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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
//! Glean is a modern approach for recording and sending Telemetry data.
//! It's in use at Mozilla.
//! All documentation can be found online:
//! ## [The Glean SDK Book](
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;
use log::LevelFilter;
use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell};
use uuid::Uuid;
use metrics::RemoteSettingsConfig;
mod common_metric_data;
mod core;
mod core_metrics;
mod coverage;
mod database;
mod debug;
mod dispatcher;
mod error;
mod error_recording;
mod event_database;
mod glean_metrics;
mod histogram;
mod internal_metrics;
mod internal_pings;
pub mod metrics;
pub mod ping;
mod scheduler;
pub mod storage;
mod system;
pub mod traits;
pub mod upload;
mod util;
#[cfg(all(not(target_os = "android"), not(target_os = "ios")))]
mod fd_logger;
pub use crate::common_metric_data::{CommonMetricData, Lifetime};
pub use crate::core::Glean;
pub use crate::core_metrics::ClientInfoMetrics;
pub use crate::error::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
pub use crate::error_recording::{test_get_num_recorded_errors, ErrorType};
pub use crate::histogram::HistogramType;
pub use crate::metrics::labeled::{
AllowLabeled, LabeledBoolean, LabeledCounter, LabeledCustomDistribution,
LabeledMemoryDistribution, LabeledMetric, LabeledMetricData, LabeledString,
pub use crate::metrics::{
BooleanMetric, CounterMetric, CustomDistributionMetric, Datetime, DatetimeMetric,
DenominatorMetric, DistributionData, EventMetric, LocalCustomDistribution,
LocalMemoryDistribution, LocalTimingDistribution, MemoryDistributionMetric, MemoryUnit,
NumeratorMetric, ObjectMetric, PingType, QuantityMetric, Rate, RateMetric, RecordedEvent,
RecordedExperiment, StringListMetric, StringMetric, TextMetric, TimeUnit, TimerId,
TimespanMetric, TimingDistributionMetric, UrlMetric, UuidMetric,
pub use crate::upload::{PingRequest, PingUploadTask, UploadResult, UploadTaskAction};
const GLEAN_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const GLEAN_SCHEMA_VERSION: u32 = 1;
const DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS: u32 = 500;
static KNOWN_CLIENT_ID: Lazy<Uuid> =
Lazy::new(|| Uuid::parse_str("c0ffeec0-ffee-c0ff-eec0-ffeec0ffeec0").unwrap());
// The names of the pings directories.
pub(crate) const PENDING_PINGS_DIRECTORY: &str = "pending_pings";
pub(crate) const DELETION_REQUEST_PINGS_DIRECTORY: &str = "deletion_request";
/// Set when `glean::initialize()` returns.
/// This allows to detect calls that happen before `glean::initialize()` was called.
/// Note: The initialization might still be in progress, as it runs in a separate thread.
static INITIALIZE_CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// Keep track of the debug features before Glean is initialized.
static PRE_INIT_DEBUG_VIEW_TAG: Mutex<String> = Mutex::new(String::new());
static PRE_INIT_LOG_PINGS: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
static PRE_INIT_SOURCE_TAGS: Mutex<Vec<String>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
/// Keep track of pings registered before Glean is initialized.
static PRE_INIT_PING_REGISTRATION: Mutex<Vec<metrics::PingType>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
/// Global singleton of the handles of the glean.init threads.
/// For joining. For tests.
/// (Why a Vec? There might be more than one concurrent call to initialize.)
static INIT_HANDLES: Lazy<Arc<Mutex<Vec<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>>>> =
Lazy::new(|| Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())));
/// Configuration for Glean
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct InternalConfiguration {
/// Whether upload should be enabled.
pub upload_enabled: bool,
/// Path to a directory to store all data in.
pub data_path: String,
/// The application ID (will be sanitized during initialization).
pub application_id: String,
/// The name of the programming language used by the binding creating this instance of Glean.
pub language_binding_name: String,
/// The maximum number of events to store before sending a ping containing events.
pub max_events: Option<u32>,
/// Whether Glean should delay persistence of data from metrics with ping lifetime.
pub delay_ping_lifetime_io: bool,
/// The application's build identifier. If this is different from the one provided for a previous init,
/// and use_core_mps is `true`, we will trigger a "metrics" ping.
pub app_build: String,
/// Whether Glean should schedule "metrics" pings.
pub use_core_mps: bool,
/// Whether Glean should, on init, trim its event storage to only the registered pings.
pub trim_data_to_registered_pings: bool,
/// The internal logging level.
pub log_level: Option<LevelFilter>,
/// The rate at which pings may be uploaded before they are throttled.
pub rate_limit: Option<PingRateLimit>,
/// Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events.
pub enable_event_timestamps: bool,
/// An experimentation identifier derived by the application to be sent with all pings, it should
/// be noted that this has an underlying StringMetric and so should conform to the limitations that
/// StringMetric places on length, etc.
pub experimentation_id: Option<String>,
/// Whether to enable internal pings. Default: true
pub enable_internal_pings: bool,
/// A ping schedule map.
