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//! This module contains utilities for dealing with Rust attributes
use serde::ser::{SerializeStruct, Serializer};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::str::FromStr;
use syn::parse::{Error as ParseError, Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::{Attribute, Expr, Ident, Lit, LitStr, Meta, MetaList, Token};
/// The list of attributes on a type. All attributes except `attrs` (HIR attrs) are
/// potentially read by the diplomat macro and the AST backends, anything that is not should
/// be added as an HIR attribute ([`crate::hir::Attrs`]).
/// # Inheritance
/// Attributes are typically "inherited": the attributes on a module
/// apply to all types and methods with it, the attributes on an impl apply to all
/// methods in it, and the attributes on an enum apply to all variants within it.
/// This allows the user to specify a single attribute to affect multiple fields.
/// However, the details of inheritance are not always the same for each attribute. For example, rename attributes
/// on a module only apply to the types within it (others methods would get doubly renamed).
/// Each attribute here documents its inheritance behavior. Note that the HIR attributes do not get inherited
/// during AST construction, since at that time it's unclear which of those attributes are actually available.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Attrs {
/// The regular #[cfg()] attributes. Inherited, though the inheritance onto methods is the
/// only relevant one here.
pub cfg: Vec<Attribute>,
/// HIR backend attributes.
/// Inherited, but only during lowering. See [`crate::hir::Attrs`] for details on which HIR attributes are inherited.
/// During AST attribute inheritance, HIR backend attributes are copied over from impls to their methods since the HIR does
/// not see the impl blocks.
pub attrs: Vec<DiplomatBackendAttr>,
/// AST backends only. For using features that may panic AST backends, like returning references.
/// This isn't a regular attribute since AST backends do not handle regular attributes. Do not use
/// in HIR backends,
/// Not inherited
pub skip_if_ast: bool,
/// Renames to apply to the underlying C symbol. Can be found on methods, impls, and bridge modules, and is inherited.
/// Affects method names when inherited onto methods.
/// Affects destructor names when inherited onto types.
/// Inherited.
pub abi_rename: RenameAttr,
impl Attrs {
fn add_attr(&mut self, attr: Attr) {
match attr {
Attr::Cfg(attr) => self.cfg.push(attr),
Attr::DiplomatBackend(attr) => self.attrs.push(attr),
Attr::SkipIfAst => self.skip_if_ast = true,
Attr::CRename(rename) => self.abi_rename.extend(&rename),
/// Get a copy of these attributes for use in inheritance, masking out things
/// that should not be inherited
pub(crate) fn attrs_for_inheritance(&self, context: AttrInheritContext) -> Self {
// These attributes are inherited during lowering (since that's when they're parsed)
// Except for impls: lowering has no concept of impls so these get inherited early. This
// is fine since impls have no inherent behavior and all attributes on impls are necessarily
// only there for inheritance
let attrs = if context == AttrInheritContext::MethodFromImpl {
} else {
let abi_rename = self.abi_rename.attrs_for_inheritance(context, true);
Self {
cfg: self.cfg.clone(),
// HIR only, for methods only. not inherited
skip_if_ast: false,
pub(crate) fn add_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) {
for attr in syn_attr_to_ast_attr(attrs) {
pub(crate) fn from_attrs(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Self {
let mut this = Self::default();
impl From<&[Attribute]> for Attrs {
fn from(other: &[Attribute]) -> Self {
enum Attr {
// More goes here
fn syn_attr_to_ast_attr(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> impl Iterator<Item = Attr> + '_ {
let cfg_path: syn::Path = syn::parse_str("cfg").unwrap();
let dattr_path: syn::Path = syn::parse_str("diplomat::attr").unwrap();
let crename_attr: syn::Path = syn::parse_str("diplomat::abi_rename").unwrap();
let skipast: syn::Path = syn::parse_str("diplomat::skip_if_ast").unwrap();
attrs.iter().filter_map(move |a| {
if a.path() == &cfg_path {
} else if a.path() == &dattr_path {
.expect("Failed to parse malformed diplomat::attr"),
} else if a.path() == &crename_attr {
} else if a.path() == &skipast {
} else {
impl Serialize for Attrs {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
// 1 is the number of fields in the struct.
