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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::{
time::{Duration, Instant},
use neqo_common::{qtrace, Encoder};
use test_fixture::{now, split_datagram};
use super::{
super::{Connection, ConnectionParameters, IdleTimeout, Output, State},
connect, connect_force_idle, connect_rtt_idle, connect_with_rtt, default_client,
default_server, maybe_authenticate, new_client, new_server, send_and_receive, send_something,
use crate::{
stream_id::{StreamId, StreamType},
tparams::{self, TransportParameter},
fn default_timeout() -> Duration {
fn keep_alive_timeout() -> Duration {
default_timeout() / 2
fn test_idle_timeout(client: &mut Connection, server: &mut Connection, timeout: Duration) {
assert!(timeout > Duration::from_secs(1));
connect_force_idle(client, server);
let now = now();
let res = client.process(None, now);
assert_eq!(res, Output::Callback(timeout));
// Still connected after timeout-1 seconds. Idle timer not reset
now + timeout.checked_sub(Duration::from_secs(1)).unwrap(),
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Confirmed));
mem::drop(client.process(None, now + timeout));
// Not connected after timeout.
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Closed(_)));
fn idle_timeout() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
test_idle_timeout(&mut client, &mut server, default_timeout());
fn idle_timeout_custom_client() {
const IDLE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
let mut client = new_client(ConnectionParameters::default().idle_timeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT));
let mut server = default_server();
test_idle_timeout(&mut client, &mut server, IDLE_TIMEOUT);
fn idle_timeout_custom_server() {
const IDLE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = new_server(ConnectionParameters::default().idle_timeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT));
test_idle_timeout(&mut client, &mut server, IDLE_TIMEOUT);
fn idle_timeout_custom_both() {
const LOWER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
const HIGHER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
let mut client = new_client(ConnectionParameters::default().idle_timeout(HIGHER_TIMEOUT));
let mut server = new_server(ConnectionParameters::default().idle_timeout(LOWER_TIMEOUT));
test_idle_timeout(&mut client, &mut server, LOWER_TIMEOUT);
fn asymmetric_idle_timeout() {
const LOWER_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 1000;
const LOWER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(LOWER_TIMEOUT_MS);
// Sanity check the constant.
assert!(LOWER_TIMEOUT < default_timeout());
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
// Overwrite the default at the server.
.set_integer(tparams::IDLE_TIMEOUT, LOWER_TIMEOUT_MS);
server.idle_timeout = IdleTimeout::new(LOWER_TIMEOUT);
// Now connect and force idleness manually.
// We do that by following what `force_idle` does and have each endpoint
// send two packets, which are delivered out of order. See `force_idle`.
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let c1 = send_something(&mut client, now());
let c2 = send_something(&mut client, now());
server.process_input(&c2, now());
server.process_input(&c1, now());
let s1 = send_something(&mut server, now());
let s2 = send_something(&mut server, now());
client.process_input(&s2, now());
let ack = client.process(Some(&s1), now()).dgram();
// Now both should have received ACK frames so should be idle.
server.process(ack.as_ref(), now()),
assert_eq!(client.process(None, now()), Output::Callback(LOWER_TIMEOUT));
fn tiny_idle_timeout() {
const RTT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
const LOWER_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 100;
const LOWER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(LOWER_TIMEOUT_MS);
// We won't respect a value that is lower than 3*PTO, sanity check.
assert!(LOWER_TIMEOUT < 3 * RTT);
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
// Overwrite the default at the server.
server.idle_timeout = IdleTimeout::new(LOWER_TIMEOUT);
// Now connect with an RTT and force idleness manually.
let mut now = connect_with_rtt(&mut client, &mut server, now(), RTT);
let c1 = send_something(&mut client, now);
let c2 = send_something(&mut client, now);
now += RTT / 2;
server.process_input(&c2, now);
server.process_input(&c1, now);
let s1 = send_something(&mut server, now);
let s2 = send_something(&mut server, now);
now += RTT / 2;
client.process_input(&s2, now);
let ack = client.process(Some(&s1), now).dgram();
// The client should be idle now, but with a different timer.
