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//! Connections and proxies that make blocking method calls.
use crate::strings::{BusName, Path, Interface, Member};
use crate::arg::{AppendAll, ReadAll, IterAppend};
use crate::{channel, Error, Message};
use crate::message::{MatchRule, SignalArgs, MessageType};
use crate::channel::{Channel, BusType, Token};
use std::{cell::RefCell, time::Duration, sync::Mutex};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use crate::filters::Filters;
mod generated_org_freedesktop_standard_interfaces;
mod generated_org_freedesktop_dbus;
/// This module contains some standard interfaces and an easy way to call them.
/// See the [D-Bus specification]( for more information about these standard interfaces.
/// The code was created by dbus-codegen.
pub mod stdintf {
pub mod org_freedesktop_dbus {
pub use super::super::generated_org_freedesktop_standard_interfaces::*;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum RequestNameReply {
PrimaryOwner = 1,
InQueue = 2,
Exists = 3,
AlreadyOwner = 4,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ReleaseNameReply {
Released = 1,
NonExistent = 2,
NotOwner = 3,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum EmitsChangedSignal {
pub (crate) fn request_name<S: crate::blocking::BlockingSender>(s: &S, name: &str, allow_replacement: bool, replace_existing: bool, do_not_queue: bool)
-> Result<RequestNameReply, crate::Error> {
let flags: u32 =
if allow_replacement { 1 } else { 0 } +
if replace_existing { 2 } else { 0 } +
if do_not_queue { 4 } else { 0 };
let proxy = super::proxy(s);
use super::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let r = proxy.request_name(name, flags)?;
use RequestNameReply::*;
let all = [PrimaryOwner, InQueue, Exists, AlreadyOwner];
all.iter().find(|x| **x as u32 == r).copied().ok_or_else(||
crate::Error::new_failed("Invalid reply from DBus server")
pub (crate) fn release_name<S: crate::blocking::BlockingSender>(s: &S, name: &str)
-> Result<ReleaseNameReply, crate::Error> {
let proxy = super::proxy(s);
use super::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let r = proxy.release_name(name)?;
use ReleaseNameReply::*;
let all = [Released, NonExistent, NotOwner];
all.iter().find(|x| **x as u32 == r).copied().ok_or_else(||
crate::Error::new_failed("Invalid reply from DBus server")
use crate::arg;
impl PropertiesPropertiesChanged {
pub fn add_prop<F: FnOnce() -> Box<dyn arg::RefArg>>(&mut self, prop_name: &str, emits: EmitsChangedSignal, f: F) -> bool {
match emits {
EmitsChangedSignal::False => { false },
EmitsChangedSignal::Invalidates => {
if !self.invalidated_properties.iter().any(|x| x == prop_name) {
EmitsChangedSignal::True => {
let val = f();
self.changed_properties.insert(prop_name.into(), arg::Variant(val));
EmitsChangedSignal::Const => panic!("Called add_prop with EmitsChangedSignal::Const")
// Not public yet, because of lack of named arguments
pub (super) mod org_freedesktop {
pub(crate) use super::super::generated_org_freedesktop_dbus::*;
pub (crate) fn proxy<C>(c: C) -> crate::blocking::Proxy<'static, C> {
super::Proxy::new("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", std::time::Duration::from_millis(5000), c)
/// A connection to D-Bus, thread local + non-async version
pub struct LocalConnection {
channel: Channel,
filters: RefCell<Filters<LocalFilterCb>>,
all_signal_matches: AtomicBool,
/// A connection to D-Bus, non-async version where callbacks are Send but not Sync.
pub struct Connection {
channel: Channel,
filters: RefCell<Filters<FilterCb>>,
all_signal_matches: AtomicBool,
/// A connection to D-Bus, Send + Sync + non-async version
pub struct SyncConnection {
channel: Channel,
filters: Mutex<Filters<SyncFilterCb>>,
all_signal_matches: AtomicBool,
use crate::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus;
macro_rules! connimpl {
($c: ident, $cb: ident $(, $ss:tt)*) => {
$cb = Box<dyn FnMut(Message, &$c) -> bool $(+ $ss)* + 'static>;
impl $c {
/// Create a new connection to the session bus.
pub fn new_session() -> Result<Self, Error> {
/// Create a new connection to the system-wide bus.
pub fn new_system() -> Result<Self, Error> {
/// Get the connection's unique name.
