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//! C API for mp4parse module.
//! Parses ISO Base Media Format aka video/mp4 streams.
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! use std::io::Read;
//! extern fn buf_read(buf: *mut u8, size: usize, userdata: *mut std::os::raw::c_void) -> isize {
//! let mut input: &mut std::fs::File = unsafe { &mut *(userdata as *mut _) };
//! let mut buf = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, size) };
//! match buf) {
//! Ok(n) => n as isize,
//! Err(_) => -1,
//! }
//! }
//! let capi_dir = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
//! let mut file = std::fs::File::open(capi_dir + "/../mp4parse/tests/minimal.mp4").unwrap();
//! let io = mp4parse_capi::Mp4parseIo {
//! read: Some(buf_read),
//! userdata: &mut file as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void
//! };
//! let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
//! unsafe {
//! let rv = mp4parse_capi::mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser);
//! assert_eq!(rv, mp4parse_capi::Mp4parseStatus::Ok);
//! assert!(!parser.is_null());
//! mp4parse_capi::mp4parse_free(parser);
//! }
//! ```
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
use byteorder::WriteBytesExt;
use mp4parse::unstable::rational_scale;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::io::Read;
// Symbols we need from our rust api.
use mp4parse::serialize_opus_header;
use mp4parse::unstable::{create_sample_table, CheckedInteger, Indice};
use mp4parse::AV1ConfigBox;
use mp4parse::AudioCodecSpecific;
use mp4parse::AvifContext;
use mp4parse::CodecType;
use mp4parse::MediaContext;
// Re-exported so consumers don't have to depend on mp4parse as well
pub use mp4parse::ParseStrictness;
use mp4parse::SampleEntry;
pub use mp4parse::Status as Mp4parseStatus;
use mp4parse::Track;
use mp4parse::TrackType;
use mp4parse::TryBox;
use mp4parse::TryHashMap;
use mp4parse::TryVec;
use mp4parse::VideoCodecSpecific;
// To ensure we don't use stdlib allocating types by accident
struct Vec;
struct Box;
struct HashMap;
struct String;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub enum Mp4parseTrackType {
Video = 0,
Picture = 1,
AuxiliaryVideo = 2,
Audio = 3,
Metadata = 4,
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub enum Mp4parseCodec {
Jpeg, // for QT JPEG atom in video track
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub enum Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType {
// Schemes also have a version component. At the time of writing, this does
// not impact handling, so we do not expose it. Note that this may need to
// be exposed in future, should the spec change.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Mp4parseTrackInfo {
pub track_type: Mp4parseTrackType,
pub track_id: u32,
pub duration: u64,
pub media_time: CheckedInteger<i64>,
pub time_scale: u32,
pub struct Mp4parseByteData {
pub length: usize,
// cheddar can't handle generic type, so it needs to be multiple data types here.
pub data: *const u8,
pub indices: *const Indice,
impl Mp4parseByteData {
fn with_data(slice: &[u8]) -> Self {
Self {
length: slice.len(),
data: if !slice.is_empty() {
} else {
indices: std::ptr::null(),
impl Default for Mp4parseByteData {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
length: 0,
data: std::ptr::null(),
indices: std::ptr::null(),
impl Mp4parseByteData {
fn set_data(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
self.length = data.len(); = data.as_ptr();
fn set_indices(&mut self, data: &[Indice]) {
self.length = data.len();
self.indices = data.as_ptr();
pub struct Mp4parsePsshInfo {
pub data: Mp4parseByteData,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum OptionalFourCc {
Some([u8; 4]),
impl Default for OptionalFourCc {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Mp4parseSinfInfo {
pub original_format: OptionalFourCc,
pub scheme_type: Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType,
pub is_encrypted: u8,
pub iv_size: u8,
pub kid: Mp4parseByteData,
// Members for pattern encryption schemes, may be 0 (u8) or empty
// (Mp4parseByteData) if pattern encryption is not in use
pub crypt_byte_block: u8,
pub skip_byte_block: u8,
pub constant_iv: Mp4parseByteData,
// End pattern encryption scheme members
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Mp4parseTrackAudioSampleInfo {
pub codec_type: Mp4parseCodec,
pub channels: u16,
pub bit_depth: u16,
pub sample_rate: u32,
pub profile: u16,
pub extended_profile: u16,
pub codec_specific_config: Mp4parseByteData,
pub extra_data: Mp4parseByteData,
pub protected_data: Mp4parseSinfInfo,
pub struct Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo {
pub sample_info_count: u32,
pub sample_info: *const Mp4parseTrackAudioSampleInfo,
impl Default for Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
sample_info_count: 0,
sample_info: std::ptr::null(),
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Mp4parseTrackVideoSampleInfo {
pub codec_type: Mp4parseCodec,
pub image_width: u16,
pub image_height: u16,
pub extra_data: Mp4parseByteData,
pub protected_data: Mp4parseSinfInfo,
pub struct Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo {
pub display_width: u32,
pub display_height: u32,
pub rotation: u16,
pub sample_info_count: u32,
pub sample_info: *const Mp4parseTrackVideoSampleInfo,
impl Default for Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
display_width: 0,
display_height: 0,
rotation: 0,
sample_info_count: 0,
sample_info: std::ptr::null(),
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Mp4parseFragmentInfo {
pub fragment_duration: u64, // in ticks
pub time_scale: u64,
// TODO:
// info in trex box.
