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//! Terminal [`Styles`] for help and error output
pub use anstyle::*;
/// Terminal styling definitions
/// See also [`Command::styles`][crate::Command::styles].
/// # Example
/// clap v3 styling
/// ```rust
/// # use clap_builder as clap;
/// # use clap::builder::styling::*;
/// let styles = Styles::styled()
/// .header(AnsiColor::Yellow.on_default())
/// .usage(AnsiColor::Green.on_default())
/// .literal(AnsiColor::Green.on_default())
/// .placeholder(AnsiColor::Green.on_default());
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[allow(missing_copy_implementations)] // Large enough type that I want an explicit `clone()` for now
pub struct Styles {
header: Style,
error: Style,
usage: Style,
literal: Style,
placeholder: Style,
valid: Style,
invalid: Style,
impl Styles {
/// No terminal styling
pub const fn plain() -> Self {
Self {
header: Style::new(),
error: Style::new(),
usage: Style::new(),
literal: Style::new(),
placeholder: Style::new(),
valid: Style::new(),
invalid: Style::new(),
/// Default terminal styling
pub const fn styled() -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "color")]
Self {
header: Style::new().bold().underline(),
error: Style::new()
usage: Style::new().bold().underline(),
literal: Style::new().bold(),
placeholder: Style::new(),
valid: Style::new().fg_color(Some(Color::Ansi(AnsiColor::Green))),
invalid: Style::new().fg_color(Some(Color::Ansi(AnsiColor::Yellow))),
#[cfg(not(feature = "color"))]
/// General Heading style, e.g. [`help_heading`][crate::Arg::help_heading]
pub const fn header(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.header = style;
/// Error heading
pub const fn error(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.error = style;
/// Usage heading
pub const fn usage(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.usage = style;
/// Literal command-line syntax, e.g. `--help`
pub const fn literal(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.literal = style;
/// Descriptions within command-line syntax, e.g. [`value_name`][crate::Arg::value_name]
pub const fn placeholder(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.placeholder = style;
/// Highlight suggested usage
pub const fn valid(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.valid = style;
/// Highlight invalid usage
pub const fn invalid(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.invalid = style;
/// Reflection
impl Styles {
/// General Heading style, e.g. [`help_heading`][crate::Arg::help_heading]
pub const fn get_header(&self) -> &Style {
/// Error heading
pub const fn get_error(&self) -> &Style {
/// Usage heading
pub const fn get_usage(&self) -> &Style {
/// Literal command-line syntax, e.g. `--help`
pub const fn get_literal(&self) -> &Style {
/// Descriptions within command-line syntax, e.g. [`value_name`][crate::Arg::value_name]
pub const fn get_placeholder(&self) -> &Style {
/// Highlight suggested usage
pub const fn get_valid(&self) -> &Style {
/// Highlight invalid usage
pub const fn get_invalid(&self) -> &Style {
impl super::AppTag for Styles {}
impl Default for Styles {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Default for &'_ Styles {
fn default() -> Self {
const STYLES: Styles = Styles::styled();