/// Maps a ping name to a list of pings to schedule along with it.
/// Only used if the ping's own ping schedule list is empty.
pub ping_schedule: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
/// Write count threshold when to auto-flush. `0` disables it.
pub ping_lifetime_threshold: u64,
/// After what time to auto-flush. 0 disables it.
pub ping_lifetime_max_time: u64,
/// How to specify the rate at which pings may be uploaded before they are throttled.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PingRateLimit {
/// Length of time in seconds of a ping uploading interval.
pub seconds_per_interval: u64,
/// Number of pings that may be uploaded in a ping uploading interval.
pub pings_per_interval: u32,
/// Launches a new task on the global dispatch queue with a reference to the Glean singleton.
fn launch_with_glean(callback: impl FnOnce(&Glean) + Send + 'static) {
dispatcher::launch(|| core::with_glean(callback));
/// Launches a new task on the global dispatch queue with a mutable reference to the
/// Glean singleton.
fn launch_with_glean_mut(callback: impl FnOnce(&mut Glean) + Send + 'static) {
dispatcher::launch(|| core::with_glean_mut(callback));
/// Block on the dispatcher emptying.
/// This will panic if called before Glean is initialized.
fn block_on_dispatcher() {
/// Returns a timestamp corresponding to "now" with millisecond precision.
pub fn get_timestamp_ms() -> u64 {
const NANOS_PER_MILLI: u64 = 1_000_000;
zeitstempel::now() / NANOS_PER_MILLI
/// State to keep track for the Rust Language bindings.
/// This is useful for setting Glean SDK-owned metrics when
/// the state of the upload is toggled.
struct State {
/// Client info metrics set by the application.
client_info: ClientInfoMetrics,
callbacks: Box<dyn OnGleanEvents>,
/// A global singleton storing additional state for Glean.
/// Requires a Mutex, because in tests we can actual reset this.
static STATE: OnceCell<Mutex<State>> = OnceCell::new();
/// Get a reference to the global state object.
/// Panics if no global state object was set.
#[track_caller] // If this fails we're interested in the caller.
fn global_state() -> &'static Mutex<State> {
/// Attempt to get a reference to the global state object.
/// If it hasn't been set yet, we return None.
#[track_caller] // If this fails we're interested in the caller.
fn maybe_global_state() -> Option<&'static Mutex<State>> {
/// Set or replace the global bindings State object.
fn setup_state(state: State) {
// The `OnceCell` type wrapping our state is thread-safe and can only be set once.
// Therefore even if our check for it being empty succeeds, setting it could fail if a
// concurrent thread is quicker in setting it.
// However this will not cause a bigger problem, as the second `set` operation will just fail.
// We can log it and move on.
// For all wrappers this is not a problem, as the State object is intialized exactly once on
// calling `initialize` on the global singleton and further operations check that it has been
// initialized.
if STATE.get().is_none() {
if STATE.set(Mutex::new(state)).is_err() {
"Global Glean state object is initialized already. This probably happened concurrently."
} else {
// We allow overriding the global State object to support test mode.
// In test mode the State object is fully destroyed and recreated.
// This all happens behind a mutex and is therefore also thread-safe.
let mut lock = STATE.get().unwrap().lock().unwrap();
*lock = state;
/// A global singleton that stores listener callbacks registered with Glean
/// to receive event recording notifications.
static EVENT_LISTENERS: OnceCell<Mutex<HashMap<String, Box<dyn GleanEventListener>>>> =
fn event_listeners() -> &'static Mutex<HashMap<String, Box<dyn GleanEventListener>>> {
EVENT_LISTENERS.get_or_init(|| Mutex::new(HashMap::new()))
fn register_event_listener(tag: String, listener: Box<dyn GleanEventListener>) {
let mut lock = event_listeners().lock().unwrap();
lock.insert(tag, listener);
fn unregister_event_listener(tag: String) {
let mut lock = event_listeners().lock().unwrap();
/// An error returned from callbacks.
pub enum CallbackError {
/// An unexpected error occured.
impl fmt::Display for CallbackError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Unexpected error")
impl std::error::Error for CallbackError {}
impl From<uniffi::UnexpectedUniFFICallbackError> for CallbackError {
fn from(_: uniffi::UnexpectedUniFFICallbackError) -> CallbackError {
/// A callback object used to trigger actions on the foreign-language side.