/// It's usually something like ":1.54"
pub fn unique_name(&self) -> BusName { }
/// Create a convenience struct for easier calling of many methods on the same destination and path.
pub fn with_proxy<'a, 'b, D: Into<BusName<'a>>, P: Into<Path<'a>>>(&'b self, dest: D, path: P, timeout: Duration) ->
Proxy<'a, &'b Self> {
Proxy { connection: self, destination: dest.into(), path: path.into(), timeout }
/// Request a name on the D-Bus.
/// For detailed information on the flags and return values, see the libdbus documentation.
pub fn request_name<'a, N: Into<BusName<'a>>>(&self, name: N, allow_replacement: bool, replace_existing: bool, do_not_queue: bool)
-> Result<org_freedesktop_dbus::RequestNameReply, Error> {
org_freedesktop_dbus::request_name(&, &name.into(), allow_replacement, replace_existing, do_not_queue)
/// Release a previously requested name on the D-Bus.
pub fn release_name<'a, N: Into<BusName<'a>>>(&self, name: N) -> Result<org_freedesktop_dbus::ReleaseNameReply, Error> {
org_freedesktop_dbus::release_name(&, &name.into())
/// Adds a new match to the connection, and sets up a callback when this message arrives.
/// If multiple [`MatchRule`]s match the same message, then by default only the first match will
/// get the callback. This behaviour can be changed for signal messages by calling
/// [`set_signal_match_mode`](Self::set_signal_match_mode).
/// The returned value can be used to remove the match. The match is also removed if the callback
/// returns "false".
pub fn add_match<S: ReadAll, F>(&self, match_rule: MatchRule<'static>, f: F) -> Result<Token, Error>
where F: FnMut(S, &Self, &Message) -> bool $(+ $ss)* + 'static {
let m = match_rule.match_str();
use channel::MatchingReceiver;
Ok(self.start_receive(match_rule, MakeSignal::make(f, m)))
/// Adds a new match to the connection, without setting up a callback when this message arrives.
pub fn add_match_no_cb(&self, match_str: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
use crate::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let proxy = stdintf::proxy(self);
/// Removes a match from the connection, without removing any callbacks.
pub fn remove_match_no_cb(&self, match_str: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
use crate::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let proxy = stdintf::proxy(self);
/// Removes a previously added match and callback from the connection.
pub fn remove_match(&self, id: Token) -> Result<(), Error> {
use channel::MatchingReceiver;
let (mr, _) = self.stop_receive(id).ok_or_else(|| Error::new_failed("No match with that id found"))?;
/// If true, configures the connection to send signal messages to all matching [`MatchRule`]
/// filters added with [`add_match`](Self::add_match) rather than just the first one. This comes
/// with the following gotchas:
/// * The messages might be duplicated, so the message serial might be lost (this is
/// generally not a problem for signals).
/// * Panicking inside a match callback might mess with other callbacks, causing them
/// to be permanently dropped.
/// * Removing other matches from inside a match callback is not supported.
/// This is false by default, for a newly-created connection.
pub fn set_signal_match_mode(&self, match_all: bool) {, Ordering::Release);
/// Tries to handle an incoming message if there is one. If there isn't one,
/// it will wait up to timeout
/// This method only takes "&self" instead of "&mut self", but it is a logic error to call
/// it recursively and might lead to panics or deadlocks.
/// For `SyncConnection`: It is also a logic error to call this method from one thread, while
/// calling this or other methods from other threads. This can lead to messages being lost.
pub fn process(&self, timeout: Duration) -> Result<bool, Error> {
if let Some(msg) = {
if self.all_signal_matches.load(Ordering::Acquire) && msg.msg_type() == MessageType::Signal {
// If it's a signal and the mode is enabled, send a copy of the message to all
// matching filters.
let matching_filters = self.filters_mut().remove_all_matching(&msg);
// `matching_filters` needs to be a separate variable and not inlined here, because
// if it's inline then the `MutexGuard` will live too long and we'll get a deadlock
// on the next call to `filters_mut()` below.
for mut ff in matching_filters {
if let Ok(copy) = msg.duplicate() {
if ff.2(copy, self) {
} else {
// Silently drop the message, but add the filter back.
