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//! Minidump structure definitions.
//! Types defined here should match those defined in [Microsoft's headers][msdn]. Additionally
//! some [Breakpad][breakpad] and [Crashpad][crashpad] extension types are defined here and should
//! match the definitions from those projects.
//! # Type Layouts
//! This library isn't a "proper" minidump-sys library because it doesn't use repr attributes
//! to force Rust to layout these structs identically to how they're laid out in memory.
//! The reasons for this are 3-fold:
//! 1. It isn't necessary because we specify how to serialize/deserialize things with `scroll`
//! via `derive(Pread, Pwrite)` which uses the declared field order and not the in-memory
//! layout, and assumes everything is packed anyway, which as a rule, minidump types are.
//! Specifically they're packed to align 4, but Microsoft is mercifully very attentive to
//! its type layouts so we're not aware of anywhere where packing to align 1 would change
//! offsets. Packing is mostly just there so 32-bit and 64-bit definitely agree on offsets.
//! 2. We would have to mark several types as `repr(packed(4))`, making them dangerous to use
//! as several of the fields would become misaligned. This would create a bunch of
//! unnecessary and brittle `unsafe`.
//! 3. It's not *actually* that useful to have structs with precise in-memory layouts since
//! a minidump parser needs to accept both little-endian and big-endian minidumps, and
//! is therefore swizzling the bytes of all the values anyway. Also it's dangerous to
//! reinterpret a pile of memory as arbitrary types without validation!
use std::fmt;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use scroll::{Endian, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith};
use smart_default::SmartDefault;
/// An offset from the start of the minidump file.
pub type RVA = u32;
pub type RVA64 = u64;
/// The 4-byte magic number at the start of a minidump file.
/// In little endian this spells 'MDMP'.
pub const MINIDUMP_SIGNATURE: u32 = 0x504d444d;
/// The version of the minidump format.
pub const MINIDUMP_VERSION: u32 = 42899;
/// The header at the start of a minidump file.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct MINIDUMP_HEADER {
/// This should be [`MINIDUMP_SIGNATURE`][signature].
/// [signature]: constant.MINIDUMP_SIGNATURE.html
pub signature: u32,
/// This should be [`MINIDUMP_VERSION`][version].
/// [version]: constant.MINIDUMP_VERSION.html
pub version: u32,
/// The number of streams contained in the stream directory.
pub stream_count: u32,
/// The offset to the stream directory within the minidump. This usually points
/// to immediately after the header. The stream directory is an array containing
/// `stream_count` [`MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY`][dir] entries.
/// [dir]: struct.MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY.html
pub stream_directory_rva: RVA,
pub checksum: u32,
pub time_date_stamp: u32,
pub flags: u64,
/// A location within a minidump file comprised of an offset and a size.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Default, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The size of this data.
pub data_size: u32,
/// The offset to this data within the minidump file.
pub rva: RVA,
fn from(_val: u8) -> Self {
/// A range of memory contained within a minidump consisting of a base address and a
/// location descriptor.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The base address of this memory range from the process.
pub start_of_memory_range: u64,
/// The offset and size of the actual bytes of memory contained in this dump.
/// A large range of memory contained within a minidump (usually a full dump)
/// consisting of a base address and a size.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The base address of this memory range from the process.
pub start_of_memory_range: u64,
/// The size of this data.
pub data_size: u64,
/// Information about a data stream contained in a minidump file.
/// The minidump header contains a pointer to a list of these structs which allows locating
/// specific streams in the dump.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// This is usually one of the values in [`MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE`][ty] for known stream types,
/// but user streams can have arbitrary values.
/// [ty]: enum.MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE.html
pub stream_type: u32,
/// The location of the stream contents within the dump.
/// The types of known minidump data streams.
/// Most of these values are derived from the [Microsoft enum][msdn] of the same name, but
/// the values after `LastReservedStream` are Breakpad and Crashpad extensions.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, FromPrimitive)]
/// An unused stream directory entry
UnusedStream = 0,
ReservedStream0 = 1,
ReservedStream1 = 2,
/// The list of threads from the process
/// Microsoft declares a [`MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST`][list] struct which is the actual format
/// of this stream, but it is a variable-length struct so no matching definition is provided
/// in this crate.
ThreadListStream = 3,
/// The list of executable modules from the process
/// Microsoft declares a [`MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST`][list] struct which is the actual format
/// of this stream, but it is a variable-length struct so no matching definition is provided
/// in this crate.
ModuleListStream = 4,
/// The list of memory regions from the process contained within this dump
/// Microsoft declares a [`MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST`][list] struct which is the actual format
/// of this stream, but it is a variable-length struct so no matching definition is provided
/// in this crate.
MemoryListStream = 5,
/// Information about the exception that caused the process to exit
ExceptionStream = 6,
/// System information
SystemInfoStream = 7,
ThreadExListStream = 8,
/// The list of large memory regions from the process contained within this dump
/// Microsoft declares a [`MINIDUMP_MEMORY64_LIST`][list] struct which is the actual format
/// of this stream, but it is a variable-length struct so no matching definition is provided
/// in this crate.
Memory64ListStream = 9,
CommentStreamA = 10,
CommentStreamW = 11,
/// The list of handles used by the process
HandleDataStream = 12,
FunctionTable = 13,
/// The list of executable modules from the process that were unloaded by the time of the crash
/// Microsoft declares a [`MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LIST`][list] struct which is the actual
/// format of this stream, but it is a variable-length struct so no matching definition is
/// in this crate.
/// Note that unlike other lists, this one has the newer "extended" header.
UnloadedModuleListStream = 14,
/// Miscellaneous process and system information
MiscInfoStream = 15,
/// Information about memory regions from the process
MemoryInfoListStream = 16,
ThreadInfoListStream = 17,
HandleOperationListStream = 18,
TokenStream = 19,
JavaScriptDataStream = 20,
SystemMemoryInfoStream = 21,
ProcessVmCountersStream = 22,
IptTraceStream = 23,
/// Names of threads
ThreadNamesStream = 24,
/// Start of the Windows CE enumerated list, unused.
ceStreamNull = 0x00008000,
/// System-wide information about the device and operating system where the fault occurred. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamSystemInfo = 0x00008001,
/// Exception record and context for the exception that caused the dump file creation. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamException = 0x00008002,
/// Modules that were active on the device at the time the dump file was created. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamModuleList = 0x00008003,
/// Processes that were active on the device at the time the dump file was created. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamProcessList = 0x00008004,
/// Threads that were active on the device at the time the dump file was created. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamThreadList = 0x00008005,
/// List of thread context records. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamThreadContextList = 0x00008006,
/// List of thread callstack records. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamThreadCallStackList = 0x00008007,
/// List of virtual memory dumps. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamMemoryVirtualList = 0x00008008,
/// List of physical memory dumps. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamMemoryPhysicalList = 0x00008009,
/// Bucketing parameters for Watson server. Windows CE-specific.
ceStreamBucketParameters = 0x0000800a,
/// Undocumented Windows CE-specific stream.
ceStreamProcessModuleMap = 0x0000800b,
/// Undocumented Windows CE-specific stream.
ceStreamDiagnosisList = 0x0000800c,
/// Last stream reserved for use by Windows Operating Systems.
LastReservedStream = 0x0000ffff,
/* Breakpad extension types. 0x4767 = "Gg" */
/// Additional process information (Breakpad extension)
BreakpadInfoStream = 0x47670001,
/// Assertion information (Breakpad extension)
AssertionInfoStream = 0x47670002,
/* These are additional minidump stream values which are specific to
* the linux breakpad implementation. */
/// The contents of /proc/cpuinfo from a Linux system
LinuxCpuInfo = 0x47670003,
/// The contents of /proc/self/status from a Linux system
LinuxProcStatus = 0x47670004,
/// The contents of /etc/lsb-release from a Linux system
LinuxLsbRelease = 0x47670005,
/// The contents of /proc/self/cmdline from a Linux system
LinuxCmdLine = 0x47670006,
/// The contents of /proc/self/environ from a Linux system
LinuxEnviron = 0x47670007,
/// The contents of /proc/self/auxv from a Linux system
LinuxAuxv = 0x47670008,
/// The contents of /proc/self/maps from a Linux system
LinuxMaps = 0x47670009,
/// Information from the Linux dynamic linker useful for writing core dumps
/// See ['DSO_DEBUG_64'] and ['DSO_DEBUG_32'].
LinuxDsoDebug = 0x4767000A,
// Crashpad extension types. 0x4350 = "CP"
/// Crashpad-specific information containing annotations.
CrashpadInfoStream = 0x43500001,
/// Data from the __DATA,__crash_info section of every module which contains
/// one that has useful data. Only available on macOS. 0x4D7A = "Mz".
MozMacosCrashInfoStream = 0x4d7a0001,
/// The kernel boot args on the machine where the crashed process is
/// running. Only available on macOS. 0x4D7A = "Mz".