pub struct Mp4parseParser {
context: MediaContext,
opus_header: TryHashMap<u32, TryVec<u8>>,
pssh_data: TryVec<u8>,
sample_table: TryHashMap<u32, TryVec<Indice>>,
// Store a mapping from track index (not id) to associated sample
// descriptions. Because each track has a variable number of sample
// descriptions, and because we need the data to live long enough to be
// copied out by callers, we store these on the parser struct.
audio_track_sample_descriptions: TryHashMap<u32, TryVec<Mp4parseTrackAudioSampleInfo>>,
video_track_sample_descriptions: TryHashMap<u32, TryVec<Mp4parseTrackVideoSampleInfo>>,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub enum Mp4parseAvifLoopMode {
pub struct Mp4parseAvifInfo {
pub premultiplied_alpha: bool,
pub major_brand: [u8; 4],
pub unsupported_features_bitfield: u32,
/// The size of the image; should never be null unless using permissive parsing
pub spatial_extents: *const mp4parse::ImageSpatialExtentsProperty,
pub nclx_colour_information: *const mp4parse::NclxColourInformation,
pub icc_colour_information: Mp4parseByteData,
pub image_rotation: mp4parse::ImageRotation,
pub image_mirror: *const mp4parse::ImageMirror,
pub pixel_aspect_ratio: *const mp4parse::PixelAspectRatio,
/// Whether there is a `pitm` reference to the color image present.
pub has_primary_item: bool,
/// Bit depth for the item referenced by `pitm`, or 0 if values are inconsistent.
pub primary_item_bit_depth: u8,
/// Whether there is an `auxl` reference to the `pitm`-accompanying
/// alpha image present.
pub has_alpha_item: bool,
/// Bit depth for the alpha item used by the `pitm`, or 0 if values are inconsistent.
pub alpha_item_bit_depth: u8,
/// Whether there is a sequence. Can be true with no primary image.
pub has_sequence: bool,
/// Indicates whether the EditListBox requests that the image be looped.
pub loop_mode: Mp4parseAvifLoopMode,
/// Number of times to loop the animation during playback.
/// The duration of the animation specified in `elst` must be looped to fill the
/// duration of the color track. If the resulting loop count is not an integer,
/// then it will be ceiled to play past and fill the entire track's duration.
pub loop_count: u64,
/// The color track's ID, which must be valid if has_sequence is true.
pub color_track_id: u32,
pub color_track_bit_depth: u8,
/// The track ID of the alpha track, will be 0 if no alpha track is present.
pub alpha_track_id: u32,
pub alpha_track_bit_depth: u8,
pub struct Mp4parseAvifImage {
pub primary_image: Mp4parseByteData,
/// If no alpha item exists, members' `.length` will be 0 and `.data` will be null
pub alpha_image: Mp4parseByteData,
/// A unified interface for the parsers which have different contexts, but
/// share the same pattern of construction. This allows unification of
/// argument validation from C and minimizes the surface of unsafe code.
trait ContextParser
Self: Sized,
type Context;
fn with_context(context: Self::Context) -> Self;
fn read<T: Read>(io: &mut T, strictness: ParseStrictness) -> mp4parse::Result<Self::Context>;
impl Mp4parseParser {
fn context(&self) -> &MediaContext {
fn context_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MediaContext {
&mut self.context
impl ContextParser for Mp4parseParser {
type Context = MediaContext;
fn with_context(context: Self::Context) -> Self {
Self {
fn read<T: Read>(io: &mut T, _strictness: ParseStrictness) -> mp4parse::Result<Self::Context> {
let r = mp4parse::read_mp4(io);
log::debug!("mp4parse::read_mp4 -> {:?}", r);
pub struct Mp4parseAvifParser {
context: AvifContext,
sample_table: TryHashMap<u32, TryVec<Indice>>,
impl Mp4parseAvifParser {
fn context(&self) -> &AvifContext {
impl ContextParser for Mp4parseAvifParser {
type Context = AvifContext;
fn with_context(context: Self::Context) -> Self {
Self {
fn read<T: Read>(io: &mut T, strictness: ParseStrictness) -> mp4parse::Result<Self::Context> {
let r = mp4parse::read_avif(io, strictness);
if r.is_err() {
log::debug!("{:?}", r);
log::trace!("mp4parse::read_avif -> {:?}", r);
pub struct Mp4parseIo {
pub read: Option<
extern "C" fn(buffer: *mut u8, size: usize, userdata: *mut std::os::raw::c_void) -> isize,
pub userdata: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
impl Read for Mp4parseIo {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
if buf.len() > isize::max_value() as usize {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"buf length overflow in Mp4parseIo Read impl",
let rv =, buf.len(), self.userdata);
if rv >= 0 {
Ok(rv as usize)
} else {
"I/O error in Mp4parseIo Read impl",
// C API wrapper functions.
/// Allocate an `Mp4parseParser*` to read from the supplied `Mp4parseIo` and
/// parse the content from the `Mp4parseIo` argument until EOF or error.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the `io` and `parser_out`
/// pointers given to it. The caller should ensure that the `Mp4ParseIo`
/// struct passed in is a valid pointer. The caller should also ensure the
/// members of io are valid: the `read` function should be sanely implemented,
/// and the `userdata` pointer should be valid. The `parser_out` should be a
/// valid pointer to a location containing a null pointer. Upon successful
/// return (`Mp4parseStatus::Ok`), that location will contain the address of
/// an `Mp4parseParser` allocated by this function.
