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// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
//! Tools for locale fallback, enabling arbitrary input locales to be mapped into the nearest
//! locale with data.
use crate::provider::*;
use icu_locid::extensions::unicode::Value;
use icu_locid::subtags::Variants;
use icu_provider::prelude::*;
pub use icu_provider::fallback::*;
mod algorithms;
/// Implements the algorithm defined in *[UTS #35: Locale Inheritance and Matching]*.
/// Note that this implementation performs some additional steps compared to the *UTS #35*
/// algorithm. See *[the design doc]* for a detailed description and [#2243](
/// If running fallback in a loop, use [`DataLocale::is_und()`] to break from the loop.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use icu::locid::locale;
/// use icu::locid_transform::fallback::LocaleFallbacker;
/// // Set up a LocaleFallbacker with data.
/// let fallbacker = LocaleFallbacker::new();
/// // Create a LocaleFallbackerIterator with a default configuration.
/// // By default, uses language priority with no additional extension keywords.
/// let mut fallback_iterator = fallbacker
/// .for_config(Default::default())
/// .fallback_for(locale!("hi-Latn-IN").into());
/// // Run the algorithm and check the results.
/// assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get(), &locale!("hi-Latn-IN").into());
/// fallback_iterator.step();
/// assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get(), &locale!("hi-Latn").into());
/// fallback_iterator.step();
/// assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get(), &locale!("en-IN").into());
/// fallback_iterator.step();
/// assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get(), &locale!("en-001").into());
/// fallback_iterator.step();
/// assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get(), &locale!("en").into());
/// fallback_iterator.step();
/// assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get(), &locale!("und").into());
/// ```
/// [UTS #35: Locale Inheritance and Matching]:
/// [the design doc]:
/// [language identifier]: icu::locid::LanguageIdentifier
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct LocaleFallbacker {
likely_subtags: DataPayload<LocaleFallbackLikelySubtagsV1Marker>,
parents: DataPayload<LocaleFallbackParentsV1Marker>,
collation_supplement: Option<DataPayload<CollationFallbackSupplementV1Marker>>,
/// Borrowed version of [`LocaleFallbacker`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'a> {
likely_subtags: &'a LocaleFallbackLikelySubtagsV1<'a>,
parents: &'a LocaleFallbackParentsV1<'a>,
collation_supplement: Option<&'a LocaleFallbackSupplementV1<'a>>,
/// A [`LocaleFallbackerBorrowed`] with an associated [`LocaleFallbackConfig`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct LocaleFallbackerWithConfig<'a> {
likely_subtags: &'a LocaleFallbackLikelySubtagsV1<'a>,
parents: &'a LocaleFallbackParentsV1<'a>,
supplement: Option<&'a LocaleFallbackSupplementV1<'a>>,
config: LocaleFallbackConfig,
/// Inner iteration type. Does not own the item under fallback.
struct LocaleFallbackIteratorInner<'a> {
likely_subtags: &'a LocaleFallbackLikelySubtagsV1<'a>,
parents: &'a LocaleFallbackParentsV1<'a>,
supplement: Option<&'a LocaleFallbackSupplementV1<'a>>,
config: LocaleFallbackConfig,
backup_extension: Option<Value>,
backup_subdivision: Option<Value>,
backup_variants: Option<Variants>,
/// Iteration type for locale fallback operations.
/// Because the `Iterator` trait does not allow items to borrow from the iterator, this class does
/// not implement that trait. Instead, use `.step()` and `.get()`.
pub struct LocaleFallbackIterator<'a, 'b> {
current: DataLocale,
inner: LocaleFallbackIteratorInner<'a>,
phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<&'b ()>,
impl LocaleFallbacker {
/// Creates a [`LocaleFallbacker`] with compiled fallback data (likely subtags and parent locales).
