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//! Implementation agnostic memory allocator for Vulkan like APIs.↩
//! This crate is intended to be used as part of safe API implementations.\↩
//! Use with caution. There are unsafe functions all over the place.↩
//! # Usage↩
//! Start with fetching `DeviceProperties` from `gpu-alloc-<backend>` crate for the backend of choice.\↩
//! Then create `GpuAllocator` instance and use it for all device memory allocations.\↩
//! `GpuAllocator` will take care for all necessary bookkeeping like memory object count limit,↩
//! heap budget and memory mapping.↩
//! ### Backends implementations↩
//! Backend supporting crates should not depend on this crate.\↩
//! Instead they should depend on `gpu-alloc-types` which is much more stable,↩
//! allowing to upgrade `gpu-alloc` version without `gpu-alloc-<backend>` upgrade.↩
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]↩
extern crate alloc;↩
#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]↩
macro_rules! report_error_on_drop {↩
($($tokens:tt)*) => {{↩
#[cfg(feature = "std")]↩
if std::thread::panicking() {↩
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "tracing"), feature = "std"))]↩
macro_rules! report_error_on_drop {↩
($($tokens:tt)*) => {{↩
if std::thread::panicking() {↩
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "tracing"), not(feature = "std")))]↩
macro_rules! report_error_on_drop {↩
($($tokens:tt)*) => {{↩
mod allocator;↩
mod block;↩
mod buddy;↩
mod config;↩
mod error;↩
mod freelist;↩
mod heap;↩
mod slab;↩
mod usage;↩
mod util;↩
pub use {↩
self::{allocator::*, block::MemoryBlock, config::*, error::*, usage::*},↩
/// Memory request for allocator.↩
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]↩
pub struct Request {↩
/// Minimal size of memory block required.↩
/// Returned block may have larger size,↩
/// use `MemoryBlock::size` to learn actual size of returned block.↩
pub size: u64,↩
/// Minimal alignment mask required.↩
/// Returned block may have larger alignment,↩
/// use `MemoryBlock::align` to learn actual alignment of returned block.↩
pub align_mask: u64,↩
/// Intended memory usage.↩
/// Returned block may support additional usages,↩
/// use `MemoryBlock::props` to learn memory properties of returned block.↩
pub usage: UsageFlags,↩
/// Bitset for memory types.↩
/// Returned block will be from memory type corresponding to one of set bits,↩
/// use `MemoryBlock::memory_type` to learn memory type index of returned block.↩
pub memory_types: u32,↩
/// Aligns `value` up to `align_mask`↩
/// Returns smallest integer not lesser than `value` aligned by `align_mask`.↩
/// Returns `None` on overflow.↩
pub(crate) fn align_up(value: u64, align_mask: u64) -> Option<u64> {↩
Some(value.checked_add(align_mask)? & !align_mask)↩
/// Align `value` down to `align_mask`↩
/// Returns largest integer not bigger than `value` aligned by `align_mask`.↩
pub(crate) fn align_down(value: u64, align_mask: u64) -> u64 {↩
value & !align_mask↩
unsafe fn unreachable_unchecked() -> ! {↩
unsafe fn unreachable_unchecked() -> ! {↩
// #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]↩
use core::fmt::Debug as MemoryBounds;↩
// #[cfg(not(feature = "tracing"))]↩
// use core::any::Any as MemoryBounds;↩