MozMacosBootargsStream = 0x4d7a0002,
/// The contents of /proc/self/limits from a Linux system
MozLinuxLimits = 0x4d7a0003,
impl From<MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE> for u32 {
fn from(ty: MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE) -> Self {
ty as u32
/// The name of a thread, found in the ThreadNamesStream.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The id of the thread.
pub thread_id: u32,
/// Where the name of the thread is stored (yes, the legendary RVA64 is real!!).
pub thread_name_rva: RVA64,
/// Information about a single module (executable or shared library) from a minidump
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct MINIDUMP_MODULE {
/// The base address of the executable image in memory.
pub base_of_image: u64,
/// The size of the executable image in memory, in bytes.
pub size_of_image: u32,
/// The checksum value from the PE headers.
pub checksum: u32,
/// The timestamp value from the PE headers in `time_t` format.
pub time_date_stamp: u32,
/// An offset to a length-prefixed UTF-16LE string containing the name of the module.
pub module_name_rva: RVA,
/// Version information for this module.
pub version_info: VS_FIXEDFILEINFO,
/// The location of a CodeView record describing debug information for this module.
/// This should be one of [`CV_INFO_PDB70`][pdb70], [`CV_INFO_PDB20`][pdb20], or
/// [`CV_INFO_ELF`][elf]. `PDB70` is the most common in practice, describing a standalone PDB
/// file by way of GUID, age, and PDB filename, and `ELF` is a Breakpad extension for
/// describing ELF modules with Build IDs.
/// See [Matching Debug Information][dbg] for more information.
/// [pdb70]: struct.CV_INFO_PDB70.html
/// [pdb20]: struct.CV_INFO_PDB20.html
/// [elf]: struct.CV_INFO_ELF.html
/// The location of an `IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC` record describing debug information for this module.
pub reserved0: [u32; 2],
pub reserved1: [u32; 2],
/// Information about a single unloaded module (executable or shared library) from a minidump.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The base address of the executable image in memory (when it was loaded).
pub base_of_image: u64,
/// The size of the executable image in memory, in bytes.
pub size_of_image: u32,
/// The checksum value from the PE headers.
pub checksum: u32,
/// The timestamp value from the PE headers in `time_t` format.
pub time_date_stamp: u32,
/// An offset to a length-prefixed UTF-16LE string containing the name of the module.
pub module_name_rva: RVA,
/// Version information for a file
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// Contains the value of `VS_FFI_SIGNATURE`
pub signature: u32,
/// Should contain the value of `VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION`
pub struct_version: u32,
pub file_version_hi: u32,
pub file_version_lo: u32,
pub product_version_hi: u32,
pub product_version_lo: u32,
pub file_flags_mask: u32,
pub file_flags: u32,
pub file_os: u32,
pub file_type: u32,
pub file_subtype: u32,
pub file_date_hi: u32,
pub file_date_lo: u32,
/// The expected value of `VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.signature`
pub const VS_FFI_SIGNATURE: u32 = 0xfeef04bd;
/// The expected value of `VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.struct_version`
pub const VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION: u32 = 0x00010000;
/// Known values for the `signature` field of CodeView records
/// In addition to the two CodeView record formats used for linking
/// to external pdb files it is possible for debugging data to be carried
/// directly in the CodeView record itself. These signature values will
/// be found in the first 4 bytes of the CodeView record. Additional values
/// not commonly experienced in the wild are given by ["Microsoft Symbol and
/// Type Information"][sym] section 7.2. An in-depth description of the CodeView 4.1 format
/// is given by ["Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets"][win2k], Windows 2000 Debugging Support/
/// Microsoft Symbol File Internals/CodeView Subsections.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum CvSignature {
/// PDB 2.0 CodeView data: 'NB10': [`CV_INFO_PDB20`]
Pdb20 = 0x3031424e,
/// PDB 7.0 CodeView data: 'RSDS': [`CV_INFO_PDB70`]
Pdb70 = 0x53445352,
/// ELF Build ID, a Breakpad extension: 'BpEL': [`CV_INFO_ELF`]
Elf = 0x4270454c,
/// CodeView 4.10: 'NB09'
Cv41 = 0x3930424e,
/// CodeView 5.0: 'NB11'
Cv50 = 0x3131424e,
/// CodeView debug information in the older PDB 2.0 ("NB10") format.
/// This struct is defined as variable-length in C with a trailing PDB filename member.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CV_INFO_PDB20 {
/// This field will always be [`CvSignature::Pdb20`].
pub cv_signature: u32,
pub cv_offset: u32,
pub signature: u32,
pub age: u32,
/// The PDB filename as a zero-terminated byte string
pub pdb_file_name: Vec<u8>,
impl<'a> scroll::ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, Endian> for CV_INFO_PDB20 {
type Error = scroll::Error;
fn try_from_ctx(src: &[u8], endian: Endian) -> Result<(Self, usize), Self::Error> {
let offset = &mut 0;
cv_signature: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
cv_offset: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
signature: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
age: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
pdb_file_name: {
let size = src.len() - *offset;
src.gread_with::<&[u8]>(offset, size)?.to_owned()
/// CodeView debug information in the current PDB 7.0 ("RSDS") format.
/// This struct is defined as variable-length in C with a trailing PDB filename member.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CV_INFO_PDB70 {
/// This will always be [`CvSignature::Pdb70`]
pub cv_signature: u32,
/// A unique identifer for a module created on first build.
pub signature: GUID,
/// A counter, incremented for each rebuild that updates the PDB file.
pub age: u32,
/// The PDB filename as a zero-terminated byte string
pub pdb_file_name: Vec<u8>,
impl<'a> scroll::ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, Endian> for CV_INFO_PDB70 {
type Error = scroll::Error;
fn try_from_ctx(src: &[u8], endian: Endian) -> Result<(Self, usize), Self::Error> {
let offset = &mut 0;
cv_signature: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
signature: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
age: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
pdb_file_name: {
let size = src.len() - *offset;
src.gread_with::<&[u8]>(offset, size)?.to_owned()
/// A GUID as specified in Rpcdce.h
/// Matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
/// # Display
/// There are two `Display` implementations for GUIDs. The regular formatting is lowercase with
/// hyphens. The alternate formatting used with `#` is the symbol server format (uppercase without
/// hyphens).
/// ```
/// use minidump_common::format::GUID;
/// let guid = GUID { data1: 10, data2: 11, data3: 12, data4: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] };
/// // default formatting
/// assert_eq!("0000000a-000b-000c-0102-030405060708", guid.to_string());
/// // symbol server formatting
/// assert_eq!("0000000A000B000C0102030405060708", format!("{:#}", guid));
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct GUID {
pub data1: u32,
pub data2: u16,
pub data3: u16,
pub data4: [u8; 8],
/// Creates a GUID from a raw byte array. It is assumed that the components in
/// the array are in big-endian order.
/// ```
/// use minidump_common::format::GUID;
/// let mut buf = [0u8; 16];
/// buf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0xdeadc0deu32.to_be_bytes());
/// buf[4..6].copy_from_slice(&0xb105u16.to_be_bytes());
/// buf[6..8].copy_from_slice(&0xc0deu16.to_be_bytes());
/// buf[8..].copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
/// let guid: GUID = buf.into();
/// let expected = GUID { data1: 0xdeadc0de, data2: 0xb105, data3: 0xc0de, data4: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] };
/// assert_eq!(guid, expected);
/// ```
impl From<[u8; 16]> for GUID {
fn from(uuid: [u8; 16]) -> Self {
let data1 = (uuid[0] as u32) << 24
| (uuid[1] as u32) << 16
| (uuid[2] as u32) << 8
| uuid[3] as u32;
let data2 = (uuid[4] as u16) << 8 | uuid[5] as u16;
let data3 = (uuid[6] as u16) << 8 | uuid[7] as u16;
let mut data4 = [0u8; 8];
Self {
impl fmt::Display for GUID {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// NB: This formatting is not endianness aware. GUIDs read from LE minidumps are printed
// with reversed fields.
if f.alternate() {
} else {
/// An ELF Build ID.
/// Modern ELF toolchains insert a "[build id][buildid]" into the ELF headers that typically
/// contains a hash of some ELF headers and sections to uniquely identify a binary. The Build ID
/// is allowed to be an arbitrary number of bytes however, and [GNU binutils allows creating
/// ELF binaries with Build IDs of various formats][binutils].
