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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use crate::clubcard::ClubcardIndexEntry;
use crate::equation::Equation;
pub trait AsQuery<const W: usize> {
/// Hash this item to a homogeneous equation (s, a) such that
/// (1) s is uniform in {0, 1, ..., m-1},
/// (2) a satisfies the alignment requirement (a\[0\] & 1 == 1) but is otherwise uniformly random,
fn as_query(&self, m: usize) -> Equation<W>;
/// The block that this item belongs in.
fn block(&self) -> &[u8];
/// A unique identifier for this item. If this item cannot be inserted into the linear system,
/// then we will store its `included()` status in a secondary retrieval mechanism keyed by
/// `discriminant()`.
fn discriminant(&self) -> &[u8];
fn as_approx_query(&self, meta: &ClubcardIndexEntry) -> Equation<W> {
let mut approx_eq = self.as_query(meta.approx_filter_m);
approx_eq.s += meta.approx_filter_offset;
fn as_exact_query(&self, meta: &ClubcardIndexEntry) -> Equation<W> {
let mut exact_eq = self.as_query(meta.exact_filter_m);
exact_eq.s += meta.exact_filter_offset;
/// A Filterable is an item that can be inserted into a RibbonBuilder.
pub trait Filterable<const W: usize>: AsQuery<W> {
/// Whether this item should be included in an exact filter.
fn included(&self) -> bool {
/// A Queryable is an item that can be passed to Clubcard::contains.
pub trait Queryable<const W: usize>: AsQuery<W> {
/// The universe metadata is stored in the Clubcard and passed to Queryable::in_universe before
/// a query is performed. The query is performed only if Queryable::in_universe returns true.
type UniverseMetadata;
/// The partition metadata is stored in the Clubcard and is used to construct a Queryable with
/// the correct block identifier. For example, a clubcard that encodes a subset of the integers
/// {0, ..., n} might have a set of named non-overlapping intervals as its partition metadata:
/// { "a": {0, ..., 32}, "b": {33, ..., 100}, ... }. To perform a membership test for 37,
/// the user would use the partition metadata to construct a Queryable with block = "b" and
/// discriminant = 37.
type PartitionMetadata;
fn in_universe(&self, meta: &Self::UniverseMetadata) -> bool;