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use super::lifetimes::{Lifetime, Lifetimes, MaybeStatic};
use super::{
Borrow, LinkedLifetimes, MaybeOwn, Mutability, OutStructId, ReturnableStructPath, StructId,
StructPath, TypeContext, TypeId,
use core::fmt::Debug;
/// Abstraction over where a type can appear in a function signature.
/// # "Output only" and "everywhere" types
/// While Rust is able to give up ownership of values, languages that Diplomat
/// supports (C++, Javascript, etc.) generally cannot. For example, we can
/// construct a `Box<MyOpaque>` in a Rust function and _return_ it to the other
/// language as a pointer. However, we cannot _accept_ `Box<MyOpaque>` as an input
/// because there's nothing stopping other languages from using that value again.
/// Therefore, we classify boxed opaques as "output only" types, since they can
/// only be returned from Rust but not taken as inputs.
/// Furthermore, Diplomat also supports "bag o' stuff" structs where all fields get
/// translated at the boundary. If one contains an "output only" type as a field,
/// then the whole struct must also be "output only". In particular, this means
/// that if a boxed opaque is nested in a bunch of "bag o' stuff" structs, than
/// all of those structs must also be "output only".
/// Currently, there are only two classes of structs: those that are "output only",
/// and those that are not. These are represented by the types [`OutputOnly`]
/// and [`Everywhere`] marker types respectively, which are the _only_ two types
/// that implement [`TyPosition`].
/// # How does abstraction help?
/// The HIR was designed around the idea of making invalid states unrepresentable.
/// Since "output only" types can contain values that "everywhere" types cannot,
/// it doesn't make sense for them to be represented in the same type, even if
/// they're mostly the same. One of these differences is that opaques (which are
/// always behind a pointer) can only be represented as a borrow in "everywhere"
/// types, but can additionally be represented as owned in "output only" types.
/// If we were to use the same type for both, then backends working with "everywhere"
/// types would constantly have unreachable statements for owned opaque cases.
/// That being said, "output only" and "everywhere" types are still mostly the
/// same, so this trait allows us to describe the differences. For example, the
/// HIR uses a singular [`Type`](super::Type) type for representing both
/// "output only" types and "everywhere" types, since it takes advantage of this
/// traits associated types to "fill in" the different parts:
/// ```ignore
/// pub enum Type<P: TyPosition = Everywhere> {
/// Primitive(PrimitiveType),
/// Opaque(OpaquePath<Optional, P::OpaqueOwnership>),
/// Struct(P::StructPath),
/// Enum(EnumPath),
/// Slice(Slice),
/// }
/// ```
/// When `P` takes on [`Everywhere`], this signature becomes:
/// ```ignore
/// pub enum Type {
/// Primitive(PrimitiveType),
/// Opaque(OpaquePath<Optional, Borrow>),
/// Struct(StructPath),
/// Enum(EnumPath),
/// Slice(Slice),
/// }
/// ```
/// This allows us to represent any kind of type that can appear "everywhere"
/// i.e. in inputs or outputs. Notice how the second generic in the `Opaque`
/// variant becomes [`Borrow`]. This describes the semantics of the pointer that
/// the opaque lives behind, and shows that for "everywhere" types, opaques
/// can _only_ be represented as living behind a borrow.
/// Contrast this to when `P` takes on [`OutputOnly`]:
/// ```ignore
/// pub enum Type {
/// Primitive(PrimitiveType),
/// Opaque(OpaquePath<Optional, MaybeOwn>),
/// Struct(OutStructPath),
/// Enum(EnumPath),
/// Slice(Slice),
/// }
/// ```
/// Here, the second generic of the `Opaque` variant becomes [`MaybeOwn`], meaning
/// that "output only" types can contain opaques that are either borrowed _or_ owned.
/// Therefore, this trait allows be extremely precise about making invalid states
/// unrepresentable, while also reducing duplicated code.
pub trait TyPosition: Debug + Copy {
const IS_OUT_ONLY: bool;
/// Type representing how we can point to opaques, which must always be behind a pointer.