/// To avoid leaking memory, any successful return of this function must be
/// paired with a call to `mp4parse_free`. In the event of error, no memory
/// will be allocated and `mp4parse_free` must *not* be called.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_new(
io: *const Mp4parseIo,
parser_out: *mut *mut Mp4parseParser,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
mp4parse_new_common(io, ParseStrictness::Normal, parser_out)
/// Allocate an `Mp4parseAvifParser*` to read from the supplied `Mp4parseIo`.
/// See mp4parse_new; this function is identical except that it allocates an
/// `Mp4parseAvifParser`, which (when successful) must be paired with a call
/// to mp4parse_avif_free.
/// # Safety
/// Same as mp4parse_new.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_avif_new(
io: *const Mp4parseIo,
strictness: ParseStrictness,
parser_out: *mut *mut Mp4parseAvifParser,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
mp4parse_new_common(io, strictness, parser_out)
unsafe fn mp4parse_new_common<P: ContextParser>(
io: *const Mp4parseIo,
strictness: ParseStrictness,
parser_out: *mut *mut P,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
// Validate arguments from C.
if io.is_null()
|| (*io).userdata.is_null()
|| (*io).read.is_none()
|| parser_out.is_null()
|| !(*parser_out).is_null()
} else {
match mp4parse_new_common_safe(&mut (*io).clone(), strictness) {
Ok(parser) => {
*parser_out = parser;
Err(status) => status,
fn mp4parse_new_common_safe<T: Read, P: ContextParser>(
io: &mut T,
strictness: ParseStrictness,
) -> Result<*mut P, Mp4parseStatus> {
P::read(io, strictness)
.and_then(|x| TryBox::try_new(x).map_err(mp4parse::Error::from))
/// Free an `Mp4parseParser*` allocated by `mp4parse_new()`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it creates a box from a raw pointer.
/// Callers should ensure that the parser pointer points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseParser` created by `mp4parse_new`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_free(parser: *mut Mp4parseParser) {
let _ = TryBox::from_raw(parser);
/// Free an `Mp4parseAvifParser*` allocated by `mp4parse_avif_new()`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it creates a box from a raw pointer.
/// Callers should ensure that the parser pointer points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseAvifParser` created by `mp4parse_avif_new`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_avif_free(parser: *mut Mp4parseAvifParser) {
let _ = TryBox::from_raw(parser);
/// Return the number of tracks parsed by previous `mp4parse_read()` call.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences both the parser and count
/// raw pointers passed into it. Callers should ensure the parser pointer
/// points to a valid `Mp4parseParser`, and that the count pointer points an
/// appropriate memory location to have a `u32` written to.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_track_count(
parser: *const Mp4parseParser,
count: *mut u32,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
// Validate arguments from C.
if parser.is_null() || count.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
let context = (*parser).context();
// Make sure the track count fits in a u32.
if context.tracks.len() > u32::max_value() as usize {
return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid;
*count = context.tracks.len() as u32;
/// Fill the supplied `Mp4parseTrackInfo` with metadata for `track`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and info raw
/// pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser pointer points to a
/// valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the info pointer points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseTrackInfo`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_track_info(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
track_index: u32,
info: *mut Mp4parseTrackInfo,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || info.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*info = Default::default();
let context = (*parser).context_mut();
let track_index: usize = track_index as usize;
let info: &mut Mp4parseTrackInfo = &mut *info;
if track_index >= context.tracks.len() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
info.track_type = match context.tracks[track_index].track_type {
TrackType::Video => Mp4parseTrackType::Video,
TrackType::Picture => Mp4parseTrackType::Picture,
TrackType::AuxiliaryVideo => Mp4parseTrackType::AuxiliaryVideo,
TrackType::Audio => Mp4parseTrackType::Audio,
TrackType::Metadata => Mp4parseTrackType::Metadata,
TrackType::Unknown => return Mp4parseStatus::Unsupported,
let track = &context.tracks[track_index];
if let (Some(timescale), Some(context_timescale)) = (track.timescale, context.timescale) {
info.time_scale = timescale.0 as u32;
let media_time: CheckedInteger<u64> = track
.map_or(0.into(), |media_time| media_time.0.into());
// Empty duration is in the context's timescale, convert it and return it in the track's
// timescale
let empty_duration: CheckedInteger<u64> =
match track.empty_duration.map_or(Some(0), |empty_duration| {
rational_scale(empty_duration.0, context_timescale.0, timescale.0)
}) {
Some(time) => mp4parse::unstable::CheckedInteger(time),
None => return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid,
info.media_time = match media_time - empty_duration {
Some(difference) => difference,
None => return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid,
match track.duration {
Some(duration) => info.duration = duration.0,
None => {
// Duration unknown; stagefright returns 0 for this.
info.duration = 0
} else {
return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid;
info.track_id = match track.track_id {
Some(track_id) => track_id,
None => return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid,
/// Fill the supplied `Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo` with metadata for `track`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and info raw
/// pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser pointer points to a
/// valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the info pointer points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_track_audio_info(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
track_index: u32,
info: *mut Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || info.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*info = Default::default();
get_track_audio_info(&mut *parser, track_index, &mut *info).into()
fn get_track_audio_info(
parser: &mut Mp4parseParser,
track_index: u32,
info: &mut Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo,
) -> Result<(), Mp4parseStatus> {
let Mp4parseParser {
} = parser;
if track_index as usize >= context.tracks.len() {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
let track = &context.tracks[track_index as usize];
if track.track_type != TrackType::Audio {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
// Handle track.stsd
let stsd = match track.stsd {
Some(ref stsd) => stsd,
None => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid), // Stsd should be present
if stsd.descriptions.is_empty() {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid); // Should have at least 1 description
let mut audio_sample_infos = TryVec::with_capacity(stsd.descriptions.len())?;
for description in stsd.descriptions.iter() {
let mut sample_info = Mp4parseTrackAudioSampleInfo::default();
let audio = match description {
SampleEntry::Audio(a) => a,
_ => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid),
// UNKNOWN for unsupported format.