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CV_INFO_ELF {
/// This will always be [`CvSignature::Elf`]
pub cv_signature: u32,
/// The build id, a variable number of bytes
pub build_id: Vec<u8>,
impl<'a> scroll::ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, Endian> for CV_INFO_ELF {
type Error = scroll::Error;
fn try_from_ctx(src: &'a [u8], endian: Endian) -> Result<(Self, usize), Self::Error> {
let offset = &mut 0;
cv_signature: src.gread_with(offset, endian)?,
build_id: {
let size = src.len() - *offset;
src.gread_with::<&[u8]>(offset, size)?.to_owned()
/// Obsolete debug record type defined in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC {
pub data_type: u32,
pub length: u32,
pub unicode: u8,
pub reserved: [u8; 3],
pub data: [u8; 1],
/// Information about a single thread from a minidump
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct MINIDUMP_THREAD {
/// The identifier of this thread
pub thread_id: u32,
/// The suspend count for this thread
/// If greater than zero, the thread is suspended.
pub suspend_count: u32,
/// The priority class of the thread
/// See [Scheduling Priorities][msdn] on MSDN.
pub priority_class: u32,
/// The priority level of the thread
pub priority: u32,
/// The thread environment block
pub teb: u64,
/// The location and base address of this thread's stack memory
/// The location of a CPU-specific `CONTEXT_` struct for this thread's CPU context
/// Information about the exception that caused the process to terminate.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The identifier of the thread that encountered the exception.
pub thread_id: u32,
pub __align: u32,
/// Detailed information about the exception encountered.
pub exception_record: MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION,
/// The offset of a CPU context record from the time the thread encountered the exception.
/// The actual data will be one of the `CONTEXT_*` structs defined here.
/// Detailed information about an exception.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The reason the exception occurred.
/// Possible values are in the following enums:
/// * [`ExceptionCodeWindows`](crate::errors::ExceptionCodeWindows)
/// * [`WinErrorWindows`](crate::errors::WinErrorWindows)
/// * [`NtStatusWindows`](crate::errors::NtStatusWindows)
/// * [`ExceptionCodeLinux`](crate::errors::ExceptionCodeLinux)
/// * [`ExceptionCodeMac`](crate::errors::ExceptionCodeMac)
pub exception_code: u32,
/// Flags related to the exception.
/// On Windows this is 1 for noncontinuable exceptions and 0 otherwise. For Breakpad-produced
/// minidumps on macOS this field is used to store additional exception information.
pub exception_flags: u32,
/// The address of an associated [`MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION`] for a nested exception.
/// This address is in the minidump producing host's memory.
pub exception_record: u64,
/// The address where the exception occurred.
/// For Breakpad-produced minidumps on macOS this is the exception subcode, which is
/// typically the address.
pub exception_address: u64,
/// The number of valid elements in [`MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION::exception_information`].
pub number_parameters: u32,
pub __align: u32,
/// An array of additional arguments that describe the exception.
/// For most exception codes the array elements are undefined, but for access violations
/// the array will contain two elements: a read/write flag in the first element and
/// the virtual address whose access caused the exception in the second element.
pub exception_information: [u64; 15], // EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS
/// Valid bits in a `context_flags` for [`ContextFlagsCpu`]
pub const CONTEXT_CPU_MASK: u32 = 0xffffff00;
/// x86 and x64 contexts have this bit set in their `context_flags` when they have
/// extra XSTATE beyond the traditional context definition.
pub const CONTEXT_HAS_XSTATE: u32 = 0x00000040;
bitflags! {
/// CPU type values in the `context_flags` member of `CONTEXT_` structs
/// This applies to the [`CONTEXT_ARM`], [`CONTEXT_PPC`], [`CONTEXT_MIPS`],
/// [`CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD`] structs.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ContextFlagsCpu: u32 {
const CONTEXT_IA64 = 0x80000;
/// Super-H, includes SH3, from winnt.h in the Windows CE 5.0 SDK
const CONTEXT_SHX = 0xc0;
/// From winnt.h in the Windows CE 5.0 SDK, no longer used
/// Originally used by Breakpad but changed after conflicts with other context
/// flag bits.
const CONTEXT_ARM_OLD = 0x40;
/// Alpha, from winnt.h in the Windows CE 5.0 SDK
const CONTEXT_ALPHA = 0x20000;
const CONTEXT_AMD64 = 0x100000;
const CONTEXT_ARM = 0x40000000;
const CONTEXT_ARM64 = 0x400000;
const CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD = 0x80000000;
const CONTEXT_MIPS = 0x40000;
const CONTEXT_MIPS64 = 0x80000;
const CONTEXT_PPC = 0x20000000;
const CONTEXT_PPC64 = 0x1000000;
const CONTEXT_SPARC = 0x10000000;
const CONTEXT_X86 = 0x10000;
impl ContextFlagsCpu {
/// Populate a [`ContextFlagsCpu`] with valid bits from `flags`
pub fn from_flags(flags: u32) -> ContextFlagsCpu {
ContextFlagsCpu::from_bits_truncate(flags & CONTEXT_CPU_MASK)
bitflags! {
/// Flags available for use in [`CONTEXT_AMD64.context_flags`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ContextFlagsAmd64: u32 {
/// SegSs, Rsp, SegCs, Rip, and EFlags
const CONTEXT_AMD64_CONTROL = 0x00000001 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_AMD64.bits();
/// Rax, Rcx, Rdx, Rbx, Rbp, Rsi, Rdi, and R8-R15
const CONTEXT_AMD64_INTEGER = 0x00000002 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_AMD64.bits();
/// SegDs, SegEs, SegFs, and SegGs
const CONTEXT_AMD64_SEGMENTS = 0x00000004 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_AMD64.bits();
/// Xmm0-Xmm15
const CONTEXT_AMD64_FLOATING_POINT = 0x00000008 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_AMD64.bits();
/// Dr0-Dr3 and Dr6-Dr7
const CONTEXT_AMD64_DEBUG_REGISTERS = 0x00000010 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_AMD64.bits();
const CONTEXT_AMD64_XSTATE = 0x00000020 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_AMD64.bits();
bitflags! {
/// Flags available for use in [`CONTEXT_X86.context_flags`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ContextFlagsX86: u32 {
/// Ebp, Eip, SegCs, EFlags, Esp, SegSs
const CONTEXT_X86_CONTROL = 0x00000001 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
/// Edi, Esi, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax
const CONTEXT_X86_INTEGER = 0x00000002 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
/// SegDs, SegEs, SegFs, and SegGs
const CONTEXT_X86_SEGMENTS = 0x00000004 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
/// Fpcr, Fpsr, Fptag, Fpioff, Fpisel, Fpdoff, Fpdsel, Mxcsr, Mxcsr_mask, Xmm0-Xmm7
const CONTEXT_X86_FLOATING_POINT = 0x00000008 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
/// Dr0-Dr3 and Dr6-Dr7
const CONTEXT_X86_DEBUG_REGISTERS = 0x00000010 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
const CONTEXT_X86_EXTENDED_REGISTERS = 0x00000020 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
const CONTEXT_X86_XSTATE = 0x00000040 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_X86.bits();
const CONTEXT_X86_FULL = Self::CONTEXT_X86_CONTROL.bits() | Self::CONTEXT_X86_INTEGER.bits() | Self::CONTEXT_X86_SEGMENTS.bits();
bitflags! {
/// Flags available for use in [`CONTEXT_ARM64.context_flags`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ContextFlagsArm64: u32 {
/// FP, LR, SP, PC, and CPSR
const CONTEXT_ARM64_CONTROL = 0x00000001 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64.bits();
/// X0-X28 (but maybe not X18)
const CONTEXT_ARM64_INTEGER = 0x00000002 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64.bits();
/// Fpcr, Fpsr, D0-D31 (AKA Q0-Q31, AKA S0-S31)
const CONTEXT_ARM64_FLOATING_POINT = 0x00000004 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64.bits();
const CONTEXT_ARM64_DEBUG_REGISTERS = 0x0000008 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64.bits();
/// Whether x18 has a valid value, because on Windows it contains the TEB.
/// NOTE: at this precise moment breakpad doesn't define this, but Microsoft does!
const CONTEXT_ARM64_X18 = 0x0000010 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64.bits();
const CONTEXT_ARM64_ALL = Self::CONTEXT_ARM64_FULL.bits() | Self::CONTEXT_ARM64_DEBUG_REGISTERS.bits() | Self::CONTEXT_ARM64_X18.bits();
bitflags! {
/// Flags available for use in [`CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD.context_flags`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ContextFlagsArm64Old: u32 {
// Yes, breakpad never defined CONTROL for this context
/// FP, LR, SP, PC, CPSR, and X0-X28
const CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD_INTEGER = 0x00000002 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD.bits();
/// Fpcr, Fpsr, D0-D31 (AKA Q0-Q31, AKA S0-S31)
const CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD_FLOATING_POINT = 0x00000004 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD.bits();
bitflags! {
/// Flags available for use in [`CONTEXT_ARM.context_flags`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ContextFlagsArm: u32 {
// Yes, breakpad never defined CONTROL for this context
/// SP, LR, PC, and CPSR
const CONTEXT_ARM_CONTROL = 0x00000001 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM.bits();
/// R0-R12
const CONTEXT_ARM_INTEGER = 0x00000002 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM.bits();
/// Q0-Q15 / D0-D31 / S0-S31
const CONTEXT_ARM_FLOATING_POINT = 0x00000004 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM.bits();
const CONTEXT_ARM_DEBUG_REGISTERS = 0x00000008 | ContextFlagsCpu::CONTEXT_ARM.bits();
/// Possible contents of [`CONTEXT_AMD64::float_save`].
