Revision control

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use super::{Connection, Message, MessageItem, Error, TypeSig};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// a Method has a list of Arguments.
pub struct Argument<'a> {
name: &'a str,
sig: TypeSig<'a>,
impl<'a> Argument<'a> {
/// Create a new Argument.
pub fn new<T: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(name: &'a str, sig: T) -> Argument<'a> {
Argument { name: name, sig: sig.into() }
struct Annotation {
name: String,
value: String,
struct ISignal<'a> {
args: Vec<Argument<'a>>,
anns: Vec<Annotation>,
/// Declares that an Interface can send this signal
pub struct Signal<'a> {
name: String,
i: ISignal<'a>,
impl<'a> Signal<'a> {
/// Create a new Signal.
pub fn new<N: ToString>(name: N, args: Vec<Argument<'a>>) -> Signal<'a> {
Signal { name: name.to_string(), i: ISignal { args: args, anns: vec![] } }
/// Add an Annotation to the Signal.
pub fn annotate<N: ToString, V: ToString>(&mut self, name: N, value: V) {
self.i.anns.push(Annotation { name: name.to_string(), value: value.to_string() });
/// A method returns either a list of MessageItems, or an error - the tuple
/// represents the name and message of the Error.
pub type MethodResult = Result<Vec<MessageItem>, (&'static str, String)>;
/// Contains the retrieved MessageItem or an error tuple containing the
/// name and message of the error.
pub type PropertyGetResult = Result<MessageItem, (&'static str, String)>;
/// Contains () or an error tuple containing the name and message of
/// the error.
pub type PropertySetResult = Result<(), (&'static str, String)>;
/// A boxed closure for dynamic dispatch. It is called when the method is
/// called by a remote application.
pub type MethodHandler<'a> = Box<FnMut(&mut Message) -> MethodResult + 'a>;
struct IMethod<'a> {
in_args: Vec<Argument<'a>>,
out_args: Vec<Argument<'a>>,
cb: Rc<RefCell<MethodHandler<'a>>>,
anns: Vec<Annotation>,
/// a method that can be called from another application
pub struct Method<'a> {
name: String,
i: IMethod<'a>
impl<'a> Method<'a> {
/// Create a new Method.
#[deprecated(note="please use `tree` module instead")]
pub fn new<N: ToString>(name: N, in_args: Vec<Argument<'a>>,
out_args: Vec<Argument<'a>>, cb: MethodHandler<'a>) -> Method<'a> {
Method { name: name.to_string(), i: IMethod {
in_args: in_args, out_args: out_args, cb: Rc::new(RefCell::new(cb)), anns: vec![] }
/// Add an Annotation to the Method.
pub fn annotate<N: ToString, V: ToString>(&mut self, name: N, value: V) {
self.i.anns.push(Annotation { name: name.to_string(), value: value.to_string() });
/// A read/write property handler.
pub trait PropertyRWHandler {
/// Get a property's value.
fn get(&self) -> PropertyGetResult;
/// Set a property's value.
fn set(&self, &MessageItem) -> PropertySetResult;
/// A read-only property handler.
pub trait PropertyROHandler {
/// Get a property's value.
fn get(&self) -> PropertyGetResult;
/// A write-only property handler.
pub trait PropertyWOHandler {
/// Set a property's value.
fn set(&self, &MessageItem) -> PropertySetResult;
/// Types of access to a Property.
pub enum PropertyAccess<'a> {
struct IProperty<'a> {
sig: TypeSig<'a>,
access: PropertyAccess<'a>,
anns: Vec<Annotation>,
/// Properties that a remote application can get/set.
pub struct Property<'a> {
name: String,
i: IProperty<'a>
impl<'a> Property<'a> {
fn new<N: ToString>(name: N, sig: TypeSig<'a>, a: PropertyAccess<'a>) -> Property<'a> {
Property { name: name.to_string(), i: IProperty { sig: sig, access: a, anns: vec![] } }
/// Creates a new read-only Property
pub fn new_ro<N: ToString>(name: N, sig: TypeSig<'a>, h: Box<PropertyROHandler+'a>) -> Property<'a> {
Property::new(name, sig, PropertyAccess::RO(h))
/// Creates a new read-write Property
pub fn new_rw<N: ToString>(name: N, sig: TypeSig<'a>, h: Box<PropertyRWHandler+'a>) -> Property<'a> {
Property::new(name, sig, PropertyAccess::RW(h))
/// Creates a new write-only Property
pub fn new_wo<N: ToString>(name: N, sig: TypeSig<'a>, h: Box<PropertyWOHandler+'a>) -> Property<'a> {
Property::new(name, sig, PropertyAccess::WO(h))
/// Add an annotation to the Property
pub fn annotate<N: ToString, V: ToString>(&mut self, name: N, value: V) {
self.i.anns.push(Annotation { name: name.to_string(), value: value.to_string() })
/// Interfaces can contain Methods, Properties, and Signals.
