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// When compiling with FXC without strict mode, these keywords are actually case insensitive.
// If you compile with strict mode and specify a different casing like "Pass" instead in an identifier, FXC will give this error:
// "error X3086: alternate cases for 'pass' are deprecated in strict mode"
// This behavior is not documented anywhere, but as far as I can tell this is the full list.
pub const RESERVED_CASE_INSENSITIVE: &[&str] = &[
pub const RESERVED: &[&str] = &[
// look for `BuiltinTypeDeclBuilder`
// Naga utilities
// + vector and matrix shorthands
pub const TYPES: &[&str] = &{
const L: usize = 23 * (1 + 4 + 4 * 4);
let mut res = [""; L];
let mut c = 0;
/// For each scalar type, it will additionally generate vector and matrix shorthands
macro_rules! generate {
([$($roots:literal),*], $x:tt) => {
generate!(@inner push $roots);
generate!(@inner $roots, $x);
(@inner $root:literal, [$($x:literal),*]) => {
generate!(@inner vector $root, $($x)*);
generate!(@inner matrix $root, $($x)*);
(@inner vector $root:literal, $($x:literal)*) => {
generate!(@inner push concat!($root, $x));
(@inner matrix $root:literal, $($x:literal)*) => {
// Duplicate the list
generate!(@inner matrix $root, $($x)*; $($x)*);
// The head/tail recursion: pick the first element of the first list and recursively do it for the tail.
(@inner matrix $root:literal, $head:literal $($tail:literal)*; $($x:literal)*) => {
generate!(@inner push concat!($root, $head, "x", $x));
generate!(@inner matrix $root, $($tail)*; $($x)*);
// The end of iteration: we exhausted the list
(@inner matrix $root:literal, ; $($x:literal)*) => {};
(@inner push $v:expr) => {
res[c] = $v;
c += 1;
["1", "2", "3", "4"]
debug_assert!(c == L);