/// This struct matches the definition of the struct with the same name from WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, SmartDefault, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct XMM_SAVE_AREA32 {
pub control_word: u16,
pub status_word: u16,
pub tag_word: u8,
pub reserved1: u8,
pub error_opcode: u16,
pub error_offset: u32,
pub error_selector: u16,
pub reserved2: u16,
pub data_offset: u32,
pub data_selector: u16,
pub reserved3: u16,
pub mx_csr: u32,
pub mx_csr_mask: u32,
#[default([0; 8])]
pub float_registers: [u128; 8],
#[default([0; 16])]
pub xmm_registers: [u128; 16],
#[default([0; 96])]
pub reserved4: [u8; 96],
/// Possible contents of [`CONTEXT_AMD64::float_save`].
/// This is defined as an anonymous struct inside an anonymous union in
/// the x86-64 CONTEXT struct in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct SSE_REGISTERS {
pub header: [u128; 2],
pub legacy: [u128; 8],
pub xmm0: u128,
pub xmm1: u128,
pub xmm2: u128,
pub xmm3: u128,
pub xmm4: u128,
pub xmm5: u128,
pub xmm6: u128,
pub xmm7: u128,
pub xmm8: u128,
pub xmm9: u128,
pub xmm10: u128,
pub xmm11: u128,
pub xmm12: u128,
pub xmm13: u128,
pub xmm14: u128,
pub xmm15: u128,
/// An x86-64 (amd64) CPU context
/// This struct matches the definition of `CONTEXT` in WinNT.h for x86-64.
#[derive(Debug, SmartDefault, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_AMD64 {
pub p1_home: u64,
pub p2_home: u64,
pub p3_home: u64,
pub p4_home: u64,
pub p5_home: u64,
pub p6_home: u64,
pub context_flags: u32,
pub mx_csr: u32,
pub cs: u16,
pub ds: u16,
pub es: u16,
pub fs: u16,
pub gs: u16,
pub ss: u16,
pub eflags: u32,
pub dr0: u64,
pub dr1: u64,
pub dr2: u64,
pub dr3: u64,
pub dr6: u64,
pub dr7: u64,
pub rax: u64,
pub rcx: u64,
pub rdx: u64,
pub rbx: u64,
pub rsp: u64,
pub rbp: u64,
pub rsi: u64,
pub rdi: u64,
pub r8: u64,
pub r9: u64,
pub r10: u64,
pub r11: u64,
pub r12: u64,
pub r13: u64,
pub r14: u64,
pub r15: u64,
pub rip: u64,
/// Floating point state
/// This is defined as a union in the C headers, but also
/// ` MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION` is defined as 512 bytes.
/// Callers that want to access the underlying data can use [`Pread`] to read either
/// an [`XMM_SAVE_AREA32`] or [`SSE_REGISTERS`] struct from this raw data as appropriate.
#[default([0; 512])]
pub float_save: [u8; 512],
#[default([0; 26])]
pub vector_register: [u128; 26],
pub vector_control: u64,
pub debug_control: u64,
pub last_branch_to_rip: u64,
pub last_branch_from_rip: u64,
pub last_exception_to_rip: u64,
pub last_exception_from_rip: u64,
/// ARM floating point state
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub fpscr: u64,
pub regs: [u64; 32],
pub extra: [u32; 8],
/// An ARM CPU context
/// This is a Breakpad extension, and does not match the definition of `CONTEXT` for ARM
/// in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_ARM {
pub context_flags: u32,
// [r0, r1, ..., r15]
pub iregs: [u32; 16],
pub cpsr: u32,
pub float_save: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA_ARM,
/// Offsets into [`CONTEXT_ARM::iregs`] for registers with a dedicated or conventional purpose
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum ArmRegisterNumbers {
IosFramePointer = 7,
FramePointer = 11,
StackPointer = 13,
LinkRegister = 14,
ProgramCounter = 15,
impl ArmRegisterNumbers {
pub const fn name(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::IosFramePointer => "r7",
Self::FramePointer => "r11",
Self::StackPointer => "r13",
Self::LinkRegister => "r14",
Self::ProgramCounter => "r15",
/// An old (breakpad-style) aarch64 (arm64) CPU context.
/// This is a breakpad extension, but contrary to what the name might suggest,
/// it isn't completely out of service. I believe all non-windows platforms
/// still prefer emitting this format to avoid needless churn.
/// Semantically this type agrees with the "new" [CONTEXT_ARM64][] and can
/// generally be handled with all the same logic. i.e. the general purpose
/// `iregs` are the same. It's just that the other fields are shuffled around.
/// As I understand it, this is basically an artifact of breakpad getting to
/// arm64 "first" (Android would be first in line for it!) and picking a
/// definition they thought was reasonable. Thankfully they picked an
/// "out of the way" context id so that when Microsoft came along and picked
/// their own definition, there wouldn't be a conflict.
/// Note that we have inlined the fields of the "float save" struct from
/// breakpad's definition to be more uniform with [CONTEXT_ARM64][].
/// NOTE: if you ever decide to try to make this repr(C) and get really clever,
/// this type is actually non-trivially repr(packed(4)) in the headers!
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_ARM64_OLD {
pub context_flags: u64,
/// `[x0, x1, ..., x28, fp, lr]`. See [Arm64RegisterNumbers][].
pub iregs: [u64; 31],
pub sp: u64,
pub pc: u64,
pub cpsr: u32,
/// FPU status register.
pub fpsr: u32,
/// FPU control register.
pub fpcr: u32,
/// float/NEON registers `[d0, d1, ..., d31]`
pub float_regs: [u128; 32usize],
/// A (microsoft-style) aarch64 (arm64) CPU context
/// This matches the layout of how Windows defines this type. Breakpad defines
/// it in an equivalent but more-quirky way that relies more on packing.
/// For general purpose registers:
/// * microsoft: make iregs have 31 values and have sp and pc as explicit fields.
/// * breakpad make iregs have 33 values, no explicit fields.
/// For float registers:
/// * microsoft: inline the fields for float_regs, fpcr, fpsr.
/// * breakpad: wrap them in a struct.
/// -----------------
/// Why *we* went with these definitions:
/// * ARM64 actually defines x0..x30 register names, but sp and pc aren't
/// "x31" and "x32". Breakpad is effectively punning them as such, and
/// that's kinda weird?
/// * Microsft's inlining of the float registers eliminates any need for
/// padding on all platforms (note how there's always an even number of
/// u32's before a u64, and an even number of u64's before a u128!)
/// NOTE: if you ever decide to try to make this repr(C) and get really clever,
/// note that microsoft aligns this to 16 (and as of this writing, rust does
/// not consistently aling u128 as such).
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_ARM64 {
pub context_flags: u32,
pub cpsr: u32,
/// `[x0, x1, ..., x28, fp, lr]`. See [Arm64RegisterNumbers][].
pub iregs: [u64; 31],
pub sp: u64,
pub pc: u64,
/// float/NEON registers `[d0, d1, ..., d31]`
pub float_regs: [u128; 32usize],
/// FPU control register.
pub fpcr: u32,
/// FPU status register.