pub struct Interface<'a> {
methods: BTreeMap<String, IMethod<'a>>,
properties: BTreeMap<String, IProperty<'a>>,
signals: BTreeMap<String, ISignal<'a>>,
impl<'a> Interface<'a> {
/// Create a new Interface.
#[deprecated(note="please use `tree` module instead")]
pub fn new(m: Vec<Method<'a>>, p: Vec<Property<'a>>, s: Vec<Signal<'a>>) -> Interface<'a> {
Interface {
methods: m.into_iter().map(|m| (, m.i)).collect(),
properties: p.into_iter().map(|p| (, p.i)).collect(),
signals: s.into_iter().map(|s| (, s.i)).collect(),
struct IObjectPath<'a> {
conn: &'a Connection,
path: String,
registered: Cell<bool>,
interfaces: RefCell<BTreeMap<String, Interface<'a>>>,
/// Represents a D-Bus object path, which can in turn contain Interfaces.
pub struct ObjectPath<'a> {
// We need extra references for the introspector and property handlers, hence this extra boxing
i: Rc<IObjectPath<'a>>,
impl<'a> Drop for ObjectPath<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.i.set_registered(false);
self.i.interfaces.borrow_mut().clear(); // This should remove all the other references to i
fn introspect_args(args: &Vec<Argument>, indent: &str, dir: &str) -> String {
args.iter().fold("".to_string(), |aa, az| {
format!("{}{}<arg name=\"{}\" type=\"{}\"{}/>\n", aa, indent,, az.sig, dir)
fn introspect_anns(anns: &Vec<Annotation>, indent: &str) -> String {
anns.iter().fold("".to_string(), |aa, az| {
format!("{}{}<annotation name=\"{}\" value=\"{}\"/>\n", aa, indent,, az.value)
fn introspect_map<T, C: Fn(&T) -> (String, String)>
(h: &BTreeMap<String, T>, name: &str, indent: &str, func: C) -> String {
h.iter().fold("".to_string(), |a, (k, v)| {
let (params, contents) = func(v);
format!("{}{}<{} name=\"{}\"{}{}>\n",
a, indent, name, k, params, if contents.len() > 0 {
format!(">\n{}{}</{}", contents, indent, name)
else { format!("/") }
impl<'a> IObjectPath<'a> {
fn set_registered(&self, register: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
if register == self.registered.get() { return Ok(()) };
if register {
} else {
fn introspect(&self, _: &mut Message) -> MethodResult {
let ifacestr = introspect_map(&self.interfaces.borrow(), "interface", " ", |iv|
(format!(""), format!("{}{}{}",
introspect_map(&iv.methods, "method", " ", |m| (format!(""), format!("{}{}{}",
introspect_args(&m.in_args, " ", " direction=\"in\""),
introspect_args(&m.out_args, " ", " direction=\"out\""),
introspect_anns(&m.anns, " ")
introspect_map(&, "property", " ", |p| (
format!(" type=\"{}\" access=\"{}\"", p.sig, match p.access {
PropertyAccess::RO(_) => "read",
PropertyAccess::RW(_) => "readwrite",
PropertyAccess::WO(_) => "write",
introspect_anns(&p.anns, " ")
introspect_map(&iv.signals, "signal", " ", |s| (format!(""), format!("{}{}",
introspect_args(&s.args, " ", ""),
introspect_anns(&s.anns, " ")
let childstr = self.conn.list_registered_object_paths(&self.path).iter().fold("".to_string(), |na, n|
format!(r##"{} <node name="{}"/>
"##, na, n)
let nodestr = format!(r##"<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "">
<node name="{}">
{}{}</node>"##, self.path, ifacestr, childstr);
fn property_get(&self, msg: &mut Message) -> MethodResult {
let items = msg.get_items();
let iface_name = try!(parse_msg_str(items.get(0)));
let prop_name = try!(parse_msg_str(items.get(1)));
let is = self.interfaces.borrow();
let i = try!(is.get(iface_name).ok_or_else(||
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface", format!("Unknown interface {}", iface_name))));
let p = try!(||
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty", format!("Unknown property {}", prop_name))));
let v = try!(match p.access {
PropertyAccess::RO(ref cb) => cb.get(),
PropertyAccess::RW(ref cb) => cb.get(),
PropertyAccess::WO(_) => {
return Err(("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed", format!("Property {} is write only", prop_name)))
fn property_getall(&self, msg: &mut Message) -> MethodResult {
let items = msg.get_items();
let iface_name = try!(parse_msg_str(items.get(0)));
