Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::time::Duration;
use futures_channel::oneshot;
use futures_util::future::{self, Either, FutureExt as _, TryFutureExt as _};
use http::header::{HeaderValue, HOST};
use http::uri::{Port, Scheme};
use http::{Method, Request, Response, Uri, Version};
use tracing::{debug, trace, warn};
use super::conn;
use super::connect::{self, sealed::Connect, Alpn, Connected, Connection};
use super::pool::{
self, CheckoutIsClosedError, Key as PoolKey, Pool, Poolable, Pooled, Reservation,
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
use super::HttpConnector;
use crate::body::{Body, HttpBody};
use crate::common::{exec::BoxSendFuture, sync_wrapper::SyncWrapper, lazy as hyper_lazy, task, Future, Lazy, Pin, Poll};
use crate::rt::Executor;
/// A Client to make outgoing HTTP requests.
/// `Client` is cheap to clone and cloning is the recommended way to share a `Client`. The
/// underlying connection pool will be reused.
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(any(feature = "http1", feature = "http2"))))]
pub struct Client<C, B = Body> {
config: Config,
conn_builder: conn::Builder,
connector: C,
pool: Pool<PoolClient<B>>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Config {
retry_canceled_requests: bool,
set_host: bool,
ver: Ver,
/// A `Future` that will resolve to an HTTP Response.
/// This is returned by `Client::request` (and `Client::get`).
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct ResponseFuture {
inner: SyncWrapper<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = crate::Result<Response<Body>>> + Send>>>,
// ===== impl Client =====
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
impl Client<HttpConnector, Body> {
/// Create a new Client with the default [config](Builder).
/// # Note
/// The default connector does **not** handle TLS. Speaking to `https`
/// destinations will require [configuring a connector that implements
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "tcp")))]
pub fn new() -> Client<HttpConnector, Body> {
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
impl Default for Client<HttpConnector, Body> {
fn default() -> Client<HttpConnector, Body> {
impl Client<(), Body> {
/// Create a builder to configure a new `Client`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
/// # fn run () {
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// use hyper::Client;
/// let client = Client::builder()
/// .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(30))
/// .http2_only(true)
/// .build_http();
/// # let infer: Client<_, hyper::Body> = client;
/// # drop(infer);
/// # }
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
pub fn builder() -> Builder {
impl<C, B> Client<C, B>
C: Connect + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
B: HttpBody + Send + 'static,
B::Data: Send,
B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
/// Send a `GET` request to the supplied `Uri`.
/// # Note
/// This requires that the `HttpBody` type have a `Default` implementation.
/// It *should* return an "empty" version of itself, such that
/// `HttpBody::is_end_stream` is `true`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
/// # fn run () {
/// use hyper::{Client, Uri};
/// let client = Client::new();
/// let future = client.get(Uri::from_static(""));
/// # }
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
pub fn get(&self, uri: Uri) -> ResponseFuture
B: Default,
let body = B::default();
if !body.is_end_stream() {
warn!("default HttpBody used for get() does not return true for is_end_stream");
let mut req = Request::new(body);
*req.uri_mut() = uri;
/// Send a constructed `Request` using this `Client`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
/// # fn run () {
/// use hyper::{Body, Method, Client, Request};
/// let client = Client::new();
/// let req = Request::builder()
/// .method(Method::POST)
/// .body(Body::from("Hallo!"))
