Revision control
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use std::{mem, slice};
use std::io::{Write, stderr};
use super::winapi::shared::basetsd::DWORD_PTR;
use super::winapi::shared::minwindef::{DWORD, UINT};
use super::winapi::um::mmeapi::midiInAddBuffer;
use super::winapi::um::mmsystem::{HMIDIIN, MIDIHDR, MMSYSERR_NOERROR, MM_MIM_DATA,
use super::HandlerData;
use Ignore;
pub extern "system" fn handle_input<T>(_: HMIDIIN,
input_status: UINT,
instance_ptr: DWORD_PTR,
midi_message: DWORD_PTR,
timestamp: DWORD) {
if input_status != MM_MIM_DATA && input_status != MM_MIM_LONGDATA && input_status != MM_MIM_LONGERROR { return; }
let data: &mut HandlerData<T> = unsafe { &mut *(instance_ptr as *mut HandlerData<T>) };
// Calculate time stamp.
data.message.timestamp = timestamp as u64 * 1000; // milliseconds -> microseconds
if input_status == MM_MIM_DATA { // Channel or system message
// Make sure the first byte is a status byte.
let status: u8 = (midi_message & 0x000000FF) as u8;
if !(status & 0x80 != 0) { return; }
// Determine the number of bytes in the MIDI message.
let nbytes: u16 = if status < 0xC0 { 3 }
else if status < 0xE0 { 2 }
else if status < 0xF0 { 3 }
else if status == 0xF1 {
if data.ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Time) { return; }
else { 2 }
} else if status == 0xF2 { 3 }
else if status == 0xF3 { 2 }
else if status == 0xF8 && (data.ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Time)) {
// A MIDI timing tick message and we're ignoring it.
} else if status == 0xFE && (data.ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::ActiveSense)) {
// A MIDI active sensing message and we're ignoring it.
} else { 1 };
// Copy bytes to our MIDI message.
let ptr = (&midi_message) as *const DWORD_PTR as *const u8;
let bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, nbytes as usize) };
} else { // Sysex message (MIM_LONGDATA or MIM_LONGERROR)
let sysex = unsafe { &*(midi_message as *const MIDIHDR) };
if !data.ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Sysex) && input_status != MM_MIM_LONGERROR {
// Sysex message and we're not ignoring it
let bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(sysex.lpData as *const u8, sysex.dwBytesRecorded as usize) };
// TODO: If sysex messages are longer than RT_SYSEX_BUFFER_SIZE, they
// are split in chunks. We could reassemble a single message.
// The WinMM API requires that the sysex buffer be requeued after
// input of each sysex message. Even if we are ignoring sysex
// messages, we still need to requeue the buffer in case the user
// decides to not ignore sysex messages in the future. However,
// it seems that WinMM calls this function with an empty sysex
// buffer when an application closes and in this case, we should
// avoid requeueing it, else the computer suddenly reboots after
// one or two minutes.
if (unsafe {*data.sysex_buffer.0[sysex.dwUser as usize]}).dwBytesRecorded > 0 {
//if ( sysex->dwBytesRecorded > 0 ) {
let in_handle = data.in_handle.as_ref().unwrap().0.lock().unwrap();
let result = unsafe { midiInAddBuffer(*in_handle, data.sysex_buffer.0[sysex.dwUser as usize], mem::size_of::<MIDIHDR>() as u32) };
if result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR {
let _ = writeln!(stderr(), "\nError in handle_input: Requeuing WinMM input sysex buffer failed.\n");
if data.ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Sysex) { return; }
} else { return; }
(data.callback)(data.message.timestamp, &data.message.bytes, data.user_data.as_mut().unwrap());
// Clear the vector for the next input message.