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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::{
net::{IpAddr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr},
use neqo_common::{Datagram, Decoder};
use test_fixture::{
assertions::{assert_v4_path, assert_v6_path},
fixture_init, new_neqo_qlog, now, DEFAULT_ADDR, DEFAULT_ADDR_V4,
use super::{
super::{Connection, Output, State, StreamType},
connect_fail, connect_force_idle, connect_rtt_idle, default_client, default_server,
maybe_authenticate, new_client, new_server, send_something, CountingConnectionIdGenerator,
use crate::{
connection::tests::{send_something_paced, send_with_extra},
tparams::{self, PreferredAddress, TransportParameter},
CloseReason, ConnectionId, ConnectionIdDecoder, ConnectionIdGenerator, ConnectionIdRef,
ConnectionParameters, EmptyConnectionIdGenerator, Error,
/// This should be a valid-seeming transport parameter.
/// And it should have different values to `addr` and `addr_v4`.
0xc0, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0xbb, 0xfe, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0xbb, 0x05, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03, 0x03,
0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
// These tests generally use two paths:
// The connection is established on a path with the same IPv6 address on both ends.
// Migrations move to a path with the same IPv4 address on both ends.
// This simplifies validation as the same assertions can be used for client and server.
// The risk is that there is a place where source/destination local/remote is inverted.
fn loopback() -> SocketAddr {
SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::from(1)), 443)
fn change_path(d: &Datagram, a: SocketAddr) -> Datagram {
Datagram::new(a, a, d.tos(), &d[..])
const fn new_port(a: SocketAddr) -> SocketAddr {
let (port, _) = a.port().overflowing_add(410);
SocketAddr::new(a.ip(), port)
fn change_source_port(d: &Datagram) -> Datagram {
Datagram::new(new_port(d.source()), d.destination(), d.tos(), &d[..])
fn rebinding_port() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let dgram = send_something(&mut client, now());
let dgram = change_source_port(&dgram);
server.process_input(&dgram, now());
// Have the server send something so that it generates a packet.
let stream_id = server.stream_create(StreamType::UniDi).unwrap();
let dgram = server.process_output(now()).dgram();
let dgram = dgram.unwrap();
assert_eq!(dgram.source(), DEFAULT_ADDR);
assert_eq!(dgram.destination(), new_port(DEFAULT_ADDR));
/// This simulates an attack where a valid packet is forwarded on
/// a different path. This shows how both paths are probed and the
/// server eventually returns to the original path.
fn path_forwarding_attack() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let now = now();
let dgram = send_something(&mut client, now);
let dgram = change_path(&dgram, DEFAULT_ADDR_V4);
server.process_input(&dgram, now);
// The server now probes the new (primary) path.
let new_probe = server.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
assert_v4_path(&new_probe, false); // Can't be padded.
// The server also probes the old path.
let old_probe = server.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 2);
assert_v6_path(&old_probe, true);
// New data from the server is sent on the new path, but that is
// now constrained by the amplification limit.
let stream_id = server.stream_create(StreamType::UniDi).unwrap();
// The client should respond to the challenge on the new path.
// The server couldn't pad, so the client is also amplification limited.
let new_resp = client.process(Some(&new_probe), now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_rx.path_challenge, 1);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
assert_v4_path(&new_resp, false);
// The client also responds to probes on the old path.
let old_resp = client.process(Some(&old_probe), now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_rx.path_challenge, 2);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 2);
assert_v6_path(&old_resp, true);
// But the client still sends data on the old path.
let client_data1 = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_v6_path(&client_data1, false); // Just data.
// Receiving the PATH_RESPONSE from the client opens the amplification
// limit enough for the server to respond.
// This is padded because it includes PATH_CHALLENGE.
let server_data1 = server.process(Some(&new_resp), now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&server_data1, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 3);
// The client responds to this probe on the new path.
client.process_input(&server_data1, now);
let stream_before = client.stats();
let padded_resp = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_eq!(stream_before, client.stats();
assert_v4_path(&padded_resp, true); // This is padded!
