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# ksni
A Rust implementation of the KDE/freedesktop StatusNotifierItem specification
## Example
use ksni;
struct MyTray {
selected_option: usize,
checked: bool,
impl ksni::Tray for MyTray {
fn icon_name(&self) -> String {
fn title(&self) -> String {
if self.checked { "CHECKED!" } else { "MyTray" }.into()
// NOTE: On some system trays, `id` is a required property to avoid unexpected behaviors
fn id(&self) -> String {
fn menu(&self) -> Vec<ksni::MenuItem<Self>> {
use ksni::menu::*;
SubMenu {
label: "a".into(),
submenu: vec![
SubMenu {
label: "a1".into(),
submenu: vec![
StandardItem {
label: "a1.1".into(),
StandardItem {
label: "a1.2".into(),
StandardItem {
label: "a2".into(),
RadioGroup {
selected: self.selected_option,
select: Box::new(|this: &mut Self, current| {
this.selected_option = current;
options: vec![
RadioItem {
label: "Option 0".into(),
RadioItem {
label: "Option 1".into(),
RadioItem {
label: "Option 2".into(),
CheckmarkItem {
label: "Checkable".into(),
checked: self.checked,
activate: Box::new(|this: &mut Self| this.checked = !this.checked),
StandardItem {
label: "Exit".into(),
icon_name: "application-exit".into(),
activate: Box::new(|_| std::process::exit(0)),
fn main() {
let service = ksni::TrayService::new(MyTray {
selected_option: 0,
checked: false,
let handle = service.handle();
// We can modify the tray
handle.update(|tray: &mut MyTray| {
tray.checked = true;
// Run forever
loop {
Will create a system tray like this:
(In GNOME with AppIndicator extension)
## Todo
- [X] org.kde.StatusNotifierItem
- [X] com.canonical.dbusmenu
- [X] org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable
- [X] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
- [X] radio item
- [ ] documents
- [ ] async [diwic/dbus-rs#166](
- [X] mutable menu items
## License
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.