/// A callback object is stored in glean-core for the entire lifetime of the application.
pub trait OnGleanEvents: Send {
/// Initialization finished.
/// The language SDK can do additional things from within the same initializer thread,
/// e.g. starting to observe application events for foreground/background behavior.
/// The observer then needs to call the respective client activity API.
fn initialize_finished(&self);
/// Trigger the uploader whenever a ping was submitted.
/// This should not block.
/// The uploader needs to asynchronously poll Glean for new pings to upload.
fn trigger_upload(&self) -> Result<(), CallbackError>;
/// Start the Metrics Ping Scheduler.
fn start_metrics_ping_scheduler(&self) -> bool;
/// Called when upload is disabled and uploads should be stopped
fn cancel_uploads(&self) -> Result<(), CallbackError>;
/// Called on shutdown, before glean-core is fully shutdown.
/// * This MUST NOT put any new tasks on the dispatcher.
/// * New tasks will be ignored.
/// * This SHOULD NOT block arbitrarily long.
/// * Shutdown waits for a maximum of 30 seconds.
fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), CallbackError> {
// empty by default
/// A callback handler that receives the base identifier of recorded events
/// The identifier is in the format: `<category>.<name>`
pub trait GleanEventListener: Send {
/// Called when an event is recorded, indicating the id of the event
fn on_event_recorded(&self, id: String);
/// Initializes Glean.
/// # Arguments
/// * `cfg` - the [`InternalConfiguration`] options to initialize with.
/// * `client_info` - the [`ClientInfoMetrics`] values used to set Glean
/// core metrics.
/// * `callbacks` - A callback object, stored for the entire application lifetime.
pub fn glean_initialize(
cfg: InternalConfiguration,
client_info: ClientInfoMetrics,
callbacks: Box<dyn OnGleanEvents>,
) {
initialize_inner(cfg, client_info, callbacks);
/// Shuts down Glean in an orderly fashion.
pub fn glean_shutdown() {
/// Creates and initializes a new Glean object for use in a subprocess.
/// Importantly, this will not send any pings at startup, since that
/// sort of management should only happen in the main process.
pub fn glean_initialize_for_subprocess(cfg: InternalConfiguration) -> bool {
let glean = match Glean::new_for_subprocess(&cfg, true) {
Ok(glean) => glean,
Err(err) => {
log::error!("Failed to initialize Glean: {}", err);
return false;
if core::setup_glean(glean).is_err() {
return false;
log::info!("Glean initialized for subprocess");
fn initialize_inner(
cfg: InternalConfiguration,
client_info: ClientInfoMetrics,
callbacks: Box<dyn OnGleanEvents>,
) {
if was_initialize_called() {
log::error!("Glean should not be initialized multiple times");
let init_handle = std::thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move || {
let upload_enabled = cfg.upload_enabled;
let trim_data_to_registered_pings = cfg.trim_data_to_registered_pings;
// Set the internal logging level.
if let Some(level) = cfg.log_level {
let glean = match Glean::new(cfg) {
Ok(glean) => glean,
Err(err) => {
log::error!("Failed to initialize Glean: {}", err);
if core::setup_glean(glean).is_err() {
log::info!("Glean initialized");
setup_state(State {
let mut is_first_run = false;
let mut dirty_flag = false;
let mut pings_submitted = false;
core::with_glean_mut(|glean| {
// The debug view tag might have been set before initialize,
// get the cached value and set it.
let debug_tag = PRE_INIT_DEBUG_VIEW_TAG.lock().unwrap();
if debug_tag.len() > 0 {
// The log pings debug option might have been set before initialize,
// get the cached value and set it.
let log_pigs = PRE_INIT_LOG_PINGS.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
if log_pigs {
// The source tags might have been set before initialize,
// get the cached value and set them.
let source_tags = PRE_INIT_SOURCE_TAGS.lock().unwrap();
if source_tags.len() > 0 {
// Get the current value of the dirty flag so we know whether to
// send a dirty startup baseline ping below. Immediately set it to
// `false` so that dirty startup pings won't be sent if Glean
// initialization does not complete successfully.
dirty_flag = glean.is_dirty_flag_set();
// Perform registration of pings that were attempted to be
// registered before init.
let pings = PRE_INIT_PING_REGISTRATION.lock().unwrap();
for ping in pings.iter() {
// If this is the first time ever the Glean SDK runs, make sure to set
// some initial core metrics in case we need to generate early pings.