// But new data from the client stays on the old path.
let client_data2 = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&client_data2, false);
// The server keeps sending on the new path.
let server_data2 = send_something(&mut server, now);
assert_v4_path(&server_data2, false);
// Until new data is received from the client on the old path.
server.process_input(&client_data2, now);
// The server sends a probe on the new path.
let server_data3 = send_something(&mut server, now);
assert_v4_path(&server_data3, true);
// But switches data transmission to the old path.
let server_data4 = server.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&server_data4, false);
fn migrate_immediate() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let now = now();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), true, now)
let client1 = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_v4_path(&client1, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
let client2 = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_v4_path(&client2, false); // Doesn't.
let server_delayed = send_something(&mut server, now);
// The server accepts the first packet and migrates (but probes).
let server1 = server.process(Some(&client1), now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&server1, true);
let server2 = server.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&server2, true);
// The second packet has no real effect, it just elicits an ACK.
let all_before = server.stats().frame_tx.all();
let ack_before = server.stats().frame_tx.ack;
let server3 = server.process(Some(&client2), now).dgram();
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.all(), all_before + 1);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.ack, ack_before + 1);
// Receiving a packet sent by the server before migration doesn't change path.
client.process_input(&server_delayed, now);
// The client has sent two unpaced packets and this new path has no RTT estimate
// so this might be paced.
let (client3, _t) = send_something_paced(&mut client, now, true);
assert_v4_path(&client3, false);
/// RTT estimates for paths should be preserved across migrations.
fn migrate_rtt() {
const RTT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(20);
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
let now = connect_rtt_idle(&mut client, &mut server, RTT);
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), true, now)
// The RTT might be increased for the new path, so allow a little flexibility.
let rtt = client.paths.rtt();
assert!(rtt > RTT);
assert!(rtt < RTT * 2);
fn migrate_immediate_fail() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let mut now = now();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), true, now)
let probe = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&probe, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
// -1 because first PATH_CHALLENGE already sent above
for _ in 0..MAX_PATH_PROBES * 2 - 1 {
let cb = client.process_output(now).callback();
assert_ne!(cb, Duration::new(0, 0));
now += cb;
let before = client.stats().frame_tx;
let probe = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&probe, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
let after = client.stats().frame_tx;
assert_eq!(after.path_challenge, before.path_challenge + 1);
assert_eq!(after.padding, before.padding + 1);
assert_eq!(after.all(), before.all() + 2);
// This might be a PTO, which will result in sending a probe.
if let Some(probe) = client.process_output(now).dgram() {
assert_v4_path(&probe, false); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
let after = client.stats().frame_tx;
assert_eq!(, + 1);
assert_eq!(after.all(), before.all() + 3);
let pto = client.process_output(now).callback();
assert_ne!(pto, Duration::new(0, 0));
now += pto;
// The client should fall back to the original path and retire the connection ID.
let fallback = client.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_v6_path(&fallback.unwrap(), false);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.retire_connection_id, 1);
/// Migrating to the same path shouldn't do anything special,
/// except that the path is probed.
fn migrate_same() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let now = now();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), true, now)
let probe = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&probe, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
let resp = server.process(Some(&probe), now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&resp, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 0);
// Everything continues happily.
client.process_input(&resp, now);
let contd = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_v6_path(&contd, false);
/// Migrating to the same path, if it fails, causes the connection to fail.
fn migrate_same_fail() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let mut now = now();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), true, now)
let probe = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&probe, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
// -1 because first PATH_CHALLENGE already sent above
for _ in 0..MAX_PATH_PROBES * 2 - 1 {
let cb = client.process_output(now).callback();
assert_ne!(cb, Duration::new(0, 0));
now += cb;
let before = client.stats().frame_tx;
let probe = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v6_path(&probe, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
let after = client.stats().frame_tx;
assert_eq!(after.path_challenge, before.path_challenge + 1);
assert_eq!(after.padding, before.padding + 1);
assert_eq!(after.all(), before.all() + 2);
// This might be a PTO, which will result in sending a probe.
if let Some(probe) = client.process_output(now).dgram() {
assert_v6_path(&probe, false); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
let after = client.stats().frame_tx;
assert_eq!(, + 1);
assert_eq!(after.all(), before.all() + 3);
let pto = client.process_output(now).callback();
assert_ne!(pto, Duration::new(0, 0));
now += pto;
// The client should mark this path as failed and close immediately.
let res = client.process_output(now);
assert!(matches!(res, Output::None));
/// This gets the connection ID from a datagram using the default
/// connection ID generator/decoder.
pub fn get_cid(d: &Datagram) -> ConnectionIdRef {
let gen = CountingConnectionIdGenerator::default();
assert_eq!(d[0] & 0x80, 0); // Only support short packets for now.
gen.decode_cid(&mut Decoder::from(&d[1..])).unwrap()
fn migration(mut client: Connection) {
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let now = now();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), false, now)
let probe = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&probe, true); // Contains PATH_CHALLENGE.
