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//! Implementations of [`fmt`]-like derive macros.
//! [`fmt`]: std::fmt
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
pub(crate) mod debug;
#[cfg(feature = "display")]
pub(crate) mod display;
mod parsing;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::{
parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
spanned::Spanned as _,
token, Ident,
use crate::parsing::Expr;
/// Representation of a macro attribute expressing additional trait bounds.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct BoundsAttribute(Punctuated<syn::WherePredicate, syn::token::Comma>);
impl BoundsAttribute {
/// Errors in case legacy syntax is encountered: `bound = "..."`.
fn check_legacy_fmt(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<()> {
let fork = input.fork();
let path = fork
.and_then(|path| fork.parse::<syn::token::Eq>().map(|_| path));
match path {
Ok(path) if path.is_ident("bound") => fork
.and_then(|lit| match lit {
syn::Lit::Str(s) => Some(s.value()),
_ => None,
.map_or(Ok(()), |bound| {
format!("legacy syntax, use `bound({bound})` instead"),
Ok(_) | Err(_) => Ok(()),
impl Parse for BoundsAttribute {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let _ = input.parse::<syn::Path>().and_then(|p| {
if ["bound", "bounds", "where"]
.any(|i| p.is_ident(i))
} else {
"unknown attribute, expected `bound(...)`",
let content;
syn::parenthesized!(content in input);
.parse_terminated(syn::WherePredicate::parse, token::Comma)
/// Representation of a [`fmt`]-like attribute.
/// [`fmt`]: std::fmt
struct FmtAttribute {
/// Interpolation [`syn::LitStr`].
/// [`syn::LitStr`]: struct@syn::LitStr
lit: syn::LitStr,
/// Optional [`token::Comma`].
comma: Option<token::Comma>,
/// Interpolation arguments.
args: Punctuated<FmtArgument, token::Comma>,
impl FmtAttribute {
/// Returns an [`Iterator`] over bounded [`syn::Type`]s and trait names.
fn bounded_types<'a>(
&'a self,
fields: &'a syn::Fields,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'a syn::Type, &'static str)> {
let placeholders = Placeholder::parse_fmt_string(&self.lit.value());
// We ignore unknown fields, as compiler will produce better error messages.
placeholders.into_iter().filter_map(move |placeholder| {
let name = match placeholder.arg {
Parameter::Named(name) => self
.find_map(|a| (a.alias()? == &name).then_some(&a.expr))
.map_or(Some(name), |expr| expr.ident().map(ToString::to_string))?,
Parameter::Positional(i) => self
.and_then(|a| a.expr.ident().filter(|_| a.alias.is_none()))?
let unnamed = name.strip_prefix('_').and_then(|s| s.parse().ok());
let ty = match (&fields, unnamed) {
(syn::Fields::Unnamed(f), Some(i)) => {
f.unnamed.iter().nth(i).map(|f| &f.ty)
(syn::Fields::Named(f), None) => f.named.iter().find_map(|f| {
f.ident.as_ref().filter(|s| **s == name).map(|_| &f.ty)
_ => None,
Some((ty, placeholder.trait_name))
/// Errors in case legacy syntax is encountered: `fmt = "...", (arg),*`.
fn check_legacy_fmt(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<()> {
let fork = input.fork();
let path = fork
.and_then(|path| fork.parse::<syn::token::Eq>().map(|_| path));
match path {
Ok(path) if path.is_ident("fmt") => (|| {
let args = fork
.parse_terminated(syn::Lit::parse, token::Comma)
.filter_map(|(i, lit)| match lit {
syn::Lit::Str(str) => Some(if i == 0 {
format!("\"{}\"", str.value())
} else {
_ => None,
.map_or(Ok(()), |fmt| {
"legacy syntax, remove `fmt =` and use `{}` instead",
fmt.join(", "),
Ok(_) | Err(_) => Ok(()),
impl Parse for FmtAttribute {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
lit: input.parse()?,
comma: input
.then(|| input.parse())
args: input.parse_terminated(FmtArgument::parse, token::Comma)?,
impl ToTokens for FmtAttribute {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
/// Representation of a [named parameter][1] (`identifier '=' expression`) in
/// in a [`FmtAttribute`].
struct FmtArgument {
/// `identifier =` [`Ident`].
alias: Option<(Ident, token::Eq)>,
/// `expression` [`Expr`].
expr: Expr,
impl FmtArgument {
/// Returns an `identifier` of the [named parameter][1].
fn alias(&self) -> Option<&Ident> {
self.alias.as_ref().map(|(ident, _)| ident)
impl Parse for FmtArgument {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
alias: (input.peek(Ident) && input.peek2(token::Eq))
.then(|| Ok::<_, syn::Error>((input.parse()?, input.parse()?)))
expr: input.parse()?,
impl ToTokens for FmtArgument {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
if let Some((ident, eq)) = &self.alias {
/// Representation of a [parameter][1] used in a [`Placeholder`].
