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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_StencilEnums_h
#define vm_StencilEnums_h
#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t
// Enum definitions shared between frontend, stencil, and the VM.
namespace js {
// [SMDOC] Try Notes
// Trynotes are attached to regions that are involved with
// exception unwinding. They can be broken up into four categories:
// 1. Catch and Finally: Basic exception handling. A Catch trynote
// covers the range of the associated try. A Finally trynote covers
// the try and the catch.
// 2. ForIn and Destructuring: These operations create an iterator
// which must be cleaned up (by calling IteratorClose) during
// exception unwinding.
// 3. ForOf and ForOfIterclose: For-of loops handle unwinding using
// catch blocks. These trynotes are used for for-of breaks/returns,
// which create regions that are lexically within a for-of block,
// but logically outside of it. See TryNoteIter::settle for more
// details.
// 4. Loop: This represents normal for/while/do-while loops. It is
// unnecessary for exception unwinding, but storing the boundaries
// of loops here is helpful for heuristics that need to know
// whether a given op is inside a loop.
enum class TryNoteKind : uint8_t {
// [SMDOC] Script Flags
// Interpreted scripts represented by the BaseScript type use two flag words to
// encode an assortment of conditions and attributes about the script.
// The "immutable" flags are a combination of input flags describing aspects of
// the execution context that affect parsing (such as if we are an ES module or
// normal script), and flags derived from source text. These flags are preserved
// during cloning and serializing. As well, they should never change after the
// BaseScript is created (although there are currently a few exceptions for
// de-/re-lazification that remain).
// The "mutable" flags are temporary flags that are used by subsystems in the
// engine such as the debugger or JITs. These flags are not preserved through
// serialization or cloning since the attributes are generally associated with
// one specific instance of a BaseScript.
enum class ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum : uint32_t {
// Input Flags
// These flags are from CompileOptions or the Parser entry point. They
// generally cannot be derived from the source text alone.
// ----
// A script may have one of the following kinds: Global, Eval, Module,
// Function. At most one flag can be set, with a default of Global.
IsForEval = 1 << 0,
IsModule = 1 << 1,
IsFunction = 1 << 2,
// The script is compiled as engine-internal self-hosted JavaScript. This mode
// is used to implement certain library functions and has special parse,
// bytecode, and runtime behaviour that differs from normal script.
SelfHosted = 1 << 3,
// The script was compiled with the default mode set to strict mode. Note that
// this tracks the default value, while the actual mode used (after processing
// source and its directives) is the `Strict` flag below.
ForceStrict = 1 << 4,
// The script has a non-syntactic scope on its environment chain. That is,
// there may be objects about which we know nothing between the outermost
// syntactic scope and the global.
HasNonSyntacticScope = 1 << 5,
// The script return value will not be used and simplified code will be
// generated. This can only be applied to top-level scripts. The value this
// script returns will be UndefinedValue instead of what the spec normally
// prescribes.
NoScriptRval = 1 << 6,
// TreatAsRunOnce roughly indicates that a script is expected to be run no
// more than once. This affects optimizations and heuristics.
// On top-level global/eval/module scripts, this is set when the embedding
// ensures this script will not be re-used. In this case, parser literals may
// be exposed directly instead of being cloned.
TreatAsRunOnce = 1 << 7,
// ----
// Parser Flags
// Flags computed by the Parser from the source text and input flags.
// ----
// Generated code will execute in strict mode. This is due to either the
// ForceStrict flag being specified above, or due to source text itself (such
// as "use strict" directives).
Strict = 1 << 8,
// Script is parsed with a top-level goal of Module. This may be a top-level
// or an inner-function script.
HasModuleGoal = 1 << 9,
// Script contains inner functions.
// Note: This prevents relazification since inner function close-over the
// current scripts scopes.
HasInnerFunctions = 1 << 10,
// There is a direct eval statement in this script OR in any of its inner
// functions.
// Note: This prevents relazification since it can introduce inner functions.
HasDirectEval = 1 << 11,
// The (static) bindings of this script must support dynamic name access for
// read/write. The environment chain is used to do these dynamic lookups and
// optimizations to avoid allocating environments are suppressed.
// This includes direct-eval, `with`, and `delete` in this script OR in any of
// its inner functions.
// Note: Access through the arguments object is not considered dynamic binding
// access since it does not go through the normal name lookup mechanism.
BindingsAccessedDynamically = 1 << 12,
// A tagged template exists in the body (which will use JSOp::CallSiteObj in
// bytecode).
// Note: This prevents relazification since the template's object is
// observable to the user and cannot be recreated.
HasCallSiteObj = 1 << 13,
// Parser Flags for Functions
// ----
// This function's initial prototype is one of Function, GeneratorFunction,
// AsyncFunction, or AsyncGeneratorFunction as indicated by these flags.
// If either of these flags is set, the script may suspend and resume as it
// executes. Stack frames for this script also have a generator object.
IsAsync = 1 << 14,
IsGenerator = 1 << 15,
// This function's body serves as the `var` environment for a non-strict
// direct eval. This matters because it's the only way bindings can be
// dynamically added to a local environment, possibly shadowing other
// variables.
FunHasExtensibleScope = 1 << 16,
// This function has an internal .this binding and we need to emit
// JSOp::FunctionThis in the prologue to initialize it. This binding may be
// used directly for "this", or indirectly (such as class constructors).