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
let probe_cid = ConnectionId::from(get_cid(&probe));
let resp = server.process(Some(&probe), now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&resp, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
// Data continues to be exchanged on the new path.
let client_data = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_ne!(get_cid(&client_data), probe_cid);
assert_v6_path(&client_data, false);
server.process_input(&client_data, now);
let server_data = send_something(&mut server, now);
assert_v6_path(&server_data, false);
// Once the client receives the probe response, it migrates to the new path.
client.process_input(&resp, now);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_rx.path_challenge, 1);
let migrate_client = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_v4_path(&migrate_client, true); // Responds to server probe.
// The server now sees the migration and will switch over.
// However, it will probe the old path again, even though it has just
// received a response to its last probe, because it needs to verify
// that the migration is genuine.
server.process_input(&migrate_client, now);
let stream_before = server.stats();
let probe_old_server = send_something(&mut server, now);
// This is just the double-check probe; no STREAM frames.
assert_v6_path(&probe_old_server, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 2);
assert_eq!(server.stats(), stream_before);
// The server then sends data on the new path.
let migrate_server = server.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&migrate_server, false);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 2);
assert_eq!(server.stats(), stream_before + 1);
// The client receives these checks and responds to the probe, but uses the new path.
client.process_input(&migrate_server, now);
client.process_input(&probe_old_server, now);
let old_probe_resp = send_something(&mut client, now);
assert_v6_path(&old_probe_resp, true);
let client_confirmation = client.process_output(now).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&client_confirmation, false);
// The server has now sent 2 packets, so it is blocked on the pacer. Wait.
let server_pacing = server.process_output(now).callback();
assert_ne!(server_pacing, Duration::new(0, 0));
// ... then confirm that the server sends on the new path still.
let server_confirmation = send_something(&mut server, now + server_pacing);
assert_v4_path(&server_confirmation, false);
fn migration_graceful() {
/// A client should be able to migrate when it has a zero-length connection ID.
fn migration_client_empty_cid() {
let client = Connection::new_client(
/// Drive the handshake in the most expeditious fashion.
/// Returns the packet containing `HANDSHAKE_DONE` from the server.
fn fast_handshake(client: &mut Connection, server: &mut Connection) -> Option<Datagram> {
let dgram = client.process_output(now()).dgram();
let dgram = server.process(dgram.as_ref(), now()).dgram();
client.process_input(&dgram.unwrap(), now());
let dgram = client.process_output(now()).dgram();
server.process(dgram.as_ref(), now()).dgram()
fn preferred_address(hs_client: SocketAddr, hs_server: SocketAddr, preferred: SocketAddr) {
let mtu = Pmtud::default_plpmtu(hs_client.ip());
let assert_orig_path = |d: &Datagram, full_mtu: bool| {
if d.source() == hs_client {
} else if d.source() == hs_server {
} else {
if full_mtu {
assert_eq!(d.len(), mtu);
let assert_toward_spa = |d: &Datagram, full_mtu: bool| {
assert_eq!(d.destination(), preferred);
assert_eq!(d.source(), hs_client);
if full_mtu {
assert_eq!(d.len(), mtu);
let assert_from_spa = |d: &Datagram, full_mtu: bool| {
assert_eq!(d.destination(), hs_client);
assert_eq!(d.source(), preferred);
if full_mtu {
assert_eq!(d.len(), mtu);
let (log, _contents) = new_neqo_qlog();
let mut client = Connection::new_client(
let spa = match preferred {
SocketAddr::V6(v6) => PreferredAddress::new(None, Some(v6)),
SocketAddr::V4(v4) => PreferredAddress::new(Some(v4), None),
let mut server = new_server(ConnectionParameters::default().preferred_address(spa));
let dgram = fast_handshake(&mut client, &mut server);
// The client is about to process HANDSHAKE_DONE.
// It should start probing toward the server's preferred address.
let probe = client.process(dgram.as_ref(), now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_toward_spa(&probe, true);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
assert_ne!(client.process_output(now()).callback(), Duration::new(0, 0));
// Data continues on the main path for the client.
let data = send_something(&mut client, now());
assert_orig_path(&data, false);
// The server responds to the probe.
let resp = server.process(Some(&probe), now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_from_spa(&resp, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
// Data continues on the main path for the server.
server.process_input(&data, now());
let data = send_something(&mut server, now());
assert_orig_path(&data, false);
// Client gets the probe response back and it migrates.
client.process_input(&resp, now());
client.process_input(&data, now());
let data = send_something(&mut client, now());
assert_toward_spa(&data, true);
assert_eq!(client.stats(), 2);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
// The server sees the migration and probes the old path.
let probe = server.process(Some(&data), now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_orig_path(&probe, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 2);
// But data now goes on the new path.
let data = send_something(&mut server, now());
assert_from_spa(&data, false);
/// Migration works for a new port number.
