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//! The result of emitter
use crate::frame_slot::FrameSlot;
use crate::function::FunctionFlags;
use crate::gcthings::GCThing;
use crate::scope::ScopeIndex;
use crate::scope_notes::ScopeNote;
use ast::source_atom_set::SourceAtomSetIndex;
// The following section is generated by
// Do mot modify manually.
// @@@@ BEGIN TYPES @@@@
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum {
IsForEval = 1 << 0,
IsModule = 1 << 1,
IsFunction = 1 << 2,
SelfHosted = 1 << 3,
ForceStrict = 1 << 4,
HasNonSyntacticScope = 1 << 5,
NoScriptRval = 1 << 6,
TreatAsRunOnce = 1 << 7,
Strict = 1 << 8,
HasModuleGoal = 1 << 9,
HasInnerFunctions = 1 << 10,
HasDirectEval = 1 << 11,
BindingsAccessedDynamically = 1 << 12,
HasCallSiteObj = 1 << 13,
IsAsync = 1 << 14,
IsGenerator = 1 << 15,
FunHasExtensibleScope = 1 << 16,
FunctionHasThisBinding = 1 << 17,
NeedsHomeObject = 1 << 18,
IsDerivedClassConstructor = 1 << 19,
IsSyntheticFunction = 1 << 20,
UseMemberInitializers = 1 << 21,
HasRest = 1 << 22,
NeedsFunctionEnvironmentObjects = 1 << 23,
FunctionHasExtraBodyVarScope = 1 << 24,
ShouldDeclareArguments = 1 << 25,
NeedsArgsObj = 1 << 26,
HasMappedArgsObj = 1 << 27,
IsInlinableLargeFunction = 1 << 28,
FunctionHasNewTargetBinding = 1 << 29,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum MutableScriptFlagsEnum {
HasRunOnce = 1 << 8,
HasBeenCloned = 1 << 9,
HasScriptCounts = 1 << 10,
HasDebugScript = 1 << 11,
AllowRelazify = 1 << 14,
SpewEnabled = 1 << 15,
NeedsFinalWarmUpCount = 1 << 16,
BaselineDisabled = 1 << 17,
IonDisabled = 1 << 18,
Uninlineable = 1 << 19,
FailedBoundsCheck = 1 << 21,
HadLICMInvalidation = 1 << 22,
HadReorderingBailout = 1 << 23,
HadEagerTruncationBailout = 1 << 24,
FailedLexicalCheck = 1 << 25,
HadSpeculativePhiBailout = 1 << 26,
HadUnboxFoldingBailout = 1 << 27,
// @@@@ END TYPES @@@@
pub struct ImmutableScriptFlags {
value: u32,
impl ImmutableScriptFlags {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { value: 0 }
pub fn from_raw(bits: u32) -> Self {
Self { value: bits }
pub fn set(&mut self, bit: ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum) {
self.value |= bit as u32;
pub fn has(&self, bit: ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum) -> bool {
(self.value & bit as u32) != 0
pub fn reset(&mut self, bit: ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum) {
self.value &= !(bit as u32)
impl From<ImmutableScriptFlags> for u32 {
fn from(flags: ImmutableScriptFlags) -> u32 {
/// Maps to js::ImmutableScriptData in m-c/js/src/vm/SharedStencil.h.
pub struct ImmutableScriptData {
pub main_offset: u32,
pub nfixed: FrameSlot,
pub nslots: u32,
pub body_scope_index: u32,
pub num_ic_entries: u32,
pub fun_length: u16,
pub bytecode: Vec<u8>,
pub scope_notes: Vec<ScopeNote>,
// TODO: Add resume_offsets and try_notes.
