Revision control

Copy as Markdown

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use {Signature, Message, arg::TypeMismatchError};
use std::{fmt, any};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::{Iter, IterAppend, ArgType};
/// Types that can represent a D-Bus message argument implement this trait.
/// Types should also implement either Append or Get to be useful.
pub trait Arg {
/// The corresponding D-Bus argument type code.
const ARG_TYPE: ArgType;
/// The corresponding D-Bus argument type code; just returns ARG_TYPE.
/// For backwards compatibility.
#[deprecated(note = "Use associated constant ARG_TYPE instead")]
fn arg_type() -> ArgType { return Self::ARG_TYPE; }
/// The corresponding D-Bus type signature for this type.
fn signature() -> Signature<'static>;
/// Types that can be appended to a message as arguments implement this trait.
pub trait Append: Sized {
/// Performs the append operation.
fn append(self, &mut IterAppend);
/// Helper trait to append many arguments to a message.
pub trait AppendAll: Sized {
/// Performs the append operation.
fn append(self, &mut IterAppend);
/// Types that can be retrieved from a message as arguments implement this trait.
pub trait Get<'a>: Sized {
/// Performs the get operation.
fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option<Self>;
/// Helper trait to read all arguments from a message.
pub trait ReadAll: Sized {
/// Performs the read operation.
fn read(i: &mut Iter) -> Result<Self, TypeMismatchError>;
/// Object safe version of Arg + Append + Get.
pub trait RefArg: fmt::Debug {
/// The corresponding D-Bus argument type code.
fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType;
/// The corresponding D-Bus type signature for this type.
fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static>;
/// Performs the append operation.
fn append(&self, &mut IterAppend);
/// Transforms this argument to Any (which can be downcasted to read the current value).
/// Note: The internal representation of complex types (Array, Dict, Struct) is unstable
/// and as_any should not be relied upon for these types. Use as_iter instead.
fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static;
/// Transforms this argument to Any (which can be downcasted to read the current value).
/// Note: The internal representation of complex types (Array, Dict, Struct) is unstable
/// and as_any should not be relied upon for these types. Use as_iter instead.
/// # Panic
/// Will panic if the interior cannot be made mutable, e g, if encapsulated
/// inside a Rc with a reference count > 1.
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static;
/// Try to read the argument as an i64.
/// Works for: Boolean, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UnixFd.
fn as_i64(&self) -> Option<i64> { None }
/// Try to read the argument as an u64.
/// Works for: Boolean, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, UInt64.
fn as_u64(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
/// Try to read the argument as an f64.
/// Works for: Boolean, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Double.
fn as_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> { None }
/// Try to read the argument as a str.
/// Works for: String, ObjectPath, Signature.
fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> { None }
/// Try to read the argument as an iterator.
/// Works for: Array/Dict, Struct, Variant.
fn as_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<Box<Iterator<Item=&'a RefArg> + 'a>> { None }
/// Deep clone of the RefArg, causing the result to be 'static.
/// Usable as an escape hatch in case of lifetime problems with RefArg.
/// In case of complex types (Array, Dict, Struct), the clone is not guaranteed
/// to have the same internal representation as the original.
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<RefArg + 'static> { unimplemented!() /* Needed for backwards comp */ }
impl<'a> Get<'a> for Box<RefArg> {
fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option<Self> { i.get_refarg() }
/// Cast a RefArg as a specific type (shortcut for any + downcast)
pub fn cast<'a, T: 'static>(a: &'a (RefArg + 'static)) -> Option<&'a T> { a.as_any().downcast_ref() }
/// Cast a RefArg as a specific type (shortcut for any_mut + downcast_mut)
/// # Panic
/// Will panic if the interior cannot be made mutable, e g, if encapsulated
/// inside a Rc with a reference count > 1.
pub fn cast_mut<'a, T: 'static>(a: &'a mut (RefArg + 'static)) -> Option<&'a mut T> { a.as_any_mut().downcast_mut() }
/// If a type implements this trait, it means the size and alignment is the same
/// as in D-Bus. This means that you can quickly append and get slices of this type.