fn preferred_address_new_port() {
preferred_address(a, a, new_port(a));
/// Migration works for a new address too.
fn preferred_address_new_address() {
let mut preferred = DEFAULT_ADDR;
preferred.set_ip(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0xfe80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2)));
preferred_address(DEFAULT_ADDR, DEFAULT_ADDR, preferred);
/// Migration works for IPv4 addresses.
fn preferred_address_new_port_v4() {
let a = DEFAULT_ADDR_V4;
preferred_address(a, a, new_port(a));
/// Migrating to a loopback address is OK if we started there.
fn preferred_address_loopback() {
let a = loopback();
preferred_address(a, a, new_port(a));
fn expect_no_migration(client: &mut Connection, server: &mut Connection) {
let dgram = fast_handshake(client, server);
// The client won't probe now, though it could; it remains idle.
let out = client.process(dgram.as_ref(), now());
assert_ne!(out.callback(), Duration::new(0, 0));
// Data continues on the main path for the client.
let data = send_something(client, now());
assert_v6_path(&data, false);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 0);
fn preferred_address_ignored(spa: PreferredAddress) {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = new_server(ConnectionParameters::default().preferred_address(spa));
expect_no_migration(&mut client, &mut server);
/// Using a loopback address in the preferred address is ignored.
fn preferred_address_ignore_loopback() {
preferred_address_ignored(PreferredAddress::new_any(None, Some(loopback())));
/// A preferred address in the wrong address family is ignored.
fn preferred_address_ignore_different_family() {
preferred_address_ignored(PreferredAddress::new_any(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), None));
/// Disabling preferred addresses at the client means that it ignores a perfectly
/// good preferred address.
fn preferred_address_disabled_client() {
let mut client = new_client(ConnectionParameters::default().disable_preferred_address());
let mut preferred = DEFAULT_ADDR;
preferred.set_ip(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0xfe80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2)));
let spa = PreferredAddress::new_any(None, Some(preferred));
let mut server = new_server(ConnectionParameters::default().preferred_address(spa));
expect_no_migration(&mut client, &mut server);
fn preferred_address_empty_cid() {
let spa = PreferredAddress::new_any(None, Some(new_port(DEFAULT_ADDR)));
let res = Connection::new_server(
assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err(), Error::ConnectionIdsExhausted);
/// A server cannot include a preferred address if it chooses an empty connection ID.
fn preferred_address_server_empty_cid() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = Connection::new_server(
&mut client,
&mut server,
/// A client shouldn't send a preferred address transport parameter.
fn preferred_address_client() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
&mut client,
&mut server,
/// Test that migration isn't permitted if the connection isn't in the right state.
fn migration_invalid_state() {
let mut client = default_client();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), false, now())
let mut server = default_server();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), false, now())
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), false, now())
client.close(now(), 0, "closing");
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), false, now())
let close = client.process(None, now()).dgram();
let dgram = server.process(close.as_ref(), now()).dgram();
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), false, now())
client.process_input(&dgram.unwrap(), now());
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), false, now())
fn migration_invalid_address() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let mut cant_migrate = |local, remote| {
client.migrate(local, remote, true, now()).unwrap_err(),
// Providing neither address is pointless and therefore an error.
cant_migrate(None, None);
// Providing a zero port number isn't valid.
let mut zero_port = DEFAULT_ADDR;
cant_migrate(None, Some(zero_port));
cant_migrate(Some(zero_port), None);
// An unspecified remote address is bad.
let mut remote_unspecified = DEFAULT_ADDR;
cant_migrate(None, Some(remote_unspecified));
// Mixed address families is bad.
cant_migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4));
cant_migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR));
// Loopback to non-loopback is bad.
cant_migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(loopback()));
cant_migrate(Some(loopback()), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR));
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), Some(loopback()), true, now())
.migrate(Some(loopback()), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR), true, now())
/// This inserts a frame into packets that provides a single new
/// connection ID and retires all others.
struct RetireAll {
cid_gen: Rc<RefCell<dyn ConnectionIdGenerator>>,
impl crate::connection::test_internal::FrameWriter for RetireAll {
fn write_frames(&mut self, builder: &mut PacketBuilder) {
// Use a sequence number that is large enough that all existing values
// will be lower (so they get retired). As the code doesn't care about
// gaps in sequence numbers, this is safe, even though the gap might
// hint that there are more outstanding connection IDs that are allowed.
const SEQNO: u64 = 100;
let cid = self.cid_gen.borrow_mut().generate_cid().unwrap();
.encode_varint(SEQNO) // Retire Prior To
.encode_vec(1, &cid)
.encode(&[0x7f; 16]);
/// Test that forcing retirement of connection IDs forces retirement of all active
/// connection IDs and the use of of newer one.
