Name Description Size Well-typed indices into [`Arena`]s and [`UniqueArena`]s. This module defines [`Handle`] and related types. [`Arena`]: super::Arena [`UniqueArena`]: super::UniqueArena 3452 The [`HandleSet`] type and associated definitions. 2769 The [`HandleVec`] type and associated definitions. 2819 ! The [`Arena`], [`UniqueArena`], and [`Handle`] types. To improve translator performance and reduce memory usage, most structures are stored in an [`Arena`]. An `Arena<T>` stores a series of `T` values, indexed by [`Handle<T>`](Handle) values, which are just wrappers around integer indexes. For example, a `Function`'s expressions are stored in an `Arena<Expression>`, and compound expressions refer to their sub-expressions via `Handle<Expression>` values. (When examining the serialized form of a `Module`, note that the first element of an `Arena` has an index of 1, not 0.) A [`UniqueArena`] is just like an `Arena`, except that it stores only a single instance of each value. The value type must implement `Eq` and `Hash`. Like an `Arena`, inserting a value into a `UniqueArena` returns a `Handle` which can be used to efficiently access the value, without a hash lookup. Inserting a value multiple times returns the same `Handle`. If the `span` feature is enabled, both `Arena` and `UniqueArena` can associate a source code span with each element. [`Handle<T>`]: Handle 10425 Well-typed ranges of [`Arena`]s. This module defines the [`Range`] type, representing a contiguous range of entries in an [`Arena`]. [`Arena`]: super::Arena 4200 The [`UniqueArena`] type and supporting definitions. 8162