let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("Attrs", 1)?;
if !self.cfg.is_empty() {
let cfg: Vec<_> = self
.map(|a| quote::quote!(#a).to_string())
state.serialize_field("cfg", &cfg)?;
if !self.attrs.is_empty() {
state.serialize_field("attrs", &self.attrs)?;
if self.skip_if_ast {
state.serialize_field("skip_if_ast", &self.skip_if_ast)?;
if !self.abi_rename.is_empty() {
state.serialize_field("abi_rename", &self.abi_rename)?;
/// A `#[diplomat::attr(...)]` attribute
/// Its contents must start with single element that is a CFG-expression
/// (so it may contain `foo = bar`, `foo = "bar"`, `ident`, `*` atoms,
/// and `all()`, `not()`, and `any()` combiners), and then be followed by one
/// or more backend-specific attributes, which can be any valid meta-item
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct DiplomatBackendAttr {
pub cfg: DiplomatBackendAttrCfg,
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_meta")]
pub meta: Meta,
fn serialize_meta<S>(m: &Meta, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
pub enum DiplomatBackendAttrCfg {
NameValue(String, String),
impl Parse for DiplomatBackendAttrCfg {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
if lookahead.peek(Ident) {
let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
if name == "not" {
let content;
let _paren = syn::parenthesized!(content in input);
} else if name == "any" || name == "all" {
let content;
let _paren = syn::parenthesized!(content in input);
let list = content.parse_terminated(Self::parse, Token![,])?;
let vec = list.into_iter().collect();
if name == "any" {
} else {
} else if input.peek(Token![=]) {
let _t: Token![=] = input.parse()?;
if input.peek(Ident) {
let value: Ident = input.parse()?;
} else {
let value: LitStr = input.parse()?;
} else {
} else if lookahead.peek(Token![*]) {
let _t: Token![*] = input.parse()?;
} else {
"CFG portion of #[diplomat::attr] fails to parse",
/// Meant to be used with Attribute::parse_args()
impl Parse for DiplomatBackendAttr {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let cfg = input.parse()?;
let _comma: Token![,] = input.parse()?;
let meta = input.parse()?;
Ok(Self { cfg, meta })
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub(crate) enum AttrInheritContext {
/// When a method or an impl is inheriting from a module
/// When a method is inheriting from an impl
/// This distinction is made because HIR attributes are pre-inherited from the impl to the
/// method, so the boundary of "method inheriting from module" is different
// Currently there's no way to feed an attribute to a Module, but such inheritance will
// likely apply during lowering for config defaults.
/// A pattern for use in rename attributes, like `#[diplomat::abi_rename]`
/// This can be parsed from a string, typically something like `icu4x_{0}`.
/// It can have up to one {0} for replacement.
/// In the future this may support transformations like to_camel_case, etc,
/// probably specified as a list like `#[diplomat::abi_rename("foo{0}", to_camel_case)]`
#[derive(Default, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct RenameAttr {
pattern: Option<RenamePattern>,
impl RenameAttr {
/// Apply all renames to a given string
pub fn apply<'a>(&'a self, name: Cow<'a, str>) -> Cow<'a, str> {
if let Some(ref pattern) = self.pattern {
let replacement = &pattern.replacement;
if let Some(index) = pattern.insertion_index {
format!("{}{name}{}", &replacement[..index], &replacement[index..]).into()
} else {
} else {
/// Whether this rename is empty and will perform no changes
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn extend(&mut self, other: &Self) {
if other.pattern.is_some() {
// In the future if we support things like to_lower_case they may inherit separately
// from patterns.
/// Get a copy of these attributes for use in inheritance, masking out things
/// that should not be inherited
pub(crate) fn attrs_for_inheritance(
context: AttrInheritContext,
is_abi_rename: bool,
) -> Self {
let pattern = match context {
// No inheritance from modules to method-likes for the rename attribute
AttrInheritContext::MethodOrImplFromModule if !is_abi_rename => Default::default(),
// No effect on variants
AttrInheritContext::Variant => Default::default(),
_ => self.pattern.clone(),
// In the future if we support things like to_lower_case they may inherit separately
// from patterns.
