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use std::{fmt, str::FromStr};
use crate::{
Buffer, ParseError,
err::{perr, ParseErrorKind::*},
parse::{end_dec_digits, first_byte_or_empty, check_suffix},
/// A floating point literal, e.g. `3.14`, `8.`, `135e12`, or `1.956e2f64`.
/// This kind of literal has several forms, but generally consists of a main
/// number part, an optional exponent and an optional type suffix. See
/// [the reference][ref] for more information.
/// A leading minus sign `-` is not part of the literal grammar! `-3.14` are two
/// tokens in the Rust grammar. Further, `27` and `27f32` are both not float,
/// but integer literals! Consequently `FloatLit::parse` will reject them.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FloatLit<B: Buffer> {
/// The whole raw input. The `usize` fields in this struct partition this
/// string. Always true: `end_integer_part <= end_fractional_part`.
/// ```text
/// 12_3.4_56e789f32
/// ╷ ╷ ╷
/// | | └ end_number_part = 13
/// | └ end_fractional_part = 9
/// └ end_integer_part = 4
/// 246.
/// ╷╷
/// |└ end_fractional_part = end_number_part = 4
/// └ end_integer_part = 3
/// 1234e89
/// ╷ ╷
/// | └ end_number_part = 7
/// └ end_integer_part = end_fractional_part = 4
/// ```
raw: B,
/// The first index not part of the integer part anymore. Since the integer
/// part is at the start, this is also the length of that part.
end_integer_part: usize,
/// The first index after the fractional part.
end_fractional_part: usize,
/// The first index after the whole number part (everything except type suffix).
end_number_part: usize,
impl<B: Buffer> FloatLit<B> {
/// Parses the input as a floating point literal. Returns an error if the
/// input is invalid or represents a different kind of literal. Will also
/// reject decimal integer literals like `23` or `17f32`, in accordance
/// with the spec.
pub fn parse(s: B) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
match first_byte_or_empty(&s)? {
b'0'..=b'9' => {
// TODO: simplify once RFC 2528 is stabilized
let FloatLit {
} = parse_impl(&s)?;
Ok(Self { raw: s, end_integer_part, end_fractional_part, end_number_part })
_ => Err(perr(0, DoesNotStartWithDigit)),
/// Returns the number part (including integer part, fractional part and
/// exponent), but without the suffix. If you want an actual floating
/// point value, you need to parse this string, e.g. with `f32::from_str`
/// or an external crate.
pub fn number_part(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the non-empty integer part of this literal.
pub fn integer_part(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the optional fractional part of this literal. Does not include
/// the period. If a period exists in the input, `Some` is returned, `None`
/// otherwise. Note that `Some("")` might be returned, e.g. for `3.`.
pub fn fractional_part(&self) -> Option<&str> {
if self.end_integer_part == self.end_fractional_part {
} else {
Some(&(*self.raw)[self.end_integer_part + 1..self.end_fractional_part])
/// Optional exponent part. Might be empty if there was no exponent part in
/// the input. Includes the `e` or `E` at the beginning.
pub fn exponent_part(&self) -> &str {
/// The optional suffix. Returns `""` if the suffix is empty/does not exist.
pub fn suffix(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the raw input that was passed to `parse`.
pub fn raw_input(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the raw input that was passed to `parse`, potentially owned.
pub fn into_raw_input(self) -> B {
impl FloatLit<&str> {
/// Makes a copy of the underlying buffer and returns the owned version of
/// `Self`.
pub fn to_owned(&self) -> FloatLit<String> {
FloatLit {
raw: self.raw.to_owned(),
end_integer_part: self.end_integer_part,
end_fractional_part: self.end_fractional_part,
end_number_part: self.end_number_part,
impl<B: Buffer> fmt::Display for FloatLit<B> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", &*self.raw)
/// Precondition: first byte of string has to be in `b'0'..=b'9'`.
pub(crate) fn parse_impl(input: &str) -> Result<FloatLit<&str>, ParseError> {
// Integer part.
let end_integer_part = end_dec_digits(input.as_bytes());
let rest = &input[end_integer_part..];
// Fractional part.
let end_fractional_part = if rest.as_bytes().get(0) == Some(&b'.') {
// The fractional part must not start with `_`.
if rest.as_bytes().get(1) == Some(&b'_') {
return Err(perr(end_integer_part + 1, UnexpectedChar));
end_dec_digits(rest[1..].as_bytes()) + 1 + end_integer_part
} else {
let rest = &input[end_fractional_part..];
// If we have a period that is not followed by decimal digits, the
// literal must end now.
if end_integer_part + 1 == end_fractional_part && !rest.is_empty() {
return Err(perr(end_integer_part + 1, UnexpectedChar));
// Optional exponent.
let end_number_part = if rest.starts_with('e') || rest.starts_with('E') {
// Strip single - or + sign at the beginning.
let exp_number_start = match rest.as_bytes().get(1) {
Some(b'-') | Some(b'+') => 2,
_ => 1,
// Find end of exponent and make sure there is at least one digit.
let end_exponent = end_dec_digits(rest[exp_number_start..].as_bytes()) + exp_number_start;
if !rest[exp_number_start..end_exponent].bytes().any(|b| matches!(b, b'0'..=b'9')) {
return Err(perr(
end_fractional_part..end_fractional_part + end_exponent,
end_exponent + end_fractional_part
} else {
// Make sure the suffix is valid.
let suffix = &input[end_number_part..];
check_suffix(suffix).map_err(|kind| perr(end_number_part..input.len(), kind))?;
// A float literal needs either a fractional or exponent part, otherwise its
// an integer literal.
if end_integer_part == end_number_part {
return Err(perr(None, UnexpectedIntegerLit));
Ok(FloatLit {
raw: input,
/// All possible float type suffixes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FloatType {
impl FloatType {
/// Returns the type corresponding to the given suffix (e.g. `"f32"` is
/// mapped to `Self::F32`). If the suffix is not a valid float type, `None`
/// is returned.
pub fn from_suffix(suffix: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match suffix {
"f32" => Some(FloatType::F32),
"f64" => Some(FloatType::F64),
_ => None,
/// Returns the suffix for this type, e.g. `"f32"` for `Self::F32`.
pub fn suffix(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::F32 => "f32",
Self::F64 => "f64",
impl FromStr for FloatType {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
impl fmt::Display for FloatType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
mod tests;