/// .expect("request builder");
/// let future = client.request(req);
/// # }
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
pub fn request(&self, mut req: Request<B>) -> ResponseFuture {
let is_http_connect = req.method() == Method::CONNECT;
match req.version() {
Version::HTTP_11 => (),
Version::HTTP_10 => {
if is_http_connect {
warn!("CONNECT is not allowed for HTTP/1.0");
return ResponseFuture::new(future::err(
Version::HTTP_2 => (),
// completely unsupported HTTP version (like HTTP/0.9)!
other => return ResponseFuture::error_version(other),
let pool_key = match extract_domain(req.uri_mut(), is_http_connect) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(err) => {
return ResponseFuture::new(future::err(err));
ResponseFuture::new(self.clone().retryably_send_request(req, pool_key))
async fn retryably_send_request(
mut req: Request<B>,
pool_key: PoolKey,
) -> crate::Result<Response<Body>> {
let uri = req.uri().clone();
loop {
req = match self.send_request(req, pool_key.clone()).await {
Ok(resp) => return Ok(resp),
Err(ClientError::Normal(err)) => return Err(err),
Err(ClientError::Canceled {
mut req,
}) => {
if !self.config.retry_canceled_requests || !connection_reused {
// if client disabled, don't retry
// a fresh connection means we definitely can't retry
return Err(reason);
"unstarted request canceled, trying again (reason={:?})",
*req.uri_mut() = uri.clone();
async fn send_request(
mut req: Request<B>,
pool_key: PoolKey,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, ClientError<B>> {
let mut pooled = match self.connection_for(pool_key).await {
Ok(pooled) => pooled,
Err(ClientConnectError::Normal(err)) => return Err(ClientError::Normal(err)),
Err(ClientConnectError::H2CheckoutIsClosed(reason)) => {
return Err(ClientError::Canceled {
connection_reused: true,
if pooled.is_http1() {
if req.version() == Version::HTTP_2 {
warn!("Connection is HTTP/1, but request requires HTTP/2");
return Err(ClientError::Normal(
if self.config.set_host {
let uri = req.uri().clone();
req.headers_mut().entry(HOST).or_insert_with(|| {
let hostname ="authority implies host");
if let Some(port) = get_non_default_port(&uri) {
let s = format!("{}:{}", hostname, port);
} else {
.expect("uri host is valid header value")
// CONNECT always sends authority-form, so check it first...
if req.method() == Method::CONNECT {
} else if pooled.conn_info.is_proxied {
} else {
} else if req.method() == Method::CONNECT {
let fut = pooled
// If the Connector included 'extra' info, add to Response...
let extra_info = pooled.conn_info.extra.clone();
let fut = fut.map_ok(move |mut res| {
if let Some(extra) = extra_info {
// As of futures@0.1.21, there is a race condition in the mpsc
// channel, such that sending when the receiver is closing can
// result in the message being stuck inside the queue. It won't
// ever notify until the Sender side is dropped.
// To counteract this, we must check if our senders 'want' channel
// has been closed after having tried to send. If so, error out...
if pooled.is_closed() {
return fut.await;
let mut res = fut.await?;
// If pooled is HTTP/2, we can toss this reference immediately.
// when pooled is dropped, it will try to insert back into the
// pool. To delay that, spawn a future that completes once the
// sender is ready again.
// This *should* only be once the related `Connection` has polled
// for a new request to start.
// It won't be ready if there is a body to stream.
if pooled.is_http2() || !pooled.is_pool_enabled() || pooled.is_ready() {
} else if !res.body().is_end_stream() {
let (delayed_tx, delayed_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let on_idle = future::poll_fn(move |cx| pooled.poll_ready(cx)).map(move |_| {
// At this point, `pooled` is dropped, and had a chance
// to insert into the pool (if conn was idle)
} else {
// There's no body to delay, but the connection isn't
// ready yet. Only re-insert when it's ready
let on_idle = future::poll_fn(move |cx| pooled.poll_ready(cx)).map(|_| ());
async fn connection_for(
pool_key: PoolKey,
) -> Result<Pooled<PoolClient<B>>, ClientConnectError> {
// This actually races 2 different futures to try to get a ready
// connection the fastest, and to reduce connection churn.
// - If the pool has an idle connection waiting, that's used
// immediately.
// - Otherwise, the Connector is asked to start connecting to
// the destination Uri.
// - Meanwhile, the pool Checkout is watching to see if any other
// request finishes and tries to insert an idle connection.