// The next times we start, we would have them around already.
is_first_run = glean.is_first_run();
if is_first_run {
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
initialize_core_metrics(glean, &state.client_info);
// Deal with any pending events so we can start recording new ones
pings_submitted = glean.on_ready_to_submit_pings(trim_data_to_registered_pings);
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
// We need to kick off upload in these cases:
// 1. Pings were submitted through Glean and it is ready to upload those pings;
// 2. Upload is disabled, to upload a possible deletion-request ping.
if pings_submitted || !upload_enabled {
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
core::with_glean(|glean| {
// Start the MPS if its handled within Rust.
// The metrics ping scheduler might _synchronously_ submit a ping
// so that it runs before we clear application-lifetime metrics further below.
// For that it needs access to the `Glean` object.
// Thus we need to unlock that by leaving the context above,
// then re-lock it afterwards.
// That's safe because user-visible functions will be queued and thus not execute until
// we unblock later anyway.
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
// Set up information and scheduling for Glean owned pings. Ideally, the "metrics"
// ping startup check should be performed before any other ping, since it relies
// on being dispatched to the API context before any other metric.
if state.callbacks.start_metrics_ping_scheduler() {
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
core::with_glean_mut(|glean| {
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
// Check if the "dirty flag" is set. That means the product was probably
// force-closed. If that's the case, submit a 'baseline' ping with the
// reason "dirty_startup". We only do that from the second run.
if !is_first_run && dirty_flag {
// The `submit_ping_by_name_sync` function cannot be used, otherwise
// startup will cause a dead-lock, since that function requests a
// write lock on the `glean` object.
// Note that unwrapping below is safe: the function will return an
// `Ok` value for a known ping.
if glean.submit_ping_by_name("baseline", Some("dirty_startup")) {
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
// From the second time we run, after all startup pings are generated,
// make sure to clear `lifetime: application` metrics and set them again.
// Any new value will be sent in newly generated pings after startup.
if !is_first_run {
initialize_core_metrics(glean, &state.client_info);
// Signal Dispatcher that init is complete
// bug 1839433: It is important that this happens after any init tasks
// that shutdown() depends on. At time of writing that's only setting up
// the global Glean, but it is probably best to flush the preinit queue
// as late as possible in the glean.init thread.
match dispatcher::flush_init() {
Ok(task_count) if task_count > 0 => {
core::with_glean(|glean| {
.add_sync(glean, task_count as i32);
Ok(_) => {}
Err(err) => log::error!("Unable to flush the preinit queue: {}", err),
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
.expect("Failed to spawn Glean's init thread");
// For test purposes, store the glean init thread's JoinHandle.
// Mark the initialization as called: this needs to happen outside of the
// dispatched block!, Ordering::SeqCst);
// In test mode we wait for initialization to finish.
// This needs to run after we set `INITIALIZE_CALLED`, so it's similar to normal behavior.
if dispatcher::global::is_test_mode() {
/// Waits on all the glean.init threads' join handles.
pub fn join_init() {
let mut handles = INIT_HANDLES.lock().unwrap();
for handle in handles.drain(..) {
/// Call the `shutdown` callback.
/// This calls the shutdown in a separate thread and waits up to 30s for it to finish.
/// If not finished in that time frame it continues.
/// Under normal operation that is fine, as the main process will end
/// and thus the thread will get killed.
fn uploader_shutdown() {
let timer_id = core::with_glean(|glean| glean.additional_metrics.shutdown_wait.start_sync());
let (tx, rx) = unbounded();
let handle = thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move || {
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.shutdown() {
log::error!("Shutdown callback failed: {e:?}");
// Best-effort sending. The other side might have timed out already.
let _ = tx.send(()).ok();
.expect("Unable to spawn thread to wait on shutdown");
// TODO: 30 seconds? What's a good default here? Should this be configurable?
// Reasoning:
// * If we shut down early we might still be processing pending pings.
// In this case we wait at most 3 times for 1s = 3s before we upload.
// * If we're rate-limited the uploader sleeps for up to 60s.