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Parameter {
/// [Positional parameter][1].
/// [Named parameter][1].
impl<'a> From<parsing::Argument<'a>> for Parameter {
fn from(arg: parsing::Argument<'a>) -> Self {
match arg {
parsing::Argument::Integer(i) => Self::Positional(i),
parsing::Argument::Identifier(i) => Self::Named(i.to_owned()),
/// Representation of a formatting placeholder.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Placeholder {
/// Formatting argument (either named or positional) to be used by this placeholder.
arg: Parameter,
/// [Width parameter][1], if present.
width: Option<Parameter>,
/// [Precision parameter][1], if present.
precision: Option<Parameter>,
/// Name of [`std::fmt`] trait to be used for rendering this placeholder.
trait_name: &'static str,
impl Placeholder {
/// Parses [`Placeholder`]s from the provided formatting string.
fn parse_fmt_string(s: &str) -> Vec<Self> {
let mut n = 0;
.flat_map(|f| f.formats)
.map(|format| {
let (maybe_arg, ty) = (
format.arg,|s| s.ty).unwrap_or(parsing::Type::Display),
let position =|| {
// Assign "the next argument".
n += 1;
Parameter::Positional(n - 1)
Self {
arg: position,
width: format.spec.and_then(|s| match s.width {
Some(parsing::Count::Parameter(arg)) => Some(arg.into()),
_ => None,
precision: format.spec.and_then(|s| match s.precision {
))) => Some(arg.into()),
_ => None,
trait_name: ty.trait_name(),
mod fmt_attribute_spec {
use itertools::Itertools as _;
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn;
use super::FmtAttribute;
fn assert<'a>(input: &'a str, parsed: impl AsRef<[&'a str]>) {
let parsed = parsed.as_ref();
let attr = syn::parse_str::<FmtAttribute>(&format!("\"\", {}", input)).unwrap();
let fmt_args = attr
.map(|arg| arg.into_token_stream().to_string())
|(i, (found, expected))| {
*expected, found,
"Mismatch at index {i}\n\
Expected: {parsed:?}\n\
Found: {fmt_args:?}",
fn cases() {
let cases = [
"alias = ident",
"[a , b , c , d]",
"counter += 1",
"async { fut . await }",
"a < b",
"a > b",
"{ let x = (a , b) ; }",
"invoke (a , b)",
"foo as f64",
"| a , b | a + b",
"obj . k",
"for pat in expr { break pat ; }",
"if expr { true } else { false }",
"vector [2]",
"loop { break i ; }",
"format ! (\"{}\" , q)",
"match n { Some (n) => { } , None => { } }",
"x . foo ::< T > (a , b)",
"x . foo ::< T < [T < T >; if a < b { 1 } else { 2 }] >, { a < b } > (a , b)",
"(a + b)",
"i32 :: MAX",
"1 .. 2",
"& a",
"[0u8 ; N]",
"(a , b , c , d)",
"< Ty as Trait > :: T",
"< Ty < Ty < T >, { a < b } > as Trait < T > > :: T",
assert("", []);
for i in 1..4 {
for permutations in cases.into_iter().permutations(i) {
let mut input = permutations.clone().join(",");
assert(&input, &permutations);
assert(&input, &permutations);
mod placeholder_parse_fmt_string_spec {
use super::{Parameter, Placeholder};
fn indicates_position_and_trait_name_for_each_fmt_placeholder() {
let fmt_string = "{},{:?},{{}},{{{1:0$}}}-{2:.1$x}{par:#?}{:width$}";
Placeholder {
arg: Parameter::Positional(0),
width: None,
precision: None,
trait_name: "Display",
Placeholder {
arg: Parameter::Positional(1),
width: None,
precision: None,
trait_name: "Debug",
Placeholder {
arg: Parameter::Positional(1),
width: Some(Parameter::Positional(0)),
precision: None,
trait_name: "Display",
Placeholder {
arg: Parameter::Positional(2),
width: None,
precision: Some(Parameter::Positional(1)),
trait_name: "LowerHex",
Placeholder {
arg: Parameter::Named("par".to_owned()),
width: None,
precision: None,
trait_name: "Debug",
Placeholder {
arg: Parameter::Positional(2),
width: Some(Parameter::Named("width".to_owned())),
precision: None,
trait_name: "Display",