// - If a new connection is started, but the Checkout wins after
// (an idle connection became available first), the started
// connection future is spawned into the runtime to complete,
// and then be inserted into the pool as an idle connection.
let checkout = self.pool.checkout(pool_key.clone());
let connect = self.connect_to(pool_key);
let is_ver_h2 = self.config.ver == Ver::Http2;
// The order of the `select` is depended on below...
match future::select(checkout, connect).await {
// Checkout won, connect future may have been started or not.
// If it has, let it finish and insert back into the pool,
// so as to not waste the socket...
Either::Left((Ok(checked_out), connecting)) => {
// This depends on the `select` above having the correct
// order, such that if the checkout future were ready
// immediately, the connect future will never have been
// started.
// If it *wasn't* ready yet, then the connect future will
// have been started...
if connecting.started() {
let bg = connecting
.map_err(|err| {
trace!("background connect error: {}", err);
.map(|_pooled| {
// dropping here should just place it in
// the Pool for us...
// An execute error here isn't important, we're just trying
// to prevent a waste of a socket...
// Connect won, checkout can just be dropped.
Either::Right((Ok(connected), _checkout)) => Ok(connected),
// Either checkout or connect could get canceled:
// 1. Connect is canceled if this is HTTP/2 and there is
// an outstanding HTTP/2 connecting task.
// 2. Checkout is canceled if the pool cannot deliver an
// idle connection reliably.
// In both cases, we should just wait for the other future.
Either::Left((Err(err), connecting)) => {
if err.is_canceled() {
} else {
Either::Right((Err(err), checkout)) => {
if err.is_canceled() {
checkout.await.map_err(move |err| {
if is_ver_h2
&& err.is_canceled()
&& err.find_source::<CheckoutIsClosedError>().is_some()
} else {
} else {
fn connect_to(
pool_key: PoolKey,
) -> impl Lazy<Output = crate::Result<Pooled<PoolClient<B>>>> + Unpin {
let executor = self.conn_builder.exec.clone();
let pool = self.pool.clone();
#[cfg(not(feature = "http2"))]
let conn_builder = self.conn_builder.clone();
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
let mut conn_builder = self.conn_builder.clone();
let ver = self.config.ver;
let is_ver_h2 = ver == Ver::Http2;
let connector = self.connector.clone();
let dst = domain_as_uri(pool_key.clone());
hyper_lazy(move || {
// Try to take a "connecting lock".
// If the pool_key is for HTTP/2, and there is already a
// connection being established, then this can't take a
// second lock. The "connect_to" future is Canceled.
let connecting = match pool.connecting(&pool_key, ver) {
Some(lock) => lock,
None => {
let canceled =
crate::Error::new_canceled().with("HTTP/2 connection in progress");
return Either::Right(future::err(canceled));
.connect(connect::sealed::Internal, dst)
.and_then(move |io| {
let connected = io.connected();
// If ALPN is h2 and we aren't http2_only already,
// then we need to convert our pool checkout into
// a single HTTP2 one.
let connecting = if connected.alpn == Alpn::H2 && !is_ver_h2 {
match connecting.alpn_h2(&pool) {
Some(lock) => {
trace!("ALPN negotiated h2, updating pool");
None => {
// Another connection has already upgraded,
// the pool checkout should finish up for us.