if let Output::Callback(t) = client.process(None, now) {
assert!(t > LOWER_TIMEOUT);
} else {
panic!("Client not idle");
// The server should go idle after the ACK, but again with a larger timeout.
now += RTT / 2;
if let Output::Callback(t) = client.process(ack.as_ref(), now) {
assert!(t > LOWER_TIMEOUT);
} else {
panic!("Client not idle");
fn idle_send_packet1() {
const DELTA: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
let mut now = now();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let timeout = client.process(None, now).callback();
assert_eq!(timeout, default_timeout());
now += Duration::from_secs(10);
let dgram = send_and_receive(&mut client, &mut server, now);
assert!(dgram.is_some()); // the server will want to ACK, we can drop that.
// Still connected after 39 seconds because idle timer reset by the
// outgoing packet.
now += default_timeout() - DELTA;
let dgram = client.process(None, now).dgram();
assert!(dgram.is_some()); // PTO
// Not connected after 40 seconds.
now += DELTA;
let out = client.process(None, now);
assert!(matches!(out, Output::None));
fn idle_send_packet2() {
const GAP: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
const DELTA: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let mut now = now();
let timeout = client.process(None, now).callback();
assert_eq!(timeout, default_timeout());
// First transmission at t=GAP.
now += GAP;
mem::drop(send_something(&mut client, now));
// Second transmission at t=2*GAP.
mem::drop(send_something(&mut client, now + GAP));
assert!((GAP * 2 + DELTA) < default_timeout());
// Still connected just before GAP + default_timeout().
now += default_timeout() - DELTA;
let dgram = client.process(None, now).dgram();
assert!(dgram.is_some()); // PTO
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Confirmed));
// Not connected after 40 seconds because timer not reset by second
// outgoing packet
now += DELTA;
let out = client.process(None, now);
assert!(matches!(out, Output::None));
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Closed(_)));
fn idle_recv_packet() {
const FUDGE: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
let mut now = now();
let res = client.process(None, now);
assert_eq!(res, Output::Callback(default_timeout()));
let stream = client.stream_create(StreamType::BiDi).unwrap();
assert_eq!(stream, 0);
assert_eq!(client.stream_send(stream, b"hello").unwrap(), 5);
// Respond with another packet.
// Note that it is important that this not result in the RTT increasing above 0.
// Otherwise, the eventual timeout will be extended (and we're not testing that).
now += Duration::from_secs(10);
let out = client.process(None, now);
server.process_input(&out.dgram().unwrap(), now);
assert_eq!(server.stream_send(stream, b"world").unwrap(), 5);
let out = server.process_output(now);
assert_ne!(out.as_dgram_ref(), None);
mem::drop(client.process(out.as_dgram_ref(), now));
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Confirmed));
// Add a little less than the idle timeout and we're still connected.
now += default_timeout() - FUDGE;
mem::drop(client.process(None, now));
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Confirmed));
now += FUDGE;
mem::drop(client.process(None, now));
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Closed(_)));
/// Caching packets should not cause the connection to become idle.
/// This requires a few tricks to keep the connection from going
/// idle while preventing any progress on the handshake.
fn idle_caching() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
let start = now();
let mut builder = PacketBuilder::short(Encoder::new(), false, None::<&[u8]>);
// Perform the first round trip, but drop the Initial from the server.
// The client then caches the Handshake packet.
let dgram = client.process_output(start).dgram();
let dgram = server.process(dgram.as_ref(), start).dgram();
let (_, handshake) = split_datagram(&dgram.unwrap());
client.process_input(&handshake.unwrap(), start);
// Perform an exchange and keep the connection alive.
let middle = start + AT_LEAST_PTO;
// This is the RTX of the client Initial.
let dgram = client.process_output(middle).dgram();
// Get the server to send its first probe and throw that away.