/// ✨ *Enabled with the `compiled_data` Cargo feature.*
/// [📚 Help choosing a constructor](icu_provider::constructors)
#[cfg(feature = "compiled_data")]
#[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)] // keeping constructors together
pub const fn new<'a>() -> LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'a> {
let tickstatic = LocaleFallbackerBorrowed {
likely_subtags: crate::provider::Baked::SINGLETON_FALLBACK_LIKELYSUBTAGS_V1,
parents: crate::provider::Baked::SINGLETON_FALLBACK_PARENTS_V1,
collation_supplement: Some(crate::provider::Baked::SINGLETON_FALLBACK_SUPPLEMENT_CO_V1),
// Safety: we're transmuting down from LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'static> to LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'a>
// ZeroMaps use associated types in a way that confuse the compiler which gives up and marks them
// as invariant. However, they are covariant, and in non-const code this covariance can be safely triggered
// using Yokeable::transform. In const code we must transmute. In the long run we should
// be able to `transform()` in const code, and also we will have hopefully improved map polymorphism (#3128)
unsafe { core::mem::transmute(tickstatic) }
icu_provider::gen_any_buffer_data_constructors!(locale: skip, options: skip, error: DataError,
functions: [
#[doc = icu_provider::gen_any_buffer_unstable_docs!(UNSTABLE, Self::new)]
pub fn try_new_unstable<P>(provider: &P) -> Result<Self, DataError>
P: DataProvider<LocaleFallbackLikelySubtagsV1Marker>
+ DataProvider<LocaleFallbackParentsV1Marker>
+ DataProvider<CollationFallbackSupplementV1Marker>
+ ?Sized,
let likely_subtags = provider.load(Default::default())?.take_payload()?;
let parents = provider.load(Default::default())?.take_payload()?;
let collation_supplement = match DataProvider::<CollationFallbackSupplementV1Marker>::load(
) {
Ok(response) => Some(response.take_payload()?),
// It is expected that not all keys are present
Err(DataError {
kind: DataErrorKind::MissingDataKey,
}) => None,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(LocaleFallbacker {
/// Creates a [`LocaleFallbacker`] without fallback data. Using this constructor may result in
/// surprising behavior, especially in multi-script languages.
pub fn new_without_data() -> Self {
LocaleFallbacker {
likely_subtags: DataPayload::from_owned(Default::default()),
parents: DataPayload::from_owned(Default::default()),
collation_supplement: None,
/// Associates a configuration with this fallbacker.
pub fn for_config(&self, config: LocaleFallbackConfig) -> LocaleFallbackerWithConfig {
/// Derives a configuration from a [`DataKey`] and associates it
/// with this fallbacker.
#[doc(hidden)] // will be removed in 2.0
pub fn for_key(&self, data_key: DataKey) -> LocaleFallbackerWithConfig {
/// Creates a borrowed version of this fallbacker for performance.
pub fn as_borrowed(&self) -> LocaleFallbackerBorrowed {
LocaleFallbackerBorrowed {
likely_subtags: self.likely_subtags.get(),
parents: self.parents.get(),
collation_supplement: self.collation_supplement.as_ref().map(|p| p.get()),
impl<'a> LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'a> {
/// Associates a configuration with this fallbacker.
pub const fn for_config(self, config: LocaleFallbackConfig) -> LocaleFallbackerWithConfig<'a> {
LocaleFallbackerWithConfig {
likely_subtags: self.likely_subtags,
parents: self.parents,
supplement: match config.fallback_supplement {
Some(LocaleFallbackSupplement::Collation) => self.collation_supplement,
_ => None,
impl LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'static> {
/// Cheaply converts a [`LocaleFallbackerBorrowed<'static>`] into a [`LocaleFallbacker`].
/// Note: Due to branching and indirection, using [`LocaleFallbacker`] might inhibit some
/// compile-time optimizations that are possible with [`LocaleFallbackerBorrowed`].
pub const fn static_to_owned(self) -> LocaleFallbacker {
LocaleFallbacker {
likely_subtags: DataPayload::from_static_ref(self.likely_subtags),
parents: DataPayload::from_static_ref(self.parents),
collation_supplement: match self.collation_supplement {
None => None,
Some(x) => Some(DataPayload::from_static_ref(x)),
impl<'a> LocaleFallbackerWithConfig<'a> {
/// Creates an iterator based on a [`DataLocale`].
/// If you have a [`Locale`](icu_locid::Locale), call `.into()` to get a [`DataLocale`].
/// When first initialized, the locale is normalized according to the fallback algorithm.
pub fn fallback_for(&self, mut locale: DataLocale) -> LocaleFallbackIterator<'a, 'static> {
self.normalize(&mut locale);
LocaleFallbackIterator {
current: locale,
inner: LocaleFallbackIteratorInner {
likely_subtags: self.likely_subtags,
parents: self.parents,
supplement: self.supplement,
config: self.config,
backup_extension: None,
backup_subdivision: None,
backup_variants: None,
phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
impl LocaleFallbackIterator<'_, '_> {
/// Borrows the current [`DataLocale`] under fallback.
pub fn get(&self) -> &DataLocale {
/// Takes the current [`DataLocale`] under fallback.
pub fn take(self) -> DataLocale {
/// Performs one step of the locale fallback algorithm.
/// The fallback is completed once the inner [`DataLocale`] becomes `und`.
pub fn step(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.inner.step(&mut self.current);