let canceled = crate::Error::new_canceled()
.with("ALPN upgraded to HTTP/2");
return Either::Right(future::err(canceled));
} else {
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "http2"), allow(unused))]
let is_h2 = is_ver_h2 || connected.alpn == Alpn::H2;
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
Either::Left(Box::pin(async move {
let (tx, conn) = conn_builder.handshake(io).await?;
trace!("handshake complete, spawning background dispatcher task");
conn.map_err(|e| debug!("client connection error: {}", e))
.map(|_| ()),
// Wait for 'conn' to ready up before we
// declare this tx as usable
let tx = tx.when_ready().await?;
let tx = {
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
if is_h2 {
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "http2"))]
PoolClient {
conn_info: connected,
impl<C, B> tower_service::Service<Request<B>> for Client<C, B>
C: Connect + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
B: HttpBody + Send + 'static,
B::Data: Send,
B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
type Response = Response<Body>;
type Error = crate::Error;
type Future = ResponseFuture;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
impl<C, B> tower_service::Service<Request<B>> for &'_ Client<C, B>
C: Connect + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
B: HttpBody + Send + 'static,
B::Data: Send,
B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
type Response = Response<Body>;
type Error = crate::Error;
type Future = ResponseFuture;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
impl<C: Clone, B> Clone for Client<C, B> {
fn clone(&self) -> Client<C, B> {
Client {
config: self.config.clone(),
conn_builder: self.conn_builder.clone(),
connector: self.connector.clone(),
pool: self.pool.clone(),
impl<C, B> fmt::Debug for Client<C, B> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// ===== impl ResponseFuture =====
impl ResponseFuture {
fn new<F>(value: F) -> Self
F: Future<Output = crate::Result<Response<Body>>> + Send + 'static,
Self {
inner: SyncWrapper::new(Box::pin(value))
fn error_version(ver: Version) -> Self {
warn!("Request has unsupported version \"{:?}\"", ver);
impl fmt::Debug for ResponseFuture {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl Future for ResponseFuture {
type Output = crate::Result<Response<Body>>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// ===== impl PoolClient =====
// FIXME: allow() required due to `impl Trait` leaking types to this lint
struct PoolClient<B> {
conn_info: Connected,
tx: PoolTx<B>,
enum PoolTx<B> {
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
impl<B> PoolClient<B> {
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<crate::Result<()>> {
match self.tx {
PoolTx::Http1(ref mut tx) => tx.poll_ready(cx),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(_) => Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
fn is_http1(&self) -> bool {
fn is_http2(&self) -> bool {
match self.tx {
PoolTx::Http1(_) => false,
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(_) => true,
fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {
match self.tx {
PoolTx::Http1(ref tx) => tx.is_ready(),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(ref tx) => tx.is_ready(),
fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
match self.tx {
PoolTx::Http1(ref tx) => tx.is_closed(),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(ref tx) => tx.is_closed(),
impl<B: HttpBody + 'static> PoolClient<B> {
fn send_request_retryable(
&mut self,
req: Request<B>,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response<Body>, (crate::Error, Option<Request<B>>)>>
B: Send,
match self.tx {
#[cfg(not(feature = "http2"))]
PoolTx::Http1(ref mut tx) => tx.send_request_retryable(req),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http1(ref mut tx) => Either::Left(tx.send_request_retryable(req)),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(ref mut tx) => Either::Right(tx.send_request_retryable(req)),
impl<B> Poolable for PoolClient<B>
B: Send + 'static,
fn is_open(&self) -> bool {
match self.tx {
PoolTx::Http1(ref tx) => tx.is_ready(),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(ref tx) => tx.is_ready(),
fn reserve(self) -> Reservation<Self> {
match self.tx {
PoolTx::Http1(tx) => Reservation::Unique(PoolClient {
conn_info: self.conn_info,
tx: PoolTx::Http1(tx),
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
PoolTx::Http2(tx) => {
let b = PoolClient {
conn_info: self.conn_info.clone(),
tx: PoolTx::Http2(tx.clone()),
let a = PoolClient {
conn_info: self.conn_info,
tx: PoolTx::Http2(tx),
Reservation::Shared(a, b)
fn can_share(&self) -> bool {
// ===== impl ClientError =====
// FIXME: allow() required due to `impl Trait` leaking types to this lint
enum ClientError<B> {
Canceled {
connection_reused: bool,
req: Request<B>,
reason: crate::Error,
impl<B> ClientError<B> {
fn map_with_reused(conn_reused: bool) -> impl Fn((crate::Error, Option<Request<B>>)) -> Self {
move |(err, orig_req)| {
if let Some(req) = orig_req {
ClientError::Canceled {
connection_reused: conn_reused,
reason: err,
} else {
enum ClientConnectError {
/// A marker to identify what version a pooled connection is.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(super) enum Ver {
fn origin_form(uri: &mut Uri) {
let path = match uri.path_and_query() {
Some(path) if path.as_str() != "/" => {
let mut parts = ::http::uri::Parts::default();
parts.path_and_query = Some(path.clone());
Uri::from_parts(parts).expect("path is valid uri")
_none_or_just_slash => {
debug_assert!(Uri::default() == "/");
*uri = path
fn absolute_form(uri: &mut Uri) {
debug_assert!(uri.scheme().is_some(), "absolute_form needs a scheme");
"absolute_form needs an authority"
// If the URI is to HTTPS, and the connector claimed to be a proxy,
// then it *should* have tunneled, and so we don't want to send
// absolute-form in that case.
