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use termcolor::{Color, ColorSpec};
use crate::diagnostic::{LabelStyle, Severity};
/// Configures how a diagnostic is rendered.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Config {
/// The display style to use when rendering diagnostics.
/// Defaults to: [`DisplayStyle::Rich`].
/// [`DisplayStyle::Rich`]: DisplayStyle::Rich
pub display_style: DisplayStyle,
/// Column width of tabs.
/// Defaults to: `4`.
pub tab_width: usize,
/// Styles to use when rendering the diagnostic.
pub styles: Styles,
/// Characters to use when rendering the diagnostic.
pub chars: Chars,
/// The minimum number of lines to be shown after the line on which a multiline [`Label`] begins.
/// Defaults to: `3`.
/// [`Label`]: crate::diagnostic::Label
pub start_context_lines: usize,
/// The minimum number of lines to be shown before the line on which a multiline [`Label`] ends.
/// Defaults to: `1`.
/// [`Label`]: crate::diagnostic::Label
pub end_context_lines: usize,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
display_style: DisplayStyle::Rich,
tab_width: 4,
styles: Styles::default(),
chars: Chars::default(),
start_context_lines: 3,
end_context_lines: 1,
/// The display style to use when rendering diagnostics.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DisplayStyle {
/// Output a richly formatted diagnostic, with source code previews.
/// ```text
/// error[E0001]: unexpected type in `+` application
/// ┌─ test:2:9
/// │
/// 2 │ (+ test "")
/// │ ^^ expected `Int` but found `String`
/// │
/// = expected type `Int`
/// found type `String`
/// error[E0002]: Bad config found
/// ```
/// Output a condensed diagnostic, with a line number, severity, message and notes (if any).
/// ```text
/// test:2:9: error[E0001]: unexpected type in `+` application
/// = expected type `Int`
/// found type `String`
/// error[E0002]: Bad config found
/// ```
/// Output a short diagnostic, with a line number, severity, and message.
/// ```text
/// test:2:9: error[E0001]: unexpected type in `+` application
/// error[E0002]: Bad config found
/// ```
/// Styles to use when rendering the diagnostic.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Styles {
/// The style to use when rendering bug headers.
/// Defaults to `fg:red bold intense`.
pub header_bug: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering error headers.
/// Defaults to `fg:red bold intense`.
pub header_error: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering warning headers.
/// Defaults to `fg:yellow bold intense`.
pub header_warning: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering note headers.
/// Defaults to `fg:green bold intense`.
pub header_note: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering help headers.
/// Defaults to `fg:cyan bold intense`.
pub header_help: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when the main diagnostic message.
/// Defaults to `bold intense`.
pub header_message: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering bug labels.
/// Defaults to `fg:red`.
pub primary_label_bug: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering error labels.
/// Defaults to `fg:red`.
pub primary_label_error: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering warning labels.
/// Defaults to `fg:yellow`.
pub primary_label_warning: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering note labels.
/// Defaults to `fg:green`.
pub primary_label_note: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering help labels.
/// Defaults to `fg:cyan`.
pub primary_label_help: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering secondary labels.
/// Defaults `fg:blue` (or `fg:cyan` on windows).
pub secondary_label: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering the line numbers.
/// Defaults `fg:blue` (or `fg:cyan` on windows).
pub line_number: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering the source code borders.
/// Defaults `fg:blue` (or `fg:cyan` on windows).
pub source_border: ColorSpec,
/// The style to use when rendering the note bullets.
/// Defaults `fg:blue` (or `fg:cyan` on windows).
pub note_bullet: ColorSpec,
impl Styles {
/// The style used to mark a header at a given severity.
pub fn header(&self, severity: Severity) -> &ColorSpec {
match severity {
Severity::Bug => &self.header_bug,
Severity::Error => &self.header_error,
Severity::Warning => &self.header_warning,
Severity::Note => &self.header_note,
Severity::Help => &self.header_help,
/// The style used to mark a primary or secondary label at a given severity.