let is = self.interfaces.borrow();
let i = try!(is.get(iface_name).ok_or_else(||
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface", format!("Unknown interface {}", iface_name))));
let mut result = Vec::new();
result.push(try!(MessageItem::from_dict(|(pname, pv)| {
let v = match pv.access {
PropertyAccess::RO(ref cb) => cb.get(),
PropertyAccess::RW(ref cb) => cb.get(),
PropertyAccess::WO(_) => { return None }
Some(|vv| (pname.clone(),vv)))
fn property_set(&self, msg: &mut Message) -> MethodResult {
let items = msg.get_items();
let iface_name = try!(parse_msg_str(items.get(0)));
let prop_name = try!(parse_msg_str(items.get(1)));
let value = try!(parse_msg_variant(items.get(2)));
let is = self.interfaces.borrow();
let i = try!(is.get(iface_name).ok_or_else(||
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface", format!("Unknown interface {}", iface_name))));
let p = try!(||
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty", format!("Unknown property {}", prop_name))));
try!(match p.access {
PropertyAccess::WO(ref cb) => cb.set(value),
PropertyAccess::RW(ref cb) => cb.set(value),
PropertyAccess::RO(_) => {
return Err(("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnly", format!("Property {} is read only", prop_name)))
fn parse_msg_str(a: Option<&MessageItem>) -> Result<&str,(&'static str, String)> {
let name = try!(a.ok_or_else(|| ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", format!("Invalid argument {:?}", a))));
name.inner().map_err(|_| ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", format!("Invalid argument {:?}", a)))
fn parse_msg_variant(a: Option<&MessageItem>) -> Result<&MessageItem,(&'static str, String)> {
let name = try!(a.ok_or_else(|| ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", format!("Invalid argument {:?}", a))));
name.inner().map_err(|_| ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", format!("Invalid argument {:?}", a)))
impl PropertyROHandler for MessageItem {
fn get(&self) -> PropertyGetResult {
impl<'a> ObjectPath<'a> {
/// Create a new ObjectPath.
#[deprecated(note="please use `tree` module instead")]
pub fn new(conn: &'a Connection, path: &str, introspectable: bool) -> ObjectPath<'a> {
let i = IObjectPath {
conn: conn,
path: path.to_string(),
registered: Cell::new(false),
interfaces: RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new()),
let mut o = ObjectPath { i: Rc::new(i) };
if introspectable {
let o_cl = o.i.clone();
let i = Interface::new(vec!(
Method::new("Introspect", vec!(), vec!(Argument::new("xml_data", "s")),
Box::new(move |m| { o_cl.introspect(m) }))), vec!(), vec!());
o.insert_interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", i);
fn add_property_handler(&mut self) {
if self.i.interfaces.borrow().contains_key("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") { return };
let (cl1, cl2, cl3) = (self.i.clone(), self.i.clone(), self.i.clone());
let i = Interface::new(vec!(
vec!(Argument::new("interface_name", "s"), Argument::new("property_name", "s")),
vec!(Argument::new("value", "v")),
Box::new(move |m| cl1.property_get(m))),
vec!(Argument::new("interface_name", "s")),
vec!(Argument::new("props", "a{sv}")),
Box::new(move |m| cl2.property_getall(m))),
vec!(Argument::new("interface_name", "s"), Argument::new("property_name", "s"),
Argument::new("value", "v")),
Box::new(move |m| cl3.property_set(m)))),
vec!(), vec!());
self.insert_interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", i);
/// Add an Interface to this ObjectPath.
pub fn insert_interface<N: ToString>(&mut self, name: N, i: Interface<'a>) {
if ! {
self.i.interfaces.borrow_mut().insert(name.to_string(), i);
/// Returns if the ObjectPath is registered.
pub fn is_registered(&self) -> bool {
/// Changes the registration status of the ObjectPath.
pub fn set_registered(&mut self, register: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Handles a method call if the object path matches.