// Thus waiting 30s will rarely allow another upload.
// * We don't know how long uploads take until we get data from bug 1814592.
let result = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(30));
let stop_time = time::precise_time_ns();
core::with_glean(|glean| {
.set_stop_and_accumulate(glean, timer_id, stop_time);
if result.is_err() {
log::warn!("Waiting for upload failed. We're shutting down.");
} else {
let _ = handle.join().ok();
/// Shuts down Glean in an orderly fashion.
pub fn shutdown() {
// Shutdown might have been called
// 1) Before init was called
// * (data loss, oh well. Not enough time to do squat)
// 2) After init was called, but before it completed
// * (we're willing to wait a little bit for init to complete)
// 3) After init completed
// * (we can shut down immediately)
// Case 1: "Before init was called"
if !was_initialize_called() {
log::warn!("Shutdown called before Glean is initialized");
if let Err(e) = dispatcher::kill() {
log::error!("Can't kill dispatcher thread: {:?}", e);
// Case 2: "After init was called, but before it completed"
if core::global_glean().is_none() {
log::warn!("Shutdown called before Glean is initialized. Waiting.");
// We can't join on the `glean.init` thread because there's no (easy) way
// to do that with a timeout. Instead, we wait for the preinit queue to
// empty, which is the last meaningful thing we do on that thread.
// TODO: Make the timeout configurable?
// We don't need the return value, as we're less interested in whether
// this times out than we are in whether there's a Global Glean at the end.
let _ = dispatcher::block_on_queue_timeout(Duration::from_secs(10));
// We can't shut down Glean if there's no Glean to shut down.
if core::global_glean().is_none() {
log::warn!("Waiting for Glean initialization timed out. Exiting.");
if let Err(e) = dispatcher::kill() {
log::error!("Can't kill dispatcher thread: {:?}", e);
// Case 3: "After init completed"
crate::launch_with_glean_mut(|glean| {
// We need to wait for above task to finish,
// but we also don't wait around forever.
// TODO: Make the timeout configurable?
// The default hang watchdog on Firefox waits 60s,
// Glean's `uploader_shutdown` further below waits up to 30s.
let timer_id = core::with_glean(|glean| {
let blocked = dispatcher::block_on_queue_timeout(Duration::from_secs(10));
// Always record the dispatcher wait, regardless of the timeout.
let stop_time = time::precise_time_ns();
core::with_glean(|glean| {
.set_stop_and_accumulate(glean, timer_id, stop_time);
if blocked.is_err() {
"Timeout while blocking on the dispatcher. No further shutdown cleanup will happen."
if let Err(e) = dispatcher::shutdown() {
log::error!("Can't shutdown dispatcher thread: {:?}", e);
// Be sure to call this _after_ draining the dispatcher
core::with_glean(|glean| {
if let Err(e) = glean.persist_ping_lifetime_data() {
log::error!("Can't persist ping lifetime data: {:?}", e);
/// Asks the database to persist ping-lifetime data to disk.
/// Probably expensive to call.
/// Only has effect when Glean is configured with `delay_ping_lifetime_io: true`.
/// If Glean hasn't been initialized this will dispatch and return Ok(()),
/// otherwise it will block until the persist is done and return its Result.
pub fn glean_persist_ping_lifetime_data() {
// This is async, we can't get the Error back to the caller.
crate::launch_with_glean(|glean| {
let _ = glean.persist_ping_lifetime_data();
fn initialize_core_metrics(glean: &Glean, client_info: &ClientInfoMetrics) {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::app_build.set_sync(glean, &client_info.app_build[..]);
.set_sync(glean, &client_info.app_display_version[..]);
.set_sync(glean, Some(client_info.app_build_date.clone()));
if let Some(app_channel) = {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::app_channel.set_sync(glean, app_channel);
core_metrics::internal_metrics::os_version.set_sync(glean, &client_info.os_version);
core_metrics::internal_metrics::architecture.set_sync(glean, &client_info.architecture);
if let Some(android_sdk_version) = client_info.android_sdk_version.as_ref() {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::android_sdk_version.set_sync(glean, android_sdk_version);
if let Some(windows_build_number) = client_info.windows_build_number.as_ref() {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::windows_build_number.set_sync(glean, *windows_build_number);
if let Some(device_manufacturer) = client_info.device_manufacturer.as_ref() {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::device_manufacturer.set_sync(glean, device_manufacturer);
if let Some(device_model) = client_info.device_model.as_ref() {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::device_model.set_sync(glean, device_model);
if let Some(locale) = client_info.locale.as_ref() {
core_metrics::internal_metrics::locale.set_sync(glean, locale);
/// Checks if [`initialize`] was ever called.
