bug at {}:{} (please report this procfs bug)\n{}",
self.file, self.line, self.msg
impl std::fmt::Display for InternalError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
"bug at {}:{} (please report this procfs bug)\n{}",
self.file, self.line, self.msg
impl From<std::io::Error> for ProcError {
fn from(io: std::io::Error) -> Self {
use std::io::ErrorKind;
let kind = io.kind();
// the only way we'll have a path for the IO error is if this IO error
// has a inner type
if io.get_ref().is_some() {
let inner = io.into_inner().unwrap();
// is this inner type a IoErrorWrapper?
match inner.downcast::<IoErrorWrapper>() {
Ok(wrapper) => {
let path = wrapper.path;
match kind {
ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => ProcError::PermissionDenied(Some(path)),
ErrorKind::NotFound => ProcError::NotFound(Some(path)),
_other => {
// All platforms happen to have ESRCH=3, and windows actually
// translates it to a `NotFound` anyway.
const ESRCH: i32 = 3;
if matches!(wrapper.inner.raw_os_error(), Some(raw) if raw == ESRCH) {
// This "No such process" error gets mapped into a NotFound error
return ProcError::NotFound(Some(path));
} else {
ProcError::Io(wrapper.inner, Some(path))
Err(io) => {
// reconstruct the original error
ProcError::Io(std::io::Error::new(kind, io), None)
} else {
match kind {
ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => ProcError::PermissionDenied(None),
ErrorKind::NotFound => ProcError::NotFound(None),
_other => ProcError::Io(io, None),
impl From<&'static str> for ProcError {
fn from(val: &'static str) -> Self {
impl From<std::num::ParseIntError> for ProcError {
fn from(val: std::num::ParseIntError) -> Self {
ProcError::Other(format!("ParseIntError: {}", val))
impl From<std::string::ParseError> for ProcError {
fn from(e: std::string::ParseError) -> Self {
match e {}
impl std::fmt::Display for ProcError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
match self {
// Variants with paths:
ProcError::PermissionDenied(Some(p)) => write!(f, "Permission Denied: {}", p.display()),
ProcError::NotFound(Some(p)) => write!(f, "File not found: {}", p.display()),
ProcError::Incomplete(Some(p)) => write!(f, "Data incomplete: {}", p.display()),
ProcError::Io(inner, Some(p)) => {
write!(f, "Unexpected IO error({}): {}", p.display(), inner)
// Variants without paths:
ProcError::PermissionDenied(None) => write!(f, "Permission Denied"),
ProcError::NotFound(None) => write!(f, "File not found"),
ProcError::Incomplete(None) => write!(f, "Data incomplete"),
ProcError::Io(inner, None) => write!(f, "Unexpected IO error: {}", inner),
ProcError::Other(s) => write!(f, "Unknown error {}", s),
ProcError::InternalError(e) => write!(f, "Internal error: {}", e),
impl std::error::Error for ProcError {}
/// Load average figures.
/// Load averages are calculated as the number of jobs in the run queue (state R) or waiting for
/// disk I/O (state D) averaged over 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct LoadAverage {
/// The one-minute load average
pub one: f32,
/// The five-minute load average
pub five: f32,
/// The fifteen-minute load average
pub fifteen: f32,
/// The number of currently runnable kernel scheduling entities (processes, threads).
pub cur: u32,
/// The number of kernel scheduling entities that currently exist on the system.
pub max: u32,
/// The fifth field is the PID of the process that was most recently created on the system.