sample_info.codec_type = match audio.codec_specific {
AudioCodecSpecific::OpusSpecificBox(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Opus,
AudioCodecSpecific::FLACSpecificBox(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Flac,
AudioCodecSpecific::ES_Descriptor(ref esds) if esds.audio_codec == CodecType::AAC => {
AudioCodecSpecific::ES_Descriptor(ref esds) if esds.audio_codec == CodecType::MP3 => {
AudioCodecSpecific::ES_Descriptor(_) | AudioCodecSpecific::LPCM => {
AudioCodecSpecific::MP3 => Mp4parseCodec::Mp3,
AudioCodecSpecific::ALACSpecificBox(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Alac,
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
AudioCodecSpecific::AMRSpecificBox(_) => {
if audio.codec_type == CodecType::AMRNB {
} else {
sample_info.channels = audio.channelcount as u16;
sample_info.bit_depth = audio.samplesize;
sample_info.sample_rate = audio.samplerate as u32;
// sample_info.profile is handled below on a per case basis
match audio.codec_specific {
AudioCodecSpecific::ES_Descriptor(ref esds) => {
if esds.codec_esds.len() > std::u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
sample_info.extra_data.length = esds.codec_esds.len(); = esds.codec_esds.as_ptr();
sample_info.codec_specific_config.length = esds.decoder_specific_data.len(); = esds.decoder_specific_data.as_ptr();
if let Some(rate) = esds.audio_sample_rate {
sample_info.sample_rate = rate;
if let Some(channels) = esds.audio_channel_count {
sample_info.channels = channels;
if let Some(profile) = esds.audio_object_type {
sample_info.profile = profile;
sample_info.extended_profile = match esds.extended_audio_object_type {
Some(extended_profile) => extended_profile,
_ => sample_info.profile,
AudioCodecSpecific::FLACSpecificBox(ref flac) => {
// Return the STREAMINFO metadata block in the codec_specific.
let streaminfo = &flac.blocks[0];
if streaminfo.block_type != 0 || != 34 {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
sample_info.codec_specific_config.length =; =;
AudioCodecSpecific::OpusSpecificBox(ref opus) => {
let mut v = TryVec::new();
match serialize_opus_header(opus, &mut v) {
Err(_) => {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
Ok(_) => {
opus_header.insert(track_index, v)?;
if let Some(v) = opus_header.get(&track_index) {
if v.len() > std::u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
sample_info.codec_specific_config.length = v.len(); = v.as_ptr();
AudioCodecSpecific::ALACSpecificBox(ref alac) => {
sample_info.codec_specific_config.length =; =;
AudioCodecSpecific::MP3 | AudioCodecSpecific::LPCM => (),
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
AudioCodecSpecific::AMRSpecificBox(_) => (),
if let Some(p) = audio
.find(|sinf| sinf.tenc.is_some())
sample_info.protected_data.original_format =
sample_info.protected_data.scheme_type = match p.scheme_type {
Some(ref scheme_type_box) => {
match scheme_type_box.scheme_type.value.as_ref() {
b"cenc" => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::Cenc,
b"cbcs" => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::Cbcs,
// We don't support other schemes, and shouldn't reach
// this case. Try to gracefully handle by treating as
// no encryption case.
_ => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::None,
None => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::None,
if let Some(ref tenc) = p.tenc {
sample_info.protected_data.is_encrypted = tenc.is_encrypted;
sample_info.protected_data.iv_size = tenc.iv_size;
sample_info.protected_data.crypt_byte_block =
sample_info.protected_data.skip_byte_block =
if let Some(ref iv_vec) = tenc.constant_iv {
if iv_vec.len() > std::u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
.insert(track_index, audio_sample_infos)?;
match parser.audio_track_sample_descriptions.get(&track_index) {
Some(sample_info) => {
if sample_info.len() > std::u32::MAX as usize {
// Should never happen due to upper limits on number of sample
// descriptions a track can have, but lets be safe.
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
info.sample_info_count = sample_info.len() as u32;
info.sample_info = sample_info.as_ptr();
None => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid), // Shouldn't happen, we just inserted the info!