/// Index into ImmutableScriptDataList.scripts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ImmutableScriptDataIndex {
index: usize,
impl ImmutableScriptDataIndex {
fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
Self { index }
impl From<ImmutableScriptDataIndex> for usize {
fn from(index: ImmutableScriptDataIndex) -> usize {
/// List of ImmutableScriptData.
pub struct ImmutableScriptDataList {
/// Uses Option to allow `allocate()` and `populate()` to be called
/// separately.
items: Vec<Option<ImmutableScriptData>>,
impl ImmutableScriptDataList {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { items: Vec::new() }
pub fn push(&mut self, script: ImmutableScriptData) -> ImmutableScriptDataIndex {
let index = self.items.len();
pub fn allocate(&mut self) -> ImmutableScriptDataIndex {
let index = self.items.len();
pub fn populate(&mut self, index: ImmutableScriptDataIndex, script: ImmutableScriptData) {
impl From<ImmutableScriptDataList> for Vec<ImmutableScriptData> {
fn from(list: ImmutableScriptDataList) -> Vec<ImmutableScriptData> {
.map(|g| g.expect("Should be populated"))
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SourceExtent {
pub source_start: u32,
pub source_end: u32,
pub to_string_start: u32,
pub to_string_end: u32,
pub lineno: u32,
pub column: u32,
impl SourceExtent {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
source_start: 0,
source_end: 0,
to_string_start: 0,
to_string_end: 0,
lineno: 0,
column: 0,
pub fn top_level_script(length: u32, lineno: u32, column: u32) -> Self {
Self {
source_start: 0,
source_end: length,
to_string_start: 0,
to_string_end: length,
/// Maps to js::frontend::ScriptStencil in m-c/js/src/frontend/Stencil.h.
pub struct ScriptStencil {
// Fields for BaseScript.
// Used by:
// * Global script
// * Eval
// * Module
// * non-lazy Function (except asm.js module)
// * lazy Function (cannot be asm.js module)
/// See `BaseScript::immutableFlags_`.
pub immutable_flags: ImmutableScriptFlags,
/// For top level script and non-lazy function script,
/// this is a list of GC things referred by bytecode and scope.
/// For lazy function script, this contains the list of inner functions,
/// followed by the list of names defined and closed over by inner script.
/// The list of names are delimited by GCThing::Null for each scope.
/// The order of scopes are depth-first post-order, and names inside each
/// scope is in not defined.
/// Trailing scopes without any names are omitted for space efficiency.
pub gcthings: Vec<GCThing>,
/// See `BaseScript::sharedData_`.
pub immutable_script_data: Option<ImmutableScriptDataIndex>,
/// The location of this script in the source.
pub extent: SourceExtent,
// Fields for JSFunction.
// Used by:
// * non-lazy Function
// * lazy Function
// * asm.js module
/// The explicit or implicit name of the function. The FunctionFlags
/// indicate the kind of name.
pub fun_name: Option<SourceAtomSetIndex>,
/// See `JSFunction::nargs_`.
pub fun_nargs: u16,
/// See: `FunctionFlags`.
pub fun_flags: FunctionFlags,
/// If this ScriptStencil refers to a lazy child of the function being
/// compiled, this field holds the child's immediately enclosing scope's
/// index. Once compilation succeeds, we will store the scope pointed by
/// this in the child's BaseScript. (Debugger may become confused if lazy
/// scripts refer to partially initialized enclosing scopes, so we must
/// avoid storing the scope in the BaseScript until compilation has
/// completed successfully.)
pub lazy_function_enclosing_scope_index: Option<ScopeIndex>,
/// This function is a standalone function that is not syntactically part of
/// another script. Eg. Created by `new Function("")`.
pub is_standalone_function: bool,
/// This is set by the emitter of the enclosing script when a
/// reference to this function is generated.
pub was_function_emitted: bool,
/// This function should be marked as a singleton. It is expected to be
/// defined at most once. This is a heuristic only and does not affect
/// correctness.