pub latest_pid: u32,
impl FromRead for LoadAverage {
fn from_read<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> ProcResult<Self> {
let mut line = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut line)?;
let mut s = line.split_whitespace();
let one = expect!(f32::from_str(expect!(;
let five = expect!(f32::from_str(expect!(;
let fifteen = expect!(f32::from_str(expect!(;
let curmax = expect!(;
let latest_pid = expect!(u32::from_str(expect!(;
let mut s = curmax.split('/');
let cur = expect!(u32::from_str(expect!(;
let max = expect!(u32::from_str(expect!(;
Ok(LoadAverage {
/// Possible values for a kernel config option
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum ConfigSetting {
/// The kernel configuration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct KernelConfig(pub HashMap<String, ConfigSetting>);
impl FromBufRead for KernelConfig {
fn from_buf_read<R: BufRead>(r: R) -> ProcResult<Self> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for line in r.lines() {
let line = line?;
if line.starts_with('#') {
if line.contains('=') {
let mut s = line.splitn(2, '=');
let name = expect!(;
let value = match expect!( {
"y" => ConfigSetting::Yes,
"m" => ConfigSetting::Module,
s => ConfigSetting::Value(s.to_owned()),
map.insert(name, value);
/// The amount of time, measured in ticks, the CPU has been in specific states
/// These fields are measured in ticks because the underlying data from the kernel is measured in ticks.
/// The number of ticks per second is generally 100 on most systems.
/// To convert this value to seconds, you can divide by the tps. There are also convenience methods
/// that you can use too.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct CpuTime {
/// Ticks spent in user mode
pub user: u64,
/// Ticks spent in user mode with low priority (nice)
pub nice: u64,
/// Ticks spent in system mode
pub system: u64,
/// Ticks spent in the idle state
pub idle: u64,
/// Ticks waiting for I/O to complete
/// This value is not reliable, for the following reasons:
/// 1. The CPU will not wait for I/O to complete; iowait is the time that a
/// task is waiting for I/O to complete. When a CPU goes into idle state
/// for outstanding task I/O, another task will be scheduled on this CPU.
/// 2. On a multi-core CPU, this task waiting for I/O to complete is not running
/// on any CPU, so the iowait for each CPU is difficult to calculate.
/// 3. The value in this field may *decrease* in certain conditions.
/// (Since Linux 2.5.41)
pub iowait: Option<u64>,
/// Ticks servicing interrupts
/// (Since Linux 2.6.0)
pub irq: Option<u64>,
/// Ticks servicing softirqs
/// (Since Linux 2.6.0)
pub softirq: Option<u64>,
/// Ticks of stolen time.
/// Stolen time is the time spent in other operating systems when running in
/// a virtualized environment.
/// (Since Linux 2.6.11)
pub steal: Option<u64>,
/// Ticks spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under control
/// of the linux kernel
/// (Since Linux 2.6.24)
pub guest: Option<u64>,
/// Ticks spent running a niced guest
/// (Since Linux 2.6.33)
pub guest_nice: Option<u64>,
tps: u64,
impl CpuTime {
fn from_str(s: &str, ticks_per_second: u64) -> ProcResult<CpuTime> {
let mut s = s.split_whitespace();
// Store this field in the struct so we don't have to attempt to unwrap ticks_per_second() when we convert
// from ticks into other time units
let tps = ticks_per_second;;
let user = from_str!(u64, expect!(;
let nice = from_str!(u64, expect!(;
let system = from_str!(u64, expect!(;
let idle = from_str!(u64, expect!(;
let iowait =|s| Ok(from_str!(u64, s))).transpose()?;
let irq =|s| Ok(from_str!(u64, s))).transpose()?;
let softirq =|s| Ok(from_str!(u64, s))).transpose()?;
let steal =|s| Ok(from_str!(u64, s))).transpose()?;
let guest =|s| Ok(from_str!(u64, s))).transpose()?;
let guest_nice =|s| Ok(from_str!(u64, s))).transpose()?;
Ok(CpuTime {
/// Milliseconds spent in user mode
pub fn user_ms(&self) -> u64 {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;
self.user * ms_per_tick
/// Time spent in user mode
pub fn user_duration(&self) -> Duration {
/// Milliseconds spent in user mode with low priority (nice)
pub fn nice_ms(&self) -> u64 {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;
self.nice * ms_per_tick
/// Time spent in user mode with low priority (nice)
pub fn nice_duration(&self) -> Duration {
/// Milliseconds spent in system mode
pub fn system_ms(&self) -> u64 {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;
self.system * ms_per_tick
/// Time spent in system mode
pub fn system_duration(&self) -> Duration {
/// Milliseconds spent in the idle state
pub fn idle_ms(&self) -> u64 {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;
self.idle * ms_per_tick
