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## 0.2.7
### Fixed
* Uses of `msg_send!` will now correctly fail to compile if no return type
can be inferred, instead of relying on an edge case of the compiler
that will soon change and silently cause undefined behavior.
## 0.2.6
### Fixed
* Suppressed a deprecation warning in `sel!`, `msg_send!`, and `class!`.
## 0.2.5
### Added
* `autoreleasepool` returns the value returned by its body closure.
## 0.2.4
### Added
* Added an `rc` module with reference counting utilities:
`StrongPtr`, `WeakPtr`, and `autoreleasepool`.
* Added some reference counting ABI foreign functions to the `runtime` module.
### Fixed
* Messaging nil under GNUstep now correctly returns zeroed results for all
return types.
## 0.2.3
### Added
* Added a `class!` macro for getting statically-known classes. The result is
non-optional (avoiding a need to unwrap) and cached so each usage will only
look up the class once.
* Added caching to the `sel!` macro so that each usage will only register the
selector once.
### Fixed
* Fixed the implementation of `objc::runtime` structs so there can't be unsound
references to uninhabited types.
## 0.2.2
### Added
* Implemented `Sync` and `Send` for `Sel`.
## 0.2.1
### Added
* Added support for working with protocols with the `Protocol` struct.
The protocols a class conforms to can be examined with the new
`Class::adopted_protocols` and `Class::conforms_to` methods.
* Protocols can be declared using the new `ProtocolDecl` struct.
## 0.2.0
### Added
* Added verification for the types used when sending messages.
This can be enabled for all messages with the `"verify_message"` feature,
or you can test before sending specific messages with the
`Message::verify_message` method. Verification errors are reported using the
new `MessageError` struct.
* Added support for the GNUstep runtime!
Operating systems besides OSX and iOS will fall back to the GNUstep runtime.
* Root classes can be declared by using the `ClassDecl::root` constructor.
### Changed
* C types are now used from `std::os::raw` rather than `libc`. This means
`Encode` may not be implemented for `libc` types; switch them to the
`std::os::raw` equivalents instead. This avoids an issue that would arise
from simultaneously using different versions of the libc crate.
* Dynamic messaging was moved into the `Message` trait; instead of
`().send(obj, sel!(description))`, use
`obj.send_message(sel!(description), ())`.
* Rearranged the parameters to `ClassDecl::new` for consistency; instead of
`ClassDecl::new(superclass, "MyObject")`, use
`ClassDecl::new("MyObject", superclass)`.
* Overhauled the `MethodImplementation` trait. Encodings are now accessed
through the `MethodImplementation::Args` associated type. The `imp_for`
method was replaced with `imp` and no longer takes a selector or returns an
`UnequalArgsError`, although `ClassDecl::add_method` still validates the
number of arguments.
* Updated the definition of `Imp` to not use the old dispatch prototypes.
To invoke an `Imp`, it must first be transmuted to the correct type.
* Removed `objc_msgSend` functions from the `runtime` module; the availability
of these functions varies and they shouldn't be called without trasmuting,
so they are now hidden as an implementation detail of messaging.
### Fixed
* Corrected alignment of ivars in `ClassDecl`; declared classes may now have a
smaller size.
* With the `"exception"` or `"verify_message"` feature enabled, panics from
`msg_send!` will now be triggered from the line and file where the macro is
used, rather than from within the implementation of messaging.