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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::{
time::{Duration, Instant},
use neqo_common::{qdebug, qinfo};
use static_assertions::const_assert;
use crate::{frame::FRAME_TYPE_PING, packet::PacketBuilder, recovery::SentPacket, Stats};
// Values <= 1500 based on: A. Custura, G. Fairhurst and I. Learmonth, "Exploring Usable Path MTU in
// the Internet," 2018 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Vienna, Austria,
// 2018, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.23919/TMA.2018.8506538. keywords:
// {Servers;Probes;Tools;Clamps;Middleboxes;Standards},
const MTU_SIZES_V4: &[usize] = &[
1280, 1380, 1420, 1472, 1500, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535,
const MTU_SIZES_V6: &[usize] = &[
1280, 1380,
1420, // 1420 is not in the paper for v6, but adding it makes the arrays the same length
1470, 1500, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535,
const_assert!(MTU_SIZES_V4.len() == MTU_SIZES_V6.len());
const SEARCH_TABLE_LEN: usize = MTU_SIZES_V4.len();
const MAX_PROBES: usize = 3;
const PMTU_RAISE_TIMER: Duration = Duration::from_secs(600);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
enum Probe {
pub struct Pmtud {
search_table: &'static [usize],
header_size: usize,
mtu: usize,
probe_index: usize,
probe_count: usize,
probe_state: Probe,
loss_counts: [usize; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN],
raise_timer: Option<Instant>,
impl Pmtud {
/// Returns the MTU search table for the given remote IP address family.
const fn search_table(remote_ip: IpAddr) -> &'static [usize] {
match remote_ip {
IpAddr::V4(_) => MTU_SIZES_V4,
IpAddr::V6(_) => MTU_SIZES_V6,
/// Size of the IPv4/IPv6 and UDP headers, in bytes.
const fn header_size(remote_ip: IpAddr) -> usize {
match remote_ip {
IpAddr::V4(_) => 20 + 8,
IpAddr::V6(_) => 40 + 8,
pub const fn new(remote_ip: IpAddr) -> Self {
let search_table = Self::search_table(remote_ip);
let probe_index = 0;
Self {
header_size: Self::header_size(remote_ip),
mtu: search_table[probe_index],
probe_count: 0,
probe_state: Probe::NotNeeded,
loss_counts: [0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN],
raise_timer: None,
/// Checks whether the PMTUD raise timer should be fired, and does so if needed.
pub fn maybe_fire_raise_timer(&mut self, now: Instant) {
if self.probe_state == Probe::NotNeeded && self.raise_timer.map_or(false, |t| now >= t) {
qdebug!("PMTUD raise timer fired");
self.raise_timer = None;
/// Returns the current Packetization Layer Path MTU, i.e., the maximum UDP payload that can be
/// sent. During probing, this may be smaller than the actual path MTU.
pub const fn plpmtu(&self) -> usize {
self.mtu - self.header_size
/// Returns true if a PMTUD probe should be sent.
pub fn needs_probe(&self) -> bool {
self.probe_state == Probe::Needed
/// Returns true if a PMTUD probe was sent.
pub fn probe_sent(&self) -> bool {
self.probe_state == Probe::Sent
/// Returns the size of the current PMTUD probe.
pub const fn probe_size(&self) -> usize {
self.search_table[self.probe_index] - self.header_size
/// Sends a PMTUD probe.
pub fn send_probe(&mut self, builder: &mut PacketBuilder, stats: &mut Stats) {
// The packet may include ACK-eliciting data already, but rather than check for that, it
// seems OK to burn one byte here to simply include a PING.
builder.encode_varint(FRAME_TYPE_PING); += 1;
stats.pmtud_tx += 1;
self.probe_count += 1;
self.probe_state = Probe::Sent;
"Sending PMTUD probe of size {}, count {}",
/// Provides a [`Fn`] that returns true if the packet is a PMTUD probe.
