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// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
//! This module contains types and implementations for the Coptic calendar.
//! ```rust
//! use icu::calendar::{coptic::Coptic, Date, DateTime};
//! // `Date` type
//! let date_iso = Date::try_new_iso_date(1970, 1, 2)
//! .expect("Failed to initialize ISO Date instance.");
//! let date_coptic = Date::new_from_iso(date_iso, Coptic);
//! // `DateTime` type
//! let datetime_iso = DateTime::try_new_iso_datetime(1970, 1, 2, 13, 1, 0)
//! .expect("Failed to initialize ISO DateTime instance.");
//! let datetime_coptic = DateTime::new_from_iso(datetime_iso, Coptic);
//! // `Date` checks
//! assert_eq!(date_coptic.year().number, 1686);
//! assert_eq!(date_coptic.month().ordinal, 4);
//! assert_eq!(date_coptic.day_of_month().0, 24);
//! // `DateTime` type
//! assert_eq!(, 1686);
//! assert_eq!(, 4);
//! assert_eq!(, 24);
//! assert_eq!(datetime_coptic.time.hour.number(), 13);
//! assert_eq!(datetime_coptic.time.minute.number(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(datetime_coptic.time.second.number(), 0);
//! ```
use crate::any_calendar::AnyCalendarKind;
use crate::calendar_arithmetic::{ArithmeticDate, CalendarArithmetic};
use crate::iso::Iso;
use crate::{types, Calendar, CalendarError, Date, DateDuration, DateDurationUnit, DateTime, Time};
use calendrical_calculations::helpers::I32CastError;
use calendrical_calculations::rata_die::RataDie;
use tinystr::tinystr;
/// The [Coptic Calendar]
/// The [Coptic calendar] is a solar calendar used by the Coptic Orthodox Church, with twelve normal months
/// and a thirteenth small epagomenal month.
/// This type can be used with [`Date`] or [`DateTime`] to represent dates in this calendar.
/// # Era codes
/// This calendar supports two era codes: `"bd"`, and `"ad"`, corresponding to the Before Diocletian and After Diocletian/Anno Martyrum
/// eras. 1 A.M. is equivalent to 284 C.E.
/// # Month codes
/// This calendar supports 13 solar month codes (`"M01" - "M13"`), with `"M13"` being used for the short epagomenal month
/// at the end of the year.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Default, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_structs)] // this type is stable
pub struct Coptic;
/// The inner date type used for representing [`Date`]s of [`Coptic`]. See [`Date`] and [`Coptic`] for more details.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct CopticDateInner(pub(crate) ArithmeticDate<Coptic>);
impl CalendarArithmetic for Coptic {
type YearInfo = ();
fn month_days(year: i32, month: u8, _data: ()) -> u8 {
if (1..=12).contains(&month) {
} else if month == 13 {
if Self::is_leap_year(year, ()) {
} else {
} else {
fn months_for_every_year(_: i32, _data: ()) -> u8 {
fn is_leap_year(year: i32, _data: ()) -> bool {
year.rem_euclid(4) == 3
fn last_month_day_in_year(year: i32, _data: ()) -> (u8, u8) {
if Self::is_leap_year(year, ()) {
(13, 6)
} else {
(13, 5)
fn days_in_provided_year(year: i32, _data: ()) -> u16 {
if Self::is_leap_year(year, ()) {
} else {
impl Calendar for Coptic {
type DateInner = CopticDateInner;
fn date_from_codes(
era: types::Era,
year: i32,
month_code: types::MonthCode,
day: u8,
) -> Result<Self::DateInner, CalendarError> {
let year = if era.0 == tinystr!(16, "ad") {
if year <= 0 {
return Err(CalendarError::OutOfRange);
} else if era.0 == tinystr!(16, "bd") {
if year <= 0 {
return Err(CalendarError::OutOfRange);
1 - year
} else {
return Err(CalendarError::UnknownEra(era.0, self.debug_name()));
ArithmeticDate::new_from_codes(self, year, month_code, day).map(CopticDateInner)
fn date_from_iso(&self, iso: Date<Iso>) -> CopticDateInner {
let fixed_iso = Iso::fixed_from_iso(*iso.inner());
fn date_to_iso(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> Date<Iso> {
let fixed_coptic = Coptic::fixed_from_coptic(date.0);
fn months_in_year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> u8 {
fn days_in_year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> u16 {