pub fpsr: u32,
pub bcr: [u32; 8],
pub bvr: [u64; 8],
pub wcr: [u32; 2],
pub wvr: [u64; 2],
/// Offsets into [`CONTEXT_ARM64::iregs`] for registers with a dedicated or conventional purpose
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Arm64RegisterNumbers {
FramePointer = 29,
LinkRegister = 30,
impl Arm64RegisterNumbers {
pub const fn name(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::FramePointer => "x29",
Self::LinkRegister => "x30",
/// MIPS floating point state
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub regs: [u64; 32],
pub fpcsr: u32,
pub fir: u32,
/// A MIPS CPU context
/// This is a Breakpad extension, as there is no definition of `CONTEXT` for MIPS in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_MIPS {
pub context_flags: u32,
pub _pad0: u32,
pub iregs: [u64; 32],
pub mdhi: u64,
pub mdlo: u64,
pub hi: [u32; 3],
pub lo: [u32; 3],
pub dsp_control: u32,
pub _pad1: u32,
pub epc: u64,
pub badvaddr: u64,
pub status: u32,
pub cause: u32,
pub float_save: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA_MIPS,
/// Offsets into [`CONTEXT_MIPS::iregs`] for registers with a dedicated or conventional purpose
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum MipsRegisterNumbers {
S0 = 16,
S1 = 17,
S2 = 18,
S3 = 19,
S4 = 20,
S5 = 21,
S6 = 22,
S7 = 23,
GlobalPointer = 28,
StackPointer = 29,
FramePointer = 30,
ReturnAddress = 31,
impl MipsRegisterNumbers {
pub const fn name(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
MipsRegisterNumbers::S0 => "s0",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S1 => "s1",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S2 => "s2",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S3 => "s3",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S4 => "s4",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S5 => "s5",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S6 => "s6",
MipsRegisterNumbers::S7 => "s7",
MipsRegisterNumbers::GlobalPointer => "gp",
MipsRegisterNumbers::StackPointer => "sp",
MipsRegisterNumbers::FramePointer => "fp",
MipsRegisterNumbers::ReturnAddress => "ra",
/// PPC floating point state
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub fpregs: [u64; 32],
pub fpscr_pad: u32,
pub fpscr: u32,
/// PPC vector state
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub save_vr: [u128; 32],
pub save_vscr: u128,
pub save_pad5: [u32; 4],
pub save_vrvalid: u32,
pub save_pad6: [u32; 7],
/// A PPC CPU context
/// This is a Breakpad extension, as there is no definition of `CONTEXT` for PPC in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_PPC {
pub context_flags: u32,
pub srr0: u32,
pub srr1: u32,
pub gpr: [u32; 32],
pub cr: u32,
pub xer: u32,
pub lr: u32,
pub ctr: u32,
pub mq: u32,
pub vrsave: u32,
pub float_save: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA_PPC,
pub vector_save: VECTOR_SAVE_AREA_PPC,
/// Offsets into [`CONTEXT_PPC::gpr`] for registers with a dedicated or conventional purpose
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum PpcRegisterNumbers {
StackPointer = 1,
/// A PPC64 CPU context
/// This is a Breakpad extension, as there is no definition of `CONTEXT` for PPC64 in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_PPC64 {
pub context_flags: u64,
pub srr0: u64,
pub srr1: u64,
pub gpr: [u64; 32],
pub cr: u64,
pub xer: u64,
pub lr: u64,
pub ctr: u64,
pub vrsave: u64,
pub float_save: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA_PPC,
pub vector_save: VECTOR_SAVE_AREA_PPC,
/// Offsets into [`CONTEXT_PPC64::gpr`] for registers with a dedicated or conventional purpose
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Ppc64RegisterNumbers {
StackPointer = 1,
/// SPARC floating point state
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub regs: [u64; 32],
pub filler: u64,
pub fsr: u64,
/// A SPARC CPU context
/// This is a Breakpad extension, as there is no definition of `CONTEXT` for SPARC in WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_SPARC {
pub context_flags: u32,
pub flag_pad: u32,
pub g_r: [u64; 32],
pub ccr: u64,
pub pc: u64,
pub npc: u64,
pub y: u64,
pub asi: u64,
pub fprs: u64,
/// Offsets into [`CONTEXT_SPARC::g_r`] for registers with a dedicated or conventional purpose
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum SparcRegisterNumbers {
StackPointer = 14,
/// x86 floating point state
/// This struct matches the definition of the `FLOATING_SAVE_AREA` struct from WinNT.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, SmartDefault, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct FLOATING_SAVE_AREA_X86 {
pub control_word: u32,
pub status_word: u32,
pub tag_word: u32,
pub error_offset: u32,
pub error_selector: u32,
pub data_offset: u32,
pub data_selector: u32,
#[default([0; 80])]
pub register_area: [u8; 80], // SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
pub cr0_npx_state: u32,
/// An x86 CPU context
/// This struct matches the definition of `CONTEXT` in WinNT.h for x86.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, SmartDefault, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
pub struct CONTEXT_X86 {
pub context_flags: u32,
pub dr0: u32,
pub dr1: u32,
pub dr2: u32,
pub dr3: u32,
pub dr6: u32,
pub dr7: u32,
pub float_save: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA_X86,
pub gs: u32,
pub fs: u32,
pub es: u32,
pub ds: u32,
pub edi: u32,
pub esi: u32,
pub ebx: u32,
pub edx: u32,
pub ecx: u32,
pub eax: u32,
pub ebp: u32,
pub eip: u32,
pub cs: u32,
pub eflags: u32,
pub esp: u32,
pub ss: u32,
#[default([0; 512])]
pub extended_registers: [u8; 512], // MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION
/// CPU information contained within the [`MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO`] struct
/// This struct matches the definition of the `CPU_INFORMATION` union from minidumpapiset.h.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct CPU_INFORMATION {
/// `data` is defined as a union in the Microsoft headers
/// It is the union of [`X86CpuInfo`], [`ARMCpuInfo`] (Breakpad-specific), and
/// [`OtherCpuInfo`] defined below. It does not seem possible to safely derive [`Pread`]
/// on an actual union, so we provide the raw data here and expect callers to use
/// [`Pread`] to derive the specific union representation desired.
pub data: [u8; 24],
/// x86-specific CPU information derived from the `cpuid` instruction
/// This struct matches the definition of the struct of the same name from minidumpapiset.h,
/// which is contained within the [`CPU_INFORMATION`] union.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct X86CpuInfo {
pub vendor_id: [u32; 3],
pub version_information: u32,
pub feature_information: u32,
pub amd_extended_cpu_features: u32,
/// Arm-specific CPU information (Breakpad extension)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct ARMCpuInfo {
pub cpuid: u32,
/// Hardware capabilities
/// See [`ArmElfHwCaps`] for possible values.
pub elf_hwcaps: u32,
/// CPU information for non-x86 CPUs
/// This struct matches the definition of the struct of the same name from minidumpapiset.h,
/// which is contained within the [`CPU_INFORMATION`] union.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct OtherCpuInfo {
pub processor_features: [u64; 2],
/// Processor and operating system information
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The system's processor architecture
/// Known values are defined in [`ProcessorArchitecture`].
pub processor_architecture: u16,
/// x86 (5 = 586, 6 = 686 ...) or ARM (6 = ARMv6, 7 = ARMv7 ...) CPU level
pub processor_level: u16,
/// For x86, 0xMMSS where MM=model, SS=stepping
pub processor_revision: u16,
pub number_of_processors: u8,
pub product_type: u8,
pub major_version: u32,
pub minor_version: u32,
pub build_number: u32,
/// The operating system platform
/// Known values are defined in [`PlatformId`].
pub platform_id: u32,
pub csd_version_rva: RVA,
pub suite_mask: u16,
pub reserved2: u16,
/// Known values of [`MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::processor_architecture`]
/// Many of these are taken from definitions in WinNT.h, but several of them are
/// Breakpad extensions.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ProcessorArchitecture {
/// Microsoft Intermediate Language
/// WoW64
/// Breakpad-defined value for SPARC
/// Breakpad-defined value for PPC64
/// Breakpad-defined value for ARM64
/// Breakpad-defined value for MIPS64
/// Known values of [`MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::platform_id`]
/// The Windows values here are taken from defines in WinNT.h, but the rest are Breakpad
/// extensions.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum PlatformId {
/// Windows 3.1
/// Windows 95-98-Me
/// Windows NT, 2000+
/// Windows CE, Windows Mobile
/// Generic Unix-ish (Breakpad extension)
Unix = 0x8000,
/// macOS/Darwin (Breakpad extension)
MacOs = 0x8101,
/// iOS (Breakpad extension)
Ios = 0x8102,
/// Linux (Breakpad extension)
Linux = 0x8201,
/// Solaris (Breakpad extension)
Solaris = 0x8202,
/// Android (Breakpad extension)
Android = 0x8203,
/// PlayStation 3 (Breakpad extension)
Ps3 = 0x8204,
/// Native Client (Breakpad extension)
NaCl = 0x8205,
/// A date and time
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SYSTEMTIME {
pub year: u16,
pub month: u16,
pub day_of_week: u16,
pub day: u16,
pub hour: u16,
pub minute: u16,
pub second: u16,
pub milliseconds: u16,
/// Settings for a time zone
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub bias: i32,
pub standard_name: [u16; 32],
pub standard_date: SYSTEMTIME,
pub standard_bias: i32,
pub daylight_name: [u16; 32],
pub daylight_date: SYSTEMTIME,
pub daylight_bias: i32,
* There are multiple versions of the misc info struct, and each new version includes all
* fields from the previous versions. We declare them with a macro to avoid repeating
* the fields excessively.
macro_rules! multi_structs {
// With no trailing struct left, terminate.
(@next { $($prev:tt)* }) => {};
// Declare the next struct, including fields from previous structs.
(@next { $($prev:tt)* } $(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident { $($cur:tt)* } $($tail:tt)* ) => {
// Prepend fields from previous structs to this struct.
multi_structs!($(#[$attr])* pub struct $name { $($prev)* $($cur)* } $($tail)*);
// Declare a single struct.
