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extern crate core_foundation;
extern crate coremidi;
use coremidi::{Client, Notification};
use core_foundation::runloop::{kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, CFRunLoopRunInMode};
fn main() {
println!("Logging MIDI Client Notifications");
println!("Will Quit Automatically After 10 Seconds");
let _client = Client::new_with_notifications("example-client", print_notification).unwrap();
// notifications will be delivered on the run loop that was current when
// Client was created.
// In order to actually receive the notifications, a run loop must be
// running. Since this sample app does not use an app framework like
// UIApplication or NSApplication, it does not have a run loop running yet.
// So we start one that lasts for 10 seconds with the following line.
// for information about when run loops are running automatically.
unsafe { CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 10.0, 0) };
fn print_notification(notification: &Notification) {
println!("Received Notification: {:?} \r", notification);