pub fn label(&self, severity: Severity, label_style: LabelStyle) -> &ColorSpec {
match (label_style, severity) {
(LabelStyle::Primary, Severity::Bug) => &self.primary_label_bug,
(LabelStyle::Primary, Severity::Error) => &self.primary_label_error,
(LabelStyle::Primary, Severity::Warning) => &self.primary_label_warning,
(LabelStyle::Primary, Severity::Note) => &self.primary_label_note,
(LabelStyle::Primary, Severity::Help) => &self.primary_label_help,
(LabelStyle::Secondary, _) => &self.secondary_label,
pub fn with_blue(blue: Color) -> Styles {
let header = ColorSpec::new().set_bold(true).set_intense(true).clone();
Styles {
header_bug: header.clone().set_fg(Some(Color::Red)).clone(),
header_error: header.clone().set_fg(Some(Color::Red)).clone(),
header_warning: header.clone().set_fg(Some(Color::Yellow)).clone(),
header_note: header.clone().set_fg(Some(Color::Green)).clone(),
header_help: header.clone().set_fg(Some(Color::Cyan)).clone(),
header_message: header,
primary_label_bug: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Red)).clone(),
primary_label_error: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Red)).clone(),
primary_label_warning: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Yellow)).clone(),
primary_label_note: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Green)).clone(),
primary_label_help: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Cyan)).clone(),
secondary_label: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(blue)).clone(),
line_number: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(blue)).clone(),
source_border: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(blue)).clone(),
note_bullet: ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(blue)).clone(),
impl Default for Styles {
fn default() -> Styles {
// Blue is really difficult to see on the standard windows command line
const BLUE: Color = Color::Cyan;
const BLUE: Color = Color::Blue;
/// Characters to use when rendering the diagnostic.
/// By using [`Chars::ascii()`] you can switch to an ASCII-only format suitable
/// for rendering on terminals that do not support box drawing characters.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Chars {
/// The characters to use for the top-left border of the snippet.
/// Defaults to: `"┌─"` or `"-->"` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub snippet_start: String,
/// The character to use for the left border of the source.
/// Defaults to: `'│'` or `'|'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub source_border_left: char,
/// The character to use for the left border break of the source.
/// Defaults to: `'·'` or `'.'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub source_border_left_break: char,
/// The character to use for the note bullet.
/// Defaults to: `'='`.
pub note_bullet: char,
/// The character to use for marking a single-line primary label.
/// Defaults to: `'^'`.
pub single_primary_caret: char,
/// The character to use for marking a single-line secondary label.
/// Defaults to: `'-'`.
pub single_secondary_caret: char,
/// The character to use for marking the start of a multi-line primary label.
/// Defaults to: `'^'`.
pub multi_primary_caret_start: char,
/// The character to use for marking the end of a multi-line primary label.
/// Defaults to: `'^'`.
pub multi_primary_caret_end: char,
/// The character to use for marking the start of a multi-line secondary label.
/// Defaults to: `'\''`.
pub multi_secondary_caret_start: char,
/// The character to use for marking the end of a multi-line secondary label.
/// Defaults to: `'\''`.
pub multi_secondary_caret_end: char,
/// The character to use for the top-left corner of a multi-line label.
/// Defaults to: `'╭'` or `'/'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub multi_top_left: char,
/// The character to use for the top of a multi-line label.
/// Defaults to: `'─'` or `'-'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub multi_top: char,
/// The character to use for the bottom-left corner of a multi-line label.
/// Defaults to: `'╰'` or `'\'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub multi_bottom_left: char,
/// The character to use when marking the bottom of a multi-line label.
/// Defaults to: `'─'` or `'-'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub multi_bottom: char,
/// The character to use for the left of a multi-line label.
/// Defaults to: `'│'` or `'|'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub multi_left: char,
/// The character to use for the left of a pointer underneath a caret.
/// Defaults to: `'│'` or `'|'` with [`Chars::ascii()`].
pub pointer_left: char,
impl Default for Chars {
fn default() -> Chars {
impl Chars {
/// A character set that uses Unicode box drawing characters.
pub fn box_drawing() -> Chars {
Chars {
snippet_start: "┌─".into(),
source_border_left: '│',
source_border_left_break: '·',
note_bullet: '=',
single_primary_caret: '^',
single_secondary_caret: '-',
multi_primary_caret_start: '^',
multi_primary_caret_end: '^',
multi_secondary_caret_start: '\'',
multi_secondary_caret_end: '\'',
multi_top_left: '╭',
multi_top: '─',
multi_bottom_left: '╰',
multi_bottom: '─',
multi_left: '│',
pointer_left: '│',
/// A character set that only uses ASCII characters.
/// This is useful if your terminal's font does not support box drawing
/// characters well and results in output that looks similar to rustc's
/// diagnostic output.
pub fn ascii() -> Chars {
Chars {
snippet_start: "-->".into(),
source_border_left: '|',
source_border_left_break: '.',
note_bullet: '=',
single_primary_caret: '^',
single_secondary_caret: '-',
multi_primary_caret_start: '^',
multi_primary_caret_end: '^',
multi_secondary_caret_start: '\'',
multi_secondary_caret_end: '\'',
multi_top_left: '/',
multi_top: '-',
multi_bottom_left: '\\',
multi_bottom: '-',
multi_left: '|',
pointer_left: '|',