/// # Returns
/// `true` if it was, `false` otherwise.
fn was_initialize_called() -> bool {
/// Initialize the logging system based on the target platform. This ensures
/// that logging is shown when executing the Glean SDK unit tests.
pub extern "C" fn glean_enable_logging() {
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
let filter = android_logger::FilterBuilder::new()
.filter_module("glean_ffi", log::LevelFilter::Debug)
.filter_module("glean_core", log::LevelFilter::Debug)
.filter_module("glean", log::LevelFilter::Debug)
.filter_module("glean_core::ffi", log::LevelFilter::Info)
log::trace!("Android logging should be hooked up!")
// On iOS enable logging with a level filter.
#[cfg(target_os = "ios")]
// Debug logging in debug mode.
// (Note: `debug_assertions` is the next best thing to determine if this is a debug build)
let level = log::LevelFilter::Debug;
let level = log::LevelFilter::Info;
let logger = oslog::OsLogger::new("org.mozilla.glean")
// Filter UniFFI log messages
.category_level_filter("glean_core::ffi", log::LevelFilter::Info);
match logger.init() {
Ok(_) => log::trace!("os_log should be hooked up!"),
// Please note that this is only expected to fail during unit tests,
// where the logger might have already been initialized by a previous
// test. So it's fine to print with the "logger".
Err(_) => log::warn!("os_log was already initialized"),
// When specifically requested make sure logging does something on non-Android platforms as well.
// Use the RUST_LOG environment variable to set the desired log level,
// e.g. setting RUST_LOG=debug sets the log level to debug.
not(target_os = "android"),
not(target_os = "ios"),
feature = "enable_env_logger"
match env_logger::try_init() {
Ok(_) => log::trace!("stdout logging should be hooked up!"),
// Please note that this is only expected to fail during unit tests,
// where the logger might have already been initialized by a previous
// test. So it's fine to print with the "logger".
Err(_) => log::warn!("stdout logging was already initialized"),
/// Sets whether upload is enabled or not.
pub fn glean_set_upload_enabled(enabled: bool) {
if !was_initialize_called() {
crate::launch_with_glean_mut(move |glean| {
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
let original_enabled = glean.is_upload_enabled();
if !enabled {
// Stop the MPS if its handled within Rust.
// Stop wrapper-controlled uploader.
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.cancel_uploads() {
log::error!("Canceling upload failed. Error: {}", e);
if !original_enabled && enabled {
initialize_core_metrics(glean, &state.client_info);
if original_enabled && !enabled {
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
/// Register a new [`PingType`](PingType).
pub(crate) fn register_ping_type(ping: &PingType) {
// If this happens after Glean.initialize is called (and returns),
// we dispatch ping registration on the thread pool.
// Registering a ping should not block the application.
// Submission itself is also dispatched, so it will always come after the registration.
if was_initialize_called() {
let ping = ping.clone();
crate::launch_with_glean_mut(move |glean| {
} else {
// We need to keep track of pings, so they get re-registered after a reset or
// if ping registration is attempted before Glean initializes.
// This state is kept across Glean resets, which should only ever happen in test mode.
// It's a set and keeping them around forever should not have much of an impact.
let mut lock = m.lock().unwrap();
/// Indicate that an experiment is running. Glean will then add an
/// experiment annotation to the environment which is sent with pings. This
/// infomration is not persisted between runs.
/// See [`core::Glean::set_experiment_active`].
pub fn glean_set_experiment_active(
experiment_id: String,
branch: String,
extra: HashMap<String, String>,
) {
launch_with_glean(|glean| glean.set_experiment_active(experiment_id, branch, extra))
/// Indicate that an experiment is no longer running.
/// See [`core::Glean::set_experiment_inactive`].
pub fn glean_set_experiment_inactive(experiment_id: String) {
launch_with_glean(|glean| glean.set_experiment_inactive(experiment_id))
/// Returns the [`RecordedExperiment`] for the given `experiment_id`
/// or `None` if the id isn't found.
pub fn glean_test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id: String) -> Option<RecordedExperiment> {
core::with_glean(|glean| glean.test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id.to_owned()))
/// Set an experimentation identifier dynamically.
