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//! Formatting for log records.
//! This module contains a [`Formatter`] that can be used to format log records
//! into without needing temporary allocations. Usually you won't need to worry
//! about the contents of this module and can use the `Formatter` like an ordinary
//! [`Write`].
//! # Formatting log records
//! The format used to print log records can be customised using the [`Builder::format`]
//! method.
//! Custom formats can apply different color and weight to printed values using
//! [`Style`] builders.
//! ```
//! use std::io::Write;
//! let mut builder = env_logger::Builder::new();
//! builder.format(|buf, record| {
//! writeln!(buf, "{}: {}",
//! record.level(),
//! record.args())
//! });
//! ```
//! [`Formatter`]: struct.Formatter.html
//! [`Style`]: struct.Style.html
//! [`Builder::format`]: ../struct.Builder.html#method.format
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::{fmt, io, mem};
use log::Record;
mod humantime;
pub(crate) mod writer;
pub use self::humantime::glob::*;
pub use self::writer::glob::*;
use self::writer::{Buffer, Writer};
pub(crate) mod glob {
pub use super::{Target, TimestampPrecision, WriteStyle};
/// Formatting precision of timestamps.
/// Seconds give precision of full seconds, milliseconds give thousands of a
/// second (3 decimal digits), microseconds are millionth of a second (6 decimal
/// digits) and nanoseconds are billionth of a second (9 decimal digits).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum TimestampPrecision {
/// Full second precision (0 decimal digits)
/// Millisecond precision (3 decimal digits)
/// Microsecond precision (6 decimal digits)
/// Nanosecond precision (9 decimal digits)
/// The default timestamp precision is seconds.
impl Default for TimestampPrecision {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A formatter to write logs into.
/// `Formatter` implements the standard [`Write`] trait for writing log records.
/// It also supports terminal colors, through the [`style`] method.
/// # Examples
/// Use the [`writeln`] macro to format a log record.
/// An instance of a `Formatter` is passed to an `env_logger` format as `buf`:
/// ```
/// use std::io::Write;
/// let mut builder = env_logger::Builder::new();
/// builder.format(|buf, record| writeln!(buf, "{}: {}", record.level(), record.args()));
/// ```
/// [`style`]:
pub struct Formatter {
buf: Rc<RefCell<Buffer>>,
write_style: WriteStyle,
impl Formatter {
pub(crate) fn new(writer: &Writer) -> Self {
Formatter {
buf: Rc::new(RefCell::new(writer.buffer())),
write_style: writer.write_style(),
pub(crate) fn write_style(&self) -> WriteStyle {
pub(crate) fn print(&self, writer: &Writer) -> io::Result<()> {
pub(crate) fn clear(&mut self) {
impl Write for Formatter {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl fmt::Debug for Formatter {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
pub(crate) type FormatFn = Box<dyn Fn(&mut Formatter, &Record) -> io::Result<()> + Sync + Send>;
pub(crate) struct Builder {
pub format_timestamp: Option<TimestampPrecision>,
pub format_module_path: bool,
pub format_target: bool,
pub format_level: bool,
pub format_indent: Option<usize>,
pub custom_format: Option<FormatFn>,
pub format_suffix: &'static str,
built: bool,
impl Default for Builder {
fn default() -> Self {
Builder {
format_timestamp: Some(Default::default()),
format_module_path: false,
format_target: true,
format_level: true,
format_indent: Some(4),
custom_format: None,
format_suffix: "\n",
built: false,
impl Builder {
/// Convert the format into a callable function.
/// If the `custom_format` is `Some`, then any `default_format` switches are ignored.
/// If the `custom_format` is `None`, then a default format is returned.
/// Any `default_format` switches set to `false` won't be written by the format.
pub fn build(&mut self) -> FormatFn {
assert!(!self.built, "attempt to re-use consumed builder");
let built = mem::replace(
Builder {
built: true,
if let Some(fmt) = built.custom_format {
} else {
Box::new(move |buf, record| {
let fmt = DefaultFormat {
timestamp: built.format_timestamp,
module_path: built.format_module_path,
target: built.format_target,
level: built.format_level,
written_header_value: false,
indent: built.format_indent,
suffix: built.format_suffix,
#[cfg(feature = "color")]
type SubtleStyle = StyledValue<'static, &'static str>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "color"))]
type SubtleStyle = &'static str;
/// The default format.
