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use crate::windows::errors::Error;
use crate::windows::ffi::{
capture_context, CloseHandle, GetCurrentProcess, GetCurrentThreadId, GetThreadContext,
MiniDumpWriteDump, MinidumpType, OpenProcess, OpenThread, ResumeThread, SuspendThread,
use minidump_common::format::{BreakpadInfoValid, MINIDUMP_BREAKPAD_INFO, MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE};
use scroll::Pwrite;
use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;
pub struct MinidumpWriter {
/// Optional exception information
/// Handle to the crashing process, which could be ourselves
crashing_process: HANDLE,
/// The id of the process we are dumping
pid: u32,
/// The id of the 'crashing' thread
tid: u32,
/// The exception code for the dump
exception_code: i32,
/// Whether we are dumping the current process or not
is_external_process: bool,
impl MinidumpWriter {
/// Creates a minidump of the current process, optionally including an
/// exception code and the CPU context of the specified thread. If no thread
/// is specified the current thread CPU context is used.
/// Note that it is inherently unreliable to dump the currently running
/// process, at least in the event of an actual exception. It is recommended
/// to dump from an external process if possible via [`Self::dump_crash_context`]
/// # Errors
/// In addition to the errors described in [`Self::dump_crash_context`], this
/// function can also fail if `thread_id` is specified and we are unable to
/// acquire the thread's context
pub fn dump_local_context(
exception_code: Option<i32>,
thread_id: Option<u32>,
minidump_type: Option<MinidumpType>,
destination: &mut std::fs::File,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let exception_code = exception_code.unwrap_or(STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION);
// SAFETY: syscalls, while this encompasses most of the function, the user
// has no invariants to uphold so the entire function is not marked unsafe
unsafe {
let mut exception_context = if let Some(tid) = thread_id {
let mut ec = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
// We need to suspend the thread to get its context, which would be bad
// if it's the current thread, so we check it early before regrets happen
if tid == GetCurrentThreadId() {
} else {
// We _could_ just fallback to the current thread if we can't get the
// thread handle, but probably better for this to fail with a specific
// error so that the caller can do that themselves if they want to
let thread_handle = OpenThread(
THREAD_GET_CONTEXT | THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION | THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, // desired access rights, we only need to get the context, which also requires suspension
FALSE, // inherit handles
tid, // thread id
if thread_handle == 0 {
return Err(Error::ThreadOpen(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
struct OwnedHandle(HANDLE);
impl Drop for OwnedHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: syscall
unsafe { CloseHandle(self.0) };
let thread_handle = OwnedHandle(thread_handle);
// As noted in the GetThreadContext docs, we have to suspend the thread before we can get its context
if SuspendThread(thread_handle.0) == u32::MAX {
return Err(Error::ThreadSuspend(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
if GetThreadContext(thread_handle.0, ec.as_mut_ptr()) == 0 {
// Try to be a good citizen and resume the thread
return Err(Error::ThreadContext(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
// _presumably_ this will not fail if SuspendThread succeeded, but if it does
// there's really not much we can do about it, thus we don't bother checking the
// return value
} else {
let mut ec = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
let mut exception_record: EXCEPTION_RECORD = std::mem::zeroed();
let exception_ptrs = EXCEPTION_POINTERS {
ExceptionRecord: &mut exception_record,
ContextRecord: &mut exception_context,
exception_record.ExceptionCode = exception_code;
let cc = crash_context::CrashContext {
exception_pointers: (&exception_ptrs as *const EXCEPTION_POINTERS).cast(),
process_id: std::process::id(),
thread_id: thread_id.unwrap_or_else(|| GetCurrentThreadId()),
Self::dump_crash_context(cc, minidump_type, destination)
/// Writes a minidump for the context described by [`crash_context::CrashContext`].
