Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use super::*;
use crate::linux::maps_reader::MappingInfo;
use crate::linux::module_reader::{BuildId, ReadFromModule, SoName};
/// Write information about the mappings in effect. Because we are using the
/// minidump format, the information about the mappings is pretty limited.
/// Because of this, we also include the full, unparsed, /proc/$x/maps file in
/// another stream in the file.
pub fn write(
config: &mut MinidumpWriter,
buffer: &mut DumpBuf,
dumper: &mut PtraceDumper,
) -> Result<MDRawDirectory, errors::SectionMappingsError> {
let mut modules = Vec::new();
// First write all the mappings from the dumper
for map_idx in 0..dumper.mappings.len() {
// If the mapping is uninteresting, or if
// there is caller-provided information about this mapping
// in the user_mapping_list list, skip it
if !dumper.mappings[map_idx].is_interesting()
|| dumper.mappings[map_idx].is_contained_in(&config.user_mapping_list)
log::debug!("retrieving build id for {:?}", &dumper.mappings[map_idx]);
let BuildId(identifier) = dumper
.or_else(|e| {
// If the mapping has an associated name that is a file, try to read the build id
// from the file. If there is no note segment with the build id in
// the program headers, we can't get to the note section if the section header
// table isn't loaded.
if let Some(path) = &dumper.mappings[map_idx].name {
let path = std::path::Path::new(&path);
if path.exists() {
log::debug!("failed to get build id from process memory ({e}), attempting to retrieve from {}", path.display());
return BuildId::read_from_file(path)
"not attempting to get build id from {}: path does not exist",
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
log::warn!("failed to get build id for mapping: {e}");
// If the identifier is all 0, its an uninteresting mapping (bmc#1676109)
if identifier.is_empty() || identifier.iter().all(|&x| x == 0) {
// SONAME should always be accessible through program headers alone, so we don't really
// need to fall back to trying to read from the mapping file.
let soname = dumper
.map(|SoName(n)| n);
let module = fill_raw_module(buffer, &dumper.mappings[map_idx], &identifier, soname)?;
// Next write all the mappings provided by the caller
for user in &config.user_mapping_list {
// GUID was provided by caller.
let module = fill_raw_module(buffer, &user.mapping, &user.identifier, None)?;
let list_header = MemoryWriter::<u32>::alloc_with_val(buffer, modules.len() as u32)?;
let mut dirent = MDRawDirectory {
stream_type: MDStreamType::ModuleListStream as u32,
location: list_header.location(),
if !modules.is_empty() {
let mapping_list = MemoryArrayWriter::<MDRawModule>::alloc_from_iter(buffer, modules)?;
dirent.location.data_size += mapping_list.location().data_size;
fn fill_raw_module(
buffer: &mut DumpBuf,
mapping: &MappingInfo,
identifier: &[u8],
soname: Option<String>,
) -> Result<MDRawModule, errors::SectionMappingsError> {
let cv_record = if identifier.is_empty() {
// Just zeroes
} else {
let cv_signature = crate::minidump_format::format::CvSignature::Elf as u32;
let array_size = std::mem::size_of_val(&cv_signature) + identifier.len();
let mut sig_section = MemoryArrayWriter::<u8>::alloc_array(buffer, array_size)?;
for (index, val) in cv_signature
sig_section.set_value_at(buffer, *val, index)?;
let (file_path, _, so_version) = mapping
.map_err(|e| errors::SectionMappingsError::GetEffectivePathError(mapping.clone(), e))?;
let name_header = write_string_to_location(buffer, file_path.to_string_lossy().as_ref())?;
let version_info = so_version.map_or(Default::default(), |sov| format::VS_FIXEDFILEINFO {
signature: format::VS_FFI_SIGNATURE,
struct_version: format::VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION,
file_version_hi: sov.major,
file_version_lo: sov.minor,
product_version_hi: sov.patch,
product_version_lo: sov.prerelease,
let raw_module = MDRawModule {
base_of_image: mapping.start_address as u64,
size_of_image: mapping.size as u32,
module_name_rva: name_header.rva,