fn days_in_month(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> u8 {
fn day_of_week(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::IsoWeekday {
fn offset_date(&self, date: &mut Self::DateInner, offset: DateDuration<Self>) {
date.0.offset_date(offset, &());
fn until(
date1: &Self::DateInner,
date2: &Self::DateInner,
_calendar2: &Self,
_largest_unit: DateDurationUnit,
_smallest_unit: DateDurationUnit,
) -> DateDuration<Self> {
date1.0.until(date2.0, _largest_unit, _smallest_unit)
fn year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::FormattableYear {
fn is_in_leap_year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> bool {
Self::is_leap_year(date.0.year, ())
fn month(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::FormattableMonth {
fn day_of_month(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::DayOfMonth {
fn day_of_year_info(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::DayOfYearInfo {
let prev_year = date.0.year - 1;
let next_year = date.0.year + 1;
types::DayOfYearInfo {
day_of_year: date.0.day_of_year(),
days_in_year: date.0.days_in_year(),
prev_year: year_as_coptic(prev_year),
days_in_prev_year: Coptic::days_in_year_direct(prev_year),
next_year: year_as_coptic(next_year),
fn debug_name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn any_calendar_kind(&self) -> Option<AnyCalendarKind> {
impl Coptic {
fn fixed_from_coptic(date: ArithmeticDate<Coptic>) -> RataDie {
calendrical_calculations::coptic::fixed_from_coptic(date.year, date.month,
pub(crate) fn coptic_from_fixed(date: RataDie) -> CopticDateInner {
let (year, month, day) = match calendrical_calculations::coptic::coptic_from_fixed(date) {
Err(I32CastError::BelowMin) => return CopticDateInner(ArithmeticDate::min_date()),
Err(I32CastError::AboveMax) => return CopticDateInner(ArithmeticDate::max_date()),
Ok(ymd) => ymd,
CopticDateInner(ArithmeticDate::new_unchecked(year, month, day))
fn days_in_year_direct(year: i32) -> u16 {
if Coptic::is_leap_year(year, ()) {
} else {
impl Date<Coptic> {
/// Construct new Coptic Date.
/// Negative years are in the B.D. era, starting with 0 = 1 B.D.
/// ```rust
/// use icu::calendar::Date;
/// let date_coptic = Date::try_new_coptic_date(1686, 5, 6)
/// .expect("Failed to initialize Coptic Date instance.");
/// assert_eq!(date_coptic.year().number, 1686);
/// assert_eq!(date_coptic.month().ordinal, 5);
/// assert_eq!(date_coptic.day_of_month().0, 6);
/// ```
pub fn try_new_coptic_date(
year: i32,
month: u8,
day: u8,
) -> Result<Date<Coptic>, CalendarError> {
ArithmeticDate::new_from_ordinals(year, month, day)
.map(|inner| Date::from_raw(inner, Coptic))
impl DateTime<Coptic> {
/// Construct a new Coptic datetime from integers.
/// Negative years are in the B.D. era, starting with 0 = 1 B.D.
/// ```rust
/// use icu::calendar::DateTime;
/// let datetime_coptic =
/// DateTime::try_new_coptic_datetime(1686, 5, 6, 13, 1, 0)
/// .expect("Failed to initialize Coptic DateTime instance.");
/// assert_eq!(, 1686);
/// assert_eq!(, 5);
/// assert_eq!(, 6);
/// assert_eq!(datetime_coptic.time.hour.number(), 13);
/// assert_eq!(datetime_coptic.time.minute.number(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(datetime_coptic.time.second.number(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn try_new_coptic_datetime(
year: i32,
month: u8,
day: u8,
hour: u8,
minute: u8,
second: u8,
) -> Result<DateTime<Coptic>, CalendarError> {
Ok(DateTime {
date: Date::try_new_coptic_date(year, month, day)?,
time: Time::try_new(hour, minute, second, 0)?,
fn year_as_coptic(year: i32) -> types::FormattableYear {
if year > 0 {
types::FormattableYear {
era: types::Era(tinystr!(16, "ad")),
number: year,
cyclic: None,
related_iso: None,
} else {
types::FormattableYear {
era: types::Era(tinystr!(16, "bd")),
number: 1 - year,
cyclic: None,
related_iso: None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_coptic_regression() {
let iso_date = Date::try_new_iso_date(-100, 3, 3).unwrap();
let coptic = iso_date.to_calendar(Coptic);
let recovered_iso = coptic.to_iso();
assert_eq!(iso_date, recovered_iso);