($(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident { $( pub $field:ident: $t:tt, )* } $($tail:tt)* ) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct $name {
$( pub $field: $t, )*
// Persist its fields down to the following structs.
multi_structs!(@next { $( pub $field: $t, )* } $($tail)*);
multi_structs! {
/// Miscellaneous process information
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
pub size_of_info: u32,
pub flags1: u32,
pub process_id: u32,
pub process_create_time: u32,
pub process_user_time: u32,
pub process_kernel_time: u32,
// Includes fields from MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO
/// Miscellaneous process and system information
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
pub struct MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_2 {
pub processor_max_mhz: u32,
pub processor_current_mhz: u32,
pub processor_mhz_limit: u32,
pub processor_max_idle_state: u32,
pub processor_current_idle_state: u32,
// Includes fields from MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO and MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_2
/// Miscellaneous process and system information
/// This struct matches the struct of the same name from minidumpapiset.h.
pub struct MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_3 {
pub process_integrity_level: u32,
pub process_execute_flags: u32,
pub protected_process: u32,
pub time_zone_id: u32,
// Includes fields from MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO..3
/// Miscellaneous process and system information
/// This struct matches the struct of the same name from minidumpapiset.h.
pub struct MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_4 {
pub build_string: [u16; 260], // MAX_PATH
pub dbg_bld_str: [u16; 40],
// Includes fields from MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO..4
/// Miscellaneous process and system information
/// This struct matches the struct of the same name from minidumpapiset.h.
pub struct MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_5 {
pub process_cookie: u32,
/// A descriptor of the XSAVE context, which extends a normal x86/x64 context.
/// The sections of this context are dumps of some of the CPUs registers
/// (e.g. one section might contain the contents of the SSE registers).
/// Intel documents its XSAVE entries in Volume 1, Chapter 13 of the
/// "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual".
/// # The XSTATE Format in Minidumps
/// This format is slightly messed up in the context of minidumps because it's
/// grafted onto Microsoft's own formats. Here's what's important to know:
/// * The "Cpu Context" and the "XSAVE context" are in fact the same regions
/// of memory.
/// * Whether XSTATE is present or not, the classic layouts of CONTEXT_X86
/// and [`CONTEXT_AMD64`] both apply -- xstate will only add stuff after *or*
/// refine your understanding of memory in the existing layout. So you can
/// safely ignore the existence of XSTATE, but you might be missing new info.
/// * AMD64 doesn't have a standard way to save general purpose registers,
/// so the first 256 bytes of [`CONTEXT_AMD64`] are just however microsoft
/// decided to save the registers, and will not be referred to by the XSTATE.
/// **!!! THIS PART IS IMPORTANT !!!**
/// * As a consequence, all [`XSTATE_FEATURE::offset`] values must have 256
/// added to them to get the correct offset for that feature! For example, the
/// LEGACY_FLOATING_POINT feature should always have an offset of 0, but it
/// is actually at offset 256 in [`CONTEXT_AMD64`] (it corresponds to
/// [`CONTEXT_AMD64::float_save`]).
/// * The following features are already contained inside of [`CONTEXT_AMD64`]:
/// * If there are XSTATE entries that *actually* map outside of the context's
/// normal memory range, then the context's [`context_flags`](`CONTEXT_AMD64::context_flags`)
/// will have bit 0x40 set ([`CONTEXT_HAS_XSTATE`]).
/// * [`ContextFlagsCpu::from_flags`] will mask out the [`CONTEXT_HAS_XSTATE`] bit.
/// If you want to check for that bit, check the raw value of
/// [`context_flags`](`CONTEXT_AMD64::context_flags`).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The size of this struct.
pub size_of_info: u32,
/// The size of the XSAVE context.
pub context_size: u32,
/// The bit `enabled_features[i]` indicates that `features[i]` contains valid data.
pub enabled_features: u64,
/// The offset and size of each XSAVE entry inside the XSAVE context.
pub features: [XSTATE_FEATURE; 64],
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
size_of_info: std::mem::size_of::<XSTATE_CONFIG_FEATURE_MSC_INFO>() as u32,
context_size: 0,
enabled_features: 0,
features: [XSTATE_FEATURE::default(); 64],
/// Gets an iterator of all the enabled features.
pub fn iter(&self) -> XstateFeatureIter {
XstateFeatureIter { info: self, idx: 0 }
/// An iterator of all the enabled features in an XSTATE_CONFIG_FEATURE_MSC_INFO.
pub struct XstateFeatureIter<'a> {
idx: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for XstateFeatureIter<'a> {
type Item = (usize, XSTATE_FEATURE);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while self.idx < {
let cur_idx = self.idx;
self.idx += 1;
if ( & (1 << cur_idx)) != 0 {
return Some((cur_idx,[cur_idx]));
/// Several known entries in `XSTATE_CONFIG_FEATURE_MSC_INFO.features`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum XstateFeatureIndex {
AVX512_KMASK = 5,
AVX512_ZMM_H = 6,
ACK512_ZMM = 7,
impl XstateFeatureIndex {
pub fn from_index(idx: usize) -> Option<Self> {
use XstateFeatureIndex::*;
match idx {
1 => Some(LEGACY_SSE),
2 => Some(GSSE_AND_AVX),
3 => Some(MPX_BNDREGS),
4 => Some(MPX_BNDCSR),
5 => Some(AVX512_KMASK),
6 => Some(AVX512_ZMM_H),
7 => Some(ACK512_ZMM),
8 => Some(XSTATE_IPT),
62 => Some(XSTATE_LWP),
_ => None,
/// The offset and size of each XSAVE entry inside the XSAVE context.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct XSTATE_FEATURE {
/// This entry's offset from the start of the context (in bytes).
/// NOTE: THIS VALUE IS A LIE. At least on AMD64 you need to add 256
/// to this! See the docs of [`XSTATE_CONFIG_FEATURE_MSC_INFO`].
pub offset: u32,
/// This entry's size (in bytes).
pub size: u32,
// For whatever reason Pread array derives use 0u8.into() instead of Default to
// create an initial array to write into. Weird.
impl From<u8> for XSTATE_FEATURE {
fn from(_input: u8) -> Self {
XSTATE_FEATURE { offset: 0, size: 0 }
bitflags! {
/// Known flags for `MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO*.flags1`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MiscInfoFlags: u32 {
const MINIDUMP_MISC1_PROCESS_ID = 0x00000001;
const MINIDUMP_MISC1_PROCESS_TIMES = 0x00000002;
const MINIDUMP_MISC3_TIMEZONE = 0x00000040;
const MINIDUMP_MISC4_BUILDSTRING = 0x00000100;
/// A list of memory regions in a minidump
/// This is the format of the [`MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::MemoryInfoListStream`]. The individual
/// [`MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO`] entries follow this header in the stream.
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The size of this header
pub size_of_header: u32,
/// The size of each entry in the list
pub size_of_entry: u32,
/// The number of entries in the list
pub number_of_entries: u64,
/// Information about a memory region in a minidump
/// This struct matches the [Microsoft struct][msdn] of the same name.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The base address of the region of pages
pub base_address: u64,
/// The base address of a range of pages in this region
pub allocation_base: u64,
/// The memory protection when the region was initially allocated
/// See [`MemoryProtection`] for valid values.
pub allocation_protection: u32,
pub __alignment1: u32,
/// The size of the region in which all pages have identical attributes, in bytes
pub region_size: u64,
/// The state of the pages in the region
/// See [`MemoryState`] for valid values.
pub state: u32,
/// The access protection of the pages in the region
/// See [`MemoryProtection`] for valid values.
pub protection: u32,
/// The type of pages in the region
/// See [`MemoryType`] for valid values.
pub _type: u32,
pub __alignment2: u32,
bitflags! {
/// Potential values for [`MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO::state`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MemoryState: u32 {
const MEM_COMMIT = 0x01000;
const MEM_FREE = 0x10000;
const MEM_RESERVE = 0x02000;
bitflags! {
/// Potential values for [`MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO::protection`] and `allocation_protection`
/// See [Microsoft's documentation][msdn] for details.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MemoryProtection: u32 {
const PAGE_NOACCESS = 0x01;
const PAGE_READONLY = 0x02;
const PAGE_READWRITE = 0x04;
const PAGE_WRITECOPY = 0x08;
const PAGE_EXECUTE = 0x10;
const PAGE_EXECUTE_READ = 0x20;
const ACCESS_MASK = 0xff;
const PAGE_GUARD = 0x100;
const PAGE_NOCACHE = 0x200;
const PAGE_WRITECOMBINE = 0x400;
bitflags! {
/// Potential values for [`MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO::_type`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MemoryType: u32 {
const MEM_PRIVATE = 0x00020000;
const MEM_MAPPED = 0x00040000;
const MEM_IMAGE = 0x01000000;
/// A Breakpad extension containing some additional process information
/// Taken from the definition in Breakpad's [minidump_format.h][fmt].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub validity: u32,
/// The Thread ID of the handler thread
pub dump_thread_id: u32,
/// The Thread ID of the thread that requested the dump
pub requesting_thread_id: u32,
bitflags! {
/// Potential values for [`MINIDUMP_BREAKPAD_INFO::validity`]
/// Taken from definitions in Breakpad's [minidump_format.h][fmt].