// Now let the server process the RTX'ed client Initial. This causes the server
// to send CRYPTO frames again, so manually extract and discard those.
server.process_input(&dgram.unwrap(), middle);
let mut tokens = Vec::new();
&mut builder,
&mut tokens,
&mut FrameStats::default(),
assert_eq!(tokens.len(), 1);
&mut builder,
&mut tokens,
&mut FrameStats::default(),
let dgram = server.process_output(middle).dgram();
// Now only allow the Initial packet from the server through;
// it shouldn't contain a CRYPTO frame.
let (initial, _) = split_datagram(&dgram.unwrap());
let crypto_before_c = client.stats().frame_rx.crypto;
let ack_before = client.stats().frame_rx.ack;
client.process_input(&initial, middle);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_rx.crypto, crypto_before_c);
assert_eq!(client.stats().frame_rx.ack, ack_before + 1);
let end = start + default_timeout() + (AT_LEAST_PTO / 2);
// Now let the server Initial through, with the CRYPTO frame.
let dgram = server.process_output(end).dgram();
let (initial, _) = split_datagram(&dgram.unwrap());
neqo_common::qwarn!("client ingests initial, finally");
mem::drop(client.process(Some(&initial), end));
maybe_authenticate(&mut client);
let dgram = client.process_output(end).dgram();
let dgram = server.process(dgram.as_ref(), end).dgram();
client.process_input(&dgram.unwrap(), end);
assert_eq!(*client.state(), State::Confirmed);
assert_eq!(*server.state(), State::Confirmed);
/// This function opens a bidirectional stream and leaves both endpoints
/// idle, with the stream left open.
/// The stream ID of that stream is returned (along with the new time).
fn create_stream_idle_rtt(
initiator: &mut Connection,
responder: &mut Connection,
mut now: Instant,
rtt: Duration,
) -> (Instant, StreamId) {
let check_idle = |endpoint: &mut Connection, now: Instant| {
let delay = endpoint.process_output(now).callback();
qtrace!([endpoint], "idle timeout {:?}", delay);
if rtt < default_timeout() / 4 {
assert_eq!(default_timeout(), delay);
} else {
assert!(delay > default_timeout());
// Exchange a message each way on a stream.
let stream = initiator.stream_create(StreamType::BiDi).unwrap();
_ = initiator.stream_send(stream, DEFAULT_STREAM_DATA).unwrap();
let req = initiator.process_output(now).dgram();
now += rtt / 2;
responder.process_input(&req.unwrap(), now);
// Reordering two packets from the responder forces the initiator to be idle.
_ = responder.stream_send(stream, DEFAULT_STREAM_DATA).unwrap();
let resp1 = responder.process_output(now).dgram();
_ = responder.stream_send(stream, DEFAULT_STREAM_DATA).unwrap();
let resp2 = responder.process_output(now).dgram();
now += rtt / 2;
initiator.process_input(&resp2.unwrap(), now);
initiator.process_input(&resp1.unwrap(), now);
let ack = initiator.process_output(now).dgram();
check_idle(initiator, now);
// Receiving the ACK should return the responder to idle too.
now += rtt / 2;
responder.process_input(&ack.unwrap(), now);
check_idle(responder, now);
(now, stream)
fn create_stream_idle(initiator: &mut Connection, responder: &mut Connection) -> StreamId {
let (_, stream) = create_stream_idle_rtt(initiator, responder, now(), Duration::new(0, 0));
fn assert_idle(endpoint: &mut Connection, now: Instant, expected: Duration) {
assert_eq!(endpoint.process_output(now).callback(), expected);
/// The creator of a stream marks it as important enough to use a keep-alive.
fn keep_alive_initiator() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut server, &mut client);
let mut now = now();
// Marking the stream for keep-alive changes the idle timeout.
server.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut server, now, keep_alive_timeout());
// Wait that long and the server should send a PING frame.
now += keep_alive_timeout();
let pings_before = server.stats();
let ping = server.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_eq!(server.stats(), pings_before + 1);
// Exchange ack for the PING.
let out = client.process(ping.as_ref(), now).dgram();
let out = server.process(out.as_ref(), now).dgram();
assert!(client.process(out.as_ref(), now).dgram().is_none());
// Check that there will be next keep-alive ping after keep_alive_timeout().
assert_idle(&mut server, now, keep_alive_timeout());
now += keep_alive_timeout();
let pings_before2 = server.stats();
let ping = server.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_eq!(server.stats(), pings_before2 + 1);
/// Test a keep-alive ping is retransmitted if lost.