/// The types represented by [`OutputOnly`] are capable of either owning or
/// borrowing opaques, and so the associated type for that impl is [`MaybeOwn`].
/// On the other hand, types represented by [`Everywhere`] can only contain
/// borrowes, so the associated type for that impl is [`Borrow`].
type OpaqueOwnership: Debug + OpaqueOwner;
type StructId: Debug;
type StructPath: Debug + StructPathLike;
/// One of two types implementing [`TyPosition`], representing types that can be
/// used as both input and output to functions.
/// The complement of this type is [`OutputOnly`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Everywhere;
/// One of two types implementing [`TyPosition`], representing types that can
/// only be used as return types in functions.
/// The complement of this type is [`Everywhere`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct OutputOnly;
impl TyPosition for Everywhere {
const IS_OUT_ONLY: bool = false;
type OpaqueOwnership = Borrow;
type StructId = StructId;
type StructPath = StructPath;
impl TyPosition for OutputOnly {
const IS_OUT_ONLY: bool = true;
type OpaqueOwnership = MaybeOwn;
type StructId = OutStructId;
type StructPath = ReturnableStructPath;
pub trait StructPathLike {
fn lifetimes(&self) -> &Lifetimes;
fn id(&self) -> TypeId;
/// Get a map of lifetimes used on this path to lifetimes as named in the def site. See [`LinkedLifetimes`]
/// for more information.
fn link_lifetimes<'def, 'tcx>(
&'def self,
tcx: &'tcx TypeContext,
) -> LinkedLifetimes<'def, 'tcx>;
impl StructPathLike for StructPath {
fn lifetimes(&self) -> &Lifetimes {
fn id(&self) -> TypeId {
fn link_lifetimes<'def, 'tcx>(
&'def self,
tcx: &'tcx TypeContext,
) -> LinkedLifetimes<'def, 'tcx> {
let struc = self.resolve(tcx);
let env = &struc.lifetimes;
LinkedLifetimes::new(env, None, &self.lifetimes)
impl StructPathLike for ReturnableStructPath {
fn lifetimes(&self) -> &Lifetimes {
fn id(&self) -> TypeId {
match self {
ReturnableStructPath::Struct(p) => p.tcx_id.into(),
ReturnableStructPath::OutStruct(p) => p.tcx_id.into(),
fn link_lifetimes<'def, 'tcx>(
&'def self,
tcx: &'tcx TypeContext,
) -> LinkedLifetimes<'def, 'tcx> {
match self {
Self::Struct(p) => p.link_lifetimes(tcx),
Self::OutStruct(p) => p.link_lifetimes(tcx),
/// Abstraction over how a type can hold a pointer to an opaque.
/// This trait is designed as a helper abstraction for the `OpaqueOwnership`
/// associated type in the [`TyPosition`] trait. As such, only has two implementing
/// types: [`MaybeOwn`] and [`Borrow`] for the [`OutputOnly`] and [`Everywhere`]
/// implementations of [`TyPosition`] respectively.
pub trait OpaqueOwner {
/// Return the mutability of this owner
fn mutability(&self) -> Option<Mutability>;
fn is_owned(&self) -> bool;
/// Return the lifetime of the borrow, if any.
fn lifetime(&self) -> Option<MaybeStatic<Lifetime>>;
impl OpaqueOwner for MaybeOwn {
fn mutability(&self) -> Option<Mutability> {
match self {
MaybeOwn::Own => None,
MaybeOwn::Borrow(b) => b.mutability(),
fn is_owned(&self) -> bool {
match self {
MaybeOwn::Own => true,
MaybeOwn::Borrow(_) => false,
fn lifetime(&self) -> Option<MaybeStatic<Lifetime>> {
match self {
MaybeOwn::Own => None,
MaybeOwn::Borrow(b) => b.lifetime(),
impl OpaqueOwner for Borrow {
fn mutability(&self) -> Option<Mutability> {
fn is_owned(&self) -> bool {
fn lifetime(&self) -> Option<MaybeStatic<Lifetime>> {