/// Time spent in the idle state
pub fn idle_duration(&self) -> Duration {
/// Milliseconds spent waiting for I/O to complete
pub fn iowait_ms(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;|io| io * ms_per_tick)
/// Time spent waiting for I/O to complete
pub fn iowait_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
/// Milliseconds spent servicing interrupts
pub fn irq_ms(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;|ms| ms * ms_per_tick)
/// Time spent servicing interrupts
pub fn irq_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
/// Milliseconds spent servicing softirqs
pub fn softirq_ms(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;|ms| ms * ms_per_tick)
/// Time spent servicing softirqs
pub fn softirq_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
/// Milliseconds of stolen time
pub fn steal_ms(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;|ms| ms * ms_per_tick)
/// Amount of stolen time
pub fn steal_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
/// Milliseconds spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under control of the linux kernel
pub fn guest_ms(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;|ms| ms * ms_per_tick)
/// Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under control of the linux kernel
pub fn guest_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
/// Milliseconds spent running a niced guest
pub fn guest_nice_ms(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let ms_per_tick = 1000 / self.tps;|ms| ms * ms_per_tick)
/// Time spent running a niced guest
pub fn guest_nice_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
/// Kernel/system statistics, from `/proc/stat`
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct KernelStats {
/// The amount of time the system spent in various states
pub total: CpuTime,
/// The amount of time that specific CPUs spent in various states
pub cpu_time: Vec<CpuTime>,
/// The number of context switches that the system underwent
pub ctxt: u64,
/// Boot time, in number of seconds since the Epoch
pub btime: u64,
/// Number of forks since boot
pub processes: u64,
/// Number of processes in runnable state
/// (Since Linux 2.5.45)
pub procs_running: Option<u32>,
/// Number of processes blocked waiting for I/O
/// (Since Linux 2.5.45)
pub procs_blocked: Option<u32>,
impl FromBufReadSI for KernelStats {
fn from_buf_read<R: BufRead>(r: R, system_info: &SystemInfo) -> ProcResult<Self> {
let lines = r.lines();
let mut total_cpu = None;
let mut cpus = Vec::new();
let mut ctxt = None;
let mut btime = None;
let mut processes = None;
let mut procs_running = None;
let mut procs_blocked = None;
for line in lines {
let line = line?;
if line.starts_with("cpu ") {
total_cpu = Some(CpuTime::from_str(&line, system_info.ticks_per_second())?);
} else if line.starts_with("cpu") {
cpus.push(CpuTime::from_str(&line, system_info.ticks_per_second())?);
} else if let Some(stripped) = line.strip_prefix("ctxt ") {
ctxt = Some(from_str!(u64, stripped));
} else if let Some(stripped) = line.strip_prefix("btime ") {
btime = Some(from_str!(u64, stripped));
} else if let Some(stripped) = line.strip_prefix("processes ") {
processes = Some(from_str!(u64, stripped));
} else if let Some(stripped) = line.strip_prefix("procs_running ") {
procs_running = Some(from_str!(u32, stripped));
} else if let Some(stripped) = line.strip_prefix("procs_blocked ") {
procs_blocked = Some(from_str!(u32, stripped));
Ok(KernelStats {
total: expect!(total_cpu),
cpu_time: cpus,
ctxt: expect!(ctxt),
btime: expect!(btime),
processes: expect!(processes),
/// Various virtual memory statistics
/// Since the exact set of statistics will vary from kernel to kernel, and because most of them are
/// not well documented, this struct contains a HashMap instead of specific members. Consult the
/// kernel source code for more details of this data.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct VmStat(pub HashMap<String, i64>);
impl FromBufRead for VmStat {
fn from_buf_read<R: BufRead>(r: R) -> ProcResult<Self> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for line in r.lines() {
let line = line?;
let mut split = line.split_whitespace();
let name = expect!(;
let val = from_str!(i64, expect!(;
map.insert(name.to_owned(), val);
/// Details about a loaded kernel module
/// For an example, see the [](
/// example in the source repo.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct KernelModule {
/// The name of the module
pub name: String,
/// The size of the module
pub size: u32,
/// The number of references in the kernel to this module. This can be -1 if the module is unloading
pub refcount: i32,
/// A list of modules that depend on this module.
