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use fluent_syntax::ast;
use fluent_syntax::parser::{parse_runtime, ParserError};
use self_cell::self_cell;
type Resource<'s> = ast::Resource<&'s str>;
pub struct InnerFluentResource {
owner: String,
dependent: Resource,
impl {Debug}
/// A resource containing a list of localization messages.
/// [`FluentResource`] wraps an [`Abstract Syntax Tree`](../fluent_syntax/ast/index.html) produced by the
/// [`parser`](../fluent_syntax/parser/index.html) and provides an access to a list
/// of its entries.
/// A good mental model for a resource is a single FTL file, but in the future
/// there's nothing preventing a resource from being stored in a data base,
/// pre-parsed format or in some other structured form.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
/// let source = r#"
/// hello-world = Hello World!
/// "#;
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(source.to_string())
/// .expect("Errors encountered while parsing a resource.");
/// assert_eq!(resource.entries().count(), 1);
/// ```
/// # Ownership
/// A resource owns the source string and the AST contains references
/// to the slices of the source.
pub struct FluentResource(InnerFluentResource);
impl FluentResource {
/// A fallible constructor of a new [`FluentResource`].
/// It takes an encoded `Fluent Translation List` string, parses
/// it and stores both, the input string and the AST view of it,
/// for runtime use.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
/// let source = r#"
/// hello-world = Hello, { $user }!
/// "#;
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(source.to_string());
/// assert!(resource.is_ok());
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// The method will return the resource irrelevant of parse errors
/// encountered during parsing of the source, but in case of errors,
/// the `Err` variant will contain both the structure and a vector
/// of errors.
pub fn try_new(source: String) -> Result<Self, (Self, Vec<ParserError>)> {
let mut errors = None;
let res = InnerFluentResource::new(source, |source| match parse_runtime(source.as_str()) {
Ok(ast) => ast,
Err((ast, err)) => {
errors = Some(err);
match errors {
None => Ok(Self(res)),
Some(err) => Err((Self(res), err)),
/// Returns a reference to the source string that was used
/// to construct the [`FluentResource`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
/// let source = "hello-world = Hello, { $user }!";
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(source.to_string())
/// .expect("Failed to parse FTL.");
/// assert_eq!(
/// resource.source(),
/// "hello-world = Hello, { $user }!"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn source(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns an iterator over [`entries`](fluent_syntax::ast::Entry) of the [`FluentResource`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
/// use fluent_syntax::ast;
/// let source = r#"
/// hello-world = Hello, { $user }!
/// "#;
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(source.to_string())
/// .expect("Failed to parse FTL.");
/// assert_eq!(
/// resource.entries().count(),
/// 1
/// );
/// assert!(matches!(resource.entries().next(), Some(ast::Entry::Message(_))));
/// ```
pub fn entries(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ast::Entry<&str>> {
/// Returns an [`Entry`](fluent_syntax::ast::Entry) at the
/// given index out of the [`FluentResource`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
/// use fluent_syntax::ast;
/// let source = r#"
/// hello-world = Hello, { $user }!
/// "#;
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(source.to_string())
/// .expect("Failed to parse FTL.");
/// assert!(matches!(resource.get_entry(0), Some(ast::Entry::Message(_))));
/// ```
pub fn get_entry(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&ast::Entry<&str>> {