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//! A set of helper functions for unescaping Fluent unicode escape sequences.
//! # Unicode
//! Fluent supports UTF-8 in all FTL resources, but it also allows
//! unicode sequences to be escaped in [`String
//! Literals`](super::ast::InlineExpression::StringLiteral).
//! Four byte sequences are encoded with `\u` and six byte
//! sqeuences using `\U`.
//! ## Example
//! ```
//! use fluent_syntax::unicode::unescape_unicode_to_string;
//! assert_eq!(
//! unescape_unicode_to_string("Foo \\u5bd2 Bar"),
//! "Foo 寒 Bar"
//! );
//! assert_eq!(
//! unescape_unicode_to_string("Foo \\U01F68A Bar"),
//! "Foo 🚊 Bar"
//! );
//! ```
//! # Other unescapes
//! This also allows for a char `"` to be present inside an FTL string literal,
//! and for `\` itself to be escaped.
//! ## Example
//! ```
//! use fluent_syntax::unicode::unescape_unicode_to_string;
//! assert_eq!(
//! unescape_unicode_to_string("Foo \\\" Bar"),
//! "Foo \" Bar"
//! );
//! assert_eq!(
//! unescape_unicode_to_string("Foo \\\\ Bar"),
//! "Foo \\ Bar"
//! );
//! ```
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::char;
use std::fmt;
const UNKNOWN_CHAR: char = '�';
fn encode_unicode(s: Option<&str>) -> char {
s.and_then(|s| u32::from_str_radix(s, 16).ok().and_then(char::from_u32))
/// Unescapes to a writer without allocating.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_syntax::unicode::unescape_unicode;
/// let mut s = String::new();
/// unescape_unicode(&mut s, "Foo \\U01F60A Bar");
/// assert_eq!(s, "Foo 😊 Bar");
/// ```
pub fn unescape_unicode<W>(w: &mut W, input: &str) -> fmt::Result
W: fmt::Write,
let bytes = input.as_bytes();
let mut start = 0;
let mut ptr = 0;
while let Some(b) = bytes.get(ptr) {
if b != &b'\\' {
ptr += 1;
if start != ptr {
ptr += 1;
let new_char = match bytes.get(ptr) {
Some(b'\\') => '\\',
Some(b'"') => '"',
Some(u @ b'u') | Some(u @ b'U') => {
let seq_start = ptr + 1;
let len = if u == &b'u' { 4 } else { 6 };
ptr += len;
encode_unicode(input.get(seq_start..seq_start + len))
ptr += 1;
start = ptr;
if start != ptr {
/// Unescapes to a `Cow<str>` optionally allocating.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_syntax::unicode::unescape_unicode_to_string;
/// assert_eq!(
/// unescape_unicode_to_string("Foo \\U01F60A Bar"),
/// "Foo 😊 Bar"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn unescape_unicode_to_string(input: &str) -> Cow<str> {
let bytes = input.as_bytes();
let mut result = Cow::from(input);
let mut ptr = 0;
while let Some(b) = bytes.get(ptr) {
if b != &b'\\' {
if let Cow::Owned(ref mut s) = result {
s.push(*b as char);
ptr += 1;
if let Cow::Borrowed(_) = result {
result = Cow::from(&input[0..ptr]);
ptr += 1;
let new_char = match bytes.get(ptr) {
Some(b'\\') => '\\',
Some(b'"') => '"',
Some(u @ b'u') | Some(u @ b'U') => {
let start = ptr + 1;
let len = if u == &b'u' { 4 } else { 6 };
ptr += len;
.get(start..(start + len))
.map_or(UNKNOWN_CHAR, |slice| encode_unicode(Some(slice)))
ptr += 1;