/// Fill the supplied `Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo` with metadata for `track`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and info raw
/// pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser pointer points to a
/// valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the info pointer points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_track_video_info(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
track_index: u32,
info: *mut Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || info.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*info = Default::default();
mp4parse_get_track_video_info_safe(&mut *parser, track_index, &mut *info).into()
fn mp4parse_get_track_video_info_safe(
parser: &mut Mp4parseParser,
track_index: u32,
info: &mut Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo,
) -> Result<(), Mp4parseStatus> {
let context = parser.context();
if track_index as usize >= context.tracks.len() {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
let track = &context.tracks[track_index as usize];
if track.track_type != TrackType::Video {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
// Handle track.tkhd
if let Some(ref tkhd) = track.tkhd {
info.display_width = tkhd.width >> 16; // 16.16 fixed point
info.display_height = tkhd.height >> 16; // 16.16 fixed point
let matrix = (
tkhd.matrix.a >> 16,
tkhd.matrix.b >> 16,
tkhd.matrix.c >> 16,
tkhd.matrix.d >> 16,
info.rotation = match matrix {
(0, 1, -1, 0) => 90, // rotate 90 degrees
(-1, 0, 0, -1) => 180, // rotate 180 degrees
(0, -1, 1, 0) => 270, // rotate 270 degrees
_ => 0,
} else {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
// Handle track.stsd
let stsd = match track.stsd {
Some(ref stsd) => stsd,
None => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid), // Stsd should be present
if stsd.descriptions.is_empty() {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid); // Should have at least 1 description
let mut video_sample_infos = TryVec::with_capacity(stsd.descriptions.len())?;
for description in stsd.descriptions.iter() {
let mut sample_info = Mp4parseTrackVideoSampleInfo::default();
let video = match description {
SampleEntry::Video(v) => v,
_ => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid),
// UNKNOWN for unsupported format.
sample_info.codec_type = match video.codec_specific {
VideoCodecSpecific::VPxConfig(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Vp9,
VideoCodecSpecific::AV1Config(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Av1,
VideoCodecSpecific::AVCConfig(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Avc,
VideoCodecSpecific::H263Config(_) => Mp4parseCodec::H263,
VideoCodecSpecific::HEVCConfig(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Hevc,
#[cfg(feature = "mp4v")]
VideoCodecSpecific::ESDSConfig(_) => Mp4parseCodec::Mp4v,
#[cfg(not(feature = "mp4v"))]
VideoCodecSpecific::ESDSConfig(_) =>
// MP4V (14496-2) video is unsupported.
sample_info.image_width = video.width;
sample_info.image_height = video.height;
match video.codec_specific {
VideoCodecSpecific::AV1Config(ref config) => {
VideoCodecSpecific::AVCConfig(ref data)
| VideoCodecSpecific::ESDSConfig(ref data)
| VideoCodecSpecific::HEVCConfig(ref data) => {
_ => {}
if let Some(p) = video
.find(|sinf| sinf.tenc.is_some())
sample_info.protected_data.original_format =
sample_info.protected_data.scheme_type = match p.scheme_type {
Some(ref scheme_type_box) => {
match scheme_type_box.scheme_type.value.as_ref() {
b"cenc" => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::Cenc,
b"cbcs" => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::Cbcs,
// We don't support other schemes, and shouldn't reach
// this case. Try to gracefully handle by treating as
// no encryption case.
_ => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::None,
None => Mp4ParseEncryptionSchemeType::None,
if let Some(ref tenc) = p.tenc {
sample_info.protected_data.is_encrypted = tenc.is_encrypted;
sample_info.protected_data.iv_size = tenc.iv_size;
sample_info.protected_data.crypt_byte_block =
sample_info.protected_data.skip_byte_block =
if let Some(ref iv_vec) = tenc.constant_iv {
if iv_vec.len() > std::u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
.insert(track_index, video_sample_infos)?;
match parser.video_track_sample_descriptions.get(&track_index) {
Some(sample_info) => {
if sample_info.len() > std::u32::MAX as usize {
// Should never happen due to upper limits on number of sample
// descriptions a track can have, but lets be safe.
return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);
info.sample_info_count = sample_info.len() as u32;
info.sample_info = sample_info.as_ptr();
None => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid), // Shouldn't happen, we just inserted the info!
/// Return a struct containing meta information read by previous
/// `mp4parse_avif_new()` call.
/// `color_track_id`and `alpha_track_id` will be 0 if has_sequence is false.
/// `alpha_track_id` will be 0 if no alpha aux track is present.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences both the parser and
/// avif_info raw pointers passed into it. Callers should ensure the parser
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseAvifParser`, and that the avif_info
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseAvifInfo`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_avif_get_info(
parser: *const Mp4parseAvifParser,
avif_info: *mut Mp4parseAvifInfo,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || avif_info.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
if let Ok(info) = mp4parse_avif_get_info_safe((*parser).context()) {
*avif_info = info;
} else {
fn mp4parse_avif_get_info_safe(context: &AvifContext) -> mp4parse::Result<Mp4parseAvifInfo> {
let info = Mp4parseAvifInfo {
premultiplied_alpha: context.premultiplied_alpha,
major_brand: context.major_brand.value,
unsupported_features_bitfield: context.unsupported_features.into_bitfield(),
spatial_extents: context.spatial_extents_ptr()?,
nclx_colour_information: context
icc_colour_information: Mp4parseByteData::with_data(
image_rotation: context.image_rotation()?,
image_mirror: context.image_mirror_ptr()?,
pixel_aspect_ratio: context.pixel_aspect_ratio_ptr()?,
has_primary_item: context.primary_item_is_present(),
primary_item_bit_depth: 0,
has_alpha_item: context.alpha_item_is_present(),
alpha_item_bit_depth: 0,
has_sequence: false,
loop_mode: Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::NoEdits,
loop_count: 0,
color_track_id: 0,
color_track_bit_depth: 0,
alpha_track_id: 0,
alpha_track_bit_depth: 0,
fn get_bit_depth(data: &[u8]) -> u8 {
if !data.is_empty() && data.iter().all(|v| *v == data[0]) {