/// Note: it's probably a good idea to unenroll from any experiments when identifiers change.
pub fn glean_set_experimentation_id(experimentation_id: String) {
launch_with_glean(move |glean| {
/// Gets stored experimentation id annotation.
pub fn glean_test_get_experimentation_id() -> Option<String> {
core::with_glean(|glean| glean.test_get_experimentation_id())
/// Sets a remote configuration to override metrics' default enabled/disabled
/// state
/// See [`core::Glean::apply_server_knobs_config`].
pub fn glean_apply_server_knobs_config(json: String) {
// An empty config means it is not set,
// so we avoid logging an error about it.
if json.is_empty() {
match RemoteSettingsConfig::try_from(json) {
Ok(cfg) => launch_with_glean(|glean| {
Err(e) => {
log::error!("Error setting metrics feature config: {:?}", e);
/// Sets a debug view tag.
/// When the debug view tag is set, pings are sent with a `X-Debug-ID` header with the
/// value of the tag and are sent to the ["Ping Debug Viewer"](
/// # Arguments
/// * `tag` - A valid HTTP header value. Must match the regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}".
/// # Returns
/// This will return `false` in case `tag` is not a valid tag and `true` otherwise.
/// If called before Glean is initialized it will always return `true`.
pub fn glean_set_debug_view_tag(tag: String) -> bool {
if was_initialize_called() {
crate::launch_with_glean_mut(move |glean| {
} else {
// Glean has not been initialized yet. Cache the provided tag value.
let mut lock = m.lock().unwrap();
*lock = tag;
// When setting the debug view tag before initialization,
// we don't validate the tag, thus this function always returns true.
/// Sets source tags.
/// Overrides any existing source tags.
/// Source tags will show in the destination datasets, after ingestion.
/// **Note** If one or more tags are invalid, all tags are ignored.
/// # Arguments
/// * `tags` - A vector of at most 5 valid HTTP header values. Individual
/// tags must match the regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}".
pub fn glean_set_source_tags(tags: Vec<String>) -> bool {
if was_initialize_called() {
crate::launch_with_glean_mut(|glean| {
} else {
// Glean has not been initialized yet. Cache the provided source tags.
let mut lock = m.lock().unwrap();
*lock = tags;
// When setting the source tags before initialization,
// we don't validate the tags, thus this function always returns true.
/// Sets the log pings debug option.
/// When the log pings debug option is `true`,
/// we log the payload of all succesfully assembled pings.
/// # Arguments
/// * `value` - The value of the log pings option
pub fn glean_set_log_pings(value: bool) {
if was_initialize_called() {
crate::launch_with_glean_mut(move |glean| {
} else {, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming active.
/// This functions generates a baseline ping with reason `active`
/// and then sets the dirty bit.
/// This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes active (e.g.
/// getting to foreground).
pub fn glean_handle_client_active() {
dispatcher::launch(|| {
core::with_glean_mut(|glean| {
// The above call may generate pings, so we need to trigger
// the uploader. It's fine to trigger it if no ping was generated:
// it will bail out.
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
// The previous block of code may send a ping containing the `duration` metric,
// in `glean.handle_client_active`. We intentionally start recording a new
// `duration` after that happens, so that the measurement gets reported when
// calling `handle_client_inactive`.
/// Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming inactive.
/// This functions generates a baseline and an events ping with reason
/// `inactive` and then clears the dirty bit.
/// This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes inactive (e.g.
/// getting to background).
pub fn glean_handle_client_inactive() {
// This needs to be called before the `handle_client_inactive` api: it stops
// measuring the duration of the previous activity time, before any ping is sent
// by the next call.
dispatcher::launch(|| {
core::with_glean_mut(|glean| {
// The above call may generate pings, so we need to trigger
// the uploader. It's fine to trigger it if no ping was generated:
// it will bail out.
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
/// Collect and submit a ping for eventual upload by name.
pub fn glean_submit_ping_by_name(ping_name: String, reason: Option<String>) {
dispatcher::launch(|| {
let sent =
core::with_glean(move |glean| glean.submit_ping_by_name(&ping_name, reason.as_deref()));
if sent {
let state = global_state().lock().unwrap();
if let Err(e) = state.callbacks.trigger_upload() {
log::error!("Triggering upload failed. Error: {}", e);
/// Collect and submit a ping (by its name) for eventual upload, synchronously.
/// Note: This does not trigger the uploader. The caller is responsible to do this.
pub fn glean_submit_ping_by_name_sync(ping_name: String, reason: Option<String>) -> bool {
if !was_initialize_called() {
return false;
core::with_glean(|glean| glean.submit_ping_by_name(&ping_name, reason.as_deref()))
/// EXPERIMENTAL: Register a listener object to recieve notifications of event recordings.