if uri.scheme() == Some(&Scheme::HTTPS) {
fn authority_form(uri: &mut Uri) {
if let Some(path) = uri.path_and_query() {
// `` would parse with `/` path, don't
// annoy people about that...
if path != "/" {
warn!("HTTP/1.1 CONNECT request stripping path: {:?}", path);
*uri = match uri.authority() {
Some(auth) => {
let mut parts = ::http::uri::Parts::default();
parts.authority = Some(auth.clone());
Uri::from_parts(parts).expect("authority is valid")
None => {
unreachable!("authority_form with relative uri");
fn extract_domain(uri: &mut Uri, is_http_connect: bool) -> crate::Result<PoolKey> {
let uri_clone = uri.clone();
match (uri_clone.scheme(), uri_clone.authority()) {
(Some(scheme), Some(auth)) => Ok((scheme.clone(), auth.clone())),
(None, Some(auth)) if is_http_connect => {
let scheme = match auth.port_u16() {
Some(443) => {
set_scheme(uri, Scheme::HTTPS);
_ => {
set_scheme(uri, Scheme::HTTP);
Ok((scheme, auth.clone()))
_ => {
debug!("Client requires absolute-form URIs, received: {:?}", uri);
fn domain_as_uri((scheme, auth): PoolKey) -> Uri {
.expect("domain is valid Uri")
fn set_scheme(uri: &mut Uri, scheme: Scheme) {
"set_scheme expects no existing scheme"
let old = mem::replace(uri, Uri::default());
let mut parts: ::http::uri::Parts = old.into();
parts.scheme = Some(scheme);
parts.path_and_query = Some("/".parse().expect("slash is a valid path"));
*uri = Uri::from_parts(parts).expect("scheme is valid");
fn get_non_default_port(uri: &Uri) -> Option<Port<&str>> {
match (uri.port().map(|p| p.as_u16()), is_schema_secure(uri)) {
(Some(443), true) => None,
(Some(80), false) => None,
_ => uri.port(),
fn is_schema_secure(uri: &Uri) -> bool {
.map(|scheme_str| matches!(scheme_str, "wss" | "https"))
/// A builder to configure a new [`Client`](Client).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
/// # fn run () {
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// use hyper::Client;
/// let client = Client::builder()
/// .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(30))
/// .http2_only(true)
/// .build_http();
/// # let infer: Client<_, hyper::Body> = client;
/// # drop(infer);
/// # }
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(any(feature = "http1", feature = "http2"))))]
pub struct Builder {
client_config: Config,
conn_builder: conn::Builder,
pool_config: pool::Config,
impl Default for Builder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
client_config: Config {
retry_canceled_requests: true,
set_host: true,
ver: Ver::Auto,
conn_builder: conn::Builder::new(),
pool_config: pool::Config {
idle_timeout: Some(Duration::from_secs(90)),
max_idle_per_host: std::usize::MAX,
impl Builder {
note = "name is confusing, to disable the connection pool, call pool_max_idle_per_host(0)"
pub fn keep_alive(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
if !val {
// disable
} else if self.pool_config.max_idle_per_host == 0 {
// enable
} else {
// already enabled
#[deprecated(note = "renamed to `pool_idle_timeout`")]
pub fn keep_alive_timeout<D>(&mut self, val: D) -> &mut Self
D: Into<Option<Duration>>,
/// Set an optional timeout for idle sockets being kept-alive.
