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// Copyright 2017 GFX developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use super::*;
use objc::runtime::{NO, YES};
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum MTLAttributeFormat {
Invalid = 0,
UChar2 = 1,
UChar3 = 2,
UChar4 = 3,
Char2 = 4,
Char3 = 5,
Char4 = 6,
UChar2Normalized = 7,
UChar3Normalized = 8,
UChar4Normalized = 9,
Char2Normalized = 10,
Char3Normalized = 11,
Char4Normalized = 12,
UShort2 = 13,
UShort3 = 14,
UShort4 = 15,
Short2 = 16,
Short3 = 17,
Short4 = 18,
UShort2Normalized = 19,
UShort3Normalized = 20,
UShort4Normalized = 21,
Short2Normalized = 22,
Short3Normalized = 23,
Short4Normalized = 24,
Half2 = 25,
Half3 = 26,
Half4 = 27,
Float = 28,
Float2 = 29,
Float3 = 30,
Float4 = 31,
Int = 32,
Int2 = 33,
Int3 = 34,
Int4 = 35,
UInt = 36,
UInt2 = 37,
UInt3 = 38,
UInt4 = 39,
Int1010102Normalized = 40,
UInt1010102Normalized = 41,
UChar4Normalized_BGRA = 42,
UChar = 45,
Char = 46,
UCharNormalized = 47,
CharNormalized = 48,
UShort = 49,
Short = 50,
UShortNormalized = 51,
ShortNormalized = 52,
Half = 53,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum MTLStepFunction {
Constant = 0,
PerInstance = 1,
PerPatch = 2,
PerPatchControlPoint = 3,
PerVertex = 4,
ThreadPositionInGridX = 5,
ThreadPositionInGridXIndexed = 6,
ThreadPositionInGridY = 7,
ThreadPositionInGridYIndexed = 8,
pub enum MTLComputePipelineDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLComputePipelineDescriptor;
pub struct ComputePipelineDescriptor;
impl ComputePipelineDescriptor {
pub fn new() -> Self {
unsafe {
let class = class!(MTLComputePipelineDescriptor);
msg_send![class, new]
impl ComputePipelineDescriptorRef {
pub fn label(&self) -> &str {
unsafe {
let label = msg_send![self, label];
pub fn set_label(&self, label: &str) {
unsafe {
let nslabel = crate::nsstring_from_str(label);
let () = msg_send![self, setLabel: nslabel];
pub fn compute_function(&self) -> Option<&FunctionRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, computeFunction] }
pub fn set_compute_function(&self, function: Option<&FunctionRef>) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setComputeFunction: function] }
pub fn thread_group_size_is_multiple_of_thread_execution_width(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { msg_send_bool![self, threadGroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth] }
pub fn set_thread_group_size_is_multiple_of_thread_execution_width(
size_is_multiple_of_width: bool,
) {
unsafe {
setThreadGroupSizeIsMultipleOfThreadExecutionWidth: size_is_multiple_of_width
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0));
pub fn max_total_threads_per_threadgroup(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0));
pub fn set_max_total_threads_per_threadgroup(&self, max_total_threads: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setMaxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup: max_total_threads] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0),macos(11.0));
pub fn support_indirect_command_buffers(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { msg_send_bool![self, supportIndirectCommandBuffers] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0),macos(11.0));
pub fn set_support_indirect_command_buffers(&self, support: bool) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setSupportIndirectCommandBuffers: support] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn support_adding_binary_functions(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { msg_send_bool![self, supportAddingBinaryFunctions] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn set_support_adding_binary_functions(&self, support: bool) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setSupportAddingBinaryFunctions: support] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn max_call_stack_depth(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, maxCallStackDepth] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn set_max_call_stack_depth(&self, depth: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setMaxCallStackDepth: depth] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
/// Marshal to Rust Vec
pub fn insert_libraries(&self) -> Vec<DynamicLibrary> {
unsafe {
let libraries: *mut Object = msg_send![self, insertLibraries];
let count: NSUInteger = msg_send![libraries, count];
let ret = (0..count)
.map(|i| {
let lib = msg_send![libraries, objectAtIndex: i];
/// Marshal from Rust slice
pub fn set_insert_libraries(&self, libraries: &[&DynamicLibraryRef]) {
let ns_array = Array::<DynamicLibrary>::from_slice(libraries);
unsafe { msg_send![self, setInsertLibraries: ns_array] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
/// Marshal to Rust Vec
pub fn binary_archives(&self) -> Vec<BinaryArchive> {
unsafe {
let archives: *mut Object = msg_send![self, binaryArchives];
let count: NSUInteger = msg_send![archives, count];
let ret = (0..count)
.map(|i| {
let a = msg_send![archives, objectAtIndex: i];
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
/// Marshal from Rust slice
pub fn set_binary_archives(&self, archives: &[&BinaryArchiveRef]) {
let ns_array = Array::<BinaryArchive>::from_slice(archives);
unsafe { msg_send![self, setBinaryArchives: ns_array] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn linked_functions(&self) -> &LinkedFunctionsRef {
unsafe { msg_send![self, linkedFunctions] }
/// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn set_linked_functions(&self, functions: &LinkedFunctionsRef) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setLinkedFunctions: functions] }
pub fn stage_input_descriptor(&self) -> Option<&StageInputOutputDescriptorRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stageInputDescriptor] }
pub fn set_stage_input_descriptor(&self, descriptor: Option<&StageInputOutputDescriptorRef>) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStageInputDescriptor: descriptor] }
pub fn buffers(&self) -> Option<&PipelineBufferDescriptorArrayRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, buffers] }