pub used_by: Vec<String>,
/// The module state
/// This will probably always be "Live", but it could also be either "Unloading" or "Loading"
pub state: String,
/// A set of loaded kernel modules
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct KernelModules(pub HashMap<String, KernelModule>);
impl FromBufRead for KernelModules {
/// This should correspond to the data in `/proc/modules`.
fn from_buf_read<R: BufRead>(r: R) -> ProcResult<Self> {
// kernel reference: kernel/module.c m_show()
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for line in r.lines() {
let line: String = line?;
let mut s = line.split_whitespace();
let name = expect!(;
let size = from_str!(u32, expect!(;
let refcount = from_str!(i32, expect!(;
let used_by: &str = expect!(;
let state = expect!(;
KernelModule {
name: name.to_string(),
used_by: if used_by == "-" {
} else {
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|s| s.to_string())
state: state.to_string(),
/// A list of the arguments passed to the Linux kernel at boot time.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct KernelCmdline(pub Vec<String>);
impl FromRead for KernelCmdline {
/// This should correspond to the data in `/proc/cmdline`.
fn from_read<R: Read>(mut r: R) -> ProcResult<Self> {
let mut buf = String::new();
r.read_to_string(&mut buf)?;
buf.split(' ')
.filter_map(|s| if !s.is_empty() { Some(s.to_string()) } else { None })
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_kernel_from_str() {
let k = KernelVersion::from_str("1.2.3").unwrap();
assert_eq!(k.major, 1);
assert_eq!(k.minor, 2);
assert_eq!(k.patch, 3);
let k = KernelVersion::from_str("4.9.16-gentoo").unwrap();
assert_eq!(k.major, 4);
assert_eq!(k.minor, 9);
assert_eq!(k.patch, 16);
let k = KernelVersion::from_str("").unwrap();
assert_eq!(k.major, 4);
assert_eq!(k.minor, 9);
assert_eq!(k.patch, 266);
fn test_kernel_cmp() {
let a = KernelVersion::from_str("1.2.3").unwrap();
let b = KernelVersion::from_str("1.2.3").unwrap();
let c = KernelVersion::from_str("1.2.4").unwrap();
let d = KernelVersion::from_str("1.5.4").unwrap();
let e = KernelVersion::from_str("2.5.4").unwrap();
assert_eq!(a, b);
assert!(a < c);
assert!(a < d);
assert!(a < e);
assert!(e > d);
assert!(e > c);
assert!(e > b);
fn test_loadavg_from_reader() -> ProcResult<()> {
let load_average = LoadAverage::from_read("2.63 1.00 1.42 3/4280 2496732".as_bytes())?;
assert_eq!(, 2.63);
assert_eq!(load_average.five, 1.00);
assert_eq!(load_average.fifteen, 1.42);
assert_eq!(load_average.max, 4280);
assert_eq!(load_average.cur, 3);
assert_eq!(load_average.latest_pid, 2496732);
fn test_from_str() -> ProcResult<()> {
assert_eq!(from_str!(u8, "12"), 12);
assert_eq!(from_str!(u8, "A", 16), 10);
fn test_from_str_fail() {
fn inner() -> ProcResult<()> {
let s = "four";
from_str!(u8, s);
fn test_nopanic() {
fn _inner() -> ProcResult<bool> {
let x: Option<bool> = None;
let y: bool = expect!(x);
let r = _inner();
println!("{:?}", r);
fn _inner2() -> ProcResult<bool> {
let _f: std::fs::File = expect!(std::fs::File::open("/doesnotexist"));
let r = _inner2();
println!("{:?}", r);
#[cfg(feature = "backtrace")]
fn test_backtrace() {
fn _inner() -> ProcResult<bool> {
let _f: std::fs::File = expect!(std::fs::File::open("/doesnotexist"));
let r = _inner();
println!("{:?}", r);