/// This format needs to work with any combination of crate features.
struct DefaultFormat<'a> {
timestamp: Option<TimestampPrecision>,
module_path: bool,
target: bool,
level: bool,
written_header_value: bool,
indent: Option<usize>,
buf: &'a mut Formatter,
suffix: &'a str,
impl<'a> DefaultFormat<'a> {
fn write(mut self, record: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
fn subtle_style(&self, text: &'static str) -> SubtleStyle {
#[cfg(feature = "color")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "color"))]
fn write_header_value<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> io::Result<()>
T: Display,
if !self.written_header_value {
self.written_header_value = true;
let open_brace = self.subtle_style("[");
write!(self.buf, "{}{}", open_brace, value)
} else {
write!(self.buf, " {}", value)
fn write_level(&mut self, record: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
if !self.level {
return Ok(());
let level = {
#[cfg(feature = "color")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "color"))]
self.write_header_value(format_args!("{:<5}", level))
fn write_timestamp(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
#[cfg(feature = "humantime")]
use self::TimestampPrecision::*;
let ts = match self.timestamp {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(Seconds) => self.buf.timestamp_seconds(),
Some(Millis) => self.buf.timestamp_millis(),
Some(Micros) => self.buf.timestamp_micros(),
Some(Nanos) => self.buf.timestamp_nanos(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "humantime"))]
// Trick the compiler to think we have used self.timestamp
// Workaround for "field is never used: `timestamp`" compiler nag.
let _ = self.timestamp;
fn write_module_path(&mut self, record: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
if !self.module_path {
return Ok(());
if let Some(module_path) = record.module_path() {
} else {
fn write_target(&mut self, record: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
if ! {
return Ok(());
match {
"" => Ok(()),
target => self.write_header_value(target),
fn finish_header(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
if self.written_header_value {
let close_brace = self.subtle_style("]");
write!(self.buf, "{} ", close_brace)
} else {
fn write_args(&mut self, record: &Record) -> io::Result<()> {
match self.indent {
// Fast path for no indentation
None => write!(self.buf, "{}{}", record.args(), self.suffix),
Some(indent_count) => {
// Create a wrapper around the buffer only if we have to actually indent the message
struct IndentWrapper<'a, 'b: 'a> {
fmt: &'a mut DefaultFormat<'b>,
indent_count: usize,
impl<'a, 'b> Write for IndentWrapper<'a, 'b> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let mut first = true;
for chunk in buf.split(|&x| x == b'\n') {
if !first {
width = self.indent_count
first = false;
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
// The explicit scope here is just to make older versions of Rust happy
let mut wrapper = IndentWrapper {
fmt: self,
write!(wrapper, "{}", record.args())?;
write!(self.buf, "{}", self.suffix)?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use log::{Level, Record};
fn write_record(record: Record, fmt: DefaultFormat) -> String {
let buf = fmt.buf.buf.clone();
fmt.write(&record).expect("failed to write record");
let buf = buf.borrow();
String::from_utf8(buf.bytes().to_vec()).expect("failed to read record")
fn write_target(target: &str, fmt: DefaultFormat) -> String {
fn write(fmt: DefaultFormat) -> String {
write_target("", fmt)
fn format_with_header() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: true,
target: false,
level: true,
written_header_value: false,
indent: None,
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("[INFO test::path] log\nmessage\n", written);
fn format_no_header() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: false,
target: false,
level: false,
written_header_value: false,
indent: None,
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("log\nmessage\n", written);
fn format_indent_spaces() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: true,
target: false,
level: true,
written_header_value: false,
indent: Some(4),
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("[INFO test::path] log\n message\n", written);
fn format_indent_zero_spaces() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: true,
target: false,
level: true,
written_header_value: false,
indent: Some(0),
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("[INFO test::path] log\nmessage\n", written);
fn format_indent_spaces_no_header() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: false,
target: false,
level: false,
written_header_value: false,
indent: Some(4),
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("log\n message\n", written);
fn format_suffix() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: false,
target: false,
level: false,
written_header_value: false,
indent: None,
suffix: "\n\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("log\nmessage\n\n", written);
fn format_suffix_with_indent() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: false,
target: false,
level: false,
written_header_value: false,
indent: Some(4),
suffix: "\n\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("log\n\n message\n\n", written);
fn format_target() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write_target(
DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: true,
target: true,
level: true,
written_header_value: false,
indent: None,
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("[INFO test::path target] log\nmessage\n", written);
fn format_empty_target() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write(DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: true,
target: true,
level: true,
written_header_value: false,
indent: None,
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("[INFO test::path] log\nmessage\n", written);
fn format_no_target() {
let writer = writer::Builder::new()
let mut f = Formatter::new(&writer);
let written = write_target(
DefaultFormat {
timestamp: None,
module_path: true,
target: false,
level: true,
written_header_value: false,
indent: None,
suffix: "\n",
buf: &mut f,
assert_eq!("[INFO test::path] log\nmessage\n", written);