FunctionHasThisBinding = 1 << 17,
// This function is a class method that must uses an internal [[HomeObject]]
// slot. This slot is initialized when the class definition is executed in the
// enclosing function.
NeedsHomeObject = 1 << 18,
// This function is a constructor for a derived class. This is a class that
// uses the `extends` syntax.
IsDerivedClassConstructor = 1 << 19,
// This function is synthesized by the Parser. This is used for field
// initializer lambdas and missing constructors for classes. These functions
// have unusual source coordinates and may be hidden from things like
// Reflect.parse.
IsSyntheticFunction = 1 << 20,
// This function is a class constructor that has MemberInitializer data
// associated with it.
UseMemberInitializers = 1 << 21,
// This function has a rest (`...`) parameter.
HasRest = 1 << 22,
// This function needs a call object or named lambda environment to be created
// in order to execute the function. This is done in the Stack or JIT frame
// setup code _before_ the bytecode prologue starts.
NeedsFunctionEnvironmentObjects = 1 << 23,
// An extra VarScope is used as the body scope instead of the normal
// FunctionScope. This is needed when parameter expressions are used AND the
// function has var bindings or a sloppy-direct-eval. For example,
// `function(x = eval("")) { var y; }`
FunctionHasExtraBodyVarScope = 1 << 24,
// This function must define the implicit `arguments` binding on the function
// scope. If there are no free uses or an appropriate explicit binding exists,
// then this flag is unset.
// Note: Parameter expressions will not see an explicit `var arguments;`
// binding in the body and an implicit binding on the function-scope must
// still be used in that case.
ShouldDeclareArguments = 1 << 25,
// This function has a local (implicit or explicit) `arguments` binding. This
// binding is initialized by the JSOp::Arguments bytecode.
// Technically, every function has a binding named `arguments`. Internally,
// this binding is only added when `arguments` is mentioned by the function
// body.
// Examples:
// ```
// // Explicit definition
// function f() { var arguments; return arguments; }
// // Implicit use
// function f() { return arguments; }
// // Implicit use in arrow function
// function f() { return () => arguments; }
// // Implicit use in parameter expression
// function f(a = arguments) { return a; }
// ```
NeedsArgsObj = 1 << 26,
// This function must use the "mapped" form of an arguments object. This flag
// is set independently of whether we actually use an `arguments` binding. The
// conditions are specified in the ECMAScript spec.
HasMappedArgsObj = 1 << 27,
// Large self-hosted methods that should be inlined anyway by the JIT for
// performance reasons can be marked with this flag.
IsInlinableLargeFunction = 1 << 28,
// This function has an internal .newTarget binding and we need to emit
// JSOp::NewTarget in the prologue to initialize it. This binding may be
// used directly for "", or indirectly (e.g. in super() calls).
FunctionHasNewTargetBinding = 1 << 29,
enum class MutableScriptFlagsEnum : uint32_t {
// Number of times the |warmUpCount| was forcibly discarded. The counter is
// reset when a script is successfully jit-compiled.
WarmupResets_MASK = 0xFF,
// If treatAsRunOnce, whether script has executed.
HasRunOnce = 1 << 8,
// Script has been reused for a clone.
HasBeenCloned = 1 << 9,
// Script has an entry in Realm::scriptCountsMap.
HasScriptCounts = 1 << 10,
// Script has an entry in Realm::debugScriptMap.
HasDebugScript = 1 << 11,
// (1 << 12) is unused.
// (1 << 13) is unused.
// Script supports relazification where it releases bytecode and gcthings to
// save memory. This process is opt-in since various complexities may disallow
// this for some scripts.
// NOTE: Must check for isRelazifiable() before setting this flag.
AllowRelazify = 1 << 14,
// Set if the script has opted into spew.
SpewEnabled = 1 << 15,
// Set if we care about a script's final warmup count.
NeedsFinalWarmUpCount = 1 << 16,
// IonMonkey compilation hints.
// Whether Baseline or Ion compilation has been disabled for this script.
// IonDisabled is equivalent to |jitScript->canIonCompile() == false| but
// JitScript can be discarded on GC and we don't want this to affect
// observable behavior (see ArgumentsGetterImpl comment).
BaselineDisabled = 1 << 17,
IonDisabled = 1 << 18,
// This script should not be inlined into others. This happens after inlining
// has failed.
Uninlineable = 1 << 19,
// (1 << 20) is unused.
// *****************************************************************
// The flags below are set when we bail out and invalidate a script.
// When we recompile, we will be more conservative.
// *****************************************************************
// A hoisted bounds check bailed out.
FailedBoundsCheck = 1 << 21,
// An instruction hoisted by LICM bailed out.
HadLICMInvalidation = 1 << 22,
// An instruction hoisted by InstructionReordering bailed out.
HadReorderingBailout = 1 << 23,
// An instruction inserted or truncated by Range Analysis bailed out.
HadEagerTruncationBailout = 1 << 24,
// A lexical check bailed out.
FailedLexicalCheck = 1 << 25,
// A guard inserted by phi specialization bailed out.
HadSpeculativePhiBailout = 1 << 26,
// An unbox folded with a load bailed out.
HadUnboxFoldingBailout = 1 << 27,
// Retrievable source can be retrieved using the source hook (and therefore
// need not be XDR'd, can be discarded if desired because it can always be
// reconstituted later, etc.).
enum class SourceRetrievable { No = 0, Yes };
} // namespace js
#endif /* vm_StencilEnums_h */