pub struct BreakpadInfoValid: u32 {
const DumpThreadId = 1 << 0;
const RequestingThreadId = 1 << 1;
/// A Breakpad extension containing information about an assertion that terminated the process
/// Taken from the definition in Breakpad's [minidump_format.h][fmt].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The assertion that failed, as a 0-terminated UTF16-LE string
pub expression: [u16; 128],
/// The function containing the assertion, as a 0-terminated UTF16-LE string
pub function: [u16; 128],
/// The source file containing the assertion, as a 0-terminated UTF16-LE string
pub file: [u16; 128],
/// The line number in [`file`] containing the assertion
pub line: u32,
/// The assertion type
pub _type: u32,
/// Known values of [`MINIDUMP_ASSERTION_INFO::_type`]
/// Taken from the definition in Breakpad's [minidump_format.h][fmt].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum AssertionType {
Unknown = 0,
InvalidParameter = 1,
PureVirtualCall = 2,
/// Dynamic linker information for a shared library on 32-bit Linux
/// This is functionally equivalent to the data in `struct link_map` defined in <link.h>.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct LINK_MAP_32 {
pub addr: u32,
/// The offset of a string containing the filename of this shared library
pub name: RVA,
pub ld: u32,
/// DSO debug data for 32-bit Linux minidumps
/// Used when converting minidumps to coredumps. This is functionally equivalent to the data
/// in `struct r_debug` defined in <link.h>.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct DSO_DEBUG_32 {
/// The version number of this protocol, from `r_debug.r_version`
pub version: u32,
/// The offset of an array of [`LINK_MAP_32`] structs
pub map: RVA,
/// The number of [`LINK_MAP_32`] entries pointed to by `map`
pub dso_count: u32,
/// The address of a function internal to the run-time linker used by debuggers to
/// set a breakpoint.
pub brk: u32,
/// Base address the linker is loaded at
pub ldbase: u32,
/// The address of the "dynamic structure"
pub dynamic: u32,
/// Dynamic linker information for a shared library on 64-bit Linux
/// This is functionally equivalent to the data in `struct link_map` defined in <link.h>.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct LINK_MAP_64 {
pub addr: u64,
/// The offset of a string containing the filename of this shared library
pub name: RVA,
pub ld: u64,
/// DSO debug data for 64-bit Linux minidumps
/// Used when converting minidumps to coredumps. This is functionally equivalent to the data
/// in `struct r_debug` defined in <link.h>.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct DSO_DEBUG_64 {
/// The version number of this protocol, from `r_debug.r_version`
pub version: u32,
/// The offset of an array of [`LINK_MAP_64`] structs
pub map: RVA,
/// The number of [`LINK_MAP_64`] entries pointed to by `map`
pub dso_count: u32,
/// The address of a function internal to the run-time linker used by debuggers to
/// set a breakpoint.
pub brk: u64,
/// Base address the linker is loaded at
pub ldbase: u64,
/// The address of the "dynamic structure"
pub dynamic: u64,
/// A variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// The length of the #Buffer field in bytes, not including the `NUL` terminator.
/// This field is interpreted as a byte count, not a count of Unicode code points.
pub length: u32,
/// The string, encoded in UTF-8, and terminated with a `NUL` byte.
pub buffer: Vec<u8>,
impl<'a> scroll::ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, Endian> for MINIDUMP_UTF8_STRING {
type Error = scroll::Error;
fn try_from_ctx(src: &[u8], endian: Endian) -> Result<(Self, usize), Self::Error> {
let offset = &mut 0;
let length: u32 = src.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
let data: &[u8] = src.gread_with(offset, length as usize + 1)?; // +1 for NUL
if !data.ends_with(&[0]) {
return Err(scroll::Error::Custom(
"Minidump String does not end with NUL byte".to_owned(),
let buffer = data.to_vec();
Ok((Self { length, buffer }, *offset))
/// A key-value pair.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// RVA of a MinidumpUTF8String containing the key of a key-value pair.
pub key: RVA,
/// RVA of a MinidumpUTF8String containing the value of a key-value pair.
pub value: RVA,
/// A list of key-value pairs.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The number of key-value pairs present.
pub count: u32,
/// A list of RVA pointers.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct MINIDUMP_RVA_LIST {
/// The number of pointers present.
pub count: u32,
/// A typed annotation object.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// RVA of a MinidumpUTF8String containing the name of the annotation.
pub name: RVA,
/// The type of data stored in the `value` of the annotation. This may correspond to an \a
/// `MINIDUMP_ANNOTATION_TYPE` or it may be user-defined.
pub ty: u16,
/// This field is always `0`.
pub _reserved: u16,
/// RVA of a `MinidumpByteArray` to the data for the annotation.
pub value: RVA,
/// An invalid annotation. Reserved for internal use.
pub const TYPE_INVALID: u16 = 0;
/// A `NUL`-terminated C-string.
pub const TYPE_STRING: u16 = 1;
/// Clients may declare their own custom types by using values greater than this.
pub const TYPE_USER_DEFINED: u16 = 0x8000;
/// Additional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file.
/// This structure augments the information provided by MINIDUMP_MODULE. The minidump file must
/// contain a module list stream (::kMinidumpStreamTypeModuleList) in order for this structure to
/// appear.
/// This structure is versioned. When changing this structure, leave the existing structure intact
/// so that earlier parsers will be able to understand the fields they are aware of, and make
/// additions at the end of the structure. Revise #kVersion and document each field’s validity based
/// on #version, so that newer parsers will be able to determine whether the added fields are valid
/// or not.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The structure’s version number.
/// Readers can use this field to determine which other fields in the structure are valid. Upon
/// encountering a value greater than `VERSION`, a reader should assume that the structure’s
/// layout is compatible with the structure defined as having value #kVersion.
/// Writers may produce values less than `VERSION` in this field if there is no need for any
/// fields present in later versions.
pub version: u32,
/// A `MinidumpRVAList` pointing to MinidumpUTF8String objects. The module controls the data
/// that appears here.
/// These strings correspond to `ModuleSnapshot::AnnotationsVector()` and do not duplicate
/// anything in `simple_annotations` or `annotation_objects`.
/// A `MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary` pointing to strings interpreted as key-value pairs. The
/// module controls the data that appears here.
/// These key-value pairs correspond to `ModuleSnapshot::AnnotationsSimpleMap()` and do not
/// duplicate anything in `list_annotations` or `annotation_objects`.
pub simple_annotations: MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR,
/// A `MinidumpAnnotationList` object containing the annotation objects stored within the
/// module. The module controls the data that appears here.
/// These key-value pairs correspond to `ModuleSnapshot::AnnotationObjects()` and do not
/// duplicate anything in `list_annotations` or `simple_annotations`.
pub annotation_objects: MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR,
/// The structure’s version number.
/// Readers can use this field to determine which other fields in the structure are valid. Upon
/// encountering a value greater than `VERSION`, a reader should assume that the structure’s
/// layout is compatible with the structure defined as having value #kVersion.
/// Writers may produce values less than `VERSION` in this field if there is no need for any
/// fields present in later versions.
pub const VERSION: u32 = 1;
/// A link between a `MINIDUMP_MODULE` structure and additional Crashpad-specific information about a
/// module carried within a minidump file.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// A link to a MINIDUMP_MODULE structure in the module list stream.
/// This field is an index into `MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST::Modules`. This field’s value must be in
/// the range of `MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST::NumberOfEntries`.
pub minidump_module_list_index: u32,
/// A link to a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo structure.
/// MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo structures are accessed indirectly through
/// `MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR` pointers to allow for future growth of the
/// `MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo` structure.
/// Additional Crashpad-specific information about modules carried within a minidump file.
/// This structure augments the information provided by `MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST`. The minidump file
/// must contain a module list stream (::kMinidumpStreamTypeModuleList) in order for this structure
/// to appear.
/// `MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList::count` may be less than the value of
/// `MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST::NumberOfModules` because not every `MINIDUMP_MODULE` structure carried
/// within the minidump file will necessarily have Crashpad-specific information provided by a
/// `MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo` structure.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The number of key-value pairs present.
pub count: u32,
/// Additional Crashpad-specific information carried within a minidump file.
/// This structure is versioned. When changing this structure, leave the existing structure intact
/// so that earlier parsers will be able to understand the fields they are aware of, and make
/// additions at the end of the structure. Revise #kVersion and document each field’s validity based
/// on `version`, so that newer parsers will be able to determine whether the added fields are valid
/// or not.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The structure’s version number.
/// Readers can use this field to determine which other fields in the structure are valid. Upon
/// encountering a value greater than `VERSION`, a reader should assume that the structure’s
/// layout is compatible with the structure defined as having value #kVersion.
/// Writers may produce values less than `VERSION` in this field if there is no need for any
/// fields present in later versions.
pub version: u32,
/// A `Uuid` identifying an individual crash report.
/// This provides a stable identifier for a crash even as the report is converted to different
/// formats, provided that all formats support storing a crash report ID.
/// If no identifier is available, this field will contain zeroes.
pub report_id: GUID,
/// A `Uuid` identifying the client that crashed.
/// Client identification is within the scope of the application, but it is expected that the
/// identifier will be unique for an instance of Crashpad monitoring an application or set of
/// applications for a user. The identifier shall remain stable over time.