/// Pass `None` to disable timeout.
/// Default is 90 seconds.
pub fn pool_idle_timeout<D>(&mut self, val: D) -> &mut Self
D: Into<Option<Duration>>,
self.pool_config.idle_timeout = val.into();
#[deprecated(note = "renamed to `pool_max_idle_per_host`")]
pub fn max_idle_per_host(&mut self, max_idle: usize) -> &mut Self {
self.pool_config.max_idle_per_host = max_idle;
/// Sets the maximum idle connection per host allowed in the pool.
/// Default is `usize::MAX` (no limit).
pub fn pool_max_idle_per_host(&mut self, max_idle: usize) -> &mut Self {
self.pool_config.max_idle_per_host = max_idle;
// HTTP/1 options
/// Sets the exact size of the read buffer to *always* use.
/// Note that setting this option unsets the `http1_max_buf_size` option.
/// Default is an adaptive read buffer.
pub fn http1_read_buf_exact_size(&mut self, sz: usize) -> &mut Self {
/// Set the maximum buffer size for the connection.
/// Default is ~400kb.
/// Note that setting this option unsets the `http1_read_exact_buf_size` option.
/// # Panics
/// The minimum value allowed is 8192. This method panics if the passed `max` is less than the minimum.
#[cfg(feature = "http1")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http1")))]
pub fn http1_max_buf_size(&mut self, max: usize) -> &mut Self {
/// Set whether HTTP/1 connections will accept spaces between header names
/// and the colon that follow them in responses.
/// Newline codepoints (`\r` and `\n`) will be transformed to spaces when
/// parsing.
/// You probably don't need this, here is what [RFC 7230 Section 3.2.4.] has
/// to say about it:
/// > No whitespace is allowed between the header field-name and colon. In
/// > the past, differences in the handling of such whitespace have led to
/// > security vulnerabilities in request routing and response handling. A
/// > server MUST reject any received request message that contains
/// > whitespace between a header field-name and colon with a response code
/// > of 400 (Bad Request). A proxy MUST remove any such whitespace from a
/// > response message before forwarding the message downstream.
/// Note that this setting does not affect HTTP/2.
/// Default is false.
/// [RFC 7230 Section 3.2.4.]:
pub fn http1_allow_spaces_after_header_name_in_responses(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Set whether HTTP/1 connections will accept obsolete line folding for
/// header values.
/// You probably don't need this, here is what [RFC 7230 Section 3.2.4.] has
/// to say about it:
/// > A server that receives an obs-fold in a request message that is not
/// > within a message/http container MUST either reject the message by
/// > sending a 400 (Bad Request), preferably with a representation
/// > explaining that obsolete line folding is unacceptable, or replace
/// > each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to
/// > interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
/// > A proxy or gateway that receives an obs-fold in a response message
/// > that is not within a message/http container MUST either discard the
/// > message and replace it with a 502 (Bad Gateway) response, preferably
/// > with a representation explaining that unacceptable line folding was
/// > received, or replace each received obs-fold with one or more SP
/// > octets prior to interpreting the field value or forwarding the
/// > message downstream.
/// > A user agent that receives an obs-fold in a response message that is
/// > not within a message/http container MUST replace each received
/// > obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting the field
/// > value.
/// Note that this setting does not affect HTTP/2.
/// Default is false.
/// [RFC 7230 Section 3.2.4.]:
pub fn http1_allow_obsolete_multiline_headers_in_responses(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets whether invalid header lines should be silently ignored in HTTP/1 responses.
