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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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use log::LevelFilter;
use crate::net::PingUploader;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::time::Duration;
/// The default server pings are sent to.
pub(crate) const DEFAULT_GLEAN_ENDPOINT: &str = "";
/// The Glean configuration.
/// Optional values will be filled in with default values.
pub struct Configuration {
/// Whether upload should be enabled.
pub upload_enabled: bool,
/// Path to a directory to store all data in.
pub data_path: PathBuf,
/// The application ID (will be sanitized during initialization).
pub application_id: String,
/// The maximum number of events to store before sending a ping containing events.
pub max_events: Option<usize>,
/// Whether Glean should delay persistence of data from metrics with ping lifetime.
pub delay_ping_lifetime_io: bool,
/// The server pings are sent to.
pub server_endpoint: Option<String>,
/// The instance of the uploader used to send pings.
pub uploader: Option<Box<dyn PingUploader + 'static>>,
/// Whether Glean should schedule "metrics" pings for you.
pub use_core_mps: bool,
/// Whether Glean should limit its storage to only that of registered pings.
/// Unless you know that all your and your libraries' pings are appropriately registered
/// _before_ init, you shouldn't use this.
pub trim_data_to_registered_pings: bool,
/// The internal logging level.
pub log_level: Option<LevelFilter>,
/// The rate pings may be uploaded before they are throttled.
pub rate_limit: Option<crate::PingRateLimit>,
/// Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events.
pub enable_event_timestamps: bool,
/// An experimentation identifier derived by the application to be sent with all pings, it should
/// be noted that this has an underlying StringMetric and so should conform to the limitations that
/// StringMetric places on length, etc.
pub experimentation_id: Option<String>,
/// Whether to enable internal pings. Default: true
pub enable_internal_pings: bool,
/// A ping schedule map.
/// Maps a ping name to a list of pings to schedule along with it.
/// Only used if the ping's own ping schedule list is empty.
pub ping_schedule: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
/// Write count threshold when to auto-flush. `0` disables it.
pub ping_lifetime_threshold: usize,
/// After what time to auto-flush. 0 disables it.
pub ping_lifetime_max_time: Duration,
/// Configuration builder.
/// Let's you build a configuration from the required fields
/// and let you set optional fields individually.
pub struct Builder {
/// Required: Whether upload should be enabled.
pub upload_enabled: bool,
/// Required: Path to a directory to store all data in.
pub data_path: PathBuf,
/// Required: The application ID (will be sanitized during initialization).
pub application_id: String,
/// Optional: The maximum number of events to store before sending a ping containing events.
/// Default: `None`
pub max_events: Option<usize>,
/// Optional: Whether Glean should delay persistence of data from metrics with ping lifetime.
/// Default: `false`
pub delay_ping_lifetime_io: bool,
/// Optional: The server pings are sent to.
/// Default: `None`
pub server_endpoint: Option<String>,
/// Optional: The instance of the uploader used to send pings.
/// Default: `None`
pub uploader: Option<Box<dyn PingUploader + 'static>>,
/// Optional: Whether Glean should schedule "metrics" pings for you.
/// Default: `false`
pub use_core_mps: bool,
/// Optional: Whether Glean should limit its storage to only that of registered pings.
/// Unless you know that all your and your libraries' pings are appropriately registered
/// _before_ init, you shouldn't use this.
/// Default: `false`
pub trim_data_to_registered_pings: bool,
/// Optional: The internal logging level.
/// Default: `None`
pub log_level: Option<LevelFilter>,
/// Optional: The internal ping upload rate limit.
/// Default: `None`
pub rate_limit: Option<crate::PingRateLimit>,
/// Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events.
pub enable_event_timestamps: bool,
/// An experimentation identifier derived by the application to be sent with all pings, it should
/// be noted that this has an underlying StringMetric and so should conform to the limitations that
/// StringMetric places on length, etc.
pub experimentation_id: Option<String>,
/// Whether to enable internal pings. Default: true
pub enable_internal_pings: bool,
/// A ping schedule map.
