Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use std::error::Error as stdError;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Display};
use crate::message::MatchRule;
use crate::{MessageType, Path};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::strings::{Interface, BusName, Member};
// Our grammar:
// rules: rule (, rule)*
// rule: sender | type | interface | member | path | path_namespace | destination | arg | arg_path
// bool : 'true' | 'false'
// type: "type" "=" message_type
// message_type: "'signal'" | "'method_call'" | "'method_return'" | "'error'"
// sender: "sender" "=" string
// interface: "interface" "=" string
// member: "member" "=" string
// path: "path" "=" string
// path_namespace: "path_namespace" "=" string
// destination: "destination" "=" string
// arg: "arg" 0-63 "=" string
// arg_path: "arg" 0-63 "path" "=" string
// eavesdrop: "eavesdrop" "=" bool
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// Error type that covers errors that might happen during parsing.
pub enum Error {
/// The type specified in the match rule is unknown
/// The key is wrong / unsupported
/// Boolean could not be parsed
/// Error that occured while converting a string to a DBus format
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Error while parsing MatchRule: ")?;
match self {
Error::UnknownType => {
write!(f, "Unsupported message type")
Error::UnknownKey => {
write!(f, "Unknown key used")
Error::BadBoolean => {
write!(f, "Got bad boolean value")
Error::BadConversion(err) => {
write!(f, "Error while converting: {}", err)
impl stdError for Error {}
/// Key-Value-pair
pub type TokenRule<'a> = (&'a str, &'a str);
/// Fixed size buffer for match rule tokens
pub type TokenBuffer<'a> = Vec<TokenRule<'a>>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// Tokenizes a match rule into key-value-pairs
struct Tokenizer<'a> {
text: &'a str,
impl<'a> Tokenizer<'a> {
/// Builds a new tokenizer for the input &str
pub fn new(text: &'a str) -> Self {
Self {
/// Parse the key part of the key-value-pair. This is rather easy as all keys are rather
/// easily defined and may only contain `[a-z0-9]` so we can simply split at `'='`.
fn key(&self) -> (&'a str, &'a str) {
let index = self.text.find('=').unwrap_or_else(|| self.text.len());
((&self.text[..index]).trim(), &self.text[index + 1..])
/// Parses values as generic strings.
/// This does not do any validation (yet) with regards to supported characters.
fn value(&self) -> (&'a str, &'a str) {
let mut i = 0;
let mut quoted = false;
let mut escape = false;
for c in self.text.chars() {
match c {
'\'' if !escape => {
quoted = !quoted;
',' if !quoted => {
'\\' if !quoted => {
escape = true;
i += 1;
_ => {}
escape = false;
i += 1;
// Skip comma if there is still space in the buffer
let j = if self.text.len() == i { i } else { i + 1 };
((&self.text[..i]).trim(), &self.text[j..])
/// Tokenizes a string into key-value-pairs
pub fn tokenize(&mut self) -> Result<TokenBuffer<'a>, Error> {
let mut rules = TokenBuffer::new();
while !self.text.is_empty() {
let (key, rest) = self.key();
self.text = rest;
let (value, rest) = self.value();
self.text = rest;
rules.push((key, value))
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// Helper struct for parsing MatchRule's
pub struct Parser<'a> {
tokens: TokenBuffer<'a>,
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// Builds a new parser after tokenizing the input string `text`.
pub fn new(text: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(Self {
tokens: Tokenizer::new(text).tokenize()?
/// Cleans a string from the string syntax allowed by DBus. This includes concatenating
/// things like `''\'''` to `'`. DBus strings sort of work like in a POSIX shell and
/// concatenation is implied. There is only one escape sequence and that is in an unquoted
/// substring a backslash may escape an ASCII apostrophe (U+0027).
/// This method is the only one within the parser that allocates and in theory could be
/// rewritten to taking a `&mut str` instead of returning a `String` since all
/// strings are |output| <= |buf.len()|.
fn clean_string(&self, buf: &str) -> String {
let mut quoted = false;
let mut escape = false;
let mut outbuf = String::with_capacity(buf.len());
for c in buf.chars() {
match c {
'\'' if !escape => {
quoted = !quoted;
'\\' if !quoted => {
escape = true;
c if c.is_whitespace() && !quoted => {
c => {
/// Parses key-value-pair tokens into a MatchRule
pub fn parse(&self) -> Result<MatchRule<'a>, Error> {
let mut match_rule = MatchRule::new();
for &(key, raw_value) in &self.tokens {
let value = self.clean_string(raw_value);
match key {
"type" => {
match_rule = match_rule.with_type(MessageType::try_from(value.as_str()).map_err(|_| Error::UnknownType)?);
"interface" => {
match_rule.interface = Some(Interface::new(value).map_err(Error::BadConversion)?);
"sender" => {
match_rule.sender = Some(BusName::new(value).map_err(Error::BadConversion)?);
"member" => {
match_rule.member = Some(Member::new(value).map_err(Error::BadConversion)?);
"path" => {
match_rule.path = Some(Path::new(value).map_err(Error::BadConversion)?);
"path_namespace" => {
match_rule.path = Some(Path::new(value).map_err(Error::BadConversion)?);
match_rule.path_is_namespace = true;
"eavesdrop" => {
match raw_value {
"'true'" | "true" => {
match_rule = match_rule.with_eavesdrop();
"'false'" | "false" => {
_ => {
_ => {
// Args and Destination are not supported yet.
mod tests {
use crate::message::parser::Error;
use crate::message::MatchRule;
fn test_tokenizer() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mr = MatchRule::parse(r"interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member='Notify'")?;
assert_eq!(mr.match_str(), "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member='Notify'");
let mr = MatchRule::parse(r"interface='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' , path= /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2,member='Notify', eavesdrop ='true'")?;
assert_eq!(mr.match_str(), "path='/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2',interface='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player',member='Notify',eavesdrop='true'");
fn test_malformed() {
fn test_spurious_comma() {