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//! Simulates parser execution, for a single token of input, without incurring
//! any side effects.
//! This is basically a copy of the source code with calls to
//! generated_parser::reduce, and stack bookkeeping, omitted.
use crate::parser::Parser;
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use ast::SourceLocation;
use generated_parser::{
noop_actions, ParseError, ParserTrait, Result, StackValue, TermValue, TerminalId, Token, TABLES,
/// The Simulator is used to check whether we can shift one token, either to
/// check what might be accepted, or to check whether we can End parsing now.
/// This is used by the REPL to verify whether or not we can end the input.
pub struct Simulator<'alloc, 'parser> {
/// Define the top of the immutable stack.
sp: usize,
/// Immutable state stack coming from the forked parser.
state_stack: &'parser [usize],
/// Immuatable term stack coming from the forked parser.
node_stack: &'parser [TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>>],
/// Mutable state stack used by the simulator on top of the immutable
/// parser's state stack.
/// Uses a fixed-size array as the number of lookahead is bounded to a lower
/// value, panics otherwise.
sim_state_stack: ArrayVec<usize, 4>,
/// Mutable term stack used by the simulator on top of the immutable
/// parser's term stack.
/// Uses a fixed-size array as the number of lookahead is bounded to a lower
/// value, panics otherwise.
sim_node_stack: ArrayVec<TermValue<()>, 4>,
/// Mutable term stack used by the simulator for replaying terms when
/// reducing non-terminals are replaying lookahead terminals.
/// Uses a fixed-size array as the number of lookahead is bounded to a lower
/// value, panics otherwise.
replay_stack: ArrayVec<TermValue<()>, 4>,
impl<'alloc, 'parser> ParserTrait<'alloc, ()> for Simulator<'alloc, 'parser> {
fn shift(&mut self, tv: TermValue<()>) -> Result<'alloc, bool> {
// Shift the new terminal/nonterminal and its associated value.
let mut state = self.state();
assert!(state < TABLES.shift_count);
let mut tv = tv;
loop {
let term_index: usize = tv.term.into();
assert!(term_index < TABLES.shift_width);
let index = state * TABLES.shift_width + term_index;
let goto = TABLES.shift_table[index];
if goto < 0 {
// Error handling is in charge of shifting an ErrorSymbol from the
// current state.
tv = self.replay_stack.pop().unwrap();
state = goto as usize;
// Execute any actions, such as reduce actions.
if state >= TABLES.shift_count {
assert!(state < TABLES.action_count + TABLES.shift_count);
if noop_actions(self, state)? {
return Ok(true);
state = self.state();
assert!(state < TABLES.shift_count);
if let Some(tv_temp) = self.replay_stack.pop() {
tv = tv_temp;
} else {
fn shift_replayed(&mut self, state: usize) {
let tv = self.replay_stack.pop().unwrap();
fn unshift(&mut self) {
let tv = self.pop();
fn pop(&mut self) -> TermValue<()> {
if let Some(s) = self.sim_node_stack.pop() {
return s;
let t = self.node_stack[self.sp - 1].term;
self.sp -= 1;
TermValue { term: t, value: () }
fn replay(&mut self, tv: TermValue<()>) {
fn epsilon(&mut self, state: usize) {
if self.sim_state_stack.is_empty() {
self.sim_node_stack.push(TermValue {
term: self.node_stack[self.sp - 1].term,
value: (),
self.sp -= 1;
*self.sim_state_stack.last_mut().unwrap() = state;
fn top_state(&self) -> usize {
fn check_not_on_new_line(&mut self, _peek: usize) -> Result<'alloc, bool> {
impl<'alloc, 'parser> Simulator<'alloc, 'parser> {
pub fn new(
state_stack: &'parser [usize],
node_stack: &'parser [TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>>],
) -> Simulator<'alloc, 'parser> {
let sp = state_stack.len() - 1;
assert_eq!(state_stack.len(), node_stack.len() + 1);
Simulator {
sim_state_stack: ArrayVec::new(),
sim_node_stack: ArrayVec::new(),
replay_stack: ArrayVec::new(),
fn state(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(res) = self.sim_state_stack.last() {
} else {
pub fn write_token(&mut self, t: TerminalId) -> Result<'alloc, ()> {
// Shift the token with the associated StackValue.
let accept = self.shift(TermValue {
term: t.into(),
value: (),
// JavaScript grammar accepts empty inputs, therefore we can never
// accept any program before receiving a TerminalId::End.
pub fn close(&mut self, _position: usize) -> Result<'alloc, ()> {
// Shift the End terminal with the associated StackValue.
let accept = self.shift(TermValue {
term: TerminalId::End.into(),
value: (),
// Adding a TerminalId::End would either lead to a parse error, or to
// accepting the current input. In which case we return matching node
// value.
// We can either reduce a Script/Module, or a Script/Module followed by
// an <End> terminal.
assert!(self.sp + self.sim_node_stack.len() >= 1);
// Simulate the action of Parser::try_error_handling.
fn try_error_handling(&mut self, t: TermValue<()>) -> Result<'alloc, bool> {
if t.term.is_terminal() {
let term = t.term.to_terminal();
let bogus_loc = SourceLocation::new(0, 0);
let token = &Token::basic_token(term, bogus_loc);
// Error tokens might them-self cause more errors to be reported.
// This happens due to the fact that the ErrorToken can be replayed,
// and while the ErrorToken might be in the lookahead rules, it
// might not be in the shifted terms coming after the reduced
// nonterminal.
if term == TerminalId::ErrorToken {
return Err(Parser::parse_error(token).into());
// Otherwise, check if the current rule accept an Automatic
// Semi-Colon insertion (ASI).
let state = self.state();
assert!(state < TABLES.shift_count);
let error_code = TABLES.error_codes[state];
if let Some(error_code) = error_code {
Parser::recover(token, error_code)?;
self.replay(TermValue {
term: TerminalId::ErrorToken.into(),
value: (),
return Ok(false);
return Err(Parser::parse_error(token).into());
// On error, don't attempt error handling again.