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//! Authorization header and types.
use base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD as ENGINE;
use base64::Engine;
use bytes::Bytes;
use util::HeaderValueString;
use HeaderValue;
/// `Authorization` header, defined in [RFC7235](
/// The `Authorization` header field allows a user agent to authenticate
/// itself with an origin server -- usually, but not necessarily, after
/// receiving a 401 (Unauthorized) response. Its value consists of
/// credentials containing the authentication information of the user
/// agent for the realm of the resource being requested.
/// # ABNF
/// ```text
/// Authorization = credentials
/// ```
/// # Example values
/// * `Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==`
/// * `Bearer fpKL54jvWmEGVoRdCNjG`
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # extern crate headers;
/// use headers::Authorization;
/// let basic = Authorization::basic("Aladdin", "open sesame");
/// let bearer = Authorization::bearer("some-opaque-token").unwrap();
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Authorization<C: Credentials>(pub C);
impl Authorization<Basic> {
/// Create a `Basic` authorization header.
pub fn basic(username: &str, password: &str) -> Self {
let colon_pos = username.len();
let decoded = format!("{}:{}", username, password);
Authorization(Basic { decoded, colon_pos })
/// View the decoded username.
pub fn username(&self) -> &str {
/// View the decoded password.
pub fn password(&self) -> &str {
impl Authorization<Bearer> {
/// Try to create a `Bearer` authorization header.
pub fn bearer(token: &str) -> Result<Self, InvalidBearerToken> {
HeaderValueString::from_string(format!("Bearer {}", token))
.map(|val| Authorization(Bearer(val)))
.ok_or_else(|| InvalidBearerToken { _inner: () })
/// View the token part as a `&str`.
pub fn token(&self) -> &str {
impl<C: Credentials> ::Header for Authorization<C> {
fn name() -> &'static ::HeaderName {
fn decode<'i, I: Iterator<Item = &'i HeaderValue>>(values: &mut I) -> Result<Self, ::Error> {
.and_then(|val| {
let slice = val.as_bytes();
if slice.starts_with(C::SCHEME.as_bytes())
&& slice.len() > C::SCHEME.len()
&& slice[C::SCHEME.len()] == b' '
} else {
fn encode<E: Extend<::HeaderValue>>(&self, values: &mut E) {
let mut value = self.0.encode();
"Credentials::encode should include its scheme: scheme = {:?}, encoded = {:?}",
/// Credentials to be used in the `Authorization` header.
pub trait Credentials: Sized {
/// The scheme identify the format of these credentials.
/// This is the static string that always prefixes the actual credentials,
/// like `"Basic"` in basic authorization.
const SCHEME: &'static str;
/// Try to decode the credentials from the `HeaderValue`.
/// The `SCHEME` will be the first part of the `value`.
fn decode(value: &HeaderValue) -> Option<Self>;
/// Encode the credentials to a `HeaderValue`.
/// The `SCHEME` must be the first part of the `value`.
fn encode(&self) -> HeaderValue;
/// Credential holder for Basic Authentication
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Basic {
decoded: String,
colon_pos: usize,
impl Basic {
/// View the decoded username.
pub fn username(&self) -> &str {
/// View the decoded password.
pub fn password(&self) -> &str {
&self.decoded[self.colon_pos + 1..]
impl Credentials for Basic {
const SCHEME: &'static str = "Basic";
fn decode(value: &HeaderValue) -> Option<Self> {
value.as_bytes().starts_with(b"Basic "),
"HeaderValue to decode should start with \"Basic ..\", received = {:?}",
let bytes = &value.as_bytes()["Basic ".len()..];
let non_space_pos = bytes.iter().position(|b| *b != b' ')?;
let bytes = &bytes[non_space_pos..];
let bytes = ENGINE.decode(bytes).ok()?;
let decoded = String::from_utf8(bytes).ok()?;
let colon_pos = decoded.find(':')?;
Some(Basic { decoded, colon_pos })
fn encode(&self) -> HeaderValue {
let mut encoded = String::from("Basic ");
ENGINE.encode_string(&self.decoded, &mut encoded);
let bytes = Bytes::from(encoded);
.expect("base64 encoding is always a valid HeaderValue")
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Token holder for Bearer Authentication, most often seen with oauth
pub struct Bearer(HeaderValueString);
impl Bearer {
/// View the token part as a `&str`.
pub fn token(&self) -> &str {
&self.0.as_str()["Bearer ".len()..]
impl Credentials for Bearer {
const SCHEME: &'static str = "Bearer";
fn decode(value: &HeaderValue) -> Option<Self> {
value.as_bytes().starts_with(b"Bearer "),
"HeaderValue to decode should start with \"Bearer ..\", received = {:?}",
fn encode(&self) -> HeaderValue {
mod tests {
use super::super::{test_decode, test_encode};
use super::{Authorization, Basic, Bearer};
use http::header::HeaderMap;
use HeaderMapExt;
fn basic_encode() {
let auth = Authorization::basic("Aladdin", "open sesame");
let headers = test_encode(auth);
"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==",
fn basic_roundtrip() {
let auth = Authorization::basic("Aladdin", "open sesame");
let mut h = HeaderMap::new();
assert_eq!(h.typed_get(), Some(auth));
fn basic_encode_no_password() {
let auth = Authorization::basic("Aladdin", "");
let headers = test_encode(auth);
assert_eq!(headers["authorization"], "Basic QWxhZGRpbjo=",);
fn basic_decode() {
let auth: Authorization<Basic> =
test_decode(&["Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(auth.0.username(), "Aladdin");
assert_eq!(auth.0.password(), "open sesame");
fn basic_decode_no_password() {
let auth: Authorization<Basic> = test_decode(&["Basic QWxhZGRpbjo="]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(auth.0.username(), "Aladdin");
assert_eq!(auth.0.password(), "");
fn bearer_encode() {
let auth = Authorization::bearer("fpKL54jvWmEGVoRdCNjG").unwrap();
let headers = test_encode(auth);
assert_eq!(headers["authorization"], "Bearer fpKL54jvWmEGVoRdCNjG",);
fn bearer_decode() {
let auth: Authorization<Bearer> = test_decode(&["Bearer fpKL54jvWmEGVoRdCNjG"]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(auth.0.token().as_bytes(), b"fpKL54jvWmEGVoRdCNjG");
//bench_header!(raw, Authorization<String>, { vec![b"foo bar baz".to_vec()] });
//bench_header!(basic, Authorization<Basic>, { vec![b"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpuIHNlc2FtZQ==".to_vec()] });
//bench_header!(bearer, Authorization<Bearer>, { vec![b"Bearer fpKL54jvWmEGVoRdCNjG".to_vec()] });