/// Allows filtering packets without holding a reference to [`Pmtud`]. When
/// in doubt, use [`Pmtud::is_probe`].
pub fn is_probe_filter(&self) -> impl Fn(&SentPacket) -> bool {
let probe_state = self.probe_state;
let probe_size = self.probe_size();
move |p: &SentPacket| -> bool { probe_state == Probe::Sent && p.len() == probe_size }
/// Returns true if the packet is a PMTUD probe.
fn is_probe(&self, p: &SentPacket) -> bool {
/// Count the PMTUD probes included in `pkts`.
fn count_probes(&self, pkts: &[SentPacket]) -> usize {
pkts.iter().filter(|p| self.is_probe(p)).count()
/// Checks whether a PMTUD probe has been acknowledged, and if so, updates the PMTUD state.
/// May also initiate a new probe process for a larger MTU.
pub fn on_packets_acked(&mut self, acked_pkts: &[SentPacket], stats: &mut Stats) {
// Reset the loss counts for all packets sizes <= the size of the largest ACKed packet.
let max_len = acked_pkts.iter().map(SentPacket::len).max().unwrap_or(0);
if max_len == 0 {
// No packets were ACKed, nothing to do.
let idx = self
.position(|&sz| sz > max_len + self.header_size)
self.loss_counts.iter_mut().take(idx).for_each(|c| *c = 0);
let acked = self.count_probes(acked_pkts);
if acked == 0 {
// A probe was ACKed, confirm the new MTU and try to probe upwards further.
// TODO: Maybe we should be tracking stats on a per-probe-size basis rather than just the
// total number of successful probes.
stats.pmtud_ack += acked;
self.mtu = self.search_table[self.probe_index];
qdebug!("PMTUD probe of size {} succeeded", self.mtu);
/// Stops the PMTUD process, setting the MTU to the largest successful probe size.
fn stop(&mut self, idx: usize, now: Instant) {
self.probe_state = Probe::NotNeeded; // We don't need to send any more probes
self.probe_index = idx; // Index of the last successful probe
self.mtu = self.search_table[idx]; // Leading to this MTU
self.probe_count = 0; // Reset the count
self.loss_counts.fill(0); // Reset the loss counts
self.raise_timer = Some(now + PMTU_RAISE_TIMER);
"PMTUD stopped, PLPMTU is now {}, raise timer {:?}",
/// Checks whether a PMTUD probe has been lost. If it has been lost more than `MAX_PROBES`
/// times, the PMTUD process is stopped.
pub fn on_packets_lost(
&mut self,
lost_packets: &[SentPacket],
stats: &mut Stats,
now: Instant,
) {
if lost_packets.is_empty() {
let mut increase = [0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN];
let mut loss_counts_updated = false;
for p in lost_packets {
let Some(idx) = self
.position(|&sz| p.len() <= sz - self.header_size)
else {
// Count each lost packet size <= the current MTU only once. Otherwise a burst loss of
// >= MAX_PROBES MTU-sized packets triggers a PMTUD restart. Counting only one of them
// here requires three consecutive loss instances of such sizes to trigger a PMTUD
// restart.
// Also, ignore losses of packets <= the minimum QUIC packet size, (`searchtable[0]`),
// since they just increase loss counts across the board, adding to spurious
// PMTUD restarts.
if idx > 0 && (increase[idx] == 0 || p.len() > self.plpmtu()) {
loss_counts_updated = true;
increase[idx] += 1;
if !loss_counts_updated {
let mut accum = 0;
for (c, incr) in zip(&mut self.loss_counts, increase) {
accum += incr;
*c += accum;
// Track lost probes
let lost = self.count_probes(lost_packets);
stats.pmtud_lost += lost;
// Check if any packet sizes have been lost MAX_PROBES times or more.