/// This mimicks the behaviour of major browsers. You probably don't want this.
/// You should only want this if you are implementing a proxy whose main
/// purpose is to sit in front of browsers whose users access arbitrary content
/// which may be malformed, and they expect everything that works without
/// the proxy to keep working with the proxy.
/// This option will prevent Hyper's client from returning an error encountered
/// when parsing a header, except if the error was caused by the character NUL
/// (ASCII code 0), as Chrome specifically always reject those.
/// The ignorable errors are:
/// * empty header names;
/// * characters that are not allowed in header names, except for `\0` and `\r`;
/// * when `allow_spaces_after_header_name_in_responses` is not enabled,
/// spaces and tabs between the header name and the colon;
/// * missing colon between header name and colon;
/// * characters that are not allowed in header values except for `\0` and `\r`.
/// If an ignorable error is encountered, the parser tries to find the next
/// line in the input to resume parsing the rest of the headers. An error
/// will be emitted nonetheless if it finds `\0` or a lone `\r` while
/// looking for the next line.
pub fn http1_ignore_invalid_headers_in_responses(
&mut self,
val: bool,
) -> &mut Builder {
/// Set whether HTTP/1 connections should try to use vectored writes,
/// or always flatten into a single buffer.
/// Note that setting this to false may mean more copies of body data,
/// but may also improve performance when an IO transport doesn't
/// support vectored writes well, such as most TLS implementations.
/// Setting this to true will force hyper to use queued strategy
/// which may eliminate unnecessary cloning on some TLS backends
/// Default is `auto`. In this mode hyper will try to guess which
/// mode to use
pub fn http1_writev(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut Builder {
/// Set whether HTTP/1 connections will write header names as title case at
/// the socket level.
/// Note that this setting does not affect HTTP/2.
/// Default is false.
pub fn http1_title_case_headers(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Set whether to support preserving original header cases.
/// Currently, this will record the original cases received, and store them
/// in a private extension on the `Response`. It will also look for and use
/// such an extension in any provided `Request`.
/// Since the relevant extension is still private, there is no way to
/// interact with the original cases. The only effect this can have now is
/// to forward the cases in a proxy-like fashion.
/// Note that this setting does not affect HTTP/2.
/// Default is false.
pub fn http1_preserve_header_case(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Set whether HTTP/0.9 responses should be tolerated.
/// Default is false.
pub fn http09_responses(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Set whether the connection **must** use HTTP/2.
/// The destination must either allow HTTP2 Prior Knowledge, or the
/// `Connect` should be configured to do use ALPN to upgrade to `h2`
/// as part of the connection process. This will not make the `Client`
/// utilize ALPN by itself.
/// Note that setting this to true prevents HTTP/1 from being allowed.
/// Default is false.
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_only(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.client_config.ver = if val { Ver::Http2 } else { Ver::Auto };
/// Sets the [`SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE`][spec] option for HTTP2
/// stream-level flow control.
/// Passing `None` will do nothing.
/// If not set, hyper will use a default.
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_initial_stream_window_size(&mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets the max connection-level flow control for HTTP2
/// Passing `None` will do nothing.
/// If not set, hyper will use a default.
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_initial_connection_window_size(
&mut self,
sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>,
) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets whether to use an adaptive flow control.
/// Enabling this will override the limits set in
/// `http2_initial_stream_window_size` and
/// `http2_initial_connection_window_size`.
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_adaptive_window(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets the maximum frame size to use for HTTP2.
/// Passing `None` will do nothing.
/// If not set, hyper will use a default.
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_max_frame_size(&mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets an interval for HTTP2 Ping frames should be sent to keep a
/// connection alive.
/// Pass `None` to disable HTTP2 keep-alive.
/// Default is currently disabled.
/// # Cargo Feature
/// Requires the `runtime` cargo feature to be enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_keep_alive_interval(
&mut self,
interval: impl Into<Option<Duration>>,
) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets a timeout for receiving an acknowledgement of the keep-alive ping.