/// If no identifier is available, this field will contain zeroes.
pub client_id: GUID,
/// A MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary pointing to strings interpreted as key-value pairs.
/// These key-value pairs correspond to Crashpad's `ProcessSnapshot::AnnotationsSimpleMap()`.
pub simple_annotations: MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR,
/// A pointer to a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList structure.
/// The structure’s currently-defined version number.
pub const VERSION: u32 = 1;
/// MacOS __DATA,__crash_info data.
/// This is the format of the [`MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::MozMacosCrashInfoStream`]. The individual
/// [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD`] entries follow this header in the stream.
#[derive(Debug, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub stream_type: u32,
/// The number of [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD`]s.
pub record_count: u32,
/// The size of the "fixed-size" part of MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD.
/// Used to offset to the variable-length portion of the struct, where
/// C-strings are stored. This allows us to access all the fields we know
/// about, even when newer versions of this format introduce new ones.
pub record_start_size: u32,
// MozMacosCrashInfoStream is a versioned format where new fields are added to
// the end of the struct, but there are also variable-length c-string fields
// that follow the "fixed-size" fields. As such, the versioned strings are separated
// out into their own separate struct with the same version. So e.g.
multi_structs! {
/// Contents of MacOS's `<CrashReporterClient.h>`'s `crashreporter_annotations_t`,
/// but with the by-reference C-strings hoisted out to the end of the struct
/// and inlined (so this is a variable-length struct).
/// The variable-length strings are listed in [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD_STRINGS`].
/// Use [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO::record_start_size`] to access them.
pub stream_type: u64,
// Version of this format, currently at 5.
// Although theoretically this field being here means we can support multiple
// versions of this struct in one [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO`] stream, our reliance on
// [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO::record_start_size`] means we can't actually handle
// such a heterogeneous situation. So all records should have the same version value.
pub version: u64,
// Includes fields from MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD
/// Contents of MacOS's `<CrashReporterClient.h>`'s `crashreporter_annotations_t`,
/// but with the by-reference C-strings hoisted out to the end of the struct
/// and inlined (so this is a variable-length struct).
/// The variable-length strings are listed in [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD_STRINGS_4`].
/// Use [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO::record_start_size`] to access them.
pub thread: u64,
pub dialog_mode: u64,
/// Contents of MacOS's `<CrashReporterClient.h>`'s `crashreporter_annotations_t`,
/// but with the by-reference C-strings hoisted out to the end of the struct
/// and inlined (so this is a variable-length struct).
/// The variable-length strings are listed in [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD_STRINGS_5`].
/// Use [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO::record_start_size`] to access them.
pub abort_cause: u64,
macro_rules! replace_expr {
($_t:tt $sub:expr) => {
macro_rules! count_tts {
($($tts:tt)*) => {0usize $(+ replace_expr!($tts 1usize))*};
// Like multi_structs but specialized for a struct of strings that can be set by index.
macro_rules! multi_strings {
// With no trailing struct left, terminate.
(@next { $($prev:tt)* }) => {};
// Declare the next struct, including fields from previous structs.
(@next { $($prev:tt)* } $(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident { $($cur:tt)* } $($tail:tt)* ) => {
// Prepend fields from previous structs to this struct.
multi_strings!($(#[$attr])* pub struct $name { $($prev)* $($cur)* } $($tail)*);
// Declare a single struct.
($(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident { $( pub $field:ident: $t:tt, )* } $($tail:tt)* ) => {
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct $name {
$( pub $field: $t, )*
impl $name {
pub fn num_strings() -> usize {
#[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut)]
pub fn set_string(&mut self, idx: usize, string: String) {
let mut cur_idx = 0;
$(if cur_idx == idx {
self.$field = string;
cur_idx += 1;
panic!("string index out of bounds {} >= {}", idx, cur_idx);
// Persist its fields down to the following structs.
multi_strings!(@next { $( pub $field: $t, )* } $($tail)*);
multi_strings! {
/// Variable-length data for [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD`].
// No strings in the base version
/// Variable-length data for [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD_4`].
pub module_path: String,
pub message: String,
pub signature_string: String,
pub backtrace: String,
pub message2: String,
// Includes fields from [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD_STRINGS_4`]
/// Variable-length data for [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD_5`].
// No new strings
/// The maximum supported size of a C-string in [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD`].
/// Assume the stream is corrupted if a string is longer than this.
pub const MAC_CRASH_INFO_STRING_MAX_SIZE: usize = 8192;
/// The maximum supported count of [`MINIDUMP_MAC_CRASH_INFO_RECORD`]s.
/// In principle there should only be one or two non-empty __DATA,__crash_info
/// sections per process. But the __crash_info section is almost entirely
/// undocumented, so just in case we set a large maximum.
pub const MAC_CRASH_INFOS_MAX: usize = 20;
/// MacOS kernel boot args
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
pub stream_type: u32,
pub bootargs: RVA64,
bitflags! {
/// Possible values of [`ARMCpuInfo::elf_hwcaps`]
/// This matches the Linux kernel definitions from [<asm/hwcaps.h>][hwcap].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ArmElfHwCaps: u32 {
const HWCAP_SWP = (1 << 0);
const HWCAP_HALF = (1 << 1);
const HWCAP_THUMB = (1 << 2);
const HWCAP_26BIT = (1 << 3);
const HWCAP_FAST_MULT = (1 << 4);
const HWCAP_FPA = (1 << 5);
const HWCAP_VFP = (1 << 6);
const HWCAP_EDSP = (1 << 7);
const HWCAP_JAVA = (1 << 8);
const HWCAP_IWMMXT = (1 << 9);
const HWCAP_CRUNCH = (1 << 10);
const HWCAP_THUMBEE = (1 << 11);
const HWCAP_NEON = (1 << 12);
const HWCAP_VFPv3 = (1 << 13);
const HWCAP_VFPv3D16 = (1 << 14);
const HWCAP_TLS = (1 << 15);
const HWCAP_VFPv4 = (1 << 16);
const HWCAP_IDIVA = (1 << 17);
const HWCAP_IDIVT = (1 << 18);
const HWCAP_VFPD32 = (1 << 19);
const HWCAP_IDIV = ArmElfHwCaps::HWCAP_IDIVA.bits() | Self::HWCAP_IDIVT.bits();
const HWCAP_LPAE = (1 << 20);
const HWCAP_EVTSTRM = (1 << 21);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, FromPrimitive)]
/// OS-specific handle object information. Microsoft headers state that it can
/// change based on the target platform. The object is larger than this structure
/// (as specified by `size_of_info`) and the remaining data is stored after the
/// `size_of_info` field. The format of this information is not specified.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// RVA pointing to the next handle object information. Elements of this type
/// are chained and the last one has this field set to 0.
pub next_info_rva: RVA,
/// Type of this handle object information element, see [`MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE`]
pub info_type: u32,
/// Size of this element, this must be larger than `size_of::<MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION>()`
pub size_of_info: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The operating system handle value. A HANDLE on Windows and file descriptor number on Linux.
pub handle: u64,
/// An RVA to a `MINIDUMP_STRING` structure that specifies the object type of the handle.
/// This member can be zero.
pub type_name_rva: RVA,
/// An RVA to a `MINIDUMP_STRING` structure that specifies the object name of the handle.
/// This member can be zero.
pub object_name_rva: RVA,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub attributes: u32,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub granted_access: u32,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub handle_count: u32,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub pointer_count: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The operating system handle value. A HANDLE on Windows and file descriptor number on Linux.
pub handle: u64,
/// An RVA to a `MINIDUMP_STRING` structure that specifies the object type of the handle.
/// This member can be zero.
pub type_name_rva: RVA,
/// An RVA to a `MINIDUMP_STRING` structure that specifies the object name of the handle.
/// This member can be zero.
pub object_name_rva: RVA,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub attributes: u32,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub granted_access: u32,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub handle_count: u32,
/// The meaning of this member depends on the handle type and the operating system.
pub pointer_count: u32,
/// An RVA to a [`MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION`] structure that specifies object-specific information.
/// This member can be 0 if there is no extra information.
pub object_info_rva: RVA,
/// Reserved for future use; must be zero.
reserved0: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// The size of this header, in bytes.
pub size_of_header: u32,
/// The size of each descriptor in the stream, in bytes.
pub size_of_descriptor: u32,
/// The number of descriptors in the stream.
pub number_of_descriptors: u32,
/// Reserved for future use; must be zero.
pub reserved: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Pread, Pwrite, SizeWith)]
/// Thread identifier
pub thread_id: u32,
/// Thread state flags
pub dump_flags: u32,
/// HRESULT value of dump status
pub dump_error: u32,
/// The thread's exit code
pub exit_status: u32,
/// UTC time the thread was created
pub create_time: u64,
/// UTC time the thread exited
pub exit_time: u64,
/// Time executed in kernel mode
pub kernel_time: u64,
/// Time executed in user mode
pub user_time: u64,
/// Start address of the thread
pub start_address: u64,
/// Processor affinity mask
pub affinity: u64,