// TODO: It's not clear that MAX_PROBES is the right number for losses of packets that
// aren't PMTU probes. We might want to be more conservative, to avoid spurious PMTUD
// restarts.
let Some(first_failed) = self.loss_counts.iter().position(|&c| c >= MAX_PROBES) else {
// If not, keep going.
if lost > 0 {
// Don't stop the PMTUD process.
self.probe_state = Probe::Needed;
let last_ok = first_failed - 1;
"Packet of size > {} lost >= {} times",
if self.probe_state == Probe::NotNeeded {
// We saw multiple losses of packets <= the current MTU outside of PMTU discovery,
// so we need to probe again. To limit connectivity disruptions, we start the PMTU
// discovery from the smallest packet up, rather than the failed packet size down.
// TODO: If we are declaring losses, that means that we're getting packets through.
// The size of those will put a floor on the MTU. We're currently conservative and
// start from scratch, but we don't strictly need to do that.
} else {
// We saw multiple losses of packets > the current MTU during PMTU discovery, so
// we're done.
self.stop(last_ok, now);
fn restart(&mut self, stats: &mut Stats) {
self.probe_index = 0;
self.mtu = self.search_table[self.probe_index];
self.raise_timer = None;
stats.pmtud_change += 1;
qdebug!("PMTUD restarted, PLPMTU is now {}", self.mtu);
/// Starts the next upward PMTUD probe.
pub fn start(&mut self) {
if self.probe_index < SEARCH_TABLE_LEN - 1 {
self.probe_state = Probe::Needed; // We need to send a probe
self.probe_count = 0; // For the first time
self.probe_index += 1; // At this size
"PMTUD started with probe size {}",
} else {
// If we're at the end of the search table, we're done.
self.probe_state = Probe::NotNeeded;
/// Returns the default PLPMTU for the given remote IP address.
pub const fn default_plpmtu(remote_ip: IpAddr) -> usize {
let search_table = Self::search_table(remote_ip);
search_table[0] - Self::header_size(remote_ip)
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "disable-encryption"), test))]
mod tests {
use std::{
net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr},
use neqo_common::{qdebug, Encoder, IpTosEcn};
use test_fixture::{fixture_init, now};
use crate::{
packet::{PacketBuilder, PacketType},
recovery::{SendProfile, SentPacket},
Pmtud, Stats,
const V4: IpAddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0));
const V6: IpAddr = IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
fn make_sentpacket(pn: u64, now: Instant, len: usize) -> SentPacket {
fn assert_mtu(pmtud: &Pmtud, mtu: usize) {
let idx = pmtud
.position(|x| *x == pmtud.mtu)
assert!(mtu >= pmtud.search_table[idx]);
if idx < SEARCH_TABLE_LEN - 1 {
assert!(mtu < pmtud.search_table[idx + 1]);
fn pmtud_step(
pmtud: &mut Pmtud,
stats: &mut Stats,
prot: &mut CryptoDxState,
addr: IpAddr,
mtu: usize,
now: Instant,
) {
let stats_before = stats.clone();
// Fake a packet number, so the builder logic works.
let mut builder = PacketBuilder::short(Encoder::new(), false, None::<&[u8]>);
let pn = prot.next_pn();, 4);
builder.set_initial_limit(&SendProfile::new_limited(pmtud.plpmtu()), 16, pmtud);
pmtud.send_probe(&mut builder, stats);
let encoder =;
assert_eq!(encoder.len(), pmtud.probe_size());
assert_eq!(stats_before.pmtud_tx + 1, stats.pmtud_tx);
let packet = make_sentpacket(pn, now, encoder.len());
if encoder.len() + Pmtud::header_size(addr) <= mtu {
pmtud.on_packets_acked(&[packet], stats);
assert_eq!(stats_before.pmtud_ack + 1, stats.pmtud_ack);
} else {
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[packet], stats, now);
assert_eq!(stats_before.pmtud_lost + 1, stats.pmtud_lost);
fn find_pmtu(addr: IpAddr, mtu: usize) {
let now = now();
let mut pmtud = Pmtud::new(addr);
let mut stats = Stats::default();
let mut prot = CryptoDxState::test_default();
while pmtud.needs_probe() {
pmtud_step(&mut pmtud, &mut stats, &mut prot, addr, mtu, now);
assert_mtu(&pmtud, mtu);
fn pmtud_v4_max() {
find_pmtu(V4, u16::MAX.into());
fn pmtud_v6_max() {
find_pmtu(V6, u16::MAX.into());
fn pmtud_v4_1500() {
find_pmtu(V4, 1500);
fn pmtud_v6_1500() {
find_pmtu(V6, 1500);
fn find_pmtu_with_reduction(addr: IpAddr, mtu: usize, smaller_mtu: usize) {
assert!(mtu > smaller_mtu);
let now = now();
let mut pmtud = Pmtud::new(addr);
let mut stats = Stats::default();
let mut prot = CryptoDxState::test_default();
assert!(smaller_mtu >= pmtud.search_table[0]);
while pmtud.needs_probe() {
pmtud_step(&mut pmtud, &mut stats, &mut prot, addr, mtu, now);
assert_mtu(&pmtud, mtu);
qdebug!("Reducing MTU to {}", smaller_mtu);
// Drop packets > smaller_mtu until we need a probe again.