} else {
let primary_item_bit_depth =
let alpha_item_bit_depth =
if let Some(sequence) = &context.sequence {
// Tracks must have track_id and samples
fn get_track<T>(tracks: &TryVec<Track>, pred: T) -> Option<&Track>
T: Fn(&Track) -> bool,
tracks.iter().find(|track| {
if track.track_id.is_none() {
return false;
match &track.stsc {
Some(stsc) => {
if stsc.samples.is_empty() {
return false;
if !pred(track) {
return false;
stsc.samples.iter().any(|chunk| chunk.samples_per_chunk > 0)
_ => false,
// Color track will be the first track found
let color_track = match get_track(&sequence.tracks, |_| true) {
Some(v) => v,
_ => return Ok(info),
// Alpha track will be the first track found with auxl.aux_for_track_id set to color_track's id
let alpha_track = get_track(&sequence.tracks, |track| match &track.tref {
Some(tref) => tref.has_auxl_reference(color_track.track_id.unwrap()),
_ => false,
fn get_av1c(track: &Track) -> Option<&AV1ConfigBox> {
if let Some(stsd) = &track.stsd {
for entry in &stsd.descriptions {
if let SampleEntry::Video(video_entry) = entry {
if let VideoCodecSpecific::AV1Config(av1c) = &video_entry.codec_specific {
return Some(av1c);
let color_track_id = color_track.track_id.unwrap();
let color_track_bit_depth = match get_av1c(color_track) {
Some(av1c) => av1c.bit_depth,
_ => return Ok(info),
let (alpha_track_id, alpha_track_bit_depth) = match alpha_track {
Some(track) => (
match get_av1c(track) {
Some(av1c) => av1c.bit_depth,
_ => return Ok(info),
_ => (0, 0),
let (loop_mode, loop_count) = match color_track.tkhd.as_ref().map(|tkhd| tkhd.duration) {
Some(movie_duration) if movie_duration == std::u64::MAX => {
(Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::LoopInfinitely, 0)
Some(movie_duration) => match color_track.looped {
Some(true) => match|v| v.0) {
Some(segment_duration) => {
match movie_duration.checked_div(segment_duration).and_then(|n| {
match movie_duration.checked_rem(segment_duration) {
Some(0) => Some(n.saturating_sub(1)),
Some(_) => Some(n),
None => None,
}) {
Some(n) => (Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::LoopByCount, n),
None => (Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::LoopInfinitely, 0),
None => (Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::NoEdits, 0),
Some(false) => (Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::LoopByCount, 0),
None => (Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::NoEdits, 0),
None => (Mp4parseAvifLoopMode::LoopInfinitely, 0),
return Ok(Mp4parseAvifInfo {
has_sequence: true,
/// Return a pointer to the primary item parsed by previous `mp4parse_avif_new()` call.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences both the parser and
/// avif_image raw pointers passed into it. Callers should ensure the parser
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseAvifParser`, and that the avif_image
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseAvifImage`. If there was not a previous
/// successful call to `mp4parse_avif_read()`, no guarantees are made as to
/// the state of `avif_image`. If `avif_image.alpha_image.coded_data` is set to
/// a positive `length` and non-null `data`, then the `avif_image` contains a
/// valid alpha channel data. Otherwise, the image is opaque.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_avif_get_image(
parser: *const Mp4parseAvifParser,
avif_image: *mut Mp4parseAvifImage,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || avif_image.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
if let Ok(image) = mp4parse_avif_get_image_safe(&*parser) {
*avif_image = image;
} else {
pub fn mp4parse_avif_get_image_safe(
parser: &Mp4parseAvifParser,
) -> mp4parse::Result<Mp4parseAvifImage> {
let context = parser.context();
Ok(Mp4parseAvifImage {
primary_image: Mp4parseByteData::with_data(
alpha_image: Mp4parseByteData::with_data(context.alpha_item_coded_data().unwrap_or(&[])),
/// Fill the supplied `Mp4parseByteData` with index information from `track`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and indices
/// raw pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser pointer points
/// to a valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the indices pointer points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseByteData`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_indice_table(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
track_id: u32,
indices: *mut Mp4parseByteData,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*indices = Default::default();
&mut (*parser).sample_table,
&mut *indices,
/// Fill the supplied `Mp4parseByteData` with index information from `track`.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences both the parser and
/// indices raw pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser
/// points to a valid `Mp4parseAvifParser` and indices points to a valid
/// `Mp4parseByteData`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_avif_get_indice_table(
parser: *mut Mp4parseAvifParser,
track_id: u32,
indices: *mut Mp4parseByteData,
timescale: *mut u64,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
if indices.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
if timescale.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*indices = Default::default();
if let Some(sequence) = &(*parser).context.sequence {
// Use the top level timescale, and the track timescale if present.
let mut found_timescale = false;
if let Some(context_timescale) = sequence.timescale {
*timescale = context_timescale.0;
found_timescale = true;
let maybe_track_timescale = match sequence
.find(|track| track.track_id == Some(track_id))
Some(track) => track.timescale,
_ => None,
if let Some(track_timescale) = maybe_track_timescale {
found_timescale = true;
*timescale = track_timescale.0;
if !found_timescale {
return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid;
return get_indice_table(
&mut (*parser).sample_table,
&mut *indices,
fn get_indice_table(
context: &MediaContext,
sample_table_cache: &mut TryHashMap<u32, TryVec<Indice>>,
track_id: u32,
indices: &mut Mp4parseByteData,
) -> Result<(), Mp4parseStatus> {
let tracks = &context.tracks;
let track = match tracks.iter().find(|track| track.track_id == Some(track_id)) {
Some(t) => t,
_ => return Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid),
if let Some(v) = sample_table_cache.get(&track_id) {
return Ok(());
let media_time = match &track.media_time {
&Some(t) => i64::try_from(t.0).ok().map(Into::into),
_ => None,
let empty_duration: Option<CheckedInteger<_>> = match &track.empty_duration {
&Some(e) => i64::try_from(e.0).ok().map(Into::into),
_ => None,
// Find the track start offset time from 'elst'.