/// Maps a ping name to a list of pings to schedule along with it.
/// Only used if the ping's own ping schedule list is empty.
pub ping_schedule: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
/// Write count threshold when to auto-flush. `0` disables it.
pub ping_lifetime_threshold: usize,
/// After what time to auto-flush. 0 disables it.
pub ping_lifetime_max_time: Duration,
impl Builder {
/// A new configuration builder.
pub fn new<P: Into<PathBuf>, S: Into<String>>(
upload_enabled: bool,
data_path: P,
application_id: S,
) -> Self {
Self {
data_path: data_path.into(),
application_id: application_id.into(),
max_events: None,
delay_ping_lifetime_io: false,
server_endpoint: None,
uploader: None,
use_core_mps: false,
trim_data_to_registered_pings: false,
log_level: None,
rate_limit: None,
enable_event_timestamps: true,
experimentation_id: None,
enable_internal_pings: true,
ping_schedule: HashMap::new(),
ping_lifetime_threshold: 0,
ping_lifetime_max_time: Duration::ZERO,
/// Generate the full configuration.
pub fn build(self) -> Configuration {
Configuration {
upload_enabled: self.upload_enabled,
data_path: self.data_path,
application_id: self.application_id,
max_events: self.max_events,
delay_ping_lifetime_io: self.delay_ping_lifetime_io,
server_endpoint: self.server_endpoint,
uploader: self.uploader,
use_core_mps: self.use_core_mps,
trim_data_to_registered_pings: self.trim_data_to_registered_pings,
log_level: self.log_level,
rate_limit: self.rate_limit,
enable_event_timestamps: self.enable_event_timestamps,
experimentation_id: self.experimentation_id,
enable_internal_pings: self.enable_internal_pings,
ping_schedule: self.ping_schedule,
ping_lifetime_threshold: self.ping_lifetime_threshold,
ping_lifetime_max_time: self.ping_lifetime_max_time,
/// Set the maximum number of events to store before sending a ping containing events.
pub fn with_max_events(mut self, max_events: usize) -> Self {
self.max_events = Some(max_events);
/// Set whether Glean should delay persistence of data from metrics with ping lifetime.
pub fn with_delay_ping_lifetime_io(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.delay_ping_lifetime_io = value;
/// Set the server pings are sent to.
pub fn with_server_endpoint<S: Into<String>>(mut self, server_endpoint: S) -> Self {
self.server_endpoint = Some(server_endpoint.into());
/// Set the instance of the uploader used to send pings.
pub fn with_uploader<U: PingUploader + 'static>(mut self, uploader: U) -> Self {
self.uploader = Some(Box::new(uploader));
/// Set whether Glean should schedule "metrics" pings for you.
pub fn with_use_core_mps(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.use_core_mps = value;
/// Set whether Glean should limit its storage to only that of registered pings.
pub fn with_trim_data_to_registered_pings(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.trim_data_to_registered_pings = value;
/// Set whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events (experimental).
pub fn with_event_timestamps(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.enable_event_timestamps = value;
/// Set whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events (experimental).
pub fn with_experimentation_id(mut self, value: String) -> Self {
self.experimentation_id = Some(value);
/// Set whether to enable internal pings.
pub fn with_internal_pings(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.enable_internal_pings = value;
/// Set the ping schedule map.
pub fn with_ping_schedule(mut self, value: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>) -> Self {
self.ping_schedule = value;
/// Write count threshold when to auto-flush. `0` disables it.
pub fn with_ping_lifetime_threshold(mut self, value: usize) -> Self {
self.ping_lifetime_threshold = value;
/// After what time to auto-flush. 0 disables it.
pub fn with_ping_lifetime_max_time(mut self, value: Duration) -> Self {
self.ping_lifetime_max_time = value;