Self { pattern }
/// From a replacement pattern, like "icu4x_{0}". Can have up to one {0} in it for substitution.
fn from_pattern(s: &str) -> Self {
Self {
pattern: Some(s.parse().unwrap()),
pub(crate) fn from_meta(meta: &Meta) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
let attr = StandardAttribute::from_meta(meta)
.map_err(|_| "#[diplomat::abi_rename] must be given a string value")?;
match attr {
StandardAttribute::String(s) => Ok(RenameAttr::from_pattern(&s)),
StandardAttribute::List(_) => {
Err("Failed to parse malformed #[diplomat::abi_rename(...)]: found list")
StandardAttribute::Empty => {
Err("Failed to parse malformed #[diplomat::abi_rename(...)]: found no parameters")
impl FromStr for RenamePattern {
type Err = Infallible;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Infallible> {
if let Some(index) = s.find("{0}") {
let replacement = format!("{}{}", &s[..index], &s[index + 3..]);
Ok(Self {
insertion_index: Some(index),
} else {
Ok(Self {
replacement: s.into(),
insertion_index: None,
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
struct RenamePattern {
/// The string to replace with
replacement: String,
/// The index in `replacement` in which to insert the original string. If None,
/// this is a pure rename
insertion_index: Option<usize>,
/// Helper type for parsing standard attributes. A standard attribute typically will accept the forms:
/// - `#[attr = "foo"]` and `#[attr("foo")]` for a simple string
/// - `#[attr(....)]` for a more complicated context
/// - `#[attr]` for a "defaulting" context
/// This allows attributes to parse simple string values without caring too much about the NameValue vs List representation
/// and then attributes can choose to handle more complicated lists if they so desire.
pub(crate) enum StandardAttribute<'a> {
List(#[allow(dead_code)] &'a MetaList),
impl<'a> StandardAttribute<'a> {
/// Parse from a Meta. Returns an error when no string value is specified in the path/namevalue forms.
pub(crate) fn from_meta(meta: &'a Meta) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match meta {
Meta::Path(..) => Ok(Self::Empty),
Meta::NameValue(ref nv) => {
// Support a shortcut `abi_rename = "..."`
let Expr::Lit(ref lit) = nv.value else {
return Err(());
let Lit::Str(ref lit) = lit.lit else {
return Err(());
// The full syntax to which we'll add more things in the future, `abi_rename("")`
Meta::List(list) => {
if let Ok(lit) = list.parse_args::<LitStr>() {
} else {
mod tests {
use insta;
use syn;
use super::{DiplomatBackendAttr, DiplomatBackendAttrCfg, RenameAttr};
fn test_cfgs() {
let attr_cfg: DiplomatBackendAttrCfg = syn::parse_quote!(*);
let attr_cfg: DiplomatBackendAttrCfg = syn::parse_quote!(cpp);
let attr_cfg: DiplomatBackendAttrCfg = syn::parse_quote!(has = overloading);
let attr_cfg: DiplomatBackendAttrCfg = syn::parse_quote!(has = "overloading");
let attr_cfg: DiplomatBackendAttrCfg =
syn::parse_quote!(any(all(*, cpp, has="overloading"), not(js)));
fn test_attr() {
let attr: syn::Attribute =
syn::parse_quote!(#[diplomat::attr(any(cpp, has = "overloading"), namespacing)]);
let attr: DiplomatBackendAttr = attr.parse_args().unwrap();
fn test_rename() {
let attr: syn::Attribute = syn::parse_quote!(#[diplomat::abi_rename = "foobar_{0}"]);
let attr = RenameAttr::from_meta(&attr.meta).unwrap();
let attr: syn::Attribute = syn::parse_quote!(#[diplomat::abi_rename("foobar_{0}")]);
let attr = RenameAttr::from_meta(&attr.meta).unwrap();