while !pmtud.needs_probe() {
let pn = prot.next_pn();
let packet = make_sentpacket(pn, now, pmtud.mtu - pmtud.header_size);
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[packet], &mut stats, now);
// Drive second PMTUD process to completion.
while pmtud.needs_probe() {
pmtud_step(&mut pmtud, &mut stats, &mut prot, addr, mtu, now);
assert_mtu(&pmtud, mtu);
fn pmtud_v4_max_1300() {
find_pmtu_with_reduction(V4, u16::MAX.into(), 1300);
fn pmtud_v6_max_1280() {
find_pmtu_with_reduction(V6, u16::MAX.into(), 1300);
fn pmtud_v4_1500_1300() {
find_pmtu_with_reduction(V4, 1500, 1300);
fn pmtud_v6_1500_1280() {
find_pmtu_with_reduction(V6, 1500, 1280);
fn find_pmtu_with_increase(addr: IpAddr, mtu: usize, larger_mtu: usize) {
assert!(mtu < larger_mtu);
let now = now();
let mut pmtud = Pmtud::new(addr);
let mut stats = Stats::default();
let mut prot = CryptoDxState::test_default();
assert!(larger_mtu >= pmtud.search_table[0]);
while pmtud.needs_probe() {
pmtud_step(&mut pmtud, &mut stats, &mut prot, addr, mtu, now);
assert_mtu(&pmtud, mtu);
qdebug!("Increasing MTU to {}", larger_mtu);
let now = now + PMTU_RAISE_TIMER;
while pmtud.needs_probe() {
pmtud_step(&mut pmtud, &mut stats, &mut prot, addr, larger_mtu, now);
assert_mtu(&pmtud, larger_mtu);
fn pmtud_v4_1300_max() {
find_pmtu_with_increase(V4, 1300, u16::MAX.into());
fn pmtud_v6_1280_max() {
find_pmtu_with_increase(V6, 1280, u16::MAX.into());
fn pmtud_v4_1300_1500() {
find_pmtu_with_increase(V4, 1300, 1500);
fn pmtud_v6_1280_1500() {
find_pmtu_with_increase(V6, 1280, 1500);
/// Increments the loss counts for the given search table, based on the given packet size.
fn search_table_inc(pmtud: &Pmtud, loss_counts: &[usize], sz: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
zip(pmtud.search_table, loss_counts.iter())
.map(|(&s, &c)| {
if s >= sz + pmtud.header_size {
c + 1
} else {
/// Asserts that the PMTUD process has restarted.
fn assert_pmtud_restarted(pmtud: &Pmtud) {
assert_eq!(Probe::Needed, pmtud.probe_state);
assert_eq!(pmtud.mtu, pmtud.search_table[0]);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
/// Asserts that the PMTUD process has stopped at the given MTU.
fn assert_pmtud_stopped(pmtud: &Pmtud, mtu: usize) {
// assert_eq!(Probe::NotNeeded, pmtud.probe_state);
assert_eq!(pmtud.mtu, mtu);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
fn pmtud_on_packets_lost() {
let now = now();
let mut pmtud = Pmtud::new(V4);
let mut stats = Stats::default();
// No packets lost, nothing should change.