/// Note: Booleans do not implement this trait because D-Bus booleans are 4 bytes and Rust booleans are 1 byte.
pub unsafe trait FixedArray: Arg + 'static + Clone + Copy {}
/// Types that can be used as keys in a dict type implement this trait.
pub trait DictKey: Arg {}
/// Simple lift over reference to value - this makes some iterators more ergonomic to use
impl<'a, T: Arg> Arg for &'a T {
const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = T::ARG_TYPE;
fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { T::signature() }
impl<'a, T: Append + Clone> Append for &'a T {
fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { self.clone().append(i) }
impl<'a, T: DictKey> DictKey for &'a T {}
impl<'a, T: RefArg + ?Sized> RefArg for &'a T {
fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { (&**self).arg_type() }
fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { (&**self).signature() }
fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { (&**self).append(i) }
fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where T: 'static { (&**self).as_any() }
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where T: 'static { unreachable!() }
fn as_i64(&self) -> Option<i64> { (&**self).as_i64() }
fn as_u64(&self) -> Option<u64> { (&**self).as_u64() }
fn as_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> { (&**self).as_f64() }
fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> { (&**self).as_str() }
fn as_iter<'b>(&'b self) -> Option<Box<Iterator<Item=&'b RefArg> + 'b>> { (&**self).as_iter() }
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<RefArg + 'static> { (&**self).box_clone() }
macro_rules! deref_impl {
($t: ident, $ss: ident, $make_mut: expr) => {
impl<T: RefArg + ?Sized> RefArg for $t<T> {
fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { (&**self).arg_type() }
fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { (&**self).signature() }
fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { (&**self).append(i) }
fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where T: 'static { (&**self).as_any() }
fn as_any_mut<'a>(&'a mut $ss) -> &'a mut any::Any where T: 'static { $make_mut.as_any_mut() }
fn as_i64(&self) -> Option<i64> { (&**self).as_i64() }
fn as_u64(&self) -> Option<u64> { (&**self).as_u64() }
fn as_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> { (&**self).as_f64() }
fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> { (&**self).as_str() }
fn as_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<Box<Iterator<Item=&'a RefArg> + 'a>> { (&**self).as_iter() }
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<RefArg + 'static> { (&**self).box_clone() }
impl<T: DictKey> DictKey for $t<T> {}
impl<T: Arg> Arg for $t<T> {
const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = T::ARG_TYPE;
fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { T::signature() }
impl<'a, T: Get<'a>> Get<'a> for $t<T> {
fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option<Self> { T::get(i).map(|v| $t::new(v)) }
impl<T: Append> Append for Box<T> {
fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let q: T = *self; q.append(i) }
deref_impl!(Box, self, &mut **self );
deref_impl!(Rc, self, Rc::get_mut(self).unwrap());
deref_impl!(Arc, self, Arc::get_mut(self).unwrap());
/// Internal trait to help generics. Implemented for (), (A1), (A1, A2) and so on (where A1: Arg, A2: Arg etc).
/// You would probably not use this trait directly, instead use generic functions which
/// take ArgBuilder as an argument. It helps reading and appending multiple arguments
/// to/from a message in one go.
pub trait ArgBuilder: Sized {
/// A tuple of &static str. Used for introspection.
type strs;
/// Low-level introspection helper method.
fn strs_sig<F: FnMut(&'static str, Signature<'static>)>(a: Self::strs, f: F);
/// Low-level method to read arguments from a message.
fn read(msg: &Message) -> Result<Self, TypeMismatchError>;
/// Low-level method to append arguments to a message.
fn append(self, msg: &mut Message);
impl ArgBuilder for () {
type strs = ();
fn strs_sig<F: FnMut(&'static str, Signature<'static>)>(_: Self::strs, _: F) {}
fn read(_: &Message) -> Result<Self, TypeMismatchError> { Ok(()) }
fn append(self, _: &mut Message) {}
macro_rules! argbuilder_impl {
($($n: ident $t: ident $s: ty,)+) => {
impl<$($t: Arg + Append + for<'z> Get<'z>),*> ArgBuilder for ($($t,)*) {
type strs = ($(&'static $s,)*);
fn strs_sig<Q: FnMut(&'static str, Signature<'static>)>(z: Self::strs, mut q: Q) {
let ( $($n,)*) = z;
$( q($n, $t::signature()); )*
fn read(msg: &Message) -> Result<Self, TypeMismatchError> {
let mut ii = msg.iter_init();
$( let $n =; )*
Ok(($( $n, )* ))
fn append(self, msg: &mut Message) {
let ( $($n,)*) = self;
let mut ia = IterAppend::new(msg);