// 'media_time' maps start time onward, 'empty_duration' adds time offset
// before first frame is displayed.
let offset_time = match (empty_duration, media_time) {
(Some(e), Some(m)) => (e - m).ok_or(Err(Mp4parseStatus::Invalid))?,
(Some(e), None) => e,
(None, Some(m)) => m,
_ => 0.into(),
if let Some(v) = create_sample_table(track, offset_time) {
sample_table_cache.insert(track_id, v)?;
return Ok(());
/// Fill the supplied `Mp4parseFragmentInfo` with metadata from fragmented file.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and
/// info raw pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the info pointer points
/// to a valid `Mp4parseFragmentInfo`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_fragment_info(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
info: *mut Mp4parseFragmentInfo,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || info.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*info = Default::default();
let context = (*parser).context();
let info: &mut Mp4parseFragmentInfo = &mut *info;
info.fragment_duration = 0;
let duration = match context.mvex {
Some(ref mvex) => mvex.fragment_duration,
None => return Mp4parseStatus::Invalid,
if let (Some(time), Some(scale)) = (duration, context.timescale) {
info.fragment_duration = time.0;
info.time_scale = scale.0;
return Mp4parseStatus::Ok;
/// Determine if an mp4 file is fragmented. A fragmented file needs mvex table
/// and contains no data in stts, stsc, and stco boxes.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and
/// fragmented raw pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the fragmented pointer
/// points to an appropriate memory location to have a `u8` written to.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_is_fragmented(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
track_id: u32,
fragmented: *mut u8,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
let context = (*parser).context_mut();
let tracks = &context.tracks;
(*fragmented) = false as u8;
if context.mvex.is_none() {
return Mp4parseStatus::Ok;
// check sample tables.
let mut iter = tracks.iter();
iter.find(|track| track.track_id == Some(track_id))
.map_or(Mp4parseStatus::BadArg, |track| {
match (&track.stsc, &track.stco, &track.stts) {
(Some(stsc), Some(stco), Some(stts))
if stsc.samples.is_empty()
&& stco.offsets.is_empty()
&& stts.samples.is_empty() =>
(*fragmented) = true as u8
_ => {}
/// Get 'pssh' system id and 'pssh' box content for eme playback.
/// The data format of the `info` struct passed to gecko is:
/// - system id (16 byte uuid)
/// - pssh box size (32-bit native endian)
/// - pssh box content (including header)
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it dereferences the the parser and
/// info raw pointers passed to it. Callers should ensure the parser
/// pointer points to a valid `Mp4parseParser` and that the fragmented pointer
/// points to a valid `Mp4parsePsshInfo`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp4parse_get_pssh_info(
parser: *mut Mp4parseParser,
info: *mut Mp4parsePsshInfo,
) -> Mp4parseStatus {
if parser.is_null() || info.is_null() {
return Mp4parseStatus::BadArg;
// Initialize fields to default values to ensure all fields are always valid.
*info = Default::default();
get_pssh_info(&mut *parser, &mut *info).into()
fn get_pssh_info(
parser: &mut Mp4parseParser,
info: &mut Mp4parsePsshInfo,
) -> Result<(), Mp4parseStatus> {
let Mp4parseParser {
context, pssh_data, ..
} = parser;
for pssh in &context.psshs {
let content_len = pssh
.map_err(|_| Mp4parseStatus::Invalid)?;
let mut data_len = TryVec::new();
extern "C" fn error_read(_: *mut u8, _: usize, _: *mut std::os::raw::c_void) -> isize {
extern "C" fn valid_read(buf: *mut u8, size: usize, userdata: *mut std::os::raw::c_void) -> isize {
let input: &mut std::fs::File = unsafe { &mut *(userdata as *mut _) };
let buf = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, size) };
match {
Ok(n) => n as isize,
Err(_) => -1,
fn get_track_count_null_parser() {
unsafe {
let mut count: u32 = 0;
let rv = mp4parse_get_track_count(std::ptr::null(), std::ptr::null_mut());
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
let rv = mp4parse_get_track_count(std::ptr::null(), &mut count);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
fn arg_validation() {
unsafe {
let rv = mp4parse_new(std::ptr::null(), std::ptr::null_mut());
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
// Passing a null Mp4parseIo is an error.
