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// Copyright 2013 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use crate::line::CTLine;
use core_foundation::array::{CFArray, CFArrayRef};
use core_foundation::base::{CFRange, CFTypeID, TCFType};
use core_graphics::context::{CGContext, CGContextRef};
use core_graphics::geometry::CGPoint;
use core_graphics::path::{CGPath, SysCGPathRef};
use foreign_types::{ForeignType, ForeignTypeRef};
use std::os::raw::c_void;
pub struct __CTFrame(c_void);
pub type CTFrameRef = *const __CTFrame;
declare_TCFType! {
CTFrame, CTFrameRef
impl_TCFType!(CTFrame, CTFrameRef, CTFrameGetTypeID);
impl CTFrame {
/// The `CGPath` used to create this `CTFrame`.
pub fn get_path(&self) -> CGPath {
unsafe { CGPath::from_ptr(CTFrameGetPath(self.as_concrete_TypeRef())).clone() }
/// Returns an owned copy of the underlying lines.
/// Each line is retained, and will remain valid past the life of this `CTFrame`.
pub fn get_lines(&self) -> Vec<CTLine> {
unsafe {
let array_ref = CTFrameGetLines(self.as_concrete_TypeRef());
let array: CFArray<CTLine> = CFArray::wrap_under_get_rule(array_ref);
.map(|l| CTLine::wrap_under_get_rule(l.as_concrete_TypeRef()))
/// Return the origin of each line in a given range.
/// If no range is provided, returns the origin of each line in the frame.
/// If the length of the range is 0, returns the origin of all lines from
/// the range's start to the end.
/// The origin is the position relative to the path used to create this `CTFFrame`;
/// to get the path use [`get_path`].
/// [`get_path`]: #method.get_path
pub fn get_line_origins(&self, range: impl Into<Option<CFRange>>) -> Vec<CGPoint> {
let range = range.into().unwrap_or_else(|| CFRange::init(0, 0));
let len = match range.length {
// range length of 0 means 'all remaining lines'
0 => unsafe {
let array_ref = CTFrameGetLines(self.as_concrete_TypeRef());
let array: CFArray<CTLine> = CFArray::wrap_under_get_rule(array_ref);
array.len() - range.location
n => n,
let len = len.max(0) as usize;
let mut out = vec![CGPoint::new(0., 0.); len];
unsafe {
CTFrameGetLineOrigins(self.as_concrete_TypeRef(), range, out.as_mut_ptr());
pub fn draw(&self, context: &CGContextRef) {
unsafe {
CTFrameDraw(self.as_concrete_TypeRef(), context.as_ptr());
#[link(name = "CoreText", kind = "framework")]
extern "C" {
fn CTFrameGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID;
fn CTFrameGetLines(frame: CTFrameRef) -> CFArrayRef;
fn CTFrameDraw(frame: CTFrameRef, context: *mut <CGContext as ForeignType>::CType);
fn CTFrameGetLineOrigins(frame: CTFrameRef, range: CFRange, origins: *mut CGPoint);
fn CTFrameGetPath(frame: CTFrameRef) -> SysCGPathRef;