/// # Errors
/// Fails if the process specified in the context is not the local process
/// and we are unable to open it due to eg. security reasons, or we fail to
/// write the minidump, which can be due to a host of issues with both acquiring
/// the process information as well as writing the actual minidump contents to disk
/// # Safety
/// If [`crash_context::CrashContext::exception_pointers`] is specified, it
/// is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the pointer is valid
/// for the duration of this function call.
pub fn dump_crash_context(
crash_context: crash_context::CrashContext,
minidump_type: Option<MinidumpType>,
destination: &mut std::fs::File,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pid = crash_context.process_id;
// SAFETY: syscalls
let (crashing_process, is_external_process) = unsafe {
if pid != std::process::id() {
let proc = OpenProcess(
PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, // desired access
FALSE, // inherit handles
pid, // pid
if proc == 0 {
return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error().into());
(proc, true)
} else {
(GetCurrentProcess(), false)
let pid = crash_context.process_id;
let tid = crash_context.thread_id;
let exception_code = crash_context.exception_code;
let exc_info = (!crash_context.exception_pointers.is_null()).then_some(
ThreadId: crash_context.thread_id,
// This is a mut pointer for some reason...I don't _think_ it is
// actually mut in practice...?
ExceptionPointers: crash_context.exception_pointers as *mut _,
// The `EXCEPTION_POINTERS` contained in crash context is a pointer into the
// memory of the process that crashed, as it contains an `EXCEPTION_RECORD`
// record which is an internally linked list, so in the case that we are
// dumping a process other than the current one, we need to tell
// `MiniDumpWriteDump` that the pointers come from an external process so that
// it can use eg `ReadProcessMemory` to get the contextual information from
// the crash, rather than from the current process
ClientPointers: i32::from(is_external_process),
let mdw = Self {
mdw.dump(minidump_type, destination)
/// Writes a minidump to the specified file
fn dump(
mut self,
minidump_type: Option<MinidumpType>,
destination: &mut std::fs::File,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let exc_info = self.exc_info.take();
let mut user_streams = Vec::with_capacity(1);
let mut breakpad_info = self.fill_breakpad_stream();
if let Some(bp_info) = &mut breakpad_info {
user_streams.push(MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM {
Type: MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::BreakpadInfoStream as u32,
BufferSize: bp_info.len() as u32,
// Again with the mut pointer
Buffer: bp_info.as_mut_ptr().cast(),
let user_stream_infos = MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION {
UserStreamCount: user_streams.len() as u32,
UserStreamArray: user_streams.as_mut_ptr(),
// Write the actual minidump
// SAFETY: syscall
let ret = unsafe {
self.crashing_process, // HANDLE to the process with the crash we want to capture, // process id
destination.as_raw_handle() as HANDLE, // file to write the minidump to
.map_or(std::ptr::null(), |ei| ei as *const _), // exceptionparam - the actual exception information
&user_stream_infos, // user streams
std::ptr::null(), // callback, unused
if ret == 0 {
} else {
/// Create an MDRawBreakpadInfo stream to the minidump, to provide additional
/// information about the exception handler to the Breakpad processor.
/// The information will help the processor determine which threads are
/// relevant. The Breakpad processor does not require this information but
/// can function better with Breakpad-generated dumps when it is present.
/// The native debugger is not harmed by the presence of this information.
/// This info is only relevant for in-process dumping
fn fill_breakpad_stream(&self) -> Option<[u8; 12]> {
if self.is_external_process {
return None;
let mut breakpad_info = [0u8; 12];
validity: BreakpadInfoValid::DumpThreadId.bits()
| BreakpadInfoValid::RequestingThreadId.bits(),
dump_thread_id: self.tid,
// SAFETY: syscall
requesting_thread_id: unsafe { GetCurrentThreadId() },
let mut offset = 0;
breakpad_info.gwrite(bp_info.validity, &mut offset).ok()?;
.gwrite(bp_info.dump_thread_id, &mut offset)
.gwrite(bp_info.requesting_thread_id, &mut offset)
impl Drop for MinidumpWriter {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Note we close the handle regardless of whether it is the local handle
// or an external one, as noted in the docs
// > The pseudo handle need not be closed when it is no longer needed.
// > Calling the CloseHandle function with a pseudo handle has no effect.
// SAFETY: syscall
unsafe { CloseHandle(self.crashing_process) };