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
let rv = mp4parse_new(std::ptr::null(), &mut parser);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
let null_mut: *mut std::os::raw::c_void = std::ptr::null_mut();
// Passing an Mp4parseIo with null members is an error.
let io = Mp4parseIo {
read: None,
userdata: null_mut,
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
let rv = mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
let mut dummy_value = 42;
let io = Mp4parseIo {
read: None,
userdata: &mut dummy_value as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
let rv = mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
let mut dummy_info = Mp4parseTrackInfo {
track_type: Mp4parseTrackType::Video,
mp4parse_get_track_info(std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, &mut dummy_info)
let mut dummy_video = Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo {
display_width: 0,
display_height: 0,
rotation: 0,
sample_info_count: 0,
sample_info: std::ptr::null(),
mp4parse_get_track_video_info(std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, &mut dummy_video)
let mut dummy_audio = Default::default();
mp4parse_get_track_audio_info(std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, &mut dummy_audio)
fn parser_input_must_be_null() {
let mut dummy_value = 42;
let io = Mp4parseIo {
read: Some(error_read),
userdata: &mut dummy_value as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
let mut parser = 0xDEAD_BEEF as *mut _;
let rv = unsafe { mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser) };
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::BadArg);
fn arg_validation_with_parser() {
unsafe {
let mut dummy_value = 42;
let io = Mp4parseIo {
read: Some(error_read),
userdata: &mut dummy_value as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
let rv = mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::Io);
// Null info pointers are an error.
mp4parse_get_track_info(parser, 0, std::ptr::null_mut())
mp4parse_get_track_video_info(parser, 0, std::ptr::null_mut())
mp4parse_get_track_audio_info(parser, 0, std::ptr::null_mut())
let mut dummy_info = Mp4parseTrackInfo {
track_type: Mp4parseTrackType::Video,
mp4parse_get_track_info(parser, 0, &mut dummy_info)
let mut dummy_video = Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo {
display_width: 0,
display_height: 0,
rotation: 0,
sample_info_count: 0,
sample_info: std::ptr::null(),
mp4parse_get_track_video_info(parser, 0, &mut dummy_video)
let mut dummy_audio = Default::default();
mp4parse_get_track_audio_info(parser, 0, &mut dummy_audio)
fn parse_minimal_mp4() -> *mut Mp4parseParser {
let mut file = std::fs::File::open("../mp4parse/tests/minimal.mp4").unwrap();
let io = Mp4parseIo {
read: Some(valid_read),
userdata: &mut file as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
let rv = unsafe { mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser) };
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::Ok, rv);
fn minimal_mp4_parse_ok() {
let parser = parse_minimal_mp4();
unsafe {
fn minimal_mp4_get_track_cout() {
let parser = parse_minimal_mp4();
let mut count: u32 = 0;
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::Ok, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_count(parser, &mut count)
assert_eq!(2, count);
unsafe {
fn minimal_mp4_get_track_info() {
let parser = parse_minimal_mp4();
let mut info = Mp4parseTrackInfo {
track_type: Mp4parseTrackType::Video,
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::Ok, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_info(parser, 0, &mut info)
assert_eq!(info.track_type, Mp4parseTrackType::Video);
assert_eq!(info.track_id, 1);
assert_eq!(info.duration, 512);
assert_eq!(info.media_time, 0);
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::Ok, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_info(parser, 1, &mut info)
assert_eq!(info.track_type, Mp4parseTrackType::Audio);
assert_eq!(info.track_id, 2);
assert_eq!(info.duration, 2944);
assert_eq!(info.media_time, 1024);
unsafe {
fn minimal_mp4_get_track_video_info() {
let parser = parse_minimal_mp4();
let mut video = Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo::default();
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::Ok, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_video_info(parser, 0, &mut video)
assert_eq!(video.display_width, 320);
assert_eq!(video.display_height, 240);
assert_eq!(video.sample_info_count, 1);
unsafe {
assert_eq!((*video.sample_info).image_width, 320);
assert_eq!((*video.sample_info).image_height, 240);
unsafe {
fn minimal_mp4_get_track_audio_info() {
let parser = parse_minimal_mp4();
let mut audio = Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo::default();
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::Ok, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_audio_info(parser, 1, &mut audio)
assert_eq!(audio.sample_info_count, 1);
unsafe {
assert_eq!((*audio.sample_info).channels, 1);
assert_eq!((*audio.sample_info).bit_depth, 16);
assert_eq!((*audio.sample_info).sample_rate, 48000);
unsafe {
fn minimal_mp4_get_track_info_invalid_track_number() {
let parser = parse_minimal_mp4();
let mut info = Mp4parseTrackInfo {
track_type: Mp4parseTrackType::Video,
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::BadArg, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_info(parser, 3, &mut info)
assert_eq!(info.track_type, Mp4parseTrackType::Video);
assert_eq!(info.track_id, 0);
assert_eq!(info.duration, 0);
assert_eq!(info.media_time, 0);
let mut video = Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo::default();
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::BadArg, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_video_info(parser, 3, &mut video)
assert_eq!(video.display_width, 0);
assert_eq!(video.display_height, 0);
assert_eq!(video.sample_info_count, 0);
let mut audio = Default::default();
assert_eq!(Mp4parseStatus::BadArg, unsafe {
mp4parse_get_track_audio_info(parser, 3, &mut audio)
assert_eq!(audio.sample_info_count, 0);
unsafe {
fn parse_no_timescale() {
let mut file = std::fs::File::open("tests/no_timescale.mp4").expect("Unknown file");
let io = Mp4parseIo {
read: Some(valid_read),
userdata: &mut file as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
unsafe {
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
let mut rv = mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::Ok);
// The file has a video track, but the track has a timescale of 0, so.
let mut track_info = Mp4parseTrackInfo::default();
rv = mp4parse_get_track_info(parser, 0, &mut track_info);
assert_eq!(rv, Mp4parseStatus::Invalid);