/// Return value: None => not handled (no match),
/// Some(Err(())) => message reply send failed,
/// Some(Ok()) => message reply send ok */
pub fn handle_message(&mut self, msg: &mut Message) -> Option<Result<(), ()>> {
let (_, path, iface, method) = msg.headers();
if path.is_none() || path.unwrap() != self.i.path { return None; }
if iface.is_none() { return None; }
let method = {
// This is because we don't want to hold the refcell lock when we call the
// callback - maximum flexibility for clients.
if let Some(i) = self.i.interfaces.borrow().get(&iface.unwrap()) {
if let Some(Some(m)) =|m| i.methods.get(&m)) {
} else {
return Some(self.i.conn.send(Message::new_error(
msg, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod", "Unknown method").unwrap()).map(|_| ()));
} else {
return Some(self.i.conn.send(Message::new_error(msg,
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface", "Unknown interface").unwrap()).map(|_| ()));
let r = {
// Now call it
let mut m = method.borrow_mut();
(&mut **m)(msg)
let reply = match r {
Ok(r) => {
let mut z = Message::new_method_return(msg).unwrap();
Err((aa,bb)) => Message::new_error(msg, aa, &bb).unwrap(),
Some(self.i.conn.send(reply).map(|_| ()))
fn make_objpath<'a>(c: &'a Connection) -> ObjectPath<'a> {
let mut o = ObjectPath::new(c, "/echo", true);
o.insert_interface("com.example.echo", Interface::new(
vec!(Argument::new("request", "s")),
vec!(Argument::new("reply", "s")), Box::new(|_| { Err(("dummy", "dummy".to_string())) } ))),
vec!(Property::new_ro("EchoCount", MessageItem::Int32(7).type_sig(), Box::new(MessageItem::Int32(7)))),
vec!(Signal::new("Echoed", vec!(Argument::new("data", "s"))))));
fn test_objpath() {
let c = Connection::get_private(super::BusType::Session).unwrap();
let mut o = make_objpath(&c);
let busname = format!("com.example.objpath.test.test_objpath");
assert_eq!(c.register_name(&busname, super::NameFlag::ReplaceExisting as u32).unwrap(), super::RequestNameReply::PrimaryOwner);
let thread = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let c = Connection::get_private(super::BusType::Session).unwrap();
let pr = super::Props::new(&c, &*busname, "/echo", "com.example.echo", 5000);
assert_eq!(pr.get("EchoCount").unwrap(), 7i32.into());
let m = pr.get_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(m.get("EchoCount").unwrap(), &7i32.into());
let mut i = 0;
for n in c.iter(1000) {
println!("objpath msg {:?}", n);
if let super::ConnectionItem::MethodCall(mut m) = n {
if let Some(msg) = o.handle_message(&mut m) {
i += 1;
if i >= 2 { break };
/// Currently commented out because it requires feature(alloc)
fn test_refcount() {
let c = Connection::get_private(super::BusType::Session).unwrap();
let i = {
let o = make_objpath(&c);
fn test_introspect() {
let c = Connection::get_private(super::BusType::Session).unwrap();
let mut o = make_objpath(&c);
let mut o2 = ObjectPath::new(&c, "/echo/subpath", true);
let mut msg = Message::new_method_call("com.example.echoserver", "/echo", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", "Introspect").unwrap();
println!("Introspect result: {}", parse_msg_str(o.i.introspect(&mut msg).unwrap().get(0)).unwrap());
let result = r##"<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "">
<node name="/echo">
<interface name="com.example.echo">
<method name="Echo">
<arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="reply" type="s" direction="out"/>
<property name="EchoCount" type="i" access="read"/>
<signal name="Echoed">
<arg name="data" type="s"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
<method name="Introspect">
<arg name="xml_data" type="s" direction="out"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties">
<method name="Get">
<arg name="interface_name" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="property_name" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="value" type="v" direction="out"/>
<method name="GetAll">
<arg name="interface_name" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="props" type="a{sv}" direction="out"/>
<method name="Set">
<arg name="interface_name" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="property_name" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="value" type="v" direction="in"/>
<node name="subpath"/>
assert_eq!(result, parse_msg_str(o.i.introspect(&mut msg).unwrap().get(0)).unwrap());