$( ia.append($n); )*
impl<$($t: Append),*> AppendAll for ($($t,)*) {
fn append(self, ia: &mut IterAppend) {
let ( $($n,)*) = self;
$( ia.append($n); )*
impl<$($t: Arg + for<'z> Get<'z>),*> ReadAll for ($($t,)*) {
fn read(ii: &mut Iter) -> Result<Self, TypeMismatchError> {
$( let $n =; )*
Ok(($( $n, )* ))
argbuilder_impl!(a A str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str, e E str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str, e E str, f F str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str, e E str, f F str, g G str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str, e E str, f F str, g G str, h H str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str, e E str, f F str, g G str, h H str, i I str,);
argbuilder_impl!(a A str, b B str, c C str, d D str, e E str, f F str, g G str, h H str, i I str, j J str,);
mod test {
extern crate tempdir;
use {Connection, ConnectionItem, Message, BusType, Path, Signature};
use arg::{Array, Variant, Dict, Iter, ArgType, TypeMismatchError, RefArg, cast};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn refarg() {
let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let m = Message::new_method_call(&c.unique_name(), "/mooh", "com.example.hello", "Hello").unwrap();
let mut vv: Vec<Variant<Box<RefArg>>> = vec!();
vv.push(Variant(Box::new(String::from("Hello world"))));
let m = m.append_ref(&vv);
let (f1, f2) = (false, 7u64);
let mut v: Vec<&RefArg> = vec!();
let m = m.append_ref(&v);
let vi32 = vec![7i32, 9i32];
let vstr: Vec<String> = ["This", "is", "dbus", "rs"].iter().map(|&s| s.into()).collect();
let m = m.append_ref(&[&vi32 as &RefArg, &vstr as &RefArg]);
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(true, String::from("Yes"));
map.insert(false, String::from("No"));
let m = m.append_ref(&[&map as &RefArg, &1.5f64 as &RefArg]);
for n in c.iter(1000) {
if let ConnectionItem::MethodCall(m) = n {
let rv: Vec<Box<RefArg + 'static>> = m.iter_init().collect();
println!("Receiving {:?}", rv);
let rv0: &Variant<Box<RefArg>> = cast(&rv[0]).unwrap();
let rv00: &i32 = cast(&rv0.0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(rv00, &5i32);
assert_eq!(Some(&false), rv[2].as_any().downcast_ref::<bool>());
assert_eq!(Some(&vi32), rv[4].as_any().downcast_ref::<Vec<i32>>());
assert_eq!(Some(&vstr), rv[5].as_any().downcast_ref::<Vec<String>>());
let mut diter = rv[6].as_iter().unwrap();
let mut mmap: HashMap<bool, String> = HashMap::new();
while let Some(k) = {
let x: String =;
mmap.insert(*cast::<bool>(&k.box_clone()).unwrap(), x);
assert_eq!(mmap[&true], "Yes");
let mut iter = rv[6].as_iter().unwrap();
assert!(rv[7].as_f64().unwrap() > 1.0);
assert!(rv[7].as_f64().unwrap() < 2.0);
fn message_types() {
let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let m = Message::new_method_call(&c.unique_name(), "/hello", "com.example.hello", "Hello").unwrap();
let m = m.append1(2000u16);
let m = m.append1(Array::new(&vec![129u8, 5, 254]));
let m = m.append2(Variant(&["Hello", "world"][..]), &[32768u16, 16u16, 12u16][..]);
let m = m.append3(-1i32, &*format!("Hello world"), -3.14f64);
let m = m.append1((256i16, Variant(18_446_744_073_709_551_615u64)));
let m = m.append2(Path::new("/a/valid/path").unwrap(), Signature::new("a{sv}").unwrap());
let mut z = HashMap::new();
z.insert(123543u32, true);
z.insert(0u32, false);
let m = m.append1(Dict::new(&z));
let sending = format!("{:?}", m.iter_init());
println!("Sending {}", sending);
for n in c.iter(1000) {
match n {
ConnectionItem::MethodCall(m) => {
use super::Arg;
let receiving = format!("{:?}", m.iter_init());
println!("Receiving {}", receiving);
assert_eq!(sending, receiving);
assert_eq!(2000u16, m.get1().unwrap());
assert_eq!(m.get2(), (Some(2000u16), Some(&[129u8, 5, 254][..])));
assert_eq!(m.read2::<u16, bool>().unwrap_err(),
TypeMismatchError { position: 1, found: ArgType::Array, expected: ArgType::Boolean });
let mut g = m.iter_init();
let e =<u32>().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(e.pos(), 0);
assert_eq!(e.expected_arg_type(), ArgType::UInt32);
assert_eq!(e.found_arg_type(), ArgType::UInt16);
assert!( &&;
let v: Variant<Iter> = g.get().unwrap();
let mut viter = v.0;
assert_eq!(viter.arg_type(), Array::<&str,()>::ARG_TYPE);
let a: Array<&str, _> = viter.get().unwrap();
assert_eq!(a.collect::<Vec<&str>>(), vec!["Hello", "world"]);
assert_eq!(g.get::<u16>(), None); // It's an array, not a single u16
assert!( && && &&;
assert_eq!(g.get(), Some((256i16, Variant(18_446_744_073_709_551_615u64))));
assert_eq!(g.get(), Some(Path::new("/a/valid/path").unwrap()));
assert_eq!(g.get(), Some(Signature::new("a{sv}").unwrap()));
let d: Dict<u32, bool, _> = g.get().unwrap();
let z2: HashMap<_, _> = d.collect();
assert_eq!(z, z2);
_ => println!("Got {:?}", n),