} else {
// Otherwise, send the original message to only the first matching filter.
let ff = self.filters_mut().remove_first_matching(&msg);
if let Some(mut ff) = ff {
if ff.2(msg, self) {
} else if let Some(reply) = crate::channel::default_reply(&msg) {
let _ =;
} else {
/// The channel for this connection
pub fn channel(&self) -> &Channel {
impl BlockingSender for $c {
fn send_with_reply_and_block(&self, msg: Message, timeout: Duration) -> Result<Message, Error> {, timeout)
impl From<Channel> for $c {
fn from(channel: Channel) -> $c { $c {
filters: Default::default(),
all_signal_matches: AtomicBool::new(false),
} }
impl channel::Sender for $c {
fn send(&self, msg: Message) -> Result<u32, ()> { }
impl<S: ReadAll, F: FnMut(S, &$c, &Message) -> bool $(+ $ss)* + 'static> MakeSignal<$cb, S, $c> for F {
fn make(mut self, mstr: String) -> $cb {
Box::new(move |msg: Message, conn: &$c| {
if let Ok(s) = S::read(&mut msg.iter_init()) {
if self(s, conn, &msg) { return true };
let proxy = stdintf::proxy(conn);
use crate::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let _ = proxy.remove_match(&mstr);
} else { true }
impl channel::MatchingReceiver for $c {
type F = $cb;
fn start_receive(&self, m: MatchRule<'static>, f: Self::F) -> Token {
self.filters_mut().add(m, f)
fn stop_receive(&self, id: Token) -> Option<(MatchRule<'static>, Self::F)> {
connimpl!(Connection, FilterCb, Send);
connimpl!(LocalConnection, LocalFilterCb);
connimpl!(SyncConnection, SyncFilterCb, Send, Sync);
impl Connection {
fn filters_mut(&self) -> std::cell::RefMut<Filters<FilterCb>> { self.filters.borrow_mut() }
impl LocalConnection {
fn filters_mut(&self) -> std::cell::RefMut<Filters<LocalFilterCb>> { self.filters.borrow_mut() }
impl SyncConnection {
fn filters_mut(&self) -> std::sync::MutexGuard<Filters<SyncFilterCb>> { self.filters.lock().unwrap() }
/// Abstraction over different connections
pub trait BlockingSender {
/// Sends a message over the D-Bus and blocks, waiting for a reply or a timeout. This is used for method calls.
/// Note: In case of an error reply, this is returned as an Err(), not as a Ok(Message) with the error type.
fn send_with_reply_and_block(&self, msg: Message, timeout: Duration) -> Result<Message, Error>;
impl BlockingSender for Channel {
fn send_with_reply_and_block(&self, msg: Message, timeout: Duration) -> Result<Message, Error> {
Channel::send_with_reply_and_block(self, msg, timeout)
/// A struct that wraps a connection, destination and path.
/// A D-Bus "Proxy" is a client-side object that corresponds to a remote object on the server side.
/// Calling methods on the proxy object calls methods on the remote object.
/// Read more in the [D-Bus tutorial](
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Proxy<'a, C> {
/// Destination, i e what D-Bus service you're communicating with
pub destination: BusName<'a>,
/// Object path on the destination
pub path: Path<'a>,
/// Timeout for method calls
pub timeout: Duration,
/// Some way to send and/or receive messages, either blocking or non-blocking.
pub connection: C,
impl<'a, C> Proxy<'a, C> {
/// Creates a new proxy struct.