fn keep_alive_lost() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut server, &mut client);
let mut now = now();
server.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut server, now, keep_alive_timeout());
// Wait that long and the server should send a PING frame.
now += keep_alive_timeout();
let pings_before = server.stats();
let ping = server.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_eq!(server.stats(), pings_before + 1);
// Wait for ping to be marked lost.
assert!(server.process_output(now).callback() < AT_LEAST_PTO);
now += AT_LEAST_PTO;
let pings_before2 = server.stats();
let ping = server.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_eq!(server.stats(), pings_before2 + 1);
// Exchange ack for the PING.
let out = client.process(ping.as_ref(), now).dgram();
now += Duration::from_millis(20);
let out = server.process(out.as_ref(), now).dgram();
assert!(client.process(out.as_ref(), now).dgram().is_none());
// TODO: if we run server.process with current value of now, the server will
// return some small timeout for the recovry although it does not have
// any outstanding data. Therefore we call it after AT_LEAST_PTO.
now += AT_LEAST_PTO;
assert_idle(&mut server, now, keep_alive_timeout() - AT_LEAST_PTO);
/// The other peer can also keep it alive.
fn keep_alive_responder() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut server, &mut client);
let mut now = now();
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now, keep_alive_timeout());
// Wait that long and the client should send a PING frame.
now += keep_alive_timeout();
eprintln!("after wait");
let pings_before = client.stats();
let ping = client.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_eq!(client.stats(), pings_before + 1);
/// Unmark a stream as being keep-alive.
fn keep_alive_unmark() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, false).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), default_timeout());
/// The sender has something to send. Make it send it
/// and cause the receiver to become idle by sending something
/// else, reordering the packets, and consuming the ACK.
/// Note that the sender might not be idle if the thing that it
/// sends results in something in addition to an ACK.
fn transfer_force_idle(sender: &mut Connection, receiver: &mut Connection) {
let dgram = sender.process_output(now()).dgram();
let chaff = send_something(sender, now());
receiver.process_input(&chaff, now());
receiver.process_input(&dgram.unwrap(), now());
let ack = receiver.process_output(now()).dgram();
sender.process_input(&ack.unwrap(), now());
/// Receiving the end of the stream stops keep-alives for that stream.
/// Even if that data hasn't been read.
fn keep_alive_close() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
transfer_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
transfer_force_idle(&mut server, &mut client);
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), default_timeout());
/// Receiving `RESET_STREAM` stops keep-alives for that stream, but only once
/// the sending side is also closed.
fn keep_alive_reset() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
transfer_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
server.stream_reset_send(stream, 0).unwrap();
transfer_force_idle(&mut server, &mut client);
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), default_timeout());
// The client will fade away from here.
let t = now() + keep_alive_timeout();
assert_eq!(client.process_output(t).callback(), keep_alive_timeout());
let t = now() + default_timeout();
assert_eq!(client.process_output(t), Output::None);
/// Stopping sending also cancels the keep-alive.
fn keep_alive_stop_sending() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
client.stream_stop_sending(stream, 0).unwrap();
transfer_force_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
// The server will have sent RESET_STREAM, which the client will
// want to acknowledge, so force that out.
let junk = send_something(&mut server, now());
let ack = client.process(Some(&junk), now()).dgram();
// Now the client should be idle.
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), default_timeout());
/// Multiple active streams are tracked properly.
fn keep_alive_multiple_stop() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = create_stream_idle(&mut client, &mut server);
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
let other = client.stream_create(StreamType::BiDi).unwrap();
client.stream_keep_alive(other, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, false).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), keep_alive_timeout());
client.stream_keep_alive(other, false).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now(), default_timeout());
/// If the RTT is too long relative to the idle timeout, the keep-alive is large too.
fn keep_alive_large_rtt() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
// Use an RTT that is large enough to cause the PTO timer to exceed half
// the idle timeout.
let rtt = default_timeout() * 3 / 4;
let now = connect_with_rtt(&mut client, &mut server, now(), rtt);
let (now, stream) = create_stream_idle_rtt(&mut server, &mut client, now, rtt);
// Calculating PTO here is tricky as RTTvar has eroded after multiple round trips.