fn retire_all() {
let mut client = default_client();
let cid_gen: Rc<RefCell<dyn ConnectionIdGenerator>> =
let mut server = Connection::new_server(
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let original_cid = ConnectionId::from(get_cid(&send_something(&mut client, now())));
let ncid = send_with_extra(&mut server, RetireAll { cid_gen }, now());
let new_cid_before = client.stats().frame_rx.new_connection_id;
let retire_cid_before = client.stats().frame_tx.retire_connection_id;
client.process_input(&ncid, now());
let retire = send_something(&mut client, now());
new_cid_before + 1
retire_cid_before + LOCAL_ACTIVE_CID_LIMIT
assert_ne!(get_cid(&retire), original_cid);
/// During a graceful migration, if the probed path can't get a new connection ID due
/// to being forced to retire the one it is using, the migration will fail.
fn retire_prior_to_migration_failure() {
let mut client = default_client();
let cid_gen: Rc<RefCell<dyn ConnectionIdGenerator>> =
let mut server = Connection::new_server(
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let original_cid = ConnectionId::from(get_cid(&send_something(&mut client, now())));
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), false, now())
// The client now probes the new path.
let probe = client.process_output(now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&probe, true);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
let probe_cid = ConnectionId::from(get_cid(&probe));
assert_ne!(original_cid, probe_cid);
// Have the server receive the probe, but separately have it decide to
// retire all of the available connection IDs.
let retire_all = send_with_extra(&mut server, RetireAll { cid_gen }, now());
let resp = server.process(Some(&probe), now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&resp, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
// Have the client receive the NEW_CONNECTION_ID with Retire Prior To.
client.process_input(&retire_all, now());
// This packet contains the probe response, which should be fine, but it
// also includes PATH_CHALLENGE for the new path, and the client can't
// respond without a connection ID. We treat this as a connection error.
client.process_input(&resp, now());
State::Closing {
error: CloseReason::Transport(Error::InvalidMigration),
/// The timing of when frames arrive can mean that the migration path can
/// get the last available connection ID.
fn retire_prior_to_migration_success() {
let mut client = default_client();
let cid_gen: Rc<RefCell<dyn ConnectionIdGenerator>> =
let mut server = Connection::new_server(
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let original_cid = ConnectionId::from(get_cid(&send_something(&mut client, now())));
.migrate(Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), Some(DEFAULT_ADDR_V4), false, now())
// The client now probes the new path.
let probe = client.process_output(now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&probe, true);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
let probe_cid = ConnectionId::from(get_cid(&probe));
assert_ne!(original_cid, probe_cid);
// Have the server receive the probe, but separately have it decide to
// retire all of the available connection IDs.
let retire_all = send_with_extra(&mut server, RetireAll { cid_gen }, now());
let resp = server.process(Some(&probe), now()).dgram().unwrap();
assert_v4_path(&resp, true);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_response, 1);
assert_eq!(server.stats().frame_tx.path_challenge, 1);
// Have the client receive the NEW_CONNECTION_ID with Retire Prior To second.
// As this occurs in a very specific order, migration succeeds.
client.process_input(&resp, now());
client.process_input(&retire_all, now());
// Migration succeeds and the new path gets the last connection ID.
let dgram = send_something(&mut client, now());
assert_v4_path(&dgram, false);
assert_ne!(get_cid(&dgram), original_cid);
assert_ne!(get_cid(&dgram), probe_cid);
struct GarbageWriter {}
impl crate::connection::test_internal::FrameWriter for GarbageWriter {
fn write_frames(&mut self, builder: &mut PacketBuilder) {
// Not a valid frame type.
/// Test the case that we run out of connection ID and receive an invalid frame
/// from a new path.
fn error_on_new_path_with_no_connection_id() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let cid_gen: Rc<RefCell<dyn ConnectionIdGenerator>> =
let retire_all = send_with_extra(&mut server, RetireAll { cid_gen }, now());
client.process_input(&retire_all, now());
let garbage = send_with_extra(&mut server, GarbageWriter {}, now());
let dgram = change_path(&garbage, DEFAULT_ADDR_V4);
client.process_input(&dgram, now());
// See issue #1697. We had a crash when the client had a temporary path and
// process_output is called.
let closing_frames = client.stats().frame_tx.connection_close;
State::Closing {
error: CloseReason::Transport(Error::UnknownFrameType),
// Wait until the connection is closed.
let mut now = now();
now += client.process(None, now).callback();
_ = client.process_output(now);
// No closing frames should be sent, and the connection should be closed.
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_tx.connection_close, closing_frames);