/// If the ping is not acknowledged within the timeout, the connection will
/// be closed. Does nothing if `http2_keep_alive_interval` is disabled.
/// Default is 20 seconds.
/// # Cargo Feature
/// Requires the `runtime` cargo feature to be enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_keep_alive_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Duration) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets whether HTTP2 keep-alive should apply while the connection is idle.
/// If disabled, keep-alive pings are only sent while there are open
/// request/responses streams. If enabled, pings are also sent when no
/// streams are active. Does nothing if `http2_keep_alive_interval` is
/// disabled.
/// Default is `false`.
/// # Cargo Feature
/// Requires the `runtime` cargo feature to be enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_keep_alive_while_idle(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut Self {
/// Sets the maximum number of HTTP2 concurrent locally reset streams.
/// See the documentation of [`h2::client::Builder::max_concurrent_reset_streams`] for more
/// details.
/// The default value is determined by the `h2` crate.
/// [`h2::client::Builder::max_concurrent_reset_streams`]:
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_max_concurrent_reset_streams(&mut self, max: usize) -> &mut Self {
/// Set the maximum write buffer size for each HTTP/2 stream.
/// Default is currently 1MB, but may change.
/// # Panics
/// The value must be no larger than `u32::MAX`.
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "http2")))]
pub fn http2_max_send_buf_size(&mut self, max: usize) -> &mut Self {
/// Set whether to retry requests that get disrupted before ever starting
/// to write.
/// This means a request that is queued, and gets given an idle, reused
/// connection, and then encounters an error immediately as the idle
/// connection was found to be unusable.
/// When this is set to `false`, the related `ResponseFuture` would instead
/// resolve to an `Error::Cancel`.
/// Default is `true`.
pub fn retry_canceled_requests(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.client_config.retry_canceled_requests = val;
/// Set whether to automatically add the `Host` header to requests.
/// If true, and a request does not include a `Host` header, one will be
/// added automatically, derived from the authority of the `Uri`.
/// Default is `true`.
pub fn set_host(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.client_config.set_host = val;
/// Provide an executor to execute background `Connection` tasks.
pub fn executor<E>(&mut self, exec: E) -> &mut Self
E: Executor<BoxSendFuture> + Send + Sync + 'static,
/// Builder a client with this configuration and the default `HttpConnector`.
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
pub fn build_http<B>(&self) -> Client<HttpConnector, B>
B: HttpBody + Send,
B::Data: Send,
let mut connector = HttpConnector::new();
if self.pool_config.is_enabled() {
/// Combine the configuration of this builder with a connector to create a `Client`.
pub fn build<C, B>(&self, connector: C) -> Client<C, B>
C: Connect + Clone,
B: HttpBody + Send,
B::Data: Send,
Client {
config: self.client_config,
conn_builder: self.conn_builder.clone(),
pool: Pool::new(self.pool_config, &self.conn_builder.exec),
impl fmt::Debug for Builder {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("client_config", &self.client_config)
.field("conn_builder", &self.conn_builder)
.field("pool_config", &self.pool_config)
mod unit_tests {
use super::*;
fn response_future_is_sync() {
fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
fn set_relative_uri_with_implicit_path() {
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
origin_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "/");
fn test_origin_form() {
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
origin_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "/guides");
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
origin_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "/guides?foo=bar");
fn test_absolute_form() {
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
absolute_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "");
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
absolute_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "/guides");
fn test_authority_form() {
let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init();
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
authority_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "");
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
authority_form(&mut uri);
assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "");
fn test_extract_domain_connect_no_port() {
let mut uri = "".parse().unwrap();
let (scheme, host) = extract_domain(&mut uri, true).expect("extract domain");
assert_eq!(scheme, *"http");
assert_eq!(host, "");
fn test_is_secure() {
assert_eq!(is_schema_secure(&"".parse::<Uri>().unwrap()), false);
fn test_get_non_default_port() {