/// # Arguments
/// * `tag` - A string identifier used to later unregister the listener
/// * `listener` - Implements the `GleanEventListener` trait
pub fn glean_register_event_listener(tag: String, listener: Box<dyn GleanEventListener>) {
register_event_listener(tag, listener);
/// Unregister an event listener from recieving notifications.
/// Does not panic if the listener doesn't exist.
/// # Arguments
/// * `tag` - The tag used when registering the listener to be unregistered
pub fn glean_unregister_event_listener(tag: String) {
/// **TEST-ONLY Method**
/// Set test mode
pub fn glean_set_test_mode(enabled: bool) {, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// **TEST-ONLY Method**
/// Destroy the underlying database.
pub fn glean_test_destroy_glean(clear_stores: bool, data_path: Option<String>) {
if was_initialize_called() {
// Just because initialize was called doesn't mean it's done.
// Only useful if Glean initialization finished successfully
// and set up the storage.
let has_storage = core::with_opt_glean(|glean| {
// We need to flush the ping lifetime data before a full shutdown.
.map(|storage| storage.persist_ping_lifetime_data())
if has_storage {
if core::global_glean().is_some() {
core::with_glean_mut(|glean| {
if clear_stores {
// Allow us to go through initialization again., Ordering::SeqCst);
} else if clear_stores {
if let Some(data_path) = data_path {
let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(data_path).ok();
} else {
log::warn!("Asked to clear stores before initialization, but no data path given.");
/// Get the next upload task
pub fn glean_get_upload_task() -> PingUploadTask {
core::with_opt_glean(|glean| glean.get_upload_task()).unwrap_or_else(PingUploadTask::done)
/// Processes the response from an attempt to upload a ping.
pub fn glean_process_ping_upload_response(uuid: String, result: UploadResult) -> UploadTaskAction {
core::with_glean(|glean| glean.process_ping_upload_response(&uuid, result))
/// **TEST-ONLY Method**
/// Set the dirty flag
pub fn glean_set_dirty_flag(new_value: bool) {
core::with_glean(|glean| glean.set_dirty_flag(new_value))
#[cfg(all(not(target_os = "android"), not(target_os = "ios")))]
static FD_LOGGER: OnceCell<fd_logger::FdLogger> = OnceCell::new();
/// Initialize the logging system to send JSON messages to a file descriptor
/// (Unix) or file handle (Windows).
/// Not available on Android and iOS.
/// `fd` is a writable file descriptor (on Unix) or file handle (on Windows).
/// # Safety
/// `fd` MUST be a valid open file descriptor (Unix) or file handle (Windows).
/// This function is marked safe,
/// because we can't call unsafe functions from generated UniFFI code.
#[cfg(all(not(target_os = "android"), not(target_os = "ios")))]
pub fn glean_enable_logging_to_fd(fd: u64) {
// This functions is unsafe.
// Due to UniFFI restrictions we cannot mark it as such.
// `fd` MUST be a valid open file descriptor (Unix) or file handle (Windows).
unsafe {
// Set up logging to a file descriptor/handle. For this usage, the
// language binding should setup a pipe and pass in the descriptor to
// the writing side of the pipe as the `fd` parameter. Log messages are
// written as JSON to the file descriptor.
let logger = FD_LOGGER.get_or_init(|| fd_logger::FdLogger::new(fd));
// Set the level so everything goes through to the language
// binding side where it will be filtered by the language
// binding's logging system.
if log::set_logger(logger).is_ok() {
/// Unused function. Not used on Android or iOS.
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))]
pub fn glean_enable_logging_to_fd(_fd: u64) {
// intentionally left empty
mod ffi {
use super::*;
type CowString = Cow<'static, str>;
impl UniffiCustomTypeConverter for CowString {
type Builtin = String;
fn into_custom(val: Self::Builtin) -> uniffi::Result<Self> {
fn from_custom(obj: Self) -> Self::Builtin {
type JsonValue = serde_json::Value;
impl UniffiCustomTypeConverter for JsonValue {
type Builtin = String;
fn into_custom(val: Self::Builtin) -> uniffi::Result<Self> {
fn from_custom(obj: Self) -> Self::Builtin {
pub use ffi::*;
// Split unit tests to a separate file, to reduce the file of this one.
#[path = ""]
mod tests;