pub fn reset(&self) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, reset] }
pub enum MTLComputePipelineState {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLComputePipelineState;
pub struct ComputePipelineState;
impl ComputePipelineStateRef {
pub fn label(&self) -> &str {
unsafe {
let label = msg_send![self, label];
pub fn max_total_threads_per_threadgroup(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup] }
pub fn thread_execution_width(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, threadExecutionWidth] }
pub fn static_threadgroup_memory_length(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, staticThreadgroupMemoryLength] }
/// Only available on (ios(11.0), macos(11.0), macCatalyst(14.0)) NOT available on (tvos)
pub fn imageblock_memory_length_for_dimensions(&self, dimensions: MTLSize) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, imageblockMemoryLengthForDimensions: dimensions] }
/// Only available on (ios(13.0), macos(11.0))
pub fn support_indirect_command_buffers(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { msg_send_bool![self, supportIndirectCommandBuffers] }
/// Only available on (macos(11.0), ios(14.0))
pub fn function_handle_with_function(
function: &FunctionRef,
) -> Option<&FunctionHandleRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, functionHandleWithFunction: function] }
// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
// TODO: newComputePipelineStateWithAdditionalBinaryFunctions
// - (nullable id <MTLComputePipelineState>)newComputePipelineStateWithAdditionalBinaryFunctions:(nonnull NSArray<id<MTLFunction>> *)functions error:(__autoreleasing NSError **)error
// API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0));
pub fn new_visible_function_table_with_descriptor(
descriptor: &VisibleFunctionTableDescriptorRef,
) -> VisibleFunctionTable {
unsafe { msg_send![self, newVisibleFunctionTableWithDescriptor: descriptor ] }
/// Only available on (macos(11.0), ios(14.0))
pub fn new_intersection_function_table_with_descriptor(
descriptor: &IntersectionFunctionTableDescriptorRef,
) -> IntersectionFunctionTable {
unsafe { msg_send![self, newIntersectionFunctionTableWithDescriptor: descriptor] }
pub enum MTLStageInputOutputDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLStageInputOutputDescriptor;
pub struct StageInputOutputDescriptor;
impl StageInputOutputDescriptor {
pub fn new<'a>() -> &'a StageInputOutputDescriptorRef {
unsafe {
let class = class!(MTLStageInputOutputDescriptor);
msg_send![class, stageInputOutputDescriptor]
impl StageInputOutputDescriptorRef {
pub fn attributes(&self) -> Option<&AttributeDescriptorArrayRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, attributes] }
pub fn index_buffer_index(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, indexBufferIndex] }
pub fn set_index_buffer_index(&self, idx_buffer_idx: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setIndexBufferIndex: idx_buffer_idx] }
pub fn index_type(&self) -> MTLIndexType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, indexType] }
pub fn set_index_type(&self, index_ty: MTLIndexType) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setIndexType: index_ty] }
pub fn layouts(&self) -> Option<&BufferLayoutDescriptorArrayRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, layouts] }
pub fn reset(&self) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, reset] }
pub enum MTLAttributeDescriptorArray {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLAttributeDescriptorArray;
pub struct AttributeDescriptorArray;
impl AttributeDescriptorArrayRef {
pub fn object_at(&self, index: NSUInteger) -> Option<&AttributeDescriptorRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, objectAtIndexedSubscript: index] }
pub fn set_object_at(&self, index: NSUInteger, buffer_desc: Option<&AttributeDescriptorRef>) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setObject:buffer_desc atIndexedSubscript:index] }
pub enum MTLAttributeDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLAttributeDescriptor;
pub struct AttributeDescriptor;
impl AttributeDescriptorRef {
pub fn buffer_index(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, bufferIndex] }
pub fn set_buffer_index(&self, buffer_index: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setBufferIndex: buffer_index] }
pub fn format(&self) -> MTLAttributeFormat {
unsafe { msg_send![self, format] }
pub fn set_format(&self, format: MTLAttributeFormat) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setFormat: format] }
pub fn offset(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, offset] }
pub fn set_offset(&self, offset: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setOffset: offset] }
pub enum MTLBufferLayoutDescriptorArray {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLBufferLayoutDescriptorArray;
pub struct BufferLayoutDescriptorArray;
impl BufferLayoutDescriptorArrayRef {
pub fn object_at(&self, index: NSUInteger) -> Option<&BufferLayoutDescriptorRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, objectAtIndexedSubscript: index] }
pub fn set_object_at(
index: NSUInteger,
buffer_desc: Option<&BufferLayoutDescriptorRef>,
) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setObject:buffer_desc atIndexedSubscript:index] }
pub enum MTLBufferLayoutDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLBufferLayoutDescriptor;
pub struct BufferLayoutDescriptor;
impl BufferLayoutDescriptorRef {
pub fn step_function(&self) -> MTLStepFunction {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stepFunction] }
pub fn set_step_function(&self, step_function: MTLStepFunction) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStepFunction: step_function] }
pub fn step_rate(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stepRate] }
pub fn set_step_rate(&self, step_rate: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStepRate: step_rate] }
pub fn stride(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stride] }
pub fn set_stride(&self, stride: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStride: stride] }