// Just check that the delay is larger than the baseline and the RTT.
for endpoint in &mut [client, server] {
endpoint.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
let delay = endpoint.process_output(now).callback();
qtrace!([endpoint], "new delay {:?}", delay);
assert!(delay > keep_alive_timeout());
assert!(delay > rtt);
/// Only the recipient of a unidirectional stream can keep it alive.
fn keep_alive_uni() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let stream = client.stream_create(StreamType::UniDi).unwrap();
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap_err();
_ = client.stream_send(stream, DEFAULT_STREAM_DATA).unwrap();
let dgram = client.process_output(now()).dgram();
server.process_input(&dgram.unwrap(), now());
server.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
/// Test a keep-alive ping is send if there are outstading ack-eliciting packets and that
/// the connection is closed after the idle timeout passes.
fn keep_alive_with_ack_eliciting_packet_lost() {
const RTT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500); // PTO will be ~1.1125s
// The idle time out will be set to ~ 5 * PTO. (IDLE_TIMEOUT/2 > pto and IDLE_TIMEOUT/2 < pto
// + 2pto) After handshake all packets will be lost. The following steps will happen after
// the handshake:
// - data will be sent on a stream that is marked for keep-alive, (at start time)
// - PTO timer will trigger first, and the data will be retransmited toghether with a PING, (at
// the start time + pto)
// - keep-alive timer will trigger and a keep-alive PING will be sent, (at the start time +
// - PTO timer will trigger again. (at the start time + pto + 2*pto)
// - Idle time out will trigger (at the timeout + IDLE_TIMEOUT)
const IDLE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(6000);
let mut client = new_client(ConnectionParameters::default().idle_timeout(IDLE_TIMEOUT));
let mut server = default_server();
let mut now = connect_rtt_idle(&mut client, &mut server, RTT);
// connect_rtt_idle increase now by RTT / 2;
now -= RTT / 2;
assert_idle(&mut client, now, IDLE_TIMEOUT);
// Create a stream.
let stream = client.stream_create(StreamType::BiDi).unwrap();
// Marking the stream for keep-alive changes the idle timeout.
client.stream_keep_alive(stream, true).unwrap();
assert_idle(&mut client, now, IDLE_TIMEOUT / 2);
// Send data on the stream that will be lost.
_ = client.stream_send(stream, DEFAULT_STREAM_DATA).unwrap();
let _lost_packet = client.process_output(now).dgram();
let pto = client.process_output(now).callback();
// Wait for packet to be marked lost.
assert!(pto < IDLE_TIMEOUT / 2);
now += pto;
let retransmit = client.process_output(now).dgram();
let retransmit = client.process_output(now).dgram();
// The next callback should be for an idle PING.
IDLE_TIMEOUT / 2 - pto
// Wait that long and the client should send a PING frame.
now += IDLE_TIMEOUT / 2 - pto;
let pings_before = client.stats();
let ping = client.process_output(now).dgram();
assert_eq!(client.stats(), pings_before + 1);
// The next callback is for a PTO, the PTO timer is 2 * pto now.
assert_eq!(client.process_output(now).callback(), pto * 2);
now += pto * 2;
// Now we will retransmit stream data.
let retransmit = client.process_output(now).dgram();
let retransmit = client.process_output(now).dgram();
// The next callback will be an idle timeout.
IDLE_TIMEOUT / 2 - 2 * pto
now += IDLE_TIMEOUT / 2 - 2 * pto;
let out = client.process_output(now);
assert!(matches!(out, Output::None));
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Closed(_)));
fn keep_alive_with_unresponsive_server() {
let mut client = default_client();
let mut server = default_server();
connect(&mut client, &mut server);
let mut now = now();
let client_stream = client.stream_create(StreamType::BiDi).unwrap();
client.stream_keep_alive(client_stream, true).unwrap();
for _ in 0..100 {
if client.stream_send(client_stream, &[0x0; 500]).is_err() {
if let Output::Callback(t) = client.process_output(now) {
now += t;
// Connection should be closed due to idle timeout.
assert!(matches!(client.state(), State::Closed(_)));