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
// A packet of size 100 was lost, which is smaller than all probe sizes.
// Loss counts should be unchanged.
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 100)], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
// A packet of size 100_000 was lost, which is larger than all probe sizes.
// Loss counts should be unchanged.
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 100_000)], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
pmtud.loss_counts.fill(0); // Reset the loss counts.
// A packet of size 1500 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 1500 by one.
let plen = 1500 - pmtud.header_size;
let mut expected_lc = search_table_inc(&pmtud, &pmtud.loss_counts, plen);
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, plen)], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// A packet of size 2000 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 2000 by one.
expected_lc = search_table_inc(&pmtud, &expected_lc, 2000);
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 2000)], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// A packet of size 5000 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 5000 by one. There
// have now been MAX_PROBES losses of packets >= 5000, so the PMTUD process should have
// restarted.
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 5000)], &mut stats, now);
expected_lc.fill(0); // Reset the expected loss counts.
// Two packets of size 4000 were lost, which should increase loss counts >= 4000 by two.
let expected_lc = search_table_inc(&pmtud, &expected_lc, 4000);
let expected_lc = search_table_inc(&pmtud, &expected_lc, 4000);
&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 4000), make_sentpacket(0, now, 4000)],
&mut stats,
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// A packet of size 2000 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 2000 by one. There
// have now been MAX_PROBES losses of packets >= 4000, so the PMTUD process should have
// stopped.
&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 2000), make_sentpacket(0, now, 2000)],
&mut stats,
assert_pmtud_stopped(&pmtud, 2047);
/// Zeros the loss counts for the given search table, below the given packet size.
fn search_table_zero(pmtud: &Pmtud, loss_counts: &[usize], sz: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
zip(pmtud.search_table, loss_counts.iter())
.map(|(&s, &c)| if s <= sz + pmtud.header_size { 0 } else { c })
fn pmtud_on_packets_lost_and_acked() {
let now = now();
let mut pmtud = Pmtud::new(V4);
let mut stats = Stats::default();
// A packet of size 100 was ACKed, which is smaller than all probe sizes.
// Loss counts should be unchanged.
pmtud.on_packets_acked(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 100)], &mut stats);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
// A packet of size 100_000 was ACKed, which is larger than all probe sizes.
// Loss counts should be unchanged.
pmtud.on_packets_acked(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 100_000)], &mut stats);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
pmtud.loss_counts.fill(0); // Reset the loss counts.
// No packets ACKed, nothing should change.
pmtud.on_packets_acked(&[], &mut stats);
assert_eq!([0; SEARCH_TABLE_LEN], pmtud.loss_counts);
// One packet of size 4000 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 4000 by one.
let expected_lc = search_table_inc(&pmtud, &pmtud.loss_counts, 4000);
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 4000)], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// Now a packet of size 5000 is ACKed, which should reset all loss counts <= 5000.
pmtud.on_packets_acked(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 5000)], &mut stats);
let expected_lc = search_table_zero(&pmtud, &pmtud.loss_counts, 5000);
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// Now, one more packets of size 4000 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 4000
// by one.
let expected_lc = search_table_inc(&pmtud, &expected_lc, 4000);
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 4000)], &mut stats, now);
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// Now a packet of size 8000 is ACKed, which should reset all loss counts <= 8000.
pmtud.on_packets_acked(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 8000)], &mut stats);
let expected_lc = search_table_zero(&pmtud, &pmtud.loss_counts, 8000);
assert_eq!(expected_lc, pmtud.loss_counts);
// Now, one more packets of size 9000 was lost, which should increase loss counts >= 9000
// by one. There have now been MAX_PROBES losses of packets >= 8191, so the PMTUD process
// should have restarted.
pmtud.on_packets_lost(&[make_sentpacket(0, now, 9000)], &mut stats, now);