pub is_singleton_function: bool,
impl ScriptStencil {
fn empty_top_level_script() -> Self {
Self {
immutable_flags: ImmutableScriptFlags::new(),
gcthings: Vec::new(),
immutable_script_data: None,
extent: SourceExtent::new(),
fun_name: None,
fun_nargs: 0,
fun_flags: FunctionFlags::empty(),
lazy_function_enclosing_scope_index: None,
is_standalone_function: false,
was_function_emitted: false,
is_singleton_function: false,
pub fn top_level_script(
gcthings: Vec<GCThing>,
immutable_script_data: ImmutableScriptDataIndex,
extent: SourceExtent,
) -> Self {
Self {
immutable_flags: ImmutableScriptFlags::new(),
immutable_script_data: Some(immutable_script_data),
fun_name: None,
fun_nargs: 0,
fun_flags: FunctionFlags::empty(),
lazy_function_enclosing_scope_index: None,
is_standalone_function: false,
was_function_emitted: false,
is_singleton_function: false,
pub fn lazy_function(
extent: SourceExtent,
fun_name: Option<SourceAtomSetIndex>,
is_generator: bool,
is_async: bool,
fun_flags: FunctionFlags,
lazy_function_enclosing_scope_index: Option<ScopeIndex>,
) -> Self {
let mut flags = ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum::IsFunction as u32;
if is_generator {
flags |= ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum::IsGenerator as u32;
if is_async {
flags |= ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum::IsAsync as u32;
Self {
immutable_flags: ImmutableScriptFlags::from_raw(flags),
gcthings: Vec::new(),
immutable_script_data: None,
fun_nargs: 0,
is_standalone_function: false,
was_function_emitted: false,
is_singleton_function: false,
pub fn is_function(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_non_lazy_function(&self) -> bool {
self.is_function() && self.immutable_script_data.is_some()
pub fn is_lazy_function(&self) -> bool {
self.is_function() && self.immutable_script_data.is_none()
pub fn set_function_has_this_binding(&mut self) {
pub fn set_has_rest(&mut self) {
pub fn set_needs_function_environment_objects(&mut self) {
pub fn set_function_has_extra_body_var_scope(&mut self) {
pub fn set_should_declare_arguments(&mut self) {
pub fn set_needs_args_obj(&mut self) {
pub fn set_has_mapped_args_obj(&mut self) {
pub fn set_function_has_new_target_binding(&mut self) {
pub fn is_arrow_function(&self) -> bool {
self.is_function() && self.fun_flags.is_arrow()
pub fn set_fun_name(&mut self, name: SourceAtomSetIndex) {
self.fun_name = Some(name);
pub fn fun_name<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Option<SourceAtomSetIndex> {
pub fn add_fun_nargs(&mut self) {
self.fun_nargs += 1;
/// source_start should point the start of parameter for functions.
pub fn set_source_starts(&mut self, source_start: usize) {
self.extent.source_start = source_start as u32;
/// to_string_end should point the end of function body for function,
/// and the end of class for constructor.
pub fn set_to_string_end(&mut self, to_string_end: usize) {
self.extent.to_string_end = to_string_end as u32;
/// source_end should point the end of function body.
pub fn set_source_end(&mut self, source_end: usize) {
self.extent.source_end = source_end as u32;
pub fn set_function_emitted(&mut self) {
self.was_function_emitted = true;
pub fn push_inner_function(&mut self, fun: ScriptStencilIndex) {
pub fn push_closed_over_bindings(&mut self, name: SourceAtomSetIndex) {
pub fn push_closed_over_bindings_delimiter(&mut self) {
/// Index into ScriptStencilList.scripts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ScriptStencilIndex {
index: usize,
impl ScriptStencilIndex {
fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
Self { index }
impl From<ScriptStencilIndex> for usize {
fn from(index: ScriptStencilIndex) -> usize {
/// List of stencil scripts.
pub struct ScriptStencilList {
scripts: Vec<ScriptStencil>,
impl ScriptStencilList {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
scripts: Vec::new(),
pub fn new_with_empty_top_level() -> Self {
Self {
scripts: vec![ScriptStencil::empty_top_level_script()],
pub fn push(&mut self, script: ScriptStencil) -> ScriptStencilIndex {
let index = self.scripts.len();
pub fn get<'a>(&'a self, index: ScriptStencilIndex) -> &'a ScriptStencil {
pub fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, index: ScriptStencilIndex) -> &'a mut ScriptStencil {
&mut self.scripts[usize::from(index)]
pub fn set_top_level(&mut self, top_level: ScriptStencil) {
self.scripts[0] = top_level;
impl From<ScriptStencilList> for Vec<ScriptStencil> {
fn from(list: ScriptStencilList) -> Vec<ScriptStencil> {