pub fn new<D: Into<BusName<'a>>, P: Into<Path<'a>>>(dest: D, path: P, timeout: Duration, connection: C) -> Self {
Proxy { destination: dest.into(), path: path.into(), timeout, connection }
impl<'a, T: BlockingSender, C: std::ops::Deref<Target=T>> Proxy<'a, C> {
// impl<'a, S: std::convert::AsRef<channel::Sender>> Proxy<'a, S> {
/// Make a method call using typed input and output arguments, then block waiting for a reply.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use dbus::blocking::{Connection, Proxy};
/// let conn = Connection::new_session()?;
/// let proxy = Proxy::new("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/", std::time::Duration::from_millis(5000), &conn);
/// let (has_owner,): (bool,) = proxy.method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameHasOwner", ("",))?;
/// assert_eq!(has_owner, false);
/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
pub fn method_call<'i, 'm, R: ReadAll, A: AppendAll, I: Into<Interface<'i>>, M: Into<Member<'m>>>(&self, i: I, m: M, args: A) -> Result<R, Error> {
let mut msg = Message::method_call(&self.destination, &self.path, &i.into(), &m.into());
args.append(&mut IterAppend::new(&mut msg));
let r = self.connection.send_with_reply_and_block(msg, self.timeout)?;
Ok(R::read(&mut r.iter_init())?)
/// Starts matching incoming messages on this destination and path.
/// For matching signals, match_signal might be more convenient.
/// The match rule will be modified to include this path and destination only.
/// If call_add_match is true, will notify the D-Bus server that matching should start.
pub fn match_start(&self, mut mr: MatchRule<'static>, call_add_match: bool, f: <T as channel::MatchingReceiver>::F)
-> Result<Token, Error>
where T: channel::MatchingReceiver {
mr.path = Some(self.path.clone().into_static());
mr.sender = Some(self.destination.clone().into_static());
if call_add_match {
use crate::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let proxy = stdintf::proxy(&*self.connection);
Ok(self.connection.start_receive(mr, f))
/// Stops matching a signal added with match_start or match_signal.
/// If call_remove_match is true, will notify the D-Bus server that matching should stop,
/// this should be true in case match_signal was used.
pub fn match_stop(&self, id: Token, call_remove_match: bool) -> Result<(), Error>
where T: channel::MatchingReceiver {
if let Some((mr, _)) = self.connection.stop_receive(id) {
if call_remove_match {
use crate::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop::DBus;
let proxy = stdintf::proxy(&*self.connection);
/// Sets up an incoming signal match, that calls the supplied callback every time the signal is received.
/// The returned value can be used to remove the match. The match is also removed if the callback
/// returns "false".
pub fn match_signal<S: SignalArgs + ReadAll, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<Token, Error>
where T: channel::MatchingReceiver,
F: MakeSignal<<T as channel::MatchingReceiver>::F, S, T>
let mr = S::match_rule(Some(&self.destination), Some(&self.path)).static_clone();
let ff = f.make(mr.match_str());
self.match_start(mr, true, ff)
/// Internal helper trait
pub trait MakeSignal<G, S, T> {
/// Internal helper trait
fn make(self, mstr: String) -> G;
fn test_add_match() {
use self::stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus::PropertiesPropertiesChanged as Ppc;
let c = Connection::new_session().unwrap();
let x = c.add_match(Ppc::match_rule(None, None), |_: Ppc, _, _| { true }).unwrap();
fn test_conn_send_sync() {
fn is_send<T: Send>(_: &T) {}
fn is_sync<T: Sync>(_: &T) {}
let c = SyncConnection::new_session().unwrap();
let c = Connection::new_session().unwrap();
fn test_peer() {
let c = Connection::new_session().unwrap();
let c_name = c.unique_name().into_static();
use std::sync::Arc;
let done = Arc::new(false);
let d2 = done.clone();
let j = std::thread::spawn(move || {
let c2 = Connection::new_session().unwrap();
let proxy = c2.with_proxy(c_name, "/", Duration::from_secs(5));
let (s2,): (String,) = proxy.method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", "GetMachineId", ()).unwrap();
println!("{}", s2);
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&d2), 2);
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&done), 2);
for _ in 0..30 {
if Arc::strong_count(&done) < 2 { break; }
let s2 = j.join().unwrap();
let proxy = c.with_proxy("org.a11y.Bus", "/org/a11y/bus", Duration::from_secs(5));
let (s1,): (String,) = proxy.method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", "GetMachineId", ()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s1, s2);