Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use crate::{Error, Message};
use std::time::Duration;
use super::{BusType, Watch};
use futures_util::lock::Mutex as FMutex;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use futures_executor::block_on;
use dbus_native_channel::address;
use std::error::Error as stdError;
use futures_util::io as fio;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::os::unix::io::{RawFd, AsRawFd};
/// Low-level connection - handles read/write to the socket
/// You probably do not need to worry about this as you would typically
/// use the various blocking and non-blocking "Connection" structs instead.
/// This version avoids any dependency on the C dbus library, making it possible
/// to use with async rust code etc.
pub struct Channel {
unique_name: Option<crate::strings::BusName<'static>>,
out_queue: Mutex<(u32, VecDeque<Message>)>,
in_queue: Mutex<VecDeque<Message>>,
reader: FMutex<Pin<Box<dyn fio::AsyncBufRead + Send>>>,
writer: FMutex<Pin<Box<dyn fio::AsyncWrite + Send>>>,
raw_fd: RawFd,
unix_fd: bool,
async fn do_auth<W: fio::AsyncWrite + std::marker::Unpin, R: fio::AsyncBufRead + std::marker::Unpin>(r: &mut R, w: &mut W) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn stdError>> {
use dbus_native_channel::authentication::Authentication;
use fio::{AsyncWriteExt, AsyncBufReadExt};
let (mut auth, s) = Authentication::new(true);
loop {
let mut v = vec!();
r.read_until(b'\n', &mut v).await?;
let s = auth.handle(&v)?;
if let Authentication::Begin(unixfd) = &auth {
return Ok(*unixfd)
impl Channel {
/// Creates a new D-Bus connection.
/// Blocking: until the connection is up and running.
pub fn get_private(bus: BusType) -> Result<Channel, Error> {
block_on(async {
Self::get_private_async(bus, |s| {
// s.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
let s2 = s.try_clone().unwrap();
let r = fio::AllowStdIo::new(std::io::BufReader::new(s));
let w = fio::AllowStdIo::new(s2);
(r, w)
}).await.map_err(|x| Error::new_failed(&x.to_string()))
/// Creates a new D-Bus connection without blocking.
pub async fn get_private_async<R, W, F>(bus: BusType, f: F) -> Result<Channel, Box<dyn stdError>>
R: fio::AsyncBufRead + 'static + Send,
W: fio::AsyncWrite + 'static + Send,
F: FnOnce(UnixStream) -> (R, W) {
let addr = match bus {
BusType::Starter => address::read_starter_address(),
BusType::Session => address::read_session_address(),
BusType::System => address::read_system_address(),
// Tokio does not do this any less blocking than we do here.
let stream = address::connect_blocking(&addr)?;
let raw_fd = stream.as_raw_fd();
let (r, w) = f(stream);
let (mut r, mut w) = (Box::pin(r), Box::pin(w));
let unix_fd = do_auth(&mut r, &mut w).await?;
// dbg!(&unix_fd);
let mut c = Channel {
unique_name: None,
in_queue: Default::default(),
out_queue: Default::default(),
reader: FMutex::new(r),
writer: FMutex::new(w),
let msg = Message::new_method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "Hello")?;
let r = c.send_with_reply_async(msg).await?;
let s: String = r.read1()?;
c.unique_name = Some(crate::strings::BusName::new(s)?);
/// Puts a message into the out queue, without trying to send it.
/// Returns a serial number than can be used to match against a reply.
/// Note:
/// Call "flush" to flush the out queue.
pub fn send(&self, mut msg: Message) -> Result<u32, ()> {
let mut q = self.out_queue.lock().unwrap();
q.0 += 1;
let serial = q.0;
async fn write_message(&self, msg: Message) -> Result<(), fio::Error> {
use fio::AsyncWriteExt;
let mut v = vec!();
let _: Result<(), ()> = msg.marshal(|b| {
// At some point we might be able to skip this copy. For now let's just try to get
// things up and running.
let mut writer = self.writer.lock().await;
async fn read_message(&self) -> Result<Message, Error> {
use fio::AsyncReadExt;
let mut v = vec![0; 16];
let mut reader = self.reader.lock().await;
reader.read_exact(&mut v).await.map_err(|e| Error::new_failed(&e.to_string()))?;
let count = Message::demarshal_bytes_needed(&v).map_err(|_| Error::new_failed("Protocol error"))?;
// dbg!(&v, &count);
v.resize(count, 0);
reader.read_exact(&mut v[16..]).await.map_err(|e| Error::new_failed(&e.to_string()))?;
// dbg!(&v, &count);
/// Note: Calling this from more than one thread in parallel might result in reordering
/// as well as mutex blocking.
pub async fn flush_async(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
loop {
let msg = {
let mut q = self.out_queue.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(msg) = q.1.pop_front() { msg } else { return Ok(()) }
self.write_message(msg).await.map_err(|e| Error::new_failed(&e.to_string()))?;
/// Flush the queue of outgoing messages.
/// Blocking: until the outgoing queue is empty.
pub fn flush(&self) {
block_on(async {
/// Removes a message from the incoming queue, or waits until timeout if the queue is empty.
pub fn blocking_pop_message(&self, _timeout: Duration) -> Result<Option<Message>, Error> {
if let Some(msg) = self.pop_message() { return Ok(Some(msg)) }
// TODO: Timeout
block_on(async {
let msg = self.read_message().await?;
/// This function does nothing. Provided for compatibility
pub fn set_watch_enabled(&mut self, _enable: bool) {
/// Gets the file descriptor to listen for read/write.
pub fn watch(&self) -> Watch {
Watch {
fd: self.as_raw_fd(),
read: true,
write: false,
/// Gets whether the connection is currently open.
pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {
/// Removes a message from the incoming queue, or returns None if the queue is empty.
pub fn pop_message(&self) -> Option<Message> {
let mut q = self.in_queue.lock().unwrap();
/// Read and write to the connection.
/// Incoming messages are put in the internal queue, outgoing messages are written.
/// Blocking: If there are no messages, for up to timeout, or forever if timeout is None.
/// For non-blocking behaviour, set timeout to Some(0).
pub fn read_write(&self, _timeout: Option<Duration>) -> Result<(), ()> {
block_on(async {
// TODO: Timeout
self.flush_async().await.map_err(|_| ())?;
let msg = self.read_message().await.map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut q = self.in_queue.lock().unwrap();
/// Sends a message over the D-Bus and waits for a reply. This is used for method calls.
/// Blocking: until a reply is received or the timeout expires.
/// Note: In case of an error reply, this is returned as an Err(), not as a Ok(Message) with the error type.
/// Note: In case pop_message and send_with_reply_and_block is called in parallel from different threads,
/// they might race to retreive the reply message from the internal queue.
pub fn send_with_reply_and_block(&self, msg: Message, _timeout: Duration) -> Result<Message, Error> {
block_on(async {
// TODO: Timeout
pub async fn send_with_reply_async(&self, msg: Message) -> Result<Message, Error> {
let serial = self.send(msg).map_err(|_| Error::new_failed("Failed to send message"))?;
loop {
let msg = self.read_message().await?;
if msg.get_reply_serial() == Some(serial) {
return Ok(msg);
let mut q = self.in_queue.lock().unwrap();
/// Get the connection's unique name.
/// It's usually something like ":1.54"
pub fn unique_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
self.unique_name.as_ref().